Forbidden to His Touch by Natasha Tate

Posted May 20th, 2012 by in Blog, Harlequin Mills&Boon, Presents, Review / 0 comments

Forbidden to His TouchForbidden to His Touch by Natasha Tate
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book Blurb:
Rafael Cheves is a man tortured by his gut-wrenching past and tempted by a future he dare not even dream about. Knowing he’ll never deserve the only woman he ever wanted, Raf will make sure she stays as far away from him as possible.But when Sophia Turino, the daughter of the man who raised Rafael from the gutter, stands before him seven years later, she’s even harder to resist—confident, successful and as intoxicatingly beautiful as ever. It’s time for Raf to obliterate his darkly powerful infatuation….

An emotional story of forbidden love for the hero and a case of unrequited love for the heroine.
Rafael had a horrible childhood that scarred him emotionally and physically for life, Sophia was his saving grace, a ray of hope and sunshine in his otherwise bleak existence.
Rafael knows that Sophua is in love with him, but he does not think he is worthy of her love….eventually Rafael realizes that he needs sophia in his life.
Overall a good read.

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