Spotlight & Giveaway: A Royal in Christmas Town by Anna J Stewart

Posted October 17th, 2024 by in Blog, Spotlight / 28 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Anna J Stewart to HJ!


Hi Anna  and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, A Royal in Christmas Town!

Hi, everyone! Coming to you live from Christmas Town, Maine, this time around.

Tell us about the book with this fun little challenge using the title of the book:

Well this will teach us to choose a shorter title! LOL. Let’s see what I can do with this.

A is for arugula which I’m sure Georgie has on hand at the Chimney Stack

R is for royalty, of course!
O is for oregano! No kitchen is complete without it!
Y is for the season of Yule (I couldn’t think of anything else!)
A is for attitude of which Maxwell has much.
L is for lingonberry jam, a Scandinavian stable.

I is for ice-skating, which has nothing to do with the story but hey, it’s winter.
N is for nice, which Georgie is all the time.

C is for Christmas Town, where the story takes place.
H is for the Holly Berry Inn, which is under renovation during these stories.
R is for the rose that grows in the winter outside the inn, according to legend.
I is for ice. It’s cold in Maine in December!
S is for Sugarplum, the verbally adept parrot with an attitude.
T is for tradition, both royal and common.
M is for Maxwell, my temperamental hero.
A is for aroma–two chefs, of course the kitchens are going to smell amazing!
S is for snowstorm which is what strands the royal family.

T is for twinkle, which Maxwell’s eyes do when he looks at Georgie.
O is for ornamental. Tis the season to decorate!
W is for wonder, which comes before love.
N is for Georgie’s Nonna, who taught her how to cook with love.

Whew! Did I get them all? That was tough!


Please share the opening lines of this book:

I’ll share the opening lines to my story, which is the second in the collection. FYI, the entire book/collection is meant to be read straight through from page one. Each story leads into the next.

“How many fingers am I holding up?”

Eyes closed, royal chef Maxwell Henrik Lindstrom clenched his jaw and refused to answer.

In the five days since the royal entourage from Verdenia had been stranded in Christmas Town, Maine, by a series of vicious snowstorms, Maxwell’s temper had been stretched as think as the edge of his perfectly honed chef’s knife.


Please tell us a little about the characters in your book.

My hero is Maxwell Lindstrom, the personal chef to his royal highness Prince Evander Chanticleer. He’s a bit snobbish. Okay, he’s a lot snobbish and being away from home this year during the holidays is particularly difficult. He has stepped into the position of head chef after the death of his father and he has a lot of obligations to oversee back in Verdenia, but because of his reliable character, he’s been sent on this mission with the prince to make sure Prince Evander doesn’t make his own current situation more… difficult. Needless to say he’s not winning over a lot of people with his surly attitude.

Pizzeria owner Georgie Pippins is the sunshine to Maxwell’s grumpy. She’s a life-long resident of Christmas Town and has inherited The Chimney Stack from her Nonna. She runs it with her brother and considers it her calling. Feeding people, making them happy with their unique creations and recipes is what she loves to do. But her new mission is to put a smile on cranky Maxwell’s happy face. She understands loss and does what she can to show him there are wonderful things about being stranded in a strange town, especially a welcoming place like Christmas Town, where everything and everyone is filled with the holiday spirit.

And let’s not forget the Knotty Elves, a trio of elderly female matchmakers who have made it their life’s work to find happily ever afters for just about everyone who crosses their path–royal or not.


Please share a few Fun facts about this book…

  • This is the 9th collection of Christmas Town romances we’ve put together. That makes more than 80 books in the series (all novellas written by various authors).
  • We actually weren’t going to do another series after last year’s LIGHTS, CAMERA, CHRISTMAS TOWN! But when Cari Lynn Webb wrote the epilogue she came up with the idea of royals visiting Christmas Town and, well, we couldn’t help ourselves!
  • My story, MISTLETOE & MARINARA is one of my favorite kinds of stories to write–about cooking! Pairing a snobby chef with a down to earth pizzeria owner made writing this story so easy. Figuring out what Sugarplum the parrot had to say about the entire thing, on the other hand, was quite the challenge.
  • This is probably the final collection of Christmas Town stories we are going to publish. For a while, anyway. What started out as a very small town has grown significantly. We need some time to let the characters catch up–and get some rest, LOL.


What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?

