Spotlight & Giveaway: A Poinsettia Paradise Christmas by Janine Amesta

Posted November 8th, 2023 by in Blog, Spotlight / 15 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Janine Amesta to HJ!

Hi Janine and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, A Poinsettia Paradise Christmas!


To start off, can you please tell us a little bit about this book?:

A Poinsettia Paradise Christmas is a holiday contemporary romance story about a woman named Natalie, who is convinced by her uncle to run a coffee truck for the season at a Christmas tree farm called Poinsettia Paradise. While she’s reluctant to do it, because she’s not a big fan of immersing herself in the Christmas spirit, she does so for the chance of becoming a full partner at her family’s coffee business, Pony Expresso. While there, she meets Mason, the Christmas tree farm owner’s son, who has fully embraced the family business. Although, he’s under a lot of pressure as well since this is the first season he’s in charge of running the seasonal operations at the farm. They’re both in similar positions of trying to meet their family’s high expectations, an experience they bond over, while also falling in love.

Please share your favorite lines or quote(s) from this book:

Oh, I have so many snappy back-and-forths that I love to write and read. But one of my favorite quotes is something that is completely sincere and heartfelt. It’s during an exchange between Mason and his father when they’re talking on the subject of love. Mason is always looking to do something big for Natalie because that’s what he thinks love looks like. His father sort of sets him straight and I just love the sentiment behind it:

“…love is like the seasons. Sometimes it’s a little drier or a little colder. And other times it’ll be so warm you want to bask in it. It’s an ebb and flow, something that needs to be cultivated and taken care of just like a plant. It’s not something you can race toward, grab it, and then that’s it—you’re done. If you’re lucky enough to find someone, you’ll never be done, and if you want to thrive in it, you’ll find your love in the little things, the things no one notices but you two, rather than big showy displays.”


What inspired this book?

I’m definitely inspired by the environment. I love the area of El Dorado county, having spent many summers here. But one area that is particularly special is called Apple Hill. It’s a collection of ranches and farms that’s part of Placerville and Camino in California. It’s absolutely beautiful with rolling hills of vineyards, apple orchards, and Christmas tree farms, plus the mountain range of the Sierras surrounds it. Something so picturesque seems to be the ideal location to set a romance in. When I decided to make this book a holiday one, Apple Hill made perfect sense as the main location of the book. It inspired my imagination and I couldn’t wait to put my characters here. If anyone is ever traveling through the area, I recommend a stop.


How did you ‘get to know’ your main characters? Did they ever surprise you?

My main female character was someone who I had already felt somewhat familiar with since Natalie appears in book 1, Striking Gold, as Mia’s boss and eventual best friend. When I first drafted that story, she wasn’t much of a character but through revisions and rewrites she began to stand out more and more. She eventually intrigued me enough to give Natalie her own story and I’m glad I did it. Even in Striking Gold, she’s a little cynical and declares she’s not interested in romance or getting married. She’s not the most sentimental person which is why she’s not wild about Christmas, one of the most sentimental of all holidays. She sees herself as a Halloween person in a Christmas town, almost as though she doesn’t exactly fit, and this extends to her relationship with her family as well. This aspect of her personality is probably what I related to her the most. Both of us love our family but we also can’t help feeling a little different than them as well. Learning to accept this, on both sides, can sometimes be a hard lesson to learn.

Mason was a character who I had to start with from scratch so to speak. When I’d decided to write Natalie’s story, I spent time thinking about what kind of a love interest she would need in order to have a well rounded relationship. In this way, romance writers are sometimes playing God with their characters. I’m not usually going to give them the type of love interests they want but rather the kind they need, someone to challenge their perspective on things. In this particular case, Mason is absolutely a sentimental person, he’s the one who wants love and romance. In making them different in such a drastic way, it starts to set up the tension and dynamic of the relationship. They’re on opposite ends at the beginning of the story, but as they each begin to compromise on things in order to make the relationship work, you start to see the love develop.


What was your favorite scene to write?

Why is this always so hard??? I have many scenes that were so fun to write as most of the book is pretty light hearted. One of my favorite scenes to write is when Natalie’s upset because, even though she’s drawn to Mason, she keeps telling herself that she’s not going to start anything with him. Every time they meet it’s harder and harder for her to maintain this distance. When he finally asks her out, she says no, but then she’s super crabby about this decision. Her friend, Mia, is a master persuader and manipulates Natalie into changing her mind. But, as Mia confesses later, she can’t persuade anyone who didn’t want to be persuaded in the first place.

