Spotlight & Giveaway: Draco by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Posted May 15th, 2024 by in Blog, Spotlight / 11 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Mimi Jean Pamfiloff to HJ!

Hi Mimi Jean and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Draco!

Hello to all my King fans, and a big thank you to HJ for having me back!

Please summarize the book for the readers here:

Draco’s life was perfect—his dream job as an archaeologist, a woman he loved, and a bright future.
Then he woke up.
No love, an emaciated body, and a cold dark basement in lieu of that bright future he’d been looking forward to.
His entire life had been the product of a powerful dream potion.
He has no clue why this has been done to him, but he’s determined to find out!
Maybe the woman from his dreams—the real ones he’s been having since he’s woken—holds the clue.
To his shock, Draco discovers he’s going to end the world. Why him?

Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:

His eyes glided over my naked body, and his lips curled into a sly smile.
“What the hell?” I pressed my towel over my breasts. “Get out!”
“You’ve seen mine. Now I’ve seen yours. Seems only fair.” He shrugged casually.


Please share a few Fun facts about this book…

  • Draco is the standalone continuation of my USA Today bestselling King Series, which I started in 2012! Eight books later, here we are. What I love about this series are all the fun historical nuggets mixed with dark vibes, magic, and evil men who can’t help being good.
  • King, aka King Knossos, was a real historical figure, who sparked the term “Draconian,” and fueled the myth of the Minotaur. It seems that writers in the past also loved twisting fact with fiction.
  • This story was inspired by one question: Are we a product of fate or of self-determination? Some believe it’s both, and Draco must navigate the convoluted waters of his past to find the truth.
  • Here’s my Spotify playlist for the book. It’s okay if it’s not your jam, but at least you know what I had humming in my ears while I wrote.


What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?

I love that Draco comes off as cold and dangerous to everyone he meets, but if you know what’s happened to him, you understand why. He’s been delt a very ugly hand in life, yet, he’s determined to be the hero of his own story, despite everyone being against him. Even his own parents.

Piper is great. She’s an unwavering optimist, and this is ultimately what draws Draco to her. She cannot be corrupted. Not even by the Antichrist.


Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?

I can’t give either away, BUT…the love scene had me blushing. I think it’s accurate for the characters, but the level of steaminess is not something I would, say, discuss with my mother. LOL.
As for crying? The end. I won’t say why, but when Draco sees Piper in the French café for a second time, I swooned. HEA, baby! Yeah!


Readers should read this book….

Because they see, like I do, that the world is losing its mind and they’re trying to make sense of things in a positive way. If you believe that we “make our own fate” and that love really is the end all, be all, then this is the story for you.


What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?

Gack! I am sooo far behind on everything, but I have on my to-write-list:
Mr. All Out of Love (RevoLUVtion #3)
She’s Got the Time (M.O. Mack, Suite #45 Series)
The Immortal Tailor, #3
Title TBD (Masie Kicklighter, #2)

Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: One lucky US winner will get a signed paperback and swag.


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: If you were in love with the Antichrist, and he was hellbent on fighting his fate, would you stick by him and help, or run and say your prayers?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from Draco:

“No! Don’t go! Come back, Draco. I want more!” But I already knew he wasn’t going to stay, and with his absence, the demons would take hold again, showering me with memories of the dying, of the screaming children, and of the trees withering under blackened skies.

“Oh, God,” I whimpered. “Please come back.” Draco was the only one who could stop the noise. I didn’t care about the pain when he beat me. I’d take that a thousand times over reliving memories of the world, and everything in it, suffering in the most unimaginable ways. Draco had made me watch every moment. He’d said it was my job to remember.

“Why…” I sobbed. “Why are you doing this to me?” Hot tears poured from my eyes, mingling with the blood and rain pooling on the stone beneath me. “Kill me! End me.”

He wouldn’t, but I begged anyway, just as I had a hundred times before.

“Not until you remember!” he called out.

I blinked and was suddenly back in my kitchen, staring into those same pale eyes.

What the fuck had I just seen?

Before I could ask, my thoughts vanished like a wisp of steam.

I couldn’t remember, but I knew I had seen something terrible.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

From New York Times bestseller Mimi Jean Pamfiloff comes Draco, a standalone dark romantic
fantasy about a man fated to end the world and a woman fated to stop him.

Approaching my thirtieth birthday, life seemed a dream: the perfect job, a girlfriend I adored, and endless possibilities ahead.

Then I woke up. Trapped in a grimy cellar, my body frail, and my love vanished.

Determined to break free, I succeed. But then the grim truth emerges: my entire reality is a fabrication, and I’ve been branded as the catalyst for the apocalypse. Why me?

I refuse to accept my fate, but how do I stop it when every move I make only brings me closer to becoming death’s henchman?

When a mysterious man showed up at my door, looking to rent a room, I knew I should turn him away. He wasn’t only good looking, which my live-in boyfriend wouldn’t appreciate, but there was something off about him. Still, I couldn’t say no.

Then things take a dark turn when he claims he’s seen me in his dreams and wants me to explain why. He seems crazy. Or is he?

Because strange stuff starts happening, including the unshakable feeling that I know this man from somewhere. I think…I think I’m meant to help him.

But why does every instinct scream to run? And why can’t I resist getting closer?
Book Links:  Amazon |

Meet the Author:

MIMI JEAN PAMFILOFF is a New York Times bestselling author who writes insane plot twists that will have you burning through the pages. Whether it’s Romance, Suspense/Thriller, or Fantasy, there are always big heroes to root for, smart and resourceful heroines, and a ton of heart pumping excitement in every story.

Mimi lives with her extremely patient husband (“Be right there! Just one more page, honey!”), two pirates-in-training (their boys), and their three spunky dragons (really, just very tiny dogs with big attitudes) Snowy, Mini, and Mack, in the vampire-unfriendly state of Arizona.
Website | FacebookInstagram | GoodReads |

11 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: Draco by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff”

  1. Glenda M

    I mean, . . . I have no idea. He’d have to have a lot a redeeming qualities for me to fall in love with him – or at least be able to fake them real well

  2. Amy R

    : If you were in love with the Antichrist, and he was hellbent on fighting his fate, would you stick by him and help, or run and say your prayers? Not sure but probably stick by and help

  3. Bonnie

    I would probably stick by him and try to help. Love overcomes a multitude of sins.

  4. psu1493

    I think I would stick by his side and help him. Doesn’t mean I won’t try to convince him to do something different.