Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Rebecca Zanetti to HJ!

Hi Rebecca and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Montana Mavericks!
Hi everybody! I hope you’re all hanging in there in 2021!
Please summarize the book a la Twitter style for the readers here:
Hot cowboys, intriguing heroines, and meddling townspeople all gather in the wilds of Montana.
Please share the opening lines of this book:
The silence bordered on bizarre.
Shouldn’t there be crickets chirping? Birds squawking? Even the howl of a hungry wolf in the muted forest? Of course, such sounds would send a city girl like Sophie Smith barreling back through the trees to her rented Jeep Cherokee. The quiet peace had relaxed her into wandering far into the forested depths, but now the trees huddled closer together, looming in warning.
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- The instant attraction between the characters surprised me.
- The ability to ride a horse really does come back if you want to ride and get the story straight.
- The meddling townspeople take over for a little bit.
- There’s humor in the most surprising of circumstances.
- The family scenarios are very sweet, I think.
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
They’re enemies to lovers, and they both immediately see how smart the other person is, and it inspires them.
Using just 5 words, how would you describe Hero and Heroine’s love affair?
Wild, unexpected, passionate, sweet, intriguing.
The First Kiss…
This is from the first book:
One hand cupped her head, holding her where he wanted her. Her eyes closed, and he took the kiss deeper, his cells exploding as heat shot through his blood. His gentle hold kept her firmly in place as he controlled them both.
Without revealing too much, what is your favorite scene in the book?
In Under the Covers, there’s a funny scene after the first love scene:
Then things happened too fast and too slow all at once.
Juliet screamed.
Quinn leaped from the bed and toward danger.
Juliet scrambled under the covers.
“What the heck,” Quinn bellowed, jumping back for the bed and shoving under the covers with her.
Juliet clutched the bedspread to her chest, her gaze on the doorway. Quinn’s college-aged sister stood with a bat clutched in her hands, her blue eyes wide, and her face extremely pale.
The woman’s mouth opened and closed several times. She threw the bat to the floor and ground her fists into her eyes. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. I could’ve lived my whole life without seeing…that!”
If your book was optioned for a movie, what scene would be absolutely crucial to include?
The beginning of the series:
Her only warning was the crack of a stick under a powerful hoof, a thumping, and a shouted, “Look out!” A broad arm lifted her through the air. The arm banded solidly around her waist, and her rear slammed onto the back of a rushing horse. She yelped, straddling the animal and digging her hands into its mane. The image of the man attached to the arm flashed through her brain, while his rock-hard body warmed her from behind.
A cowboy.
Not a wannabe cowboy from a bar in the city. A real cowboy.
The image of thick black hair, hard-cut jaw, and Stetson hat burst through her shocked mind as muscled thighs gripped both the back of a massive stallion and her hips. The beast ran full bore over rough ground.
Only the sinewed forearm around her waist kept her from flying through the air.
This wasn’t happening. Sophie shut her mouth on a scream as the powerful animal gracefully leaped over a fallen log and her captor pulled her into his solid body. He moved as one with the animal. Her hands fisted the silky mane like it was a lifeline to reality.
Readers should read this book …
To escape reality for a little while and have some romantic fun. Jump right in!
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?
I’m working on a new thriller series right now, and I’m excited to try something new. I’m also still working on the Deep Ops series, which is a romantic series featuring a rag-tag agency whose mascot is a beer drinking, high heel wearing, dog.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: A print copy of Montana Mavericks given away by Entangled Publishing.
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Have you ever ridden a horse? Was it fun? If not, would you like to try riding a horse?
Excerpt from Montana Mavericks:
This is from the third story, Rising Assets:
“Whoa there,” Melanie murmured, sliding through snow. “Calm down, baby.” Barbed wire cut into the cow’s neck as it fought, its eyes a wide, wild brown. “She must’ve fallen through the fence up the hill.”
Colton wiped rain off his forehead, peering closer. “She brought part of the barbed wire with her.” He squinted, focusing up the hill. “Mud slide with a side of ice.”
