Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Zoe Forwrd to HJ!

Hi Zoe Forwrd and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Doc Showmance!
So excited to be here!
Please summarize the book for the readers here:
A fast-paced thoroughly hilarious Rom Com with a reality tv show about an emergency vet. Two college enemies are forced into a fake romance on a reality TV show. What could possibly go wrong?
Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:
“There’s no amount of money on earth worth being paid to put my lips on yours. God knows where yours have been.”
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- College crush to friends to Lovers
- Grumpy/Sunshine (she’s the grump, and he’s the sunshine)
- He falls first
- Dual POV
- Fake dating (For a reality tv show about veterinarians)
- Forced proximity (They are forced to work together at the same vet clinic for a reality show)
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
He loves that she will fight like a terrier for her patients, says what’s on her mind, and protective of her family.
She likes that he compassionate, wickedly smart, and a superb exotic animal veterinarian.
Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?
I love that moment when they both realize this is a bit more than a TV set up. She storms to his apartment to confront him and (from Ian’s POV)…
I leaned in and covered her mouth with a hard kiss.
She ripped her mouth free but didn’t struggle to get away from me. Heaving for oxygen, she blinked up at me.
“Admit this is what you came here for.”
“I hate you.”
“But you want me.”
“Like hell I do.”
“You want me. It’s why you’re spitting mad.”
Readers should read this book….
How many VETERINARY RomComs are there? Uh, not many. How many were written by a veterinarian who’s been in the trenches for over twenty years?
This book has a hefty splash of reality mixed with the unreality of TV and two smart, tough people with the hots for each other that would rather never admit they’re attracted. Yet, they’re forced to pretend.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?
I’m working on the sequel to Doc Showmance that is about one of Amber’s foster sisters. We meet her in Doc Showmance, and the sheriff who she might or might not find her happily ever after with.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
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Excerpt from Doc Showmance:
I braced my free hand on one side of her head and leaned in. “I think you came over here for something different altogether.”
“You’re drunk.”
“Not yet.”
“I mean it. I want you to quit your job at the emergency hospital and get the hell out of my work world.”
“If I quit, you’ll make sure to push me completely out of your life, which to me is unacceptable.” I put the drink down on the hallway table but didn’t allow her to move away.
“None of this is real,” she gritted out.
“It’s not, huh? You know the problem with you, Amber? You don’t know when to stop pushing. You just keep pushing and pushing.”
I leaned in and covered her mouth with a hard kiss.
She ripped her mouth free but didn’t struggle to get away from me. Heaving for oxygen, she blinked up at me.
“Admit this is what you came here for.”
“I hate you.”
“But you want me.”
“Like hell I do.”
“You want me. It’s why you’re spitting mad.”
I kissed her again. This time her mouth opened. At first, she remained tense, not giving in to the touch of my tongue to hers, but within seconds, she leaned into me as her emotions superseded her will. Her fingers curled into my shoulders. For days we’d been dancing around each other, seeking an outlet. Now it was here.
When the kiss finally ended, she rolled her head to one side. “Stop.”
I did stop kissing her mouth, but only to lay kisses down the column of her neck in a path to her collarbone. “You want this as much as I do.”3)
“Amber,” I said slow. “I’ve been giving you space, but I’m not giving up this time. I know we weren’t good for each other in the past.”
She dropped her head. “Don’t do this, Ian.”
I stepped in front of her so we were facing each other. I brushed a knuckle over her cheek and pulled her hair back behind her shoulder. “I’m not at this clinic for the job. I’m here for you. To have a second chance. Or, really, a first chance since we never gave ourselves a chance before.”
Would she see my words as real or bullshit for the camera? This wasn’t rehearsed. This wasn’t something I was told to say. I meant it. I could’ve walked away from the baloney of this show at any time. Sure, I wanted my own show back on TV, and I never wanted to hear about what happened in Colombia again, but I could survive without being on TV. My vlog was still wildly hot. I stayed here to see her again.
“Ian,” she said, breathless. “I don’t think—”
“What do you want me to do?” I asked, bending so our mouths were lined up so close but not touching. “What does a man like me do when the woman he wants more than anything won’t forgive him for a mistake when he was younger and stupid?”
She closed her eyes and held completely still, but I hadn’t missed the pain and uncertainty brewing in her hazel gaze. Then she moved out of my grasp. “I have to see an appointment.”
As she exited the office, the cameraman lowered his camera and said, “That was masterful, Dr. Todd.”
Her head swiveled. The vicious scowl communicated she’d throttle me if she could. Any hint that was real—because it had been—was now shattered.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
I would say Dr. Ian Todd is my archenemy. But that would require us acknowledging each other, which we haven’t done since we graduated veterinary school.
He’s famous. As in, he’s the world’s “Sexiest Veterinarian Alive” with his own wildlife TV show and a string of glamorous girlfriends.
I’m infamous as a reality TV emergency veterinarian with a snark mouth, take-no-crap attitude, and zero dating life.
