Spotlight & Giveaway: Daring Enough by Kelly Elliott

Posted November 21st, 2023 by in Blog, Spotlight / 26 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Kelly Elliott to HJ!

Hi Kelly and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Daring Enough!

Thank you for having me!

To start off, can you please tell us a little bit about this book?:

Daring Enough is book four in the Love in Montana series. It is a little bit sports romance, a little bit romantic comedy, and a whole lot of spice between our hero and heroine.

Please share your favorite lines or quote(s) from this book:

Everything happened for a reason, and Rose Shaw stepped out onto the balcony for a reason. I’d do whatever it took to prove to her I was worthy of her taking a chance on us.


What inspired this book?

I really wanted Rose to fall for someone who she thought was out of reach. I also had an itch to do a sports romance so this was the best of both worlds!


How did you ‘get to know’ your main characters? Did they ever surprise you?

Since this is an interconnected series (But they can be read as stand alone) I felt like I already knew Rose pretty well from the other series. The only thing that really surprised me was the hero falling so hard first! That was a fun little twist.


What was your favorite scene to write?

There were so many scenes in this book that were fun to write. Rose is just a hoot and being in her head made the whole book enjoyable to write.


What was the most difficult scene to write?

I honestly didn’t have any scenes that were hard to write in this book. My fingers flew across the keyboard with this one!


Would you say this book showcases your writing style or is it a departure for you?

It for sure showcases my writing style. If you like small town, a bit of laughter and a large family all up in everyone’s business…this is the book for you.


What do you want people to take away from reading this book?

I want them to be able to escape reality for a bit. I hope they feel like they are part of the family and enjoy watching Rose fall in love even though she fights it!


What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?

I’m currently writing a side project then I’m jumping back into writing book 6 of the Love in Montana series. My up-coming release are the next book in the Love in Montana series and then book three, Falling for Her, in the Boston Love series.


Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: Signed paperback of Daring Enough by Kelly Elliott


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Are you a fan of sports romance?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from Daring Enough:

The moment I saw her, my body came to life. Her back was faced toward the door, and the skirt she wore showed off the ass I knew intimately. My mouth actually watered thinking about it.

When she turned around, her smile faded, and her eyes went wide. A strangled sound came from her mouth before she pressed her lips together tightly.

I pulled out a chair, sat, and smiled at her. “How have you been, Rose Shaw?”

She swallowed hard, then whispered, “Bryson.”

Before I had a chance to say anything, she closed her eyes and shook her head like she thought she might be dreaming. When she finally looked at me, she asked, “What in the hell are you doing here?”

I tried not to flinch at the coldness in her voice. “Okay, not the greeting I expected from you.”

She closed her eyes and exhaled before she set what looked to be an iPad-type device down on the desk.

A look of pure anger moved over her face. She lowered her voice and whisper-yelled at me. “What do you want from me? A kiss? Would you like for me to throw myself into your arms and say, ‘oh, thank you so much for forcing my boss to allow me to design your house’?”

I moved about in the seat. It suddenly felt very hot in the room. “A kiss would be nice, but I didn’t force him to allow you to work on it. He wanted some douche named Duke and I saw his work. He sucks.”

“And you know I’m good because we slept together?”

Frowning, I leaned forward. “Do not ever talk about yourself like that, Rose.”

She looked surprised and took a step back, her hand coming up to her chest.

“Loren sent me photos of your cousin’s house you designed. I loved it.”

Rose threw her hands up in the air and growled. “Oh my God. I swear I’m going to kill her for real this time, then disown her as my best friend. She knew about this?”

“No. She doesn’t know anything about the property I bought or the house I want built.”

Rose paused for a moment. “Wait. Where did you buy property, Bryson?”

By the look in her eyes, I wasn’t sure I should tell her. I stood, moved around the desk so it was between us, and said, “Victor.”

She stared at me, her eyes blinking rapidly. “You bought land just on the other side of Hamilton? I thought your parents lived in Kalispell?”