Melanie turned to shine the flashlight up the hill just as the cow broke away from the bank. With a bellow, the animal leaped toward them. Melanie caught her breath on a stifled scream.
Strong arms wrapped around her, throwing them both to the side. They impacted icy slush and mud, sliding several feet. Colton rolled them over, holding her tight, taking the brunt of the damage, the side of his face smacking against the ground.Snow and dirt whipped around them.
Melanie coughed out air and lifted her head, her body flush on top of Colton’s.
“You okay?” he asked, brushing pine needles from her hair.
She blinked, her heart racing, her breath caught. Everything had happened so quickly. The body beneath her felt harder than the frozen ground. His scent of musk and male overcame the smell of pine and storm, and warmth spread through her chilled skin. “Yes.”
“Good.” Blood flowed from a cut above Colt’s right eyebrow. He rolled them over and stood up. “Stay here.” Taking the wire cutters from her stiff hand, he stood and stalked over to the cow, now fighting with a pine tree that had caught an edge of the barbed wire.
Melanie scrambled to her feet, her boots sliding on the mud.
Without wasting a moment, Colt dodged in and tackled the cow, one knee to its neck, the other on its flanks, careful to avoid its belly. Sure movements had the barbed wire snipped in several places and removed. “Stand back, Mel,” he called over the storm.
She retreated against the side of the house.
Colton jumped back, and the cow struggled to its feet and snorted. For the briefest of moments, they looked at each other. Then the cow turned and ran toward the nearest pasture. “We’ll probably have to hunt her down after the storm,” Colton yelled, turning around.
Melanie nodded again, her body rioting. She could only gape as she focused the flashlight beam on her best friend.
He stood in the rain, blood and mud mixing with water across his chiseled face. Wet cotton clung to his hard frame, and passion all but cascaded off him.
He turned her way and…grinned.
Her heart clutched. In that very second, two things became frighteningly clear. One: she didn’t know her best friend as well as she thought, because his smile masked the nature of a truly dangerous man. And two: she was completely and forever in love with him.
Excerpts. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
Enjoy three stories in one with the scorching Maverick Montana series from New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti!
Against the Wall: The last thing city girl Sophie Smith expects when arriving in Montana to oversee her latest project is to be yanked atop a stallion by a cowboy. And not just any cowboy—Jake Lodge, the lawyer opposing her company’s project. But Sophie has banked everything on its success. She can’t fail, no matter how tempting Jake may be.
Under the Covers: Juliet Montgomery fled to Montana to escape her not-so-law-abiding family, but when someone back home finds her in the small town near the Kooskia reserve, sexy sheriff Quinn Lodge must push aside his own demons—and try to contain his explosive attraction to Juliet—to keep her safe.
Rising Assets: Melanie Jacobs’s chances for having a family are shrinking with every passing day. Her only comfort is her best friend, sexy cowboy Colton Freeze, but when a heated argument between them turns into an even hotter kiss, the boundaries of their friendship are blurred. But will their new friends-with-sexy-benefits arrangement destroy everything they once shared?
Please note: Each book in the Montana Maverick series has been previously published.
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Goodreads |
Meet the Author:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti has published more than fifty novels, which have been translated into several languages, with millions of copies sold world-wide. Her books have received Publisher’s Weekly starred reviews, won RT Reviewer Choice awards, and have been featured in Entertainment Weekly, Woman’s World and Women’s Day Magazines. Her novels have also been included in Amazon best books of the year, and have been favorably reviewed in both the Washington Post and the New York Times Book Reviews. Rebecca has ridden in a locked Chevy trunk, has asked the unfortunate delivery guy to release her from a set of handcuffs, and has discovered the best silver mine shafts in which to bury a body…all in the name of research. Honest. Find Rebecca at:
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Never ridden before but would be nice to try it in the future.
Diana Hardt
I have been horseback riding twice but years ago. The first time was nice because we could ride on our own following a designated trail. The second time was down in Ensenada, Mexico on the beach but we had to follow a guide.
Mary Preston
I have sat on a horse a few times, but you really can’t call that riding. It could be fun.