When asked to fake a romance with him on TV to boost my ER show’s ratings, I want to say no-way, but the extra money will pay off my brother’s loan shark debt. Even though Ian broke my heart, playing his love interest shouldn’t be hard, especially if it means getting to watch him squirm.
Lines get blurred when the TV setups stop feeling fake. Can I chance this might be real love?
Book Links: Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | kobo | Google |
Meet the Author:
USA Today bestselling author, parent, wife, veterinarian, chocolate lover. Author of spicy paranormal and contemporary romances. Zoe Forward brings readers the perfect combination of action adventure, romance, humor and a bit of magic.
Her novels have won numerous awards including the Prism, Readers’ Choice Heart of Excellence, Golden Quill, Carolyn Readers Choice Award, and the Booksellers’ Best Award.
You can find her residing in the South with a menagerie of four-legged beasts and two wild kids.
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Jeanna Massman
We can’t have pets right now. Love the cover!
I have no pets. 🙁
The last time I was at the vet was for routine checkups and vaccines.
Diana Tidlund
Was having our newest cat spayed. Can’t always afford much but we always take care of our cats… even the strays that claim us as their owners.
Mary Preston
No pet. No vet.
Nicole (Nicky) Ortiz
Check up
Thanks for the chance!
Shannon Capelle
He is 16 years old and was having weakness in his legs!
Tiffany Greene
Currently no pets here so no vets needed!! I love the cover! Can’t wait to read this! Thanks
Amy Donahue
The last time I was at the vet we were getting a stray great pyrenees scanned for a microchip 🙂
Marcy Meyer
I don’t have any pets.
Audrey Stewart
I had my male teenager cat neutered.
Pamela Conway
Haven’t been lately but both are due for check ups.
Barbara Bates
I do not have any pets,but if I did it would be a cat.
One of my cat’s nails was growing into her toe bean.
To get a check up.
Glenda M
Recheck after getting neutered.
Aline Azevedo
My dog is getting old so I took her there because she’s having trouble walking 🙁
Rita Wray
I don’t have any pets.
Amy R
Why were you at the vet with your pet recently? check up
Latifa Morrisette
I don’t have any pets
To have my dog put to sleep.
My poor little Harley lost fur and had irritated skin. The vet said it was an allergic reaction.
Sue G.
I don’t have any pets so I have never been to a vet.
Janel Lafferty
I don’t have a pet as of yet.
Routine checkup.
Daniel M
cat hasn’t been since march 2020 because covid, just did a checkup last week, got 2 shots
Sara Zielinski
I don’t have a pet
Colleen C.
Not recently
Texas Book Lover
Routine checkups and shots!
Banana cake
Just there yesterday to pick up heartworm medication for our three dogs.
Laurie Gommermann
Sounds really cute! I love enemies to lovers.
My dog died when I was in college. I now have 3 grand-doggies! Milo had to go to the vet because he has food allergies. He chews at his paws and gets really bad dandruff. He’s taking allergy bites treats and trying another kind of dog food. We’re crossing our fingers we can find out what he’s so sensitive to.
Mary C
Routine checkup
Marisela Zuniga
I don’t have any pets
no pets
Unfortunately I don’t have any pets. But excited to read this one, sounds amazing.
Pammie R.
Mostly just for shots and getting fixed, but My Lhasa Apso tried to shake my Yorkie like a toy about 10 years ago, and broke the li’l guy’s leg.I knew it was broken just by looking so we rushed him to the vet and when they took him back, I heard him scream when they touched it to x-ray it. Within a week they had it repaired and he was on the way to recovery in a little cast. We put a regular old balloon over the end of it because he kept slipping around and that stopped it. He passed away the summer of 2020 when everything was shut down and just 3 months after my mom had passed.
Lori R
My pet died.
Dianne Casey
The last time I took my cat to the vet was for his check-up and shot.
Latesha B.
I don’t have any pets, but if I did, it would be to get their shots or spayed/neutered.
I don’t have any pets, but I can’t wait to read it!
Nina Lewis
Ellie (8yo white boxer) had her anual checkup. It’s all good. I love this cover! 🙂
I don’t have any pets at this time.
Patricia B.
We had our little dog in 3 days ago. She hasn’t learned that our son’s dog is very reactive to food (she is a rescue that was abused). My husband moved a bag of dog food into the hallway for our son to take. All the little dog had to do was walk by it and the other snapped at her biting her snout. A few scrapes and a shallow puncture that had started to access so we took her in to have it drained and they put her on antibiotics.
Diana Hardt
I don’t have a pet.
Linda F Herold
When my cat was sick with Cancer!
Anita H.
I don’t have any pets!
Lori Byrd
his annual checkup
Debbie P
For a check up.
Pat Lieberman
I have never had any pets.
Janie McGaugh
Haven’t been recently.
Ellen C.
Sorry, no pets, no vet visits.
Athena Graeme
The last trip when when we took our guinea pigs for their nail trimming. Got to keep those nails nice and I get too nervous to do it myself because their nails are so tiny and one has a black foot, so it’s super hard to trim the nails.
Terrill R.
We were keeping our son’s dog for a few weeks to help with training and we brought her to the vet for some vaccinations.