Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Lynsay Sands to HJ!

Hi Lynsay and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Bad Luck Vampire!
Hi Sara! Nice to chat with you again. 😉
Please summarize the book for the readers here:
This story is about Alasdair MacKenzie who we met in his cousin, Valerian’s story…
Alasdair and his twin, Colle, have always been polar opposites, with Colle being the outgoing, charming social butterfly to his more conservative, watchful presence. It’s always worked well for them . . . until they encounter Sophie at Valerian’s wedding and Alasdair feels the connection they have. Suddenly Colle’s ability to charm all the lasses begins to grate on his nerves. Add the fact that Sophie is there as another immortal’s date and the night becomes almost unbearable.
Now Alasdair must learn to do something he hasn’t needed to bother with in over 300 years if he hopes to win her over… how to charm and woo her! Lucky for him, his uncles decide their taciturn nephew needs their help and conspire to push the couple together.
Newcomer Sophie is a breath of fresh air to the Argeneau scene…
After Tybo saves her from a terrible date, Sophie accepts her friendly rescuer’s invitation and agrees to go with Tybo to a friend and co-worker’s wedding. Warmly welcomed by all, it surprises Sophie to find she has a great time. The only downside to said “date” being that the one guy she can’t stop thinking about, Alasdair, is not the one she went with. Fortunately for her, Alasdair feels the same way and pursues dating her. Unfortunately for him, horrible accidents begin plaguing him…
Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:
Lucian’s continual fight with Marguerite over her meddling in his enforcers’ love lives rears its hilarious head here.
“She’s telling you to try to read the girl,” Lucian growled with impatience and then leaned forward to peer at Marguerite and said, “Stop it.”
“Stop what?” she asked innocently.
“Stop stealing my men. Alasdair and Colle are supposed to be here to help out until Valerian gets back from his honeymoon. The last thing I need is for you to hook up one of them with their life mate. You’ll make him useless.”
“Oh, do not be silly, Lucian,” Marguerite said on a chuckle. “You cannot stop destiny.”
“The hell I can’t,” Lucian snapped, and then narrowed his eyes and added, “You’ve gone through my men this last decade like women go through toilet tissue. It has caused me nothing but headaches trying to keep the Enforcers numbers high enough to do their work. I will ban you from being anywhere near my Enforcers if you keep up with this nonsense.”
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- Lucian surprised everyone when he approved of Tybo’s unconventional method of dealing with Sophie’s “rapey” blind date by having him strip and dance naked in the street
- Alasdair and Colle are twins, as are two of their meddling uncles, Inan and Odart
- Alasdair’s uncles were born in medieval Scotland, so are more than rough around the edges… and hilarious
- Lucian threatens to ban Marguerite from any interaction with his enforcers when she finds yet another life mate for one of his men, this time, Alasdair
- the Scottish slang Alasdair’s uncles use are unmistakable… “houghmagandie”, a fun word for sex, and “fash” means trouble as in “do not fash yourself”
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
Alasdair and Sophie’s attraction to one another is instantaneous.
On Alasdair’s part, he’s drawn to Sophie even before he’s told that Sophie’s his potential life mate. Never one to care how outgoing and gregarious his twin was in the past, he gets quite irritated with Colle for simply talking to Sophie, who at this point is a stranger to him.
“Alasdair darling, and Colle,” Marguerite said, her smile blossoming into a full one. “Let me introduce Sophie Ferguson. She’s Tybo’s date and is kind enough to have agreed to sit with us while Tybo is busy with his best man duties.”
Alasdair’s gaze slid back to the lass and he gave a polite nod of greeting, then simply stared at her as Colle did his usual charming routine, starting with proclaiming that he was fortunate enough to have already met the lass when he collected her and the boys from the helicopter, and going on to say how pleased he was to meet a lovely lassie like her again and so on.