“I really like that woman’s coat,” her friend said, staring across the farmyard with her chin propped on a hand.
“What woman?”
“The one talking to Mason. That coat is gorgeous. Do you think it would be weird if I went over to ask her where she got it or at least take a picture of it? I definitely don’t think it’s too early to start dropping Ross some hints on what I want for Christmas.”
Natalie became curious about this coat. Sure enough, standing beside Mason was a beautiful blonde woman wearing an elegant long wool coat in an attractive shade of magenta. She stood out in an environment of white and green, both her and the coat were eye-catching.
“Maybe I should ask Mason,” Mia mused to herself.
“You really think he’s going to have information about a coat?”
“No, but they seem really friendly. Maybe they know each other, and he can introduce us so it’s less weird. He’d vouch that I’m not a coat creep, right?”
Were they being friendly? She studied him and the woman with a new eye. Although they were too far away to hear any conversation, it was clear they were conversing easily. He stood beside her, propping up a wrapped tree in one hand. A friendly smile lit his face while the woman happily conversed with him. It seemed more than a strictly business transaction.
“Wow, she’s really pretty,” Mia said. “She could probably pull off any coat. It’s really not very fair. Well, good for Mason. He’s a nice guy. It’s great to see he can get right back on the sled again.”
She narrowed her gaze at her friend before returning her attention to the couple, trying to see if this assumption was due to a wild imagination or there was actually something there. The blonde touched his forearm, tossing her head back in laughter. Oh, they were definitely flirting. Natalie twisted the rag in her hand in annoyance. “Or he’s just helping her,” she said, trying to sound as though she couldn’t care one way or the other.
“You’re probably right,” Mia replied with a shrug. “Except he just pointed to the barn, and it looks like his lips said the word sledding.”
“You really think I’m going to believe he’s asking someone else to go sledding a mere hour after asking me?” Although, maybe he would because, as Mia had stated, he had pointed to the barn area.
“I guess it doesn’t really matter what we believe. I mean, the truth of the matter is that nothing has really happened between you two so it’s not like he’s doing anything wrong if he connects with someone else. When you make a connection, you make a connection. It’s not like you can always control the timing of it. I have to say, they make a really cute couple. He’s definitely found someone who has great taste in coats.”
The blonde woman touched Mason’s arm again and Natalie tossed the cleaning rag, grabbing her own five-year-old, not-gorgeous coat as she stomped past Mia and out of the horse trailer.
“What are you doing?” Mia yelled after her.
“I don’t know.” And she truly didn’t know what she was doing. She was irritated at Mia, Mason, whoever that blonde woman was, at the whole damn world. All she wanted was one day of peace. She didn’t expect him to pine over her forever, but it didn’t seem right for him to get over her in the span of an hour….
….”Mason,”she yelled. “I’ll do the damn sledding with you.”


What was the most difficult scene to write?

Ha! Writing a whole book is difficult. I don’t think there was one scene in particular that was any more difficult to write than any other. While writing is hard in general, I had a lot of fun with this story. But there is a moment when Natalie and Mason are having a disagreement and her line of reasoning strikes close to home for me. She’s talking about how we build up things or events in our head and then are disappointed when it passes because we no longer have the thing to look forward to anymore. I’ve really thought about this a lot and relate to what she’s saying. It’s almost as if the anticipation of something great is better than the thing itself. It gives you something exciting to look forward to or gives your life some kind purpose and when we (Natalie and myself) don’t have that, we feel ourselves slipping into depression or a funk. It’s not the best way to live our life, so realizing that about myself is enlightening and I really need to find my joy in other ways, like Natalie.

“I’m okay with that,” he replied with soothing patience. “I do the ornaments because it’s something I enjoy. And I’m fine being the one who wears the apron and bakes the cookies or decorates a tree because you hate Christmas.”
When did this become a negotiation? Did he not understand that their relationship would never reach that stage? “I don’t hate Christmas. I just don’t get swept away with all the tradition and shit. When you really think about it, Christmas is literally one day in the whole calendar and yet people somehow got it in their heads that it needs a whole damn season. You don’t think that’s weird? When you’re a kid, you get all excited and spend so long ticking down the days and number of sleeps and setting up all your expectations on Christmas dreams, and you completely forget that there’s the time after Christmas.”
“The time after?”
“After the sparkle of New Year fizzles, there’s just January. Cold, drab January where all you have are dried-out pine needles and that pristine snow has turned dirty and hard. The magic of the season is gone, and regular life is just the same as it always was, only now you don’t have something to count down to. So, there’s no point in putting in all the effort because the end result will be the same. The magic never lasts. We’ll throw out our Christmas trees, and—”
“And the nursery turns its eyes toward getting things ready for spring, a whole new kind of magic.”
“Mason,” she sighed with exasperation. Why didn’t he understand that this had nothing to do with Christmas? It was everything else that was hopeless.