If Maxwell were to answer this question he’d probably say it was his head injury (which happens in Melinda Curtis’s story, LOL). But in all serious, Georgie has a bit of a light about her that makes her impossible to resist, even to a man determined to be completely professional and dedicated at all times. She doesn’t hesitate to share her food stores with him so he can do his job and feed his charges nor does she take his attitude as anything but malleable. She’s incapable of seeing bad in anyone and to Maxwell, that’s a refreshing perspective. She’s unexpected and charming, something Maxwell hasn’t let himself consider before.

For Georgie, I think she likes the challenge of trying to improve Maxwell’s attitude. She’s unflappable and rolls with every punch, from the mega storm that’s left her pretty much stranded in her business, to the arrival of royals (shhh…. that’s supposed to be a secret!) in her small holiday-focused town.

And then there’s the bird, Sugarplum, a mouthy, unpredictable Macaw with an attitude bigger than all of Verdenia. Sugarplum definitely has her opinions of this romance, believe me!


The First Kiss…

“Protocol demands a man admit when a woman confounds him,” Maxwell said gruffly. “And you, Pizza Girl, confound me.” Impulse overrode reason. Maxwell stared into Georgie’s eyes before he dipped his head.

And kissed her.

He could feel Georgie smile against his mouth, taste the surprise on her lips. It occurred to him that he would be happy to preserve this moment, to extend this fraction of time into eternity. Nothing had ever felt as perfect or as necessary as kissing this woman and now that he had?

Maxwell broke the kiss, staring down into her now daze, slightly foggy eyes.

“And that’s that.” He drew his thumb across her lips, feeling unusually out-of-sorts for standing in a kitchen, the place he was most likely to feel confident and in control in.

“What?” Georgie blinked, confusion filling her gaze.

Maxwell kissed her again, more quickly this time. And then, he drew back and said, “You are more than worthy of a royal protocol, Pizza Girl.”


If your book was optioned for a movie, what scene would you use for the audition of the main characters and why?

There’s a scene where Maxwell joins Georgie to deliver holiday pizzas to Over the River, the local retirement home where the Knotty Elves live. It’s the first time Maxwell really loosens up and unintentionally shows Georgie how he really is when he’s not stressed out about… well, everything.

“Aren’t they cute?” Georgie nudged Maxwell with her shoulder. “I love how the residents decorate their canes and walkers. And that wheelchair!” She pointed to the one decked out like Santa’s sleigh, its elderly occupant wearing a blinking Rudolph nose.

In the space set aside as a state between two Christmas trees, Mrs. Haversham sat on her mechanized chair, tapped her microphone and said, “Hit it!”

She began singing Santa Baby. The crowd went wild, cheering and singing along.

Residents gradually made their way to their tables, while others milled around the trees and poked canes against the newly placed presents beneath the full branches. A few went to the fireplace to check out the dozens of tiny Christmas stockings hanging on and around the hearth, each with a glitter-painted name.

Georgie couldn’t help but indulge for a moment, listening to the room fill with the excitement and happiness while Mrs. Haversham killed it on karaoke. And then, she spotted a familiar trio of women making their grand entrance together. “Head’s up, Maxwell. Knotty Elves at two o’clock.” She caught the brief flash of panic on Maxwell’s face. “You’ve heard of them?”

“They’ve been to visit. They are, I believe, Christmas Town’s answer to the town crier.”

“Close enough.” Georgie didn’t want to correct him. It was best to experience their brand of enthusiasm first hand. “Merry Christmas, June. Odette. Prudence. Have you met Maxwell? He’s one of the visitors staying up at Holy Berry Inn.”

“Ladies.” He bowed, snapping his heels together in a telltale sign of royalty. “It is a pleasure to be formally introduced.”

June’s eyes went wide behind her thick glasses. “Oh, my.” She fanned her face. “Aren’t you a sight?” She leaned in, lowered her voice as Mrs. Haversham sang the final chorus. “Don’t suppose you brought a crown with you to show off?”

“Shush, June. You know he’s here undercover,” Prudence chided. Taller than the other three, Pru had a bit more calm about her than her two friends. “No talk of crowns or royal decrees. Isn’t that right… Maxwell, is it?”

“Yes. And I would be most appreciative of your discretion,” Maxwell confirmed. “As would his Royal Highness. Can I escort you to your seats?” He offered June and Pru each an arm.

They walked off together.