Normally, Alasdair found his brother’s ability to charm members of the opposite sex amusing. Especially since he knew Colle would never do anything more than compliment and flirt with them. Colle, like he himself, had lost interest in sex centuries ago as was wont for immortals past a certain age, but Colle did still like to flirt for some reason, and Alasdair was usually fine with that. This time, however, his brother’s effusive compliments and charming smiles kind of annoyed him. Alasdair wanted to cuff him in the back of the head and tell him to shut up. He did neither. Instead, it was Marguerite who interrupted Colle’s charm-fest.
“Goodness, Colle, you’ll turn the girl’s head,” Marguerite said with a laugh. “Save your charm for the other unattached females here. Sophie isn’t for you.”
The way she gently emphasized the word you and then turned a solemn, meaningful look on Alasdair had him stiffening where he stood. She met his gaze, gave a small nod, and then smiled and added, “Besides, she’s Tybo’s date . . . for tonight.”
As for Sophie, she thinks Alasdair is gorgeous and can’t stop staring at the man. She is also hyperaware of when his leg or arm brushes against her…Sophie sensed motion beside her and turned to see that the men Marguerite had introduced as Colle and Alasdair were making their way to the aisle. Her gaze traveled over the pair and then settled on the one named Alasdair. Other than the fact that Alasdair was wearing a charcoal gray suit, and Colle had on a lighter gray one, they were identical. They were also both gorgeous. At about six feet tall with short dark hair, and muscular bodies, they fully fit the tall, dark, and handsome description, but it was their eyes that made them something special. Like herself, both had eyes so dark a brown they appeared black, but their eyes had gold flecks that she found beautiful.
Sophie watched until they disappeared into the crowd, and then turned to peer at the dais at the front again. It was what she’d been doing since sitting down, mostly to keep from gawking at the man who had been seated beside her, which had been really hard not to do. Big as he was, he’d taken up more space than most men would in the chairs that had been set out. Enough that his outer leg had pressed lightly against hers the moment he’d sat down, and his arm had brushed her own whenever he’d shifted in his seat to talk to his brother or the other man next to his brother.
Sophie had been aware of the conversation taking place next to her, but she couldn’t say what had been said. Their voices had been so low they’d been hard for her to hear. Besides, while she’d been staring at the dais and its trappings, her attention had been on her body’s reaction to the leg pressing and arm brushing going on . . . and what a reaction it had been. Never in her life had she had such a visceral response to such a harmless and unintentional action. Alasdair most likely hadn’t even noticed what was happening, but she had. Goose bumps had broken out all over her body, her nipples had pebbled, and a liquid heat had swelled low in her stomach and rushed down between her legs leaving her wet and a hair’s breadth away from panting and squirming on her seat. How pathetic was that?
Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?
This scene had me laughing out loud. Alasdair’s uncles’ good intentions when they try to help him romance Sophie never cease to be entertaining.
“The tadger who attacked our wee Sophie was named Carl Breckham.”
Alasdair turned from watching Marguerite and Sophie leave the tent and raised an eyebrow at his uncle Connor. “You read her mind.”
It wasn’t a question but his uncle nodded anyway.
Alasdair’s mouth tightened with irritation. Sophie was his life mate, and aside from dreading the very idea of his uncles “helping” him, he didn’t like the idea of any of them poking through her thoughts.
Connor clucked his tongue. “Now don’y fash yerself o’er it. I ken ye feel possessive o’ the lass since she’s yer life mate, but our being able to read her can help ye in yer wooin’.”
“Aye,” Inan agreed. “For instance, we can tell ye that the lass is gaggin’ fer ye, lad.”
Alasdair straightened abruptly, his irritation forgotten. “She is?”
“Aye, I was reading her mind as we came up and she wants to bottle yer spunk and inhale it,” Inan told him with a grin.
Alasdair was just blinking in horrified disbelief at this, when Ludan cuffed Inan in the back of the head and growled with disgust, “No’ his spunk ye daft eejit. His scent.”