Would you say this book showcases your writing style or is it a departure for you?

I’ve never written a holiday romance before and it became a challenge to me because I like doing romantic relationships that develop over a long period of time. The time frame of this book is very short for my standards, (beginning of November to just after New Year’s). Yet, I feel I was able to create the type of slow burn relationship that I enjoy. Plus, there’s a lot of fun banter between the characters. If readers enjoyed Striking Gold, or lighthearted holiday romances, I think they will enjoy A Poinsettia Paradise Christmas.


What do you want people to take away from reading this book?

I hope people come to this book looking for a warm, cozy holiday romance and find it. I truly enjoyed writing this story with this eclectic cast of characters. It’s a little sweet, a little spicy, a little goofy, and a little heartfelt. I hope people feel all of these things while reading it.


What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?

The last book in the series, Lucky Strike comes out January 23, 2024. It’s about a woman who finds herself settling for a boring, standard apartment. Instead of being completely stuck with this, she starts to renovate the place behind her landlord’s back much to his dismay. This one is more of an enemies-to-lovers type of story, a trope that’s definitely one of my favorites.


Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: Winner will receive one ebook copy of A POINSETTIA PARADISE CHRISTMAS plus one ebook from Tule Publishing’s recent releases of the winner’s choice.


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Do you feel we put pressure on ourselves to make the holiday season feel magical? Is the magic manufactured or do you think there’s something truly special about the holidays?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from A Poinsettia Paradise Christmas:

