REVIEW: Finding Their Forever Family by Caroline Anderson

Posted April 14th, 2023 by in Blog, Harlequin Mills&Boon, HJ Top Pick!, Medical, Review / 6 comments


Finding Their Forever Family by Caroline Anderson: Emily is an ER doctor and a single mom, after a fairly amicable divorce. The last person she expects to see in her ER Is Dr. Oliver Cavendish. They had been together years ago during medical training. After Oliver had a fling resulting in another woman’s pregnancy, they had split up and not seen each other for eighteen years. A lot has happened in that time. Oliver divorced his first wife and married again. The second marriage didn’t work when that wife put her career over their child and marriage.

They don’t have a chance to catch up right away since a terrible trauma comes into the ER which has everyone working hard for quite some time. Eventually, Emily and Oliver find out what they each have gone through in the many years since they separated. They both put their children first and work hard to make sure they are well cared for and loved. Emily doesn’t want another relationship to hurt her again.

Oliver is lucky to have his mother living with him to help. She ends up playing a fairly pivotal role in the plot. Oliver’s second wife travels a lot for her job and is definitely not reliable with her visits to their daughter. Emily is fortunate in the fact that her ex-husband is very good about his role to spend time with their children.

This story has all the elements of a great Harlequin Medical Romance. There’s lots of heart-pounding suspense with the medical cases. These are truly authentic. The romance is different when it’s a second chance one with so much baggage on both sides. There’s lots of family drama mixed into the tale.

You have to cheer on Oliver and Emily as they deal with the past as well as all the obstacles in the present that can keep them apart. They have made mistakes, but are basically very caring people.

I loved the extra charm that Oliver’s mother brought to this book. Everyone should have a mother/grandmother like that.

Although this novel was tenth in a series, it stands well on its own. Author Caroline Anderson has been a Harlequin author for a very long time. It’s easy to see why.

Book Info:

Publication: March 28, 2023 | Harlequin Medical Romance | Yoxburgh Park Hospital #10

Harlequin Medical Romance author Caroline Anderson returns with another showstopping addition to her Yoxburgh Park Hospital series.

A second chance…

A new family?

ER doctor Emily is stunned to learn Yoxburgh Park Hospital’s new trauma consultant is the man who went to America almost twenty years ago and left her heartbroken. Oliver is equally surprised to see her again, but the desire they once shared hits them both like a thunderbolt! Unfinished business simmers between them, yet their separate lives as single parents must always come first. Is being together now an impossible dream—or can they finally be one happy family?



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