Spotlight & Giveaway: Business Casual by B.K. Borison

Posted July 16th, 2024 by in Blog, Spotlight / 22 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author B.K. Borison to HJ!

Hi B.K. Borison and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Business Casual!

Thank you for having me! I’m so thrilled to talk about my newest book.

Please summarize the book for the readers here:

Business Casual is the story of two opposites who think one night will get each other out of their systems. Charlie is in town watching over the farm for his sister while she’s on her honeymoon, and Nova is set to open her very own tattoo studio. When they keep running into one another, they decide to set their attraction to the side once and for all by doing what any reasonable adult would do – having a one night stand. But they soon discover one night isn’t enough and a surprising relationship blooms.

Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:

“I’ve taught myself how to be okay with fragments of feeling, but i don’t want that with you. I want more than what you’ve given me.”


Please share a few Fun facts about this book…

– It’s the fourth and final installment of the Lovelight series. Each book represents a different season, and BUSINESS CASUAL is the AUTUMN book.
– When I first started writing this series, Charlie was intended for another character. But as I was writing that story, I realized they wouldn’t fit.

What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?

Charlie is down bad for Nova from the start. He loves how fearless she is, and he loves when she bosses him around. Nova has no idea why she’s attracted to Charlie, just that she is. He’s outside of her usual type and her attraction is inexplicable.

Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?

I really love one of the scenes at the end, when Nova is giving Charlie a tattoo. I don’t want to spoil anything, but it really feels like a moment where Nova sees Charlie for everything he truly is. Probably for the first time in Charlie’s life, his shortcomings are seen and appreciated. It felt tender and intimate and lovely, and is probably one of my favorite scenes I’ve ever written.

Readers should read this book….

If you love cozy, intimate romance novels. Or if you love Gilmore Girls.

What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?

I am currently working on an untitled future project that is top secret! My next release is in February 2025, and is a spin on Sleepless in Seattle. It’s my first non-Lovelight book and I couldn’t be more pleased!

Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: A print copy of BUSINESS CASUAL by B.K. Borison


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: If you could get any tattoo from Nova, what would it be and why?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from Business Casual:

Nova Porter is walking towards me like she can’t decide if she wants to dance with me or tear me limb from limb.
Storm cloud eyes. Dark blonde hair twisted in a low, messy bun. A dress that was either made in my dreams or my nightmares, I haven’t decided yet. It shimmers as she walks, a soft gray material that looks like it would slip through my fingers like water. Plunging neckline and a skirt that flares out around her ankles. Bare feet. Pink cheeks. Tattoos all along her arms and down her shoulders.
She looks like she could eat me alive.
I fucking love it.
She stops six inches away from me and tips her chin up, a queen on her throne from half-a-foot below my chin. I grin, she scowls, and everything is as it’s always been between Nova and I.
I had my doubts that she’d actually come out on the dance floor. She hasn’t taken an ounce of my shit since I met her. She just gives me a steady look, waiting for me to buck up and be better than I am.
“Hey,” is what slips out of my mouth, like I haven’t spent the past seventeen minutes trying to coerce her out here with my entire arsenal of ridiculous behavior. I know I was being dumb, but she’s out here now. With a smile on her face, too. Or as much as a smile as I ever seem to get from Nova.
I reach out and curl my hand around her hip, tugging her closer. “How’s it going?”
She falls into me with a huff, both of her hands flat on my chest. I get half of an eye roll and a quirk of her lips. “It’s going.”

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

Two opposites will find out if one night together is enough to get each other out of their systems in the final book in the beloved Lovelight series.

Nova Porter isn’t looking for love, and she certainly has no explanation for her attraction to buttoned-up, three-piece-suit-wearing investment banker Charlie Milford. Maybe it’s his charm? Or maybe it’s his determination to help her fledgling business however he can. Either way, she’s distracted every time he’s around. With her new tattoo studio set to open in her hometown of Inglewild, she doesn’t have time for frivolous flirtations.

In an effort to get Charlie out of her system once and for all, Nova offers a proposition. One night. No strings. They’ll kick their uncomfortable attraction to the curb and return to their respective responsibilities. But their explosive night together scatters their expectations like fallen leaves. And with Charlie in town as the temporary head of Lovelight Farms, Nova can’t quite avoid him.

And Charlie? Well, Charlie knows a good investment when he sees one. He’s hoping he can convince Nova he’s worth some of her time.
Book Links:  Amazon | B&N |

Meet the Author:

B.K. Borison is the author of cozy, contemporary romances featuring emotionally vulnerable characters and swoon-worthy settings. When she’s not daydreaming about fictional characters doing fictional things, she’s at home with her family, more than likely buying books she doesn’t have room for. LOVELIGHT FARMS was her debut novel.
Website |

22 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: Business Casual by B.K. Borison”

  1. Nancy Jones

    A rose in memory of my mom and then some more dragons and phoenix to go with the the other ones.

  2. Amy R

    If you could get any tattoo from Nova, what would it be and why? tree with my kids names

  3. Glenda M

    One that I’ve seen variations of before. The back of a cat with its front legs up, claws out like it is holding on, and scratches from higher up coming down to meet the claws. It would need to be on my shoulder blade.

  4. Crystal

    Not crazy about tattoos but if I did get one it would be of an Eagle because it reminds me to be strong and courageous.

  5. psu1493

    I have a tattoo of a heart with a shooting star already. Maybe a phoenix because no matter how often life knocks you down, you can be reborn and rise from the ashes.

  6. Terrill R

    I wouldn’t, actually. Nothing against tattoos, though, just not for me.