Chapter One
Natalie Gonzalez-Torres was not a Christmas person.
People assigning themselves holidays, as though it was a personality trait, was, in itself, silly. It’s not that she hated Christmas, she simply did not understand why it was treated like the Super Bowl of holidays, especially when Halloween, an infinitely better day, was right there. But she didn’t consider herself a sentimental person and, therefore, couldn’t care less about the most sentimental of all holidays.
Her youngest sister, Carla, liked to tease her that this preference proved she was part villain. Natalie didn’t care. It was one more thing her family didn’t understand about her, and to be fair, she didn’t necessarily always understand them either. She accepted being a Halloween person in a Christmas family.
It wasn’t that Natalie didn’t love her family. She wasn’t that much of a villain. It was just…her family was constantly together and up in each other’s business all year long, not just during the holidays. So unless she got stranded on a deserted island by herself, there wasn’t much of a reprieve from either the Gonzalez side nor the Torres side.
Case in point, her cousin Diego. He knew of her low tolerance for Christmas music, especially when it came on the direct heels of Halloween. Was nothing sacred anymore? It took an hour into her shift, and the discovery of absentmindedly humming a bar of Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas,” for her to realize her cousin had snuck into the manager’s office and switched from their normal station of inoffensive coffeehouse music to one featuring Christmas tunes.
“Ugh, Diego. Seriously?”
The kid, who was a year out of high school with thick, shaggy hair, turned his head toward her with the appearance of complete innocence. “What?”
Natalie was not the owner of Pony Expresso, a small coffee shop located in the heart of the historic downtown area of Placerville, California. This title belonged to her Tío Enrique on the Gonzalez side. She was, however, the manager, giving her ultimate control over when sentimental sap, such as holiday tunes, was allowed to infiltrate the workspace. She was hoping to push this until at least the week before Christmas, because there was no reason to rush into this type of music commitment.
Fortunately, she had no problem telling off any employee, especially when they were young, cocky, and happened to be related to her. This was exactly what she did, making sure to chew Diego out in Spanish, so most of the customers would remain ignorant of the situation, as she relieved Crystal at the register for a break. Her cousin responded to her early morning music tirade by smirking and rolling his eyes as he returned to his work at the espresso machine. He was Tío Enrique’s son and had the unearned confidence of a kid who could get away with most things.
“Yes. What can I get for you?” she said, flipping to English, and raising her gaze to the customer standing there. She had to raise her eyes quite a bit more than she was used to as he was very tall. Natalie wasn’t sure if it was his large presence or something else, but she immediately felt overwhelmed by him. Perhaps he felt the same because the man froze, as if he was dumbfounded to find himself standing before her.
The spell broke when an older man in his twilight years, jabbed the younger one in his side. “Mason. Wake up. Whaddya want?”
“Oh. Uh… Sorry. Let me…uh, let me have the…” The man’s eyes darted across the chalkboard menu on the wall and appeared to be approaching a panic in his attempt to order something. “What do you recommend?”
Oh, for the love of—It wasn’t as if they had a very lengthy menu. Compared to places like the local Starbucks, their menu was quite small. And while there were times she enjoyed playing this guessing game with customers, today was not that day. She had a lot to do, there was a long line of customers, and there was still Christmas music playing. She wasn’t in the mood.
“I recommend that you know exactly what you want by the time you get to the register,” she heard herself saying before she could think better of it. Definitely not A+ customer service this morning. Her villain side showed up at the most inopportune times.
She expected the man, Mason, to demand to see a manager after her inappropriate and sarcastic comment. Instead, those hazel eyes connected with hers again and his lips lifted in amusement.
“Just get him the same as me. Small coffee, black. For Daniel,” the older man injected while pulling out his wallet to pay and shoving a few bills into the tip jar. “We also have a meeting with Enrique.” Then Daniel yanked the younger guy out of line who almost tripped and said some word she didn’t quite understand. The whole encounter was a lot more awkward and flustery than ordering coffee ever should be.
Natalie was never happier than when Crystal reappeared and retook her position at the register, letting Natalie return to her previous job of restocking the supplies and yelling to her uncle that he had visitors. She glanced up as her uncle came from the back, wearing slacks and a soft burgundy sweater, rather than his usual everyday uniform of track pants and long-sleeve T-shirts. The one thing ruining the professional businessman illusion was him lightly dusting pastry crumbs from his chest and mustache. He shook Daniel’s hand before doing the same with Mason, but he was much more openly friendly with the former. They clearly knew each other well. The younger guy met her eyes again before quickly moving his gaze away, as though he didn’t want to be caught staring.