“They live on the south side of Flathead Lake.”

“And you thought here would be better? Why?”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “It was a beautiful piece of land. I can’t buy that much up by my parents, and it…it was close to you.”

For a moment, I saw something in her eyes. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it for sure gave me hope.

“Bryson. You bought land to build a house on it because it’s close to me?”

Smiling, I said, “Yes.”

Okay, so maybe she would see all of it as a romantic gesture.

Her eyes turned cold again. Maybe not.

“Jesus Christ, Bryson! We were together for one night! It wasn’t even twenty-four hours! Who goes out and buys land near the woman they had a one-night stand with?”

“It wasn’t a one-night stand, or at least I hoped it wouldn’t be. It wasn’t for me.”

Rose drew in a deep breath, then exhaled. “It was a beautiful night, Bryson. I won’t deny that. But I left without saying goodbye for a reason.”

I raised a brow. “Would you care to explain it to me, then?”

She glared at me. “I think we have a bigger issue here. You just marched in here, threw your weight—and your wallet—around, and asked that a junior-level employee design your house. I don’t even have a full architectural degree.”

“You have a bachelor’s degree in environmental design. I’ve seen the work you’ve done in the past, and that’s good enough for me. I don’t need some asshole with a master’s degree. I know talent when I see it.”

She closed her eyes, then looked at me with a concerned expression. “How is your arm?”

Well, that was interesting.

“It’s okay. How did you know about my arm?”

Her cheeks turned a light pink as she turned away from me to look out the window.

“Have you been keeping up with me?” I asked, trying to hide the happiness in my voice.

“I might have watched a game or two,” she stated as she spun around and leaned against the windowsill.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

Rose Shaw has no idea what she wants. She put aside passion for practicality, earning her degree in a subject she likes, but doesn’t love. Same for her job as an junior architect. And don’t even get started on her personal life…been there, done that, got betrayed for her effort. So when sparks fly after meeting a renowned MLB player while on vacation, she takes him for what he is—a homerun in the sack, but nothing more. The next day, she sneaks back to Montana, leaving Bryson behind…but the memories of their night together refuse to disappear so easily.

Bryson Robinson knows exactly what he wants. His parents are a love-at-first-sight success story, so he recognizes what he felt with Rose Shaw during their night together could be the real deal. She has no interest in long-distance dating…so when the league’s best pitcher gets devastating news that could be the third strike for his career, he turns it into a win, going all in to get the girl. Starting with a home in Montana—and hiring Rose to design it.

Now he just has to convince her that not all men, including MLB superstars, are players…if she’s daring enough to take the risk.

Daring Enough is the fourth book in the Love in Montana series. It can be read as a stand alone, but for a better reading experience the author suggest reading the series in order.

Book Links: Amazon |

Meet the Author:

Kelly Elliott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author. Since publishing her first book, Wanted, in 2012, Kelly continues to spread her wings while remaining true to her roots and giving readers stories rich with hot protective men, strong women, and beautiful surroundings.

Her bestselling works include, Wanted, Broken, Lost Love, Never Enough, and The Butterfly Effect, to name just a few. Kelly’s amazing readers have dubbed her “The Queen of Small Town”, since a large majority of Kelly’s books are based in small towns with swoony cowboys and strong heroines.

Kelly lives in central Texas with her husband, Darrin and their two crazy pups, Gunner and Ellie, along with four cats, and a plethora of wildlife. When she’s not writing, Kelly enjoys reading, watching the birds at her bird feeders, and spending time with her family. She is down to earth and very in touch with her readers, both on social media and at signings.

To find out more about Kelly and her books, visit her website at
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26 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: Daring Enough by Kelly Elliott”

  1. Latesha B.

    I do enjoy sports romances. Thank you for the excerpt. Made me want to read more of the story.

  2. Patricia Barraclough

    Straight sports romances aren’t a favorite. If sports are a factor in the story but not the main focus of a well written story, it is fine for me.