“She thinks you smell good,” Colle explained quickly. “She wants to bottle your scent so she could breathe it in as she likes. She thinks all women would love it.”
Alasdair let his breath out on a sigh. The spunk business would have been just weird, at least as he suspected his uncle had intended it, which had nothing to do with the proper definition of spunk being his mettle or spirit, but more along the lines of the slang use where it was a term for ejaculate. But liking his scent was good.
“She likes yer eyes too,” Connor told him. “Thinks they’re bonnie.”
“And she was fightin’ the want to kiss ye, because she’s supposed to be here with Tybo,” Colle informed him solemnly. “Speakin’ on that, you might want to hold off on anything until this night is over. I suspect she’d suffer terrible guilt for mucking about with ye when on a date with another, and that could slow ye down. Better to just keep a bit o’ distance tonight, and start the real wooin’ tomorrow when this business with Tybo is done.”
“Tybo,” Alasdair sighed the name, and then frowned and asked, “What about this blind date that Tybo and Valerian handled for her? Carl?”
“Tybo did the handling,” Valerian announced, and Alasdair turned with surprise to find the groom standing behind him. Smiling, Valerian added, “He took control of Carl and made him strip naked, then dance around and do cartwheels in the restaurant parking lot.”
“How long have you been here?” Colle asked even as Alasdair wondered that very thing.
“Long enough to catch the gist of the conversation,” Valerian answered Colle, and then glanced to Alasdair and said, “There’s no need to punish Carl. The police were called, and he was arrested. We checked later and Carl was charged with a lot of things including public indecency. He will also be put on the sex offender registry.”
“For streaking?” Alasdair asked with surprise.
“For streaking across the street from a public school,” Valerian explained. “Even though it was night and the school was closed, it can still land you on the registry. Or at least they’re trying to put him there. Whether they succeed or not depends on the mortal courts.” He shrugged. “Tybo thought it was what he deserved. And I agree. We read his thoughts that night and he did intend to force himself on Sophie. She was lucky we were there.”
“Aye,” Alasdair agreed. “Thank you for helping her.”
“You should ha’e cut his dobber off,” Inan opined with disgust. “I can’y stand men like that. Tryin’ to take what isna on offer.”
Readers should read this book….
Not only do you get to experience Alasdair and Sophie’s courtship, but also uncover the mystery of why Sophie’s relationships have never worked out in the past. More importantly, you get to enjoy Alasdair’s torment as his uncles, who were all born when warriors were known as barbarians, try to help him “woo his lass”.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?
As for upcoming releases… there will be a new Highland Bride book and Argeneau book coming out in 2024, but there are no official release dates as of yet.
As for what I’m currently working on… the next book in the Highland Brides series and right after that I’ll be writing the next book in the Argeneau series!
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: Two signed paperback editions of BAD LUCK VAMPIRE!
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Sophie Ferguson had to be rescued from her last blind date when the man took offense to her ending it early. Grateful for the interference, she accepts a date with her rescuer only to find she’s much more attracted to her date’s friend, Alasdair, than to him. Even though Alasdair is a virtual stranger to her, she feels a genuine connection to him.
And then this happens…Alasdair leans in as if to kiss her. What would you do in Sophie’s case?
Excerpt from Bad Luck Vampire:
“Arghh!” That shocked roar exploded from Alasdair’s mouth as he shot upright in bed. He then blinked in confusion and anger at his four uncles who stood around his bed, watching him blink water from his eyes.
“There ye are, lad. Are ye awake now?” his uncle Connor asked with amusement.
“Am I awake?” he bellowed with disbelief. “I’m soakin’ wet! What the devil did ye throw on me?”
“Just water, boy,” Connor said. “We were tryin’ to wake ye up.”
“I’m soakin’ wet!” Alasdair repeated, glancing down at his chest and the wet blankets that were now sliding down his stomach to pool in his lap.
“Aye, well that’s o’ no matter,” Inan said now. “Ye’ll get wet in the shower anyway.”