Georgie’s eyes widened in surprise. Chef Stick-in-the-Mud was turning out to have quite the manners of a gentleman.


If your hero had a sexy-times play list, what song(s) would have to be on it?

I’m not coping out of answering the question, but honestly? I don’t think Maxwell has any idea what a playlist is or if he even has a favorite song. He’s always been that dedicated to his job and the royal family. He’d consider music a frivolity. Except maybe after he wins Georgie’s heart or rather she wins his. Then I think she’d make him one–with lots of sexy time consideration.


If you could have given your characters one piece of advice before the opening pages of the book, what – would it be and why?

Oh, that’s easy, LOL. I’d have told Maxwell to loosen up and live a little. He’s just so… tight and controlled. Georgie takes care of that pretty quickly, but yeah. Even I got frustrated with him at the beginning of the story.

As for Georgie, I think she does pretty well meandering through this whole “they’re royal” revelation. She’s a definite roll with the punches kinda gal.


What are you currently working on? What are your up-coming releases?*

I’m currently writing the second book in my McKenna Code series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense. I believe this one will be out in December, 2025.

As far as upcoming releases, after A ROYAL IN CHRISTMAS TOWN, the fourth book in my Hawaiian Reunions series from Harlequin Heartwarming, A HAWAIIAN CHRISTMAS ROMANCE will go on sale Christmas Eve (this year!), and then in January, ARCTIC PURSUIT launches the McKenna Code (that’ll be out at the end of January, 2025).

Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: I’ve got one $10 Amazon Gift card for one winner, and 3 digital copies of HIS CHRISTMAS CAROUSEL BABY for three additional winners.


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Anyone else like me and super anxious for the holiday season to arrive? It’s truly my favorite time of year and I love just about everything about it? What are you looking forward to most this year?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from A Royal in Christmas Town:

“There you are. You look as depressed as a recently plucked turkey.”

Maxwell’s head snapped up. He turned and found Georgie Pippins standing on the last of the basement stairs. “Pizza Girl.” He stood at attention, back straight, head high, alert and ready to serve.

And then Maxwell realized who he was coming to attention for and relaxed a little. It was surprising, the way he responded to Georgie’s presence. There was just something about the ark-haired, dark-eyed, curvy female that struck a chord with him. And it wasn’t Rudolph’s blinking nose on her sweater. If only he knew what kind of chord that was–annoyance, disdain, fascination…

I am not fascinated by Pizza Girl.

“You don’t have to pretend to like me, Chef Stick-in-the-Mud.” A light dusting of snow coated Georgie’s dark, silky hair while a few flakes clung to her long lashes. She rolled her shoulders back, making the green, hand-knitted scarf around her neck shift to the point it almost obscured her slow, wide, and rather mischievous smile. “I’m here to offer you a proposition.”

If Maxwell hadn’t been so well trained, his mouth might have dropped open. Unexpectedly, his gaze was drawn to her bow-shaped mouth.

Sugarplum flew past Georgie and came to rest on the cardboard box filled with a woeful selection of spices. “I am royal.”

The parrot’s presence reminded Maxwell that he had other things to do besides moon over and attractive woman in a country he didn’t have a work visa to. Besides, she was a pizza cook. “I suppose you’re here to ask me for cooking lessons. Sadly, I must decline. Now that I’m recovered, I have a duty to fulfill.” Much as he’d been wondering how to accomplish that with a small microwave and small air fryer.

“I don’t need lessons in the kitchen from you.” Georgie’s nose went in the air at the same time that she took that last step off the staircase and approached him on equal footing. “You are the most obnoxious person I’ve ever met. So pompous and full of yourself. Were you born this way or did they instill this in you at some fancy culinary school?”

“Uh-oh.” Sugarplum fluttered down to the table the microwave sat on. “I am royal?”

Maxwell’s backbone went rigid. “Madam–”

“I’m not royalty, You don’t need to speak to me that way,” Georgie added quickly, holding up her hands as she interrupted him. “Your royal presence here is supposed to be a secret. Don’t worry. I haven’t told anyone, not even my brother, which, believe me, wasn’t easy.” She huffed out a breath. “I think Mercy telling me the truth is her way of explaining why you’re so…” she rolled her eyes. “Why you’re so temperamental. You’re used to having things a certain way and we’re anything but royal here in Christmas Town. But I’m going to give you some leeway on the snobbery. But only some.” She smiled. And it was the same, warm, superior smile she’d given him earlier, the one that said she liked his snobbery, at least on some level. Or maybe in spite of it.

