REVIEW: The Temp by Emily Benet

Posted November 2nd, 2014 by in Blog, New Adult, Review / 0 comments

The Temp by Emily Benet: Amber had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. She did know that she wanted passion though and right now there wasn’t The-Tempmuch of that in her life. She worked for a temp agency, which was nice because it allowed her something new and different every couple of weeks. She didn’t have a boyfriend, but she did have some really amazing friends and what’s more some really crazy ideas.

So what’s to happen when she gets handed a bag of bananas? Well life gets interesting to say the least.

This is a first person coming of age about Amber. Her character is pretty self centered like most people in their twenties are, so there aren’t a ton of details in terms of landscaping or things other than what directly affect her. While there is a sort of romance that happens this is definitely not a book to go into thinking about romance, it is something to go into when you are interested in reading about a young woman who is trying to figure out what she wants in life right now, forgetting about the future and the past.

Book Info:

03SPublished October 23rd 2014 by HarperCollins UK, HarperImpulse

Amber is a twenty-something, out of university with a degree she’s not sure what to do with… so she temps in order to earn enough money to live in London.

One of her favourite life-hacks is to attend modern art gallery openings for free wine. It is during one of these that she thinks ‘if they can do it, why not me?’, and meeting a handsome gallery promoter cements her ambition to become famous through her art.

With the help—and sometimes hindrance—of her friends Farrell, Bibiana, and Egg (short for Egbert), can Amber achieve her dream AND snag handsome Elliott?



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