Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Brian Feehan to HJ!

Hi Brian and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Harmony of Lies!
Please summarize the book for the readers here:
Harmony of lies is a woven journey between love and hard choices. It’s about a brand-new relationship, discovery, and romance in a twisting tale of friends, deceit, magic, and music. I wanted to take the reader on a ride into these characters’ lives.
Alice must choose who she is now that she has survived the first story in Harmony of Fire. How will she reconnect to her family while trying to hold on to Owen at the same time? Owen is a musician pulled by an internal storm and must balance the forces of obligation and discovery. He and his band must survive a gauntlet wrapped in the spirit of San Francisco, all while trying to hold on to the woman he loves.
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
Fun fact: I have an aunt who has lived in San Francisco for her entire adult life. It’s through her lens, and her love of the city, coupled with my own experiences of what a wonderful, fascinating, and weird place it is, that I chose the base Harmony of Lies in the Golden City. I did everything I could, within the context of Alice and Owen, to weave that same spirit and awe into the story. Owen’s crew and bandmates are thrust into the unknown as they face dangers and lies in a twisting-turning adventure of music and romance.
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
First attraction between Alice and Owen… well, they are both ridiculously hot! I’m laughing. First off, Owen is a musician filled with loyalty and responsibility, yet he has a passion for something untamed that threatens to consume him. Alice is a warrior who will not break no matter how tall the mountain is she must climb. She will not be stopped; she will endure and do what she must. In doing so, she carries the feeling of being broken inside, torn by her world and her choices. She and Owen have this in common. They both carry the burden of a damaged soul, even though they spend their days doing the right thing. It did not take long for them to find a reflection of strength, truth, pain, and shelter. That kindship and chemistry is a demanding connection. A continual pull between them, like magnets or gravity, feeding them to come together. Did I mention they are super-hot?
That was their start. Since then, the heat and connection have grown so great it feels as if they cannot breathe without the other. However, reality has a more complicated path in store. Alice’s family needs her to stay with them as they recover from the past. Owen cannot stay; his family obligation and his internal need to move will not allow him to. There is a clock ticking, and they both can feel it. What do they do? How will they survive the dangers ahead? How can they hold on? Or will they break apart?
Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?
Yes, yes, and yes. These characters are rich in personality, humor, and honest emotions. Owen came with a motley crew of bandmates and friends, each ripe with their own stories and personalities. There is teasing, friendship, and loyalty, along with chemistry and desire.
Readers should read this book….
I wrote Harmony of Lies for you and yours, my family, friends, and myself. I think anyone reading this book has a small little part of themself that is exactly like a small little part of me. We have the same little nugget inside our chest and our mind that craves a great, rich, wonderful story. Something real and grounded and yet reaches into and back from the fantastical. A story that is different and stimulating and yet should feel familiar. That is what I aimed for when I wrote Harmony of Lies. That is what I hope I have, and that is why you should give it a shot. If you do, please let me know what you think.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?
I am currently working on the third novel in the Alice and Owen Series. The release date has not been announced, but I cannot wait to share this story. If you want updates, please join my mailing list at or on Facebook: @brianfeehanauthor
or Instagram: brianfeehan_author.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: 1 Finished copy of HARMONY OF LIES (u.s. only, 18+)
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Before I start a new conversation, I just want to say thank you to Harlequin Junkie and all the readers out there for this time and this opportunity.
Okay, here we go…
What do you gain from reading stories like Harmony of Lies? To whom do you recommend your favorite novels?
Excerpt from Harmony of Lies:
*Alice’s Father Liam
Seventeen years stolen. She’s a twenty-six-year-old woman now. With a lifetime of history I don’t know. I wasn’t there for her.
“Hey, my daughter. I thought we could have a chat. Why don’t you grab a sweater or something and come on out.”
“Is everything okay?” Alice asked with a voice that said she wouldn’t need him to handle a problem if there was one.
“Everything is fine. I just wanted to talk with you.” Another lie, and they both knew it. If that was true, he would have knocked on her door, not the window that was supposed to be closed and locked at night.
Liam stepped away, giving Alice room to come out. She moved like pouring water, sliding so gracefully and controlled, it was difficult to see the child she had been.
This time he did fight a tear from falling.
“Come on, let’s just take a walk.” His voice was staccato, as if he couldn’t find a rhythm. He hadn’t missed the evidence of sweat around her hairline. Proof enough of her working out in the night.
“What is that in your hand?” Alice asked.
“It’s your fishing box. I’ll explain,” he said as he handed over the water bottle. “I thought you could use a drink.”
Liam wanted to be gentle, wanted more than anything for Alice to know she was loved and that this home was her home, now and forever. But a look passed between him and his daughter as he handed over the water bottle.
I know, he said with his eyes.
“Thank you,” Alice said, accepting the water bottle.
Slowly she unscrewed the cap and took a deep drink as they walked in the soft starlight. Each step took them farther away from the house and closer to the fence line.
“Dad?” Alice asked. If there was a plea in her voice, one had to search deep to hear it.
The woman before him never seemed to be afraid.
“I was supposed to have more time with you. Years and years, Alice. It was supposed to be me and you and your mom. We were doing really well before ‘It’ happened. Before the explosion at the church.”