Natalie wanted to giggle—No, strike that. Thirty-year-olds didn’t giggle. Natalie wanted to laugh because the look Mason gave her was clearly one of interest. While she was no stranger to receiving attention, even in her place of work, she wasn’t used to the attention-giver being so flustered. Casually flirting and asking her out was one thing. Tripping all over himself like she was a gorgeous woman in possession of large boobs, instead of a chest that aspired to be a B-cup, was definitely more unique.
He was Caucasian and not only was he tall but also broad, although he didn’t appear muscular under his clothes. His physique gave the impression of something softer, like he was on his way toward establishing a dad bod and gave great hugs. He had close-cropped hair that was a medium brown with some reddish undertones. His jawline was in the process of growing a beard but, at this stage, the follicles weren’t long enough to hide a cleft in his chin. The eyes weren’t quite brown and not quite green but a swirly, hazel combination of both. She had to admit, this was exactly the type of guy she tended to gravitate toward, and maybe she found herself sneaking glances at him as well.
Except there was already a strike against him.
He was obviously a local guy.
Natalie made it a rule never to get involved with local guys. The less chance she had of running into someone she might want to eventually avoid, the better.
Also, he was clearly too nice. It was a mistake for too nice guys to get involved with her because what they wanted and what she wanted was not only not in the same ballpark, it wasn’t even in the same sport. Her needs were very simple. As long as she didn’t have to commit to an actual relationship, she was good. Anything else wasn’t worth the hassle either for them or for her. Plus, the older she got the less Natalie enjoyed shredding hearts. She may have been a villain, but she didn’t have the stomach for any organs, let alone the beating ones.
Okay, that was two problems. He was a local. Too nice. Oh, and he had trouble making decisions under pressure. There was probably a lot more she could list but their encounter had lasted two minutes and she wasn’t psychic.
Hmm. That did make her think, though. Daniel had ordered for him, ordering the same drink as himself. Except there was no way Mason was a black coffee type of guy. His vibe was reading something entirely different. Also she was feeling a tad guilty about being rude earlier. She could at least do something for the guy. It wasn’t as if he was the one forcing Christmas music on her. The only person who earned her contempt so far was her cousin.
“Are you working on that order for Daniel yet?” Natalie asked Diego.
“Just getting to it now.”
“Make only one a black coffee. The other should be…a Nutella latte.”
He studied the ticket. “That’s not what this says.”
“I know because that’s not what they ordered.”
Diego stopped his activity, his brows pressing together. “Are you sure you want to do this? I don’t want to get in trouble for wrong orders while my dad is here.”
She waved him off. “It’s fine. I’ll take it over to the table and take responsibility for it. You’re not going to get in trouble.” And it wasn’t as if Mason hadn’t asked for her suggestion to begin with. Her answer to his question was merely delayed.
Shrugging, Diego did as she instructed. With the drinks in hand, she strode to the table with confidence. The group of men all acknowledged her, although it was Mason’s eyes that stayed on her the longest. “Okay, here’s a black coffee,” she said, placing the drink before Daniel. “And a Nutella latte.”
“We didn’t order that,” the older man said. “Mason should have got—”
“It’s okay. I’ll drink it,” he replied, taking the offered cup, and gulping a large sip as if he expected someone to come along and snatch it away. Yeah, this guy was definitely in the way too nice category.
Her Tío Enrique sent a stern look in her direction, but she clasped her hands together and smiled sweetly. “Natalie—”
“Wow, that’s really good. This might be my new favorite drink.” Mason stood, reaching into his pocket. “Do I owe you something extra?”
“It’s fine. Fine,” Enrique answered, waving away Mason’s wallet. “Don’t worry about it. For you, my friends, it’s on the house.”
Mason continued standing, staring at her, before appearing self-conscious and sinking into his chair again. “Okay, thanks.”
She glanced downward to see if her boobs had suddenly grown overnight. Nope, they were still small. Also her hair was a mess, and the only makeup she had hurriedly swiped on this morning was some tinted moisturizer. She didn’t know what he saw but she wondered if the guy was due for an eye exam. Small boobs aside, Natalie had always been okay with her body but even she wasn’t that confident.
“What about her? Could she do it?” Daniel asked and suddenly she regretted coming here instead of sending Diego. If there was one thing she didn’t like, it was being roped into things, especially when her uncle had a bad habit of volunteering people regardless of whether they were his own offspring or extended family members.
“My niece is the manager here and she’s great, but she’s a bit…” Enrique studied her as if she was going to finish this description and save him the trouble. Natalie crossed her arms, giving her uncle a flat look. This was going to be good. If there was one thing her family wasn’t afraid of, it was being honest to the point of rudeness.
