Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Negeen Papehn to HJ!

Hi Negeen and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Guarding Her Heart!
Hey there! Thanks for having me on today.
Please summarize the book a la Twitter style for the readers here:
Niloo Zameeni is an ambitious Iranian woman trying desperately to make a name for herself when she takes an internship on Ternura’s glam squad. But her sister Darya’s paranoia has her strapped to Ternura’s head-of-security, Travis Collins, an ex-military man that’s all about the rules. His unyielding requirements are a total buzzkill and the two can’t find common ground. That is, until what they hate about eachother, seems to be drawing them together.
Please share the opening lines of this book:
“I’m so nervous.”
I glance through the open flap of the tent and catch a glimpse of Emmanuel riffling through the stack of papers before him. He scrubs his face, and my nerves make a mess of my insides. The longer he takes, the more erratically I bounce on my toes. As the manager of the Latin Rock band Ternura, the final vote on whether I get this position goes to him. Normally, the concert itself is reason enough to be here, but today, the job is the bigger draw.
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- The lyrics found in this book are from an original ballot I wrote when I was in highschool, that won a national award.
- I was raised with two brothers but I always wanted a sister, which is why I’m a sucker for sister stories. I create their relationships in the way I imagine it would be.
- Although the characters are not molded after one particular person, they are all made up of bits of people I know
- I LOVE tatted up men which is why both my heros in this duology have tattoos 🙂
What first attracts your main characters to each other?
On the surface, Travis and Niloo are polar opposites. Where he likes order and rules, she’s her own brand of choas, one he can’t deal with. But slowly, as their interactions transform into solid ground, they start to realize they aren’t as different as they thought. They’re both fiercely loyal and protective to those they love, and they’re both grappling with the aftermath of losing loved ones, while dealing with the guilt that comes with it. It’s when these commonalities start to make an appearance, that sparks begin to fly.
Using just 5 words, how would you describe your main characters”love affair?
A steamy, sexy, emotional, deep slow burn.
The First Kiss…
builds with anticipation and burns with pent up frustrations as Niloo and Travis finally give in to their desires. They’ve both been internally fighting the urge to cross the line, but in this moment, they have zero restraint, succombing to their need to feel each other’s lips.
Without revealing too much, what is your favorite scene in the book?
Music is washing over the hot desert night through two enormous speakers on either side of the stage. The band playing is not one I’m familiar with, their music part county, part indie. But it doesn’t even matter, my attention fully set on Niloo. She’s spinning around with her hands above her head, flowy and airy like a tree in the breeze. Her eyes are shut tight, and she’s grinning, the green fabric pretending to be a dress swishing across her ankles. It catches the glow of the spotlights, amplifying how see-through it is. I can see the swell of her breasts, the dip at her waist, the rise and fall of her hips without interruption. I feel my body stiffen in response. She’s a bonafide nymph goddess and I can’t wait to get her out of those clothes.
As if she can read my thoughts, her gaze finds mine. She stretches her fingers out in my direction, motioning me over as she twirls her goods for me to see from my seat in the sand a few feet away from her. The crowd is dying down, the night getting late, and I’ve long since forgotten I’m her bodyguard. Now, I’m nothing more than the man thanking his luck for finding her.
If your book was optioned for a movie, what scene would be absolutely crucial to include?
The first time Travis lets his guard down a little and shows Niloo a human side she wasn’t expecting, putting his foot in his mouth in the process…
“I don’t sleep much, either,” I reveal. She nods, not prying any further like most people trying to find a connection in their sea of pain. “I’m also hungry,” I lie, trying to lighten the heavy air pressing down on us in this confined space. “Want to join me at the diner downstairs for some greasy fries and milkshakes?”
The invitation comes out of my mouth before I have a chance to think it through. I wasn’t planning on eating again, but leaving her by herself feels like the wrong thing to do. Not because I’m supposed to watch her but because I don’t want her to be alone.
I know better than to blur the lines between us. I can barely get her to listen to me now; it can only get worse if I start acting like we have more than a professional relationship. One night of veering away from her usual ways isn’t cause to throw it all out the window.
“That’s a weird combination.”
“Are you serious?” I grin. “You’ve never tried French fries and milkshakes? It’s like a staple in this country.”
“Oh is it now?” She laughs. It’s loud and free and excites me. “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m a Persian girl. I’m not from this country.”
“Oh…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Oh, relax.” She laughs. “Technically, I actually am American. I was born here. But my mom wasn’t. So there was a lot of Persian food growing up. French fries in milkshakes was definitely not a thing.”
“Hmmm…well if you’re game, I’d love to be your first.” I choke on my words as her eyes widen and I realize how it sounded.
“My first, huh?” She raises her brow. Before I have a chance to apologize for putting my foot in my mouth, she says, “I think I’ll take you up on that.”
Readers should read this book …
because it’s not only a cute love story with a brooding alpha male that wins your heart, but it also shows glimpses into the Iranian culture and what it means to carry the weight of familial obligations, while still trying to find a path to your own happiness.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?
As a first generation Iranian woman myself, my family life closely resembles Niloo’s. I’m quite privy to the close-knit, chaotic, expectations, and I’m a sucker for writing stories that convey those relationships. My current project follows two more sisters in a woman’s fiction about estranged relationships and showing up despite them. There’s romance in there as well, because I don’t know how not to write love stories, but the focus will be on the sisters and their struggle to mend what’s broken.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: I will be gifting one e-book of either Guarding her Heart, or the first book in series, Set to Music, reader’s choice, to one lucky reader!
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Have you ever had any experience with the Iranian culture, and did you find it interesting to learn details of Niloo’s life and upbrining through Guarding her Heart?
