Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Deb Marlowe to HJ!

Hi Deb and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Revenge in the Rogue’s Hideaway!
Hello Harlequin Junkies! Thank you for welcoming me back!
Please summarize the book for the readers here:
Revenge in the Rogue’s Hideaway is the fourth book in the Kier and Levett Mystery Series. The series is set in Victorian London, and features thrilling mysteries along with a slow burn romance.
This story comes after some very big secrets have been revealed about our hero, Niall Kier. He’s holding his breath, waiting for the fall out, when a close friend calls for help–there’s been a murder in the most infamous music hall in London, and she’s been taken in.
Niall and his betrothed, Kara Levett set out to clear their friend’s name, but twists and turns abound . They sleuth their way through Society, the flashy music hall community, and into the financial heart of the Empire, but the most frightening twists are the ones that hit in their personal lives.
Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:
“I swear it, Niall Kier. If you leave, I will follow. I will take every train, ship, coach, goat cart or donkey back to find you. I will chase you down and when I find you, I will beat you senseless right before I drag you to the nearest altar, marry you and make you blissfully happy.”
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
The book is set the world of London’s music halls, right at the beginning of the heyday of such large, grand theaters and the new kinds of entertainment that were emerging. I had a lot of fun researching the sort of acts that were popular with this new sort of audience. Singing, dancing, comedy, mesmerists–much of it was energetic and some was more than a bit bawdy. The crowds were rowdy and not shy about sharing either their enthusiasm or their disdain!
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
Niall first notes Kara’s beauty, but it only takes moments for him to realize that her intelligence and grit are what is really fascinating about her.
Kara is struck by Niall’s handsome and powerful form, but it is his heart and his generosity that really capture her attention.
Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?
Things get rough at the end of the book and the danger is real. I actually did get teary writing some of the things that Kara and Niall had to get through.
Niall leaned his head back and tried to cough up a lung. At least, that’s what it felt like. At last, he stopped long enough to climb to his feet. By Odin’s eye, he was tired.
He heard his name.
“Niall? Niall?”
It was Kara. She sounded frantic. He tried to call, but it only started him coughing again.
And then she was there. She was still crying. Or crying again? It didn’t matter. She threw herself at him and he held on. She gripped him tight, like she’d never let him go. His legs gave out. Slowly, he slid down the wall, pulling her with him until he was on the ground and she was in his lap. He buried his face in her hair and ignored the rest of the world. Let it all burn, as long as he had her.
Readers should read this book….
if you love thrilling adventure, heartfelt romance, strong, independent women and men who are secure enough to appreciate them.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?
I am very excited to be currently finish edits on the next book in the Kier and Levett Mystery Series – Carnage from the Cursed Crown, coming in August!
Coming up in May I have a historical romance novella–Letters to a Wallflower, part of the Revenge of the Wallflowers series. I also have a paranormal historical coming out this fall. Watch for the sequel to Moonsight Magic!
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: An autographed copy of the first book in the series, A Killer in the Crystal Palace, along with some fun swag! (US only)
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: How are you with mysteries? Are you someone who can always guess who-done-it before the end? Or do you just sit back and enjoy the ride without trying to work it out?
Excerpt from Revenge in the Rogue’s Hideaway:
This is a section of the book that I love–a bit of domesticity in the midst of a murder enquiry and a glimpse of the true and deep feelings that exist between Kara and Niall.
Niall took all the anxiety and frustration that had accumulated over the afternoon and he turned it into fuel, using it to pound the metal on his anvil into submission. As always, it was a relief to see it work, to take his negative feelings and use muscle and fire and sheer will to transform them into beauty.
He bent low over the surface of the anvil, ignoring the twinge in his side. He knew better than to give in to such bruises and injuries. Wait too long and he’d turn stiff and sore. Nothing happening in his life right now lent itself to difficulty in moving, reacting or thinking. He needed to be ready.
The project he was working on was a customized standing screen. His garden loving client had requested a design of ferns, thick with fronds. He was absorbed in the delicate work of creating fiddleheads in the act of unfurling when he heard voices outside. Pausing, he thrust the piece back in the fire and gazed out into the gathering dark of the late afternoon.
“Go on, now. Back to the house with you all.”
It was Kara and she sounded annoyed. He hid a grin. The maids must have snuck out to spy on him again.
“Mr. Kier deserves his privacy,” she scolded, unseen. “I don’t want to have to speak with you all about this again.”
Niall moved his piece to a cooler area of the fire. If Kara was scolding the maids, she must be in a mood. He hoped her afternoon had not been as frustrating as his.
She came out of the shadows into the light of the forge and Niall blinked. “Aren’t you a sight?” he said admiringly. “That’s a new dress, isn’t it? Come here.”