Enrique waved a hand in her direction. “Yes, exactly. Natalie is like that,” he replied as if she’d made his point with her stance and current attitude. “Diego would be a better choice for this business plan,” her uncle continued. “He has more of the right attitude for…”
Excuse her? Enrique was going with Diego for whatever this was? Over her? Diego? The kid who thought it was hilarious to make fake fart sounds when the coffee shop was dead quiet—which was sometimes funny—but that wasn’t the point. For one thing, she’d been working at Pony Expresso for a long time, at least since she was Diego’s age. Plus, her cousin was willing to overlook an order and be talked into making something else entirely just because someone told him to. Did that sound like a leader? No, it did not. She was the manager for God’s sake and actually wanted to be the owner of her own coffee shop, if she ever had the money for it or could get Enrique to give her a chance. She wasn’t fooling around, doing this job for spending cash.
“I can do it,” she interrupted.
All eyes turned to her again.
“I don’t think you’ll want—” her uncle started.
“I can handle it,” she assured him. “What is it?”
Natalie got her first sign that maybe her ego wasn’t the best at making rash decisions when a smile, one that could only be described as devilish, slipped from beneath Tío Enrique’s mustache. He spread his hands as if to say, Well, you asked for it. “Daniel and I think it would be a good idea to have a small Pony Expresso coffee truck at Poinsettia Paradise, their Christmas tree farm in Apple Hill.”
“Oh.” Apple Hill was an area located in a town called Camino just outside the city of Placerville. While Mason could technically not be considered local-local it was definitely close enough. Too close.
Although, she had a bigger problem to worry about, because after hearing it laid out, everything her uncle said, especially about Diego, made a lot of sense. The kid would love to escape the coffee shop and goof off in a Christmas tree lot, a place where he wouldn’t have constant supervision and could make all the fart noises he wanted. In fact, fart noises were probably more appreciated in a place like Poinsettia Paradise. “Okay, well, now that you mention it—”
“Actually, you know what? Maybe you are exactly the right person for the job,” Enrique said, leaning smugly against the chair back. “It’ll be good for you.”
Being surrounded by Christmas trees and cheer and cold and all that stuff? Yeah, none of that sounded like the kind of change she was looking for. How could Natalie be the right type of person for this job when she wasn’t even a Christmas person? Time to pump the great attributes of her younger cousin, who happened to be a star employee and never complained about cleaning the bathroom, even though it took him a weirdly long time to do it. Oh, and he had a great sense of humor and did exactly what the manager told him to do. “Yeah, you know, Diego—”
“Great,” Daniel added, appearing pleased about Natalie volunteering herself. “Both Mason and I will look forward to seeing you around. Isn’t that right, Mase?” He planted a hand on Mason’s shoulder, giving him a light pat.
“Yeah, sounds good,” he replied. “When do you want to come by to pick up a tree?”
“Uh, what tree?” she was at a complete loss and her whole world was shifting out of control. Damn Enrique. She was calling her tía right after this to tell her all about him sneaking pastries for breakfast after promising he was going to eat healthier.
“They’re giving us a tree for the shop. Isn’t that great? We still have some ornaments in storage around here, right?” Enrique asked.
“I guess.” Cheap ornaments from the Dollar Store were stashed in a supply closet somewhere. She wasn’t looking forward to adding decorating a tree to her list. “I’m sure whatever tree you guys bring will be fine. Although, it seems like a bigger hassle than it’s worth.”
Mason frowned, tilting his head. “It’s no hassle at all. But it’s probably better if you pick it out yourself. Picking out the right Christmas tree can be very personal.”
Huh? Did one type leave fewer pine needles than another? This was her biggest requirement, considering she was being forced into this tree-hunting situation in the first place. Getting a Christmas tree wasn’t the same as getting a puppy. There was no way Natalie was getting attached to a silly tree, especially one that would only be hanging around for a few weeks.
Her negligence of houseplants was the reason she had earned a reputation for being a plant killer. The one plant she’d kept alive was a tiny potted cactus Carla had brought from her job at the florist and gifted as a joke. She made sure to inform Natalie the cactus type was called Old Lady. Ha, ha, Carla. Regardless, she named the plant Thorny, and, at three years, it had been her longest committed relationship. Maybe the cactus started off as a joke, but Thorny and her got along great. Neither enjoyed being fussed over, preferring negligence to smothering. Maybe instead of a Christmas tree, she could bring Thorny in and spear its spines with colorful pom-poms. That was the type of holiday festivity Natalie could get behind.
Except it was becoming clearer she wasn’t going to be able to weasel her way out of this, not when Enrique had already made the decision and had his mind set.

