Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Kelly Elliott to HJ!

Hi Kelly and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Enchanted Enough!
Hey Y’all!
Please summarize the book for the readers here:
Enchanted Enough is the next book in the Love in Montana series and is an emotional one! I don’t want to list any spoilers but it is friends to lovers, found family all set on a ranch in Montana.
Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:
“Blood doesn’t make you family. Love does.”
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- I’ve had this storyline planned since I first decided to write a second generation!
- I’ve gone to Montana twice to do research for the series.
- I’ve never cried so much writing a book before.
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
They meet on a plane and instantly share a connection with one another as friends. The attraction only grows from there.
Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?
Oh…so many scenes had me crying.This is the scene where our hero meets his grandparents for the first time.
My hand shook as I reached for the handle and opened the door. I stepped out and shut the door, looking directly at the older couple.
Stella’s hand flew to her mouth, and she seemed to have fallen back against her husband. A sound emerged from her lips, and I couldn’t tell if it was surprise, happiness, or sadness…I just wasn’t sure.
Ty Senior simply stared at me, his mouth falling open.
Avery walked around the truck and took my hand. With a gentle pull, we started toward the porch. Each step up the stairs seemed to be a struggle. It felt like I had a hundred pounds around each ankle. Once I got to the top, I looked into eyes that seemed so familiar.
“Grams, Grandpa,” Avery started. “This is Beck Dahlstrom.”
Readers should read this book….
if you love a good tear jerker, happily ever after and small town romance.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?
Currently I’m writing the 8th book in the Love in Montana series.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: Signed paperback of Enchanted Enough.
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Have you ever took a leap of faith and done something you were scared of doing?
Excerpt from Enchanted Enough:
“So what’s bringing you to Montana?” I asked.
His smile faded, and he cleared his throat.
“I’m sorry, totally none of my business.”
Rubbing the back of his neck, he let out a soft sigh. “My mother passed away from cancer a year ago.”
At that moment, the plane started to turn, and he grabbed my hand again and looked out the window.
I placed my free hand over his. He glanced down, noticed he was holding my hand again, and quickly let go. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
Lifting my hand, I wiggled my fingers and thumb. “All good.”
He smiled, and I noticed a single dimple in his left cheek. Ugh. That was hot. And he was hot.
The spell was broken when he started to speak again. “Anyway,” he said, his smile fading and a sad expression taking its place. “My mother passed away, and when I was going through her belongings I stumbled upon some letters. My mother used to talk about my father a lot to me. She told me he was in the Marines, but she never would tell me his last name. She would say when the time was right, she’d tell me. When I was younger, I would be curious, but I was a happy kid and didn’t feel like it would change anything in my life one way or another. To know his last name that is. I never pressed her about it,” he said thoughtfully. “Except one time when I was eighteen, I asked her why she never told me. She said his family didn’t know about us and she left it at that. Once I got older, I realized my mother most likely didn’t want to disrupt a family.”
I turned in my seat, already invested in the story. The flight attendant appeared again, and the stranger ordered another drink. I could tell he was well on his way to being tipsy.
“The letters were from your father. Right?”
Nodding, he said, “Yeah. They were. She named me after him, much to my grandfather’s disliking.”
“Oh! So Granddad found out about them?”
He pointed to me and nodded. The flight attendant showed up again with his drink and my Dr. Pepper. She took our orders for food and finally left so we could return to the story.
“Okay, so your grandfather found out. And I take it that he didn’t like your dad?”
“Apparently not. Told her to stop seeing him or he’d cut her off from the family…and the family money.”
My eyes went wide. “Wow. He didn’t like Marines, did he?”
The handsome stranger laughed. “I guess not. Or maybe it was just this one in particular. My grandfather’s very wealthy. One of the wealthiest men in Texas. He was probably more worried that someone was trying to use his daughter for money, or take her to Montana and away from his beloved Texas.”
“Did you learn anything from the letters?”
“Yeah,” he said with a sad smile. “He wrote my mother all the time. He came from what sounded like a wealthy family himself, so I knew he wasn’t with her for the money. He talked about marrying her when he got out of the Marines and bringing her home to his family.”
I put my hand over my heart. “That’s so romantic.”
He looked at me and smiled. Then he said, “Cattle ranchers.”
“I’m sorry?”
“His family, they were cattle ranchers.”
That caused me to perk up. Montana had many cattle ranchers, but only a handful could genuinely count themselves as wealthy. “Did you find out in the letters how they met?”
“From what I can guess, my mother met him while living near a Marine Corps base and attending school. They fell in love, and he vowed to marry her when he got out. The last letter she wrote to him was the one telling him that she was pregnant with me. She mentioned she was so excited because he was getting out of the Marines soon, and he promised he would come get her, marry her, and take her to Montana. It didn’t seem like she was worried at all about telling him she was pregnant.”
“How do you know what her letter said to him?” I asked.
I thought his eyes couldn’t hold any more sadness, but I was wrong. “It was returned unopened. There was a note with her returned letter, telling her that my father had been killed in the line of duty.”