Liam took his time, searching the shadows for his next words as he searched his heart and the past.
“As a father, as a dad, you want your little girl to be safe and healthy and good. And after that, all I wanted was to be a better man so I could do everything you needed me to do.”
A small tree branch in the grass broke and poked up into his foot, and Liam simply closed his eyes and continued forward. “God help me, I was supposed to have more time with you.” He pushed on. “More time for trust and love and faith. More time to teach you that above all, you can trust me. You can believe in me to have your back no matter what happens.” Liam couldn’t keep his voice from breaking.
“Dad, it’s okay. It wasn’t your fault or anyone else’s. I can tell you that for sure,” Alice said.
“No, look.” He held up the tiny pink tackle box made for a little girl long ago.
In the soft starlight, he watched her face shift into confusion. “I am sorry, I don’t remember that.”
“I never gave it to you.” Liam let out his breath, knowing he had to do the impossible. His home had too many lies.
His hand rested on her shoulder as they came to a stop. He squeezed once and looked into his daughter’s eyes. In a soft whisper of love, he spoke.
“I was supposed to have more time to tell you I’m your dad. Over and over. Again and again, I was to tell you we are family, you and I. And then I was to give you this. This little pink tackle box. And then I was going to take you fishing, away from your mom. Just you and I.” He let out his breath and pulled in the cold night air. “But it didn’t happen, and now you’re a grown woman, and we don’t have the time.” He let his hand fall away.
Taking a step forward along the path they were traveling, Liam was thankful when Alice followed.
“Dad,” she said behind him, “I will go fishing with you. I can’t say you will want me to after I tell you and Mom the whole story. But we can go fishing. It’s not a big deal. I already know a little about it. We are fine.”
“I don’t fish, Alice. Never have and have never wanted to. But thank you for the offer.” Liam knew his voice was cold, but he couldn’t help the loss inside his chest from frosting his words as he searched for an impossible key to relate what he wanted to relate.Excerpted from Harmony of Lies by Brian Feehan Copyright © 2023 by Brian Feehan. Excerpted by permission of Berkley. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
Danger threatens to shatter the hope for a new beginning in a world of angels and demons in this explosive paranormal romance by author Brian Feehan, son of legendary #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan.
After being forced away for seventeen years, Alice is finally home. But home isn’t what she thought it would be, and every day the secrets she holds from her parents grow with weight. But how do you tell your mother and father that you’re not normal? That the world is a far more dangerous place than they have ever known and you are anything but the small, innocent child who was torn from their arms all those years ago?
Owen can’t say goodbye, and Alice can’t hold on to him tightly enough as the pressures of danger and obligation grow stronger and stronger. With a broken heart, Owen is headed to San Francisco with his crew of musicians. But the Golden City is filled with history and secrets, and brutal deaths are just lying in wait for Owen and his people. To survive these trials and this city, Owen will need everything he has—even the broken parts he gave to Alice—to have any hope of doing the impossible one more time.
Book Links: Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | kobo | Google |
Meet the Author:
Brian Feehan lives in his mind, creating vibrant characters who talk very loud and far too often. When real life comes knocking, it is likely to be the love of his life, Michelle, or their son, Dylan. The three of them live on the northern coast of California, which is far different from any other part of California.
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Gained an understanding in how different authors create worlds that have solid similar tropes but make them uniquely their own. I would recommend to those readers my fave series if they enjoy certain genres with romance added to it.
Debra Guyette
I like to travel and be entertained in the pages of books. I currently have no one who reads what I do
Texas Book Lover
If I find a real connection to a book, I find a life long love with the author and usually end up reading everything they write from then on out because I get so much joy from it. Sadly I don’t know anyone who reads what I do to share it with.
Escape from the real world. No one.
Latifa Morrisette
Escapism. I recommend my favorites to my mom and friends.
Laurie Gommermann
A different perspective on life and relationships and friendships and survival and magic! This story sounds so awe inspiring!
The battle between good vs evil! Working together against the odds! Falling in love when trouble is all around you! How your past influences your future and the choices you make.
Sounds intriguing!
I recommend books to my daughter, my sister, my 2 SIL’s and my friends. I also write reviews.
Latesha B.
I gain an understanding of other people’s lives and how they get through situations that may be unlike anything I have encountered. I recommend stories to family and friends.
Lori Byrd
Takes me away from the real world.
Harmony of Lies sounds fascinating. Paranormal romance is my favorite genre, because it provides an exciting escape from reality. The characters and world building are amazing.
Shannon Capelle
This sounds like my kind of book!! I recommend all my books to my daughter amd my mom they love books as much as me and we share and discuss its so fun! Plus my 3 best friends read as much as me!
Diana Hardt
Relaxing and briefly escaping from the real world. I recommend books to family members and friends.
Linda F Herold
I just love to escape the real world! I don’t really recommend books.
Tina R
I loved Harmony of Fire and can’t wait to read more of Alice & Owen in this book!
I love reading to escape the everyday normal. I tell my sister and friends.
Patricia B.
What do I gain? I get the opportunity to take a break from my life and enter a different world for a period of time. There I meet new people and live their adventures.
I recommend books I enjoy to friends and family and to people I meet who I discover are readers. I miss working at a library and being able to recommend not only books I enjoyed, but books I know they will enjoy.