“But my bed would not,” Alasdair pointed out grimly, his accent fading as he tamped down on his temper and tried for reason. His gaze slid to the bedside clock and a combination of disbelief and outrage immediately brought his accent back. “Why the devil wid ye be wakin’ me up at this ungodly hour?”
“Because ye need to shower and shave do ye want to go collect yer lass and take her to lunch,” Connor said calmly.
“What?” he asked with disbelief. “What are ye talkin’ about?”
“This is Friday, the start o’ the weekend,” Inan told him. “Ye need to take her to lunch today, and then take her to dinner after work do ye want to get any houghmagandie tonight.”
“What?” Alasdair asked again, beginning to wonder if he’d hit his head at some point while sleeping and was suffering brain damage. He had no idea what they were talking about.
“The three-date rule,” Odart growled.
“Aye.” Inan nodded and explained, “See, we were researchin’ courtin’ lasses fer ye while ye were workin’ last night. To help ye along,” he added, and then held up a magazine open to an article with the large headline When to Have Sex: The Three Date Rule. “See now, there’s apparently rules to these things nowadays, and the third date is considered the right time fer sex without her havin’ to feel like a hurdie.”
“She shouldn’y be made to feel like a hurdie,” Odart said firmly.
Inan nodded. “But as life mates, ye ken ye’ll ha’e the lass in bed in no’ time. I’m thinkin’ ye’ll no’ be lasting past this night without introducin’ her to yer wee tadger.”
“It’s no’ wee,” Alasdair snapped.
Inan waved his words away, and continued, “The point is, ye’ll need to squeeze in lunch and dinner to get ye to three dates so ye can bed her tonight and no’ leave her feelin’ bad.”
Sighing, Alasdair sagged in the bed and pointed out, “Lunch and dinner are only two dates.”
“But the weddin’ last night makes three,” Connor pointed out, and before Alasdair could protest the wedding being a date for them, added firmly, “Ye spent as much if no’ more time with her than Tybo did last night. We’re thinkin’ it can be counted as a date.”
“She may no’ agree,” Ludan pointed out grimly.
There was a moment of silence as the men looked at each other and then Inan brightened and said, “After dinner, ye take her to another restaurant fer dessert. Three dates.”
“That wouldn’y be counted as a separate date since they were already out,” Connor pointed out with a frown, and then suggested, “Mayhap take her home after the sup, and then leave, go and buy dessert, and take it back to her . . . well, then ye’d be on a whole new date. The third one.”
Alasdair stared at them all, wondering when his uncles had lost their minds. Although, truthfully, he wasn’t sure they’d ever had minds to lose. The foursome had always seemed like men out of time to him. They were ale swigging, foulmouthed barbarians as his brother had said and just had not managed to move with the times. Although, to be fair, it appeared they were trying to, he thought, his gaze dropping to the woman’s magazine Inan was holding. It must belong to Sam, he thought. She was his direct boss Mortimer’s wife and the only female living at the enforcer house at the moment. That, or his uncles had gone out to a store to buy it. The very idea of his uncles leafing through women’s magazines to find articles on dating and when it was appropriate to have sex had him shaking his head.
Taking a breath to try to regain his patience, he said, “I appreciate that you want to help me. However, I cannot just show up at Sophie’s job and expect her to go to lunch with me.”
“Well, ye’d best else she’ll be wonderin’ where ye are and why ye didn’y show,” Connor warned.
“What?” he asked again. “Why would she expect me to—?”
“’Twas on the card,” Inan told him. “Ye invited her to lunch.”
“What card?” he asked with mounting alarm.
“The one with the flowers,” Connor explained.
“Flowers?” Alasdair squawked.
“Aye, ye sent her flowers with a card invitin’ her to lunch,” Connor said, talking slowly now, as if he thought Alasdair might not understand.
“Well, we did it fer ye, really,” Inan pointed out judiciously.
“Why the devil would ye do that?” Alasdair barked with alarm.