Excerpt from Guarding Her Heart:
I catch her with seconds to spare as she almost careens onto the hard cement. I manage to cup her head, in case we both go tumbling to the ground. Her eyes are shut tight and her brows furrowed, waiting on the impact. When it doesn’t come, she slowly opens her lids to find me glaring down at her.
Her deep hazel eyes are wide with disbelief, the green rim in her irises bright against the sunlight. It takes her a minute to get her bearings as my irritation deepens.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“What?” She’s staring at me, her confusion transforming into exasperation at my tone.
I set her upright, realizing I’ve been holding her in a dip like we’re in some tango. “You could have been killed.”
“Dramatic much?” she scoffs, pulling away from me. “I’m fine. I just lost my balance.”
“Do you see all these people?”
“Well, you can’t let your guard down around here. They’re capable of trampling you at any given moment when the band is around.”
The guys are now being ushered toward the table surrounded by a wall made of my men. Mateo looks at Niloo and mouths, “Sorry,” shrugging at me when I throw him a dirty look. James doesn’t let him stop, though, pushing him forward, trying to get him to the destination.
It would be a privilege to have any of these men in a squad if I were still a Marine. I’ve long traded in active gear in war-riddled countries for a pair of combat boots and the entertainment industry. Nonetheless, the strict and stringent rules from my service are permanently ingrained into my personality, and each of my men reflect it in their duties with the utmost precision. Pride wells up in my chest as I watch them glaring at anyone trying to cut through the imaginary borders they’ve created, to get a closer glimpse of the band.
The fans have stepped back into line, realizing we aren’t messing around. But the paparazzi are slower to give up, per usual. They continue to try and snap pictures over shoulders and getting in the way, despite the numerous warnings I can see them getting.
Niloo turns to see what I’m staring at and a ridiculous grin stretches across her lips, annoying me further. It’s obvious she isn’t taking the situation seriously.
When she realizes I’m watching her, she says,” What?”
“Why are you smiling? You almost got run over by a crowd of people. You could have been really hurt.”
“I’m fine.” She waves me off.
“This time,” I insist. “If you’re going to be on tour with us, you’re going to have to learn the rules.”
“Rules?” She raises a brow. “And how do you know I’m going on tour with the band.”
“Yes, the rules,” I repeat. “There are plenty of them and I expect you make sure to follow them.” She shifts on her feet, pulling her shoulders tight in quiet defiance. “And as for how I know? I know everything around here, so get used to it.”
She wrinkles her nose. “Has anyone told you that you’re a serious buzz kill?”
“This isn’t a joke.”
“I didn’t say it was,” she replies. “But you’re acting like I was almost murdered. Relax, I just got shoved around a bit.”
“Look,” I huff, trying again. This time, I attempt to remove the irritation from my tone. It’s becoming clear that she doesn’t do well with authority. “It’s my job to make sure everyone in the band and crew are kept safe. Including you, if you decide to join us. All I’m saying is that you need to keep your wits about you when we’re at events. This shit happens a lot. And I don’t need any casualties.”
“I hear you, but I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
“Obviously,” I answer, this time rolling my eyes.
Right then, Mike makes his way over. “You good koochooloo?” When he notices her glaring at me, he looks back and forth between us, speechless.
“She’s fine,” I answer for her. “Didn’t you know? She’s invincible.”
Her mouth drops open but I turn and leave her with Mike before she has a chance to respond. I have a job to do and I don’t have the time to deal with her nonsense. I like order. I like rules. And I’m convinced that this girl is going to be a thorn in my side this entire tour. Her brand of free-spiritedness only brings chaos, and I want nothing to do with chaos.
Excerpts. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
Going on tour with mega-hot rock band Ternura is the opportunity Niloo Zameeni needs to kick-start her career as a high-end stylist. It also means defying the expectations she’s always struggled to live up to as the youngest daughter of a Persian family.
Niloo will do almost anything to make her glam-as-hell dream a reality, even going toe-to-toe with six-feet-plus, tattooed, former Marine Travis Collins, the band’s stoic, unmovable head of security.
My babysitter.
There’s nothing the rebellious Niloo loves more than getting under his skin. Teasing him. Watching his professional control slip, only to reveal raw hunger that takes her breath away.
Now she’s the one temptation he can’t resist—and she doesn’t want to be resisted. But Travis has rules for a reason, and distractions just might cost them everything they’ve ever wanted…
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Goodreads |
Meet the Author:
Negeen Papehn was born and raised in southern California, where she currently lives with her husband and two boys. She wasn’t always a writer. A graduate of USC dental school, Negeen spends half of her week with patients and the other half in front of her laptop. In the little time she finds in between, she loves to hang out with her boys, go wine tasting with her friends, throw parties, and relax with her family. She writes own voices contemporary romances where she loves to show her readers a glimpse into her Iranian heritage. Her books have been nominated for the CRW Stiletto and the InDTale Rone awards.
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Hadn’t read the book nor had I read a lot of Iranian women’s lifestyles before, so I’m appreciative in reading diversity in romance books.
Lori R
I have not read any books about Iranian women’s lifestyles before.
I have not had any experiences with Iranian culture. But I find all cultures interesting.
Amy R
Have you ever had any experience with the Iranian culture? No
Did you find it interesting to learn details of Niloo’s life and upbrining through Guarding her Heart? I have not read the book
Texas Book Lover
I have not read any books about Iranian women’s lifestyles and I have not yet read this book. It sounds interesting though!
didn’t read the book
No experience.
Teresa Williams
No I haven’t.
Patricia B.
I have met and visited with some from the Middle East and some of them were Iranians. We had Iranian students when I was a student and we all belonged to the International Relations Club. They shared their country’s dishes with us and talked a bit about their country. Today, we have several Iranian families that belong to our church.
No experience
Terrill R.
I’ve never had experience with Iranian culture.