Laura Lovejoy- Brunk
I LOVE horseback riding. I grew up in Texas were you learn to ride when you learn to walk.
For about 10 summers while I was growing up, we visited and stayed on Elkhart Lake in WI. There was a nice riding stable where you could rent horses to go on trail rides. I loved going out on the trails with my friends.
Lynne Brigman
Yes I love riding horses just don’t get to do it enough
Lori R
I have ridden a horse and enjoyed it.
Debra Guyette
I have ridden a horse and would love to again.
I have been on a horse once. It was fun. I would do it again if given the chance.
Lori Byrd
I have ridden horses since I was a little girl. I love it.
Barbara Bates
No and No.
Pamela Conway
No, I’ve never ridden a horse &!don’t think I want to either!!
Texas Book Lover
It’s been about 10 years but yes I loved riding every time I’ve done it!
I have ridden horses and enjoy it a lot.
I have never rode a horse. I think at this point in my life I would be scared to fall. Thank you
I took horse riding lessons when I was a kid. It included the putting on the saddle, and cleaning the hooves and brushing them afterwards. It was a lot of work for just an okay time, so haven’t done it again.
Pammie R.
I rode a horse when I was around 9 or 10. It was fun until the part where my cousin’s friend spooked the horse I was on by running her horse and I fell off. I would love to try again, but have not gotten the opportunity.
Glenda M
We had a horse for about 10 years, so yes I have ridden.
Colleen C.
for 2 summers at camp, I was able to ride a horse… loved it!
Joy Avery
Yes and it was extremely physically uncomfortable. They are so beautiful but not fun to ride.
Daniel M
never have and due to medical problems never will
Nina T
When I was a child. It was nice but I don’t think I’ll ride a horse again 🙂
Kathy P
Only got to a couple of times and loved it!
No I don’t think I ever rode a Horse but I rode an Elephant. Yes I’d like to try riding a Horse. It sounds like fun.
Wiuld love to read and review book in print format. Like the book cover and excerpt. Like books like this
Hope I Win
I grew up on a ranch so I have ridden a lot of horses.
Amy R
Have you ever ridden a horse? No
Diane Sallans
I have ridden a horse, had a few lessons and enjoyed a few trail rides.
Teresa Warner
I have along time ago!
Tina R
I’ve always wanted to ride a horse but never have.
Karina Angeles
Once when I was a child. They saddled the horse for me at the ranch we we on. When the horse put his head down to graze, the entire saddle shifted forward (it wasn’t fastened on tight enough). I almost flew over the horse’s head. It scared me senseless. The man holding the reins grabbed my leg. I never gotten on another horse after that, but I would like to try again.
I have never ridden a horse, but I would love to try.
Ellen C.
I was on a horse once. Nothing bad happened, but I don’t feel the need or desire to learn to ride. My sister took lessons a few years ago and loved it.
No i never have but yes i will one day! I love horses!
When I was very little. I fell off of horse and he almost stept on me. Tg my uncle had fast reflexes. It could’ve ended up tragicaly but I still love horses.
Krysten M
A very long time ago and it was fun, I would definitely like to try it again!
Vicki Clevinger
Yes, I have ridden a horse. We used to have them. My sister loved it, It was never my favorite thing to do. I think because when I was little, I was on a horse with my Mom and the horse reared up and it really scared me. They always seemed so big to me
I want to try riding a horse someday.
Charlotte Litton
Yes, I’ve ridden and loved it.
Linda Herold
My daughter is the horse person. She took riding lessons!
Banana cake
I have ridden a horse a couple of times, I was thrown off one. I’m a city girl and horseback riding was never my thing.
Yes, I have ridden MANY horses. I trained horses and gave riding lessons. I don’t know how many I owned or rode but it was well over 100.
Teresa Williams
My sisters ,my brother and I had a Shetland pony .He would let us get on him and take off for the woods and throw us off or he would wait until we got on him and turn around his head and try to bite us.He was a pretty thing but we didn’t get much riding in until we learned he wanted and liked bubblegum.. We girls finally got him cause my brother wanted a motorcycle. This book sounds amazing .The cover is so pretty.