My hand flew to my mouth as I attempted to keep my emotions at bay. “How sad. Your mother was all alone, without the man she loved, and now she had to tell her family she was pregnant. Were your grandparents upset with her?”
He shook his head. “No, my grandparents told her everything would be okay. She took a job at my grandfather’s oil company and worked there right up until she was diagnosed with cancer.”
I took his hand in mine. “Oh…I’m so sorry.”
He simply gave me a half smile.
“I just realized we haven’t introduced ourselves.”
He burst into a nervous bubble of laughter. “Christ, I cannot believe I just told a stranger all of that.” He rubbed a hand down his face. “I guess I’m drunk.”
“No. Maybe if you have another drink, you will be.”
He turned and met my gaze, and for a crazy half-second, I wanted to kiss him. Those blue eyes of his seemed so damn lost.
Swallowing hard, he softly said, “I haven’t told anyone since I found the box of letters six months ago.”
“Six months! You’ve kept this to yourself for that long? Why?”
“My grandfather wasn’t very happy with me when he found out I was going to Montana to search out my deceased father’s family. It’s been an argument between us for a while now. He doesn’t understand why I want to meet them. Even I don’t actually know why I’m going to Montana, if I’m being honest. A part of me thinks my mother wanted me to.”
“You’re curious, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Do they know you’re coming?”
A look of embarrassment crossed his face. “No. No. I haven’t really figured that part out. I mean, how do you walk up to someone’s door and say, ‘Hi there, I’m your dead son’s kid he never knew about’?” He looked back at me and shook his head. “I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. I’m so sorry. The last thing you probably wanted is to hear my sob story.”
“Are you kidding? I’m enthralled and feel like I’m totally invested now.”
He laughed, and I realized I liked the sound of it. Reaching out my hand, I said, “I’m Avery Littlewood.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Avery. I’m Beck Dahlstrom.”
My eyes went wide as I instantly focused on that intense blue gaze…
Blue eyes I’d seen my entire life growing up were staring back at me.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
Finally returning home after years in Paris, ex-model Avery Littlewood never imagined a rerouted flight plan would land her on destiny’s runway. She’s seated next to a gorgeous stranger…and as he shares his story, it’s not long before she discovers why his arresting blue eyes look so familiar. There are several reasons why Beck should be off limits—he lives in Texas; he needs a friend, not a relationship; he’s practically family—but none of that overshadows Avery’s instant attraction for the man the moment she stepped foot on that plane.
Months after his mother’s death, old love letters have given Beck Dahlstrom the courage to seek out the Shaws, the family of the long-deceased father he never knew. He can’t believe his luck when the most gorgeous creature he’s ever seen sits beside him on the plane. When he discovers she’s not only heading to the same small Montana town, but she’s close to his father’s family, it’s more like fate. There are several reasons why Avery should be off limits—she’s considerably younger; they’re from different worlds; her father might kill him just for looking at her—but every glimpse into her stunning turquoise eyes just makes him fall deeper.
Montana, the Shaw family, Avery…all of them soon have Beck enchanted enough to consider big changes. But his life in Dallas also has considerable pull, including a person…or two…unwilling to give up Beck so easily.
Book Links: Amazon |
Meet the Author:
Kelly Elliott is aNew York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author. Since publishing her first book, Wanted, in 2012, Kelly continues to spread her wings while remaining true to her roots and giving readers stories rich with hot protective men, strong women, and beautiful surroundings.
Her bestselling works include, Wanted, Broken,Lost Love, Never Enough, and The Butterfly Effect, to name just a few. Kelly’s amazing readers have dubbed her “The Queen of Small Town”, since a large majority of Kelly’s books are based in small towns with swoony cowboys and strong heroines.
Kelly lives in central Texas with her husband, Darrin and their two crazy pups, Gunner and Ellie, along with four cats, and a plethora of wildlife. When she’s not writing, Kelly enjoys reading, watching the birds at her bird feeders, and spending time with her family. She is down to earth and very in touch with her readers, both on social media and at signings.
To find out more about Kelly and her books, visit her website at
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Nancy Jones
Zip lining.
Diana Hardt
River kayaking
Mary Preston
Learning to drive. They drive like maniacs around here.
I usually play it fairly safe.
I usually play it safe.
I have and it worked out.
Horseback riding down Bryce Canyon. Had never been on a horse and am afraid of heights.
Yes, when a boy flirted with me all through high school but never asked me out, I took matters into my own hands and asked him out although he turned me down ⬇ by yelling and screaming at me I had the satisfaction he had feelings for me to and was so arrogant and cocky and only cared about his popularity and what his so-called friends thought
Daniel M
Mary C
Yes, when I accepted admittance to a university that I had never visited before. Best decision I ever made.
I moved across the country for a new job. It was a great experience.
Amy R
Patricia B.
Several times. The first was joining the Peace Corps and leaving home just weeks after graduating from college. I had never lived away from home and flew to the other side if the world for 3 years.
Yes i have many times with the encouragement of my husband
Ellen C.
A few times.