“To help ye,” Inan said with exasperation. “The way ye were just sittin’ there like a lump on a log last night at the wedding, it was obvious that ye’d need help claimin’ the lass.” His mouth pursed and he added, “I ken ye had to be careful since she was Tybo’s date, but ye didn’y e’en make an attempt at talkin’ to the lass after the meal was o’er.”
“She spent most of the time on the dance floor,” Alasdair reminded them. “Because she was on a date with Tybo.”
“Aye, well, and today she’ll be on a date with you.”
“Two dates,” Connor added, and then glanced at his wristwatch. “Speakin’ o’ that, it’s a quarter past the hour. Ye’d best get up and get showered. Ye’d no want to be late fer yer date.”
Cursing, Alasdair tossed his damp sheets and blankets aside and leapt out of bed.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands returns in this latest chapter of the Argeneau series with an immortal who is having a bit of bad luck while trying to woo his life mate…
Alasdair MacKenzie has never once considered himself unlucky in all the centuries he’s been an immortal rogue enforcer. Not until he meets Sophie. Finding the beautiful, smart, and funny woman who is his life mate is great luck, actually. But meeting her at a wedding full of Argeneaus, not to mention his own busybody uncles determined to “help him claim his woman,” is bad luck. And the fact that Sophie is someone else’s date? Well that’s just the next level of unlucky.
From the way her gaze travels over his body like a caress to the electric zing whenever they innocently touch…he wants her for all eternity! He’ll keep his hands off Sophie until her date is over. After that all bets are off and he’ll pull out all the stops to win her. Great plan—until he gets hit by a car. And then he’s poisoned. Is his luck that bad, or is someone out to stop this immortal from claiming Sophie as his life mate?
Book Links: Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | kobo | Google |
Meet the Author:
My name is Lynsay Sands and I’m the author of the Argeneau series and many hysterical historicals (as my readers tend to call them). I have written over sixty-eight books and twelve anthologies, which probably tells you I really enjoy writing. I consider myself very lucky to have been able to make a career out of it.
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Latesha B.
I would probably kiss him and then apologize for being so forward with him.
Barbara Bates
I would kiss him!
Morgan Van Lier
Let him and return the kiss
Let it happen and see if there’s a connection in that area.
Diana Hardt
Let him and see what happens.
See if there is chemistry
Debra Guyette
I would kiss him
Natasha Persaud
Kiss him back!
Shannon Capelle
I would definitely kiss him
Nancy Jones
Kiss him back.
Latifa Morrisette
Kiss him back
Amy R
What would you do in Sophie’s case? See if there is chemistry and make sure my date know I wasn’t interested in anything more than friendship
Let kiss me and see what happens next you just never know.
That book cover OH it makes me want to read it in print
Daniel M
smack him
Let that kiss happen!
Colleen C.
See what happens with that connection
Texas Book Lover
Let him and see what happens from there.
no idea
Tammy H
Kiss him
I would kiss him.
Pamela Conway
Not sure
Glenda M
I would want to kiss him, however since I was on a date – even just as friends – I wouldn’t want to be rude.
Janie McGaugh
I love Alasdair’s uncles! I’d probably pull back, since I was on a date with someone else.
Patricia B.
I would pull back and soften the rejection by saying I’m on a date with someone else and it wouldn’t be right to kiss someone not my date. I would hope he would appreciate the respect I am showing my date and myself.
Irma Jurejevčič
I’d probably frezze and wouldn’t know what to do.
Karina Angeles
Throw my arms around him and kiss him back!
Diane Sallans
Kiss him of course!
Charlotte Litton
Kiss him
Mary Preston
I’m not sure.
Tina R
I love the Argeneau series!
I would tell him it wasn’t appropriate at that time since I was on a date with someone else, but we could talk about seeing one another at a different time.
Elizabeth H.
I’m kissin’ me some Scottish vampire! Well… I don’t know he’s a vampire yet but still… kissin’ back!