Maxwell’s lips twitched and he struggled not to smile. “What is this proposition that’s gotten you so riled?'”

“My kitchen. Our kitchen. At the Chimney Stack.” Georgie seemed to stumble over her words. “I’m inviting you to use it to cook for their royal highnesses.”

Again, Maxwell’s jaw wanted to drop open. “You would… You’d let me into your kitchen?”

That was a high honor among chefs.

“We don’t usually open our doors to others, but I made an exception for Mercy.” Georgie moved closer, peering into his eyes. “That looks like gratitude in those baby blues of yours, Chef Maxwell.”

Excerpts. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

Welcome back to Christmas Town, Maine!

When Prince Evander of Verdenia embarks on a secret state visit to the U.S., he never imagines being stranded in small, snowy Christmas Town with his royal entourage. But…

The storm of the century has shut down all roads.

And the only rooms left available are at the Holly Berry Inn, which is in the process of being renovated. Not exactly royal accommodations. The inn doesn’t even have a kitchen!

Not even back-to-back-to-back blizzards can stop Christmas Town’s holiday magic.

Despite road closures, the Knotty Elves find a way to encourage love through their matchmaking, meddlesome ways (and knitting of holiday scarves and sweaters). There are kisses beneath the town square gazebo, slices of Posey’s peppermint pie, and heartwarming holiday traditions galore!

This collection of brand-new stories gives you an all-access pass to the holiday festivities. From the prince to the bodyguard to the chef to the princess to the reporter, this set of connected, sweet romances from Harlequin Heartwarming authors is sure to warm your holiday-loving heart!

Compare this read to movies like The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Love, Actually, as well as all the good feels of a Hallmark, UPTV or Great American Family TV movie. Inside, you’ll find stories featuring secret identity, chef, bodyguard, workplace, and royal romance.
Book Links: Amazon | B& N | iTunes | Google |

Meet the Author:

Anna J Stewart is the USA Today bestselling author of more than sixty sweet to spicy romances. Currently writing for Harlequin’s Heartwarming and romantic suspense lines, she also writes the award-winning Circle of the Red Series for Arc Manor. In addition to being a Maggie and Holt Medallion winner, her books have also finaled in the Daphne, the National Readers’ Choice, and she’s even had one of her books optioned as a TV movie. No matter the story, Anna’s books are always about family—the ones we’re born to and the ones we create. With four more titles scheduled to release in 2024, 2025 will bring BURIED, the third book in the Red Lily romantic thriller series, and the beginning of a new series for Harlequin Romantic Suspense, The McKenna Code.

When she’s not writing or working with her editing clients, she’s usually cooking, baking, binge-watching her newest TV addiction, or re-watching her all-time favorite shows, Supernatural and all things Star Trek. Any spare time she has left is spent wrangling two monstrous and attitude prone cats named Rosie and Sherlock.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads |


28 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: A Royal in Christmas Town by Anna J Stewart”

  1. erahime

    The stress over gift ideas is a stressor for me during the holidays. Otherwise, my birthday does fall within the holiday period and that’s something to look forward to.

  2. Laurie Gommermann

    I also love Christmas especially the decorated tree. So many memories in all of the ornaments. I love seeing all the homes and their decorations too. I am most looking forward to celebrating with my children’s families and my 100 year old mother. She has some health issues so I know this may be her last one with us.
    I love Christmas themed stories! I know most of the authors in your anthology.

  3. marcymeyer

    I love the Christmas tree and decorations, although I don’t love the process of getting it done. I love getting together with family and seeing their faces when they open their presents.

  4. Glenda M

    I love the holiday season, but I’m not rushed for it to get here! The best part is getting the family together

  5. Kathleen O

    It’s going to be a first Christmas with a new baby in the family. Looking forward to seeing little Jaxon eyes light up when he sees all the coloured lights and sounds of Christmas

  6. Nina Lewis

    Yes!! I love Christmas too! It’s been a tough year for me so I’m looking forward to all the things that make that time of year magical! 🙂

  7. Pammie R.

    Not looking forward to it at all. My father died on the Monday before Thanksgiving last year. The whole season was a blur and this year is going to be busy as last year since I work in retail having gotten the job a week before it all happened.

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