“Are you kidding me with this whole Christmas tree farm thing? You and I both know I’m not the most bubbly person,” Natalie said to her uncle as he was gathering his items from the manager’s office.
“It’ll be great for business. And you said you really wanted to do it,” Enrique replied, slipping his arms into his jacket sleeves.
“Oh, stop. You know I don’t. You just tricked me into it. Besides, I can’t do it, because I have my state-line vacation set for the week after Thanksgiving, so I’d be missing at least two big weekends.”
He slid her a flat look. “You’re really gambling right before Christmas?” Enrique and Tía Sonia were more religious than her own immediate family. They never bluntly told her gambling was a sin, but they had no qualms implying it, usually disguising their opinion as either a joke or an invitation to join them for Mass at St. Anthony’s.
Except Natalie only took two vacation weeks a year, one in April and one in December, when tourist season was less busy. Also, she wasn’t actually gambling. It was a little white lie that started as a joke and then stuck. She thought it was funny, so she never corrected her family’s assumptions regarding her Tahoe trips. She even owned a T-shirt reading Queen of the Machine with an image of a slot machine. There was no way something this hilarious could bite her in the ass, and it was better if the family (especially the really religious side) didn’t know the truth.
“Of course. Gambling might be the only way I’m ever going to get enough money to buy Pony Expresso from you,” she replied.
Enrique rolled his eyes. “You should come to Mass with me and Tía.”
“If I go with you to Mass, can I skip out on this whole Christmas tree lot scheme? Diego has a better personality to fit in with that whole scene anyway.”
Her uncle’s thick brows pushed together as he studied her. “Look, I love you like you were one of my kids, but sometimes I don’t know what you’re thinking. What exactly do you want, Natalie?”
“I want to go on my damn vacation and not have to work at some damn Christmas tree lot.”
He shot her a look, translating to cut the bullshit. This, and the fact he didn’t say something about her swearing, indicated his seriousness about the situation. “No, what do you want from all of this? Do you still like working here?”
She took a deep breath because though she joked plenty of times about being the true heart-and-soul owner of the coffee shop, she’d never had an honest and open conversation about it with him. “Yes, I do. I want to be like you. I don’t want to be a manager of a coffee shop, I want to be an owner. You know I could do it too. I’ve been running this place for almost ten years now. I know everything about it. I just don’t have the money to do it.”
His expression softened. “You want to be like me?” He studied her while tapping the keys in his hands, taking longer to think about what she had said. “You talked to my brother about this before?”
Natalie shook her head because her parents only cared about her having gainful employment and possibly settling down to start a family. She took care of the first one, but they’d been waiting a long time for the latter. While she didn’t mind kids, she was convinced it wasn’t worth chaining herself to someone in order to have one.
“I want you to do Poinsettia Paradise.”
This wasn’t the response she was hoping for, but she didn’t know what she had expected. Her family could be supportive in their own way, but they weren’t exactly Let me give you a coffee shop type of support system, nor did they necessarily have the financial means for it. Even so, it was annoying. “Tío—”
“No, I’m serious. I really do think it would be good for you.”
“But my vacation—”
“I think it’ll be worth it for you to skip your vacation this one time.”
Natalie held her breath. “Worth it?”
“This coffee truck at the lot, I don’t think this is going to be a one-time thing. This is just a test run. Understand?”
It finally clicked. She did understand because she was the one who suggested possibly having a mobile coffee shop, for festivals and fairs, a year ago. In fact, she went as far as putting together numbers to support her business proposal and gave him a whole presentation. At the time, she believed her uncle had blown off her idea. He wasn’t one to rush into decisions. It took her forever to talk him into the occasional specialty drink like Nutella lattes. He was the type of man who took a lot of convincing because if he didn’t like something, he assumed no one else would. “You’re going to invest in my coffee truck idea?”
“Maybe it’s time for me to invest in you . You do a good job. I don’t want to lose you to another shop someday.”
Her hope rose. “Really?” Was this it? Was her hard work about to pay off?
“Neither Diego nor Peter are interested. They want to do other things. And you’re my family. I think you would be a good partner.”
“Partner?” Her? A partner? At Pony Expresso? It was almost too much.
But? There was nothing further to add because Natalie would be a good partner to her uncle. She loved the business, and she was good at it. What else mattered?
“I’m afraid to invest in someone who’s a gambler. You know this is our livelihood. It’s what supports me and your tía.”
Natalie watched her dream slip away in real time. “Oh, but I’m not—” she started to say in her defense before realizing she couldn’t finish the sentence. If she blurted out she wasn’t a gambler, she’d have to follow it up with another lie. Or tell him the truth, which would make her look like a worse option for a business partner. It would definitely change how her family saw her. Her heart sank.
Enrique’s eyebrows rose. “You’re not what?”
“I-I’m not the type of person who would gamble recklessly with the business. You know me. I love this shop and you and Tía. I’m not like that.” Even in her mind, her defense sounded weak, but she was stuck and, even worse, it was a hole she had put herself in. Surprise! That hilarious white lie had just bit her in the damn ass.
He nodded his head slowly. “That’s what I think but, still, I want to see it. Instead of going gambling, take a hundred percent control of the truck at Poinsettia Paradise. This will be your project to run on your own and set up how you want. If it goes well, then we start the new year talking about your role and future at Pony Expresso. Does this sound okay to you?”
What could she say? He was giving her the opportunity and she had to snatch it. “Yes. Okay. I can do that.” Giving up her vacation wasn’t a huge sacrifice when so much was on the line. She could go through her dry spell a little longer for the greater good. Sure, she still wasn’t looking forward to being surrounded by festivities and Christmas and all that, but she could definitely manage.
“Great,” Enrique said. “It’ll be good for you.”
She could do this.
With the discussion over, she returned to the front of the shop, only to discover Mason was still there. He stood as soon as their eyes connected. Her heart did a small flutter but she did her best to tamp down this reaction because heart flutters were a waste of time.
He approached, his head ducking and his hands stuffed into the pockets of his coat. “Hi again. Sorry. We never figured out when you were going to come get the tree. We can also exchange numbers and set something up later if you’re too busy to do it now.”
Her suspicions rose. This was all her fault. She did one nice thing, like giving a guy a Nutella latte, and now he thought she was a friend or open to receiving unsolicited dick pics. “That’s okay. I’ll just stop by sometime after work or something. Thanks anyway.”
He blushed, which was kind of cute. She wished she hadn’t noticed that. It made her want to be nice instead of smart.
“Oh, i-it’s not…” Stumbling with his words he tried again. “I just mean we’re not officially open to the public yet. I want to make sure someone will be there to help you. Unless, of course, you’re a certified lumberjack. In that case, I apologize. I shouldn’t have presumed. But I’ll need to see your certification. It’s a tree farm liability thing.”
He said this with complete seriousness. She had to work hard to school her features, hiding her amusement, which would only encourage him. “Is getting lumberjack certified something I can do online?” she asked while also playing it straight.
“Probably not in time to get a tree this year.”
“Darn. I’m sure that’s something that really comes in handy too.”
“It might be easier if I just help you.” Mason pulled his phone from a pocket, waiting expectantly.
She became nervous, feeling trapped. Taking control, she retrieved her own phone. “How about I text you when I know my schedule better? What’s your number?”
Natalie was about to inform him that this was about getting a tree and nothing else, to set expectations exactly where they should be, when he continued after rattling off his number.
“I don’t want to make things weird but I just want to say that even if you ask, no, I am not willing to send you any dick pics. Don’t even ask because it’s not going to happen.”
This took her by complete surprise. She wasn’t about to beg for one… But her curiosity had become piqued, because who was this guy? “You get asked for a lot of dick pics?”
A smile slipped from his lips, warming his whole face, as his eyes crinkled in the corners. “No, but I figured it’s probably because I’ve stated up-front that I’m not going to do it. It’s just better if I cut the request off from the start. This way there are no expectations, and neither one of us is disappointed.”
This time a small laugh did pop out, the back of her hand pressing against her mouth to hold some of it inside, but it didn’t escape Mason’s notice, his smile lines becoming deeper. “Okay then. Natalie.” Her name reverberated in his husky voice as though he was trying the syllables on his tongue, testing them, getting used to the feel of them. “Well, I better head out. I’ll see you again soon.”
“’Kay.” Her own brain felt somewhat scrambled at this point. A lot had already happened today, and it seemed she’d used up all her words because she couldn’t think of anything better at this point. But she did her best to push him from her mind after he departed and return to her day. Natalie had to get her focus because she had a partnership to earn.
And the last thing she needed was a distraction in the shape of a local nice guy.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

This Christmas a lump of coal might just turn into a diamond….

Natalie Gonzalez-Torres has never been a fan of Christmas. As the manager of her family’s coffee shop, she avoids all the holiday kitch. But this year, her uncle assigns her to run a coffee cart at Poinsettia Paradise tree farm to prove she’s ready to become a full partner. The assignment feels like a lump of coal in her non-existent stocking, until a Christmas tree farmer helps uncover her inner elf. Too bad she’s already given up on finding love.

Mason Lavigne bursts with expansion and improvement ideas for his family’s Christmas Tree Farm, but his dad still still sees him as a kid. This Christmas, Mason’s determined to prove his worth, especially after his dad mentions he’s thinking of selling. With his stress off the charts, helping Natalie is a bright light this holiday season as long as Mason’s not distracted from his mission by her sparkling eyes and quick wit. They both have something to prove but doing it together might be more than they can resist.

Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Meet the Author:

Janine Amesta is a California girl who now lives in the high desert of Oregon with her husband and their cat, Hitchcock. She studied screenwriting in college, but her moody thrillers always had way too much flirty banter. She’s a master at jigsaw puzzles, skilled at embroidery, and critiques bad movies on Twitter.
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15 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: A Poinsettia Paradise Christmas by Janine Amesta”

  1. Latesha B.

    I do think we put too much pressure on ourselves to make the holiday perfect. Maybe if we remember that the season is about love, friendship and family, we could make that all the magic that we need.

  2. erahime

    Do you feel we put pressure on ourselves to make the holiday season feel magical?

    It depends on the person and situation.

    Is the magic manufactured or do you think there’s something truly special about the holidays?

    When united in celebrating a holiday, there’s magic.

  3. Lori R

    1. Yes people put pressure on themselves during the holiday season.
    2. I think the season is magical with faith, family, hope, and love.

  4. Texas Book Lover

    I wouldn’t say I feel pressure to make them magical but I do feel pressure to make them really nice for everyone!

  5. Amy R

    Do you feel we put pressure on ourselves to make the holiday season feel magical? Yes
    Is the magic manufactured or do you think there’s something truly special about the holidays? I think there is something special about the holidays

  6. Glenda M

    We absolutely put too much pressure on ourselves to make the holidays perfect. Often we ruin the real magic of the season by doing so

  7. Colleen C.

    Pressure yes, but I still try to feel the hope and joy of the season.

  8. Ellen C.

    I do believe there is a magic to the holiday season. We just need to relax a little bit and try not to make everything perfect. (I’ve cut back on what I do to prepare for the holidays because I was stressing myself out.)

  9. rkcjmomma

    Yes i do believe we put alot of pressure on ourselves but there alot of magic during this time of year all on its own naturally!

  10. Bonnie

    Even though we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make the holidays special, I think it is a magical time of the year.

  11. Patricia Barraclough

    I think the magic of the holiday is easier when our children are young. The older we get, the harder it often gets to feel the enthusiasm and magic. Everyone is so busy and it gets harder to get family together when we are scattered all over the country or world. We often make a new “family” of friends to celebrate with which does give us all a bit of the holiday joy we experienced when younger.