She drew closer and suddenly her eyes widened in horror. “Niall!” She rushed over and touched his back with gentle hands. “What’s happened to you?”
“It’s nothing,” he soothed. “I’m fine. It was a fall. I’ll tell you everything, but first . . . Come and let me look at you.”
“Well, the dress is new,” she said, looking pleased. “And I am glad you like it, but it is hardly meant to tempt, and I am covered from neck to toe.”
“Covered tightly, at least on top. It makes a man want to uncover you.” He encircled her waist. “I swear, I can span your waist with my hands.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Your hands are very large.”
“My hands are very talented,” he countered as he pulled her in. “Let me show you.” He bent to kiss her and allowed said hands to roam a bit.
After a moment, she pulled back, her dark eyes twinkling. “My hands are talented as well. You are about to find out how skillfully I can apply liniment.” She made him turn so she could examine his bruises. “And you will need to learn that your talented hands are very capable of pulling on a shirt.” She tsked at him. “Working without one? You are really not being fair to the maids. How are they to resist peeking at you?”
He laughed. “They’ve learned to avoid the doorways and linger out in the dark. I scarcely even know when they are there.”
“Well, I really cannot blame them, but neither can I encourage them.”
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
You can find every kind of entertainment in the Rogue’s Hideaway—song, dance, comedy . . . and murder.
The exposure of Niall Kier’s secrets has largely been contained. None of it bothered Miss Kara Levett, in any case. She is fully ready to move forward with their personal plans, but Niall is hesitant, worried he might still face consequences or that she might be affected by scandal or threat.
Kara has been patient, but she’s growing frustrated—until they are both distracted when a murder in the Rogue’s Hideaway, the most infamous music hall in London, takes a personal turn. A friend pleads for intervention in the case and they find an unexpected ally—and perhaps more—in the club’s brazen owner.
Tensions grow with each twist and turn in the case as Kara and Niall pursue theories and suspects through glittering Society, the splashy theatre community and into the busy, financial world that keeps the Empire afloat. Intrigue—and competition—abound, but the matter takes a dark turn when they find deception is in the air . . . and closer than they could guess.
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | kobo |
Meet the Author:
USA Today Bestselling author Deb Marlowe grew up with her nose in a book. Luckily, she’d read enough romances to recognize the hero she met at a college Halloween party – even though he wore a tuxedo t-shirt instead of breeches and boots. They married, settled in North Carolina and raised two handsome, funny and genuinely intelligent boys.
A Golden Heart winner and Rita nominee, Deb writes Regency Romance and Victorian Mysteries..
A proud geek, history buff and story addict, she loves to talk with readers! Find her discussing books, movies, TV, recipes and her infamous Men in Boots on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Find out Behind the Book details and interesting historical tidbits at [email protected]
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | GoodReads |
Love mysteries. I often do not guess the right person, but I enjoy the unfolding of the tale the best.
I read mysteries and enjoy the ride. Though there are times when I try to guess, but those are rare times.
Nancy P
Prefer to follow the evidence.
I do sometimes try and guess but I really just enjoy the ride,
Nicky Ortiz
I’m a sucker who tries to figure it out as I read
Thanks for the chance!
depends on the way the story goes
Nancy Jones
I do both. I’m hardly ever right.
Glenda M
I can’t help trying to figure things out, but sometimes I try harder than others. I never let it interfere with my enjoyment of reading though.
I sit back and enjoy the ride without trying to figure out the ending. Most of the time I am surprised. I love that!
I love them, and like going along for the ride.
Rita Wray
Sometimes I have to follow the story for a while.
I love a good mystery and no I ‘m not one of those people who can who done it but like the thrill of trying to figure out the mystery.
Daniel M
just enjoy the ride
Amy R
How are you with mysteries? 50/50
Are you someone who can always guess who-done-it before the end? No, but some are easy to guess
Or do you just sit back and enjoy the ride without trying to work it out?
Mary C
I do both.
Texas Book Lover
I love mysteries and am pretty good at figuring them out.
Dianne Casey
I love mysteries. I just go along for the ride, but I usually have some idea of who the perpetrator is.
Kathy Nye
I love mysteries and yes I try to solve them while reading. I do like twists to keep me thinking.
I’m always guessing – wrong,
I’m a guess as I read, and am ususally wrong.
Deb Marlowe
For some reason I can’t reply to each comment, but I am loving all the different takes on it! I do have to keep quiet when I guess stuff, because my Valiant Husband is tired of me guessing the plot/villain all the time! 🙂
lori h
I sit back for the ride.
Diana Hardt
I do both.
I enjoy reading mysteries and try to guess who-done-it.
I love them but i am always trying to figure it out who did it till the end lol
Patricia Barraclough
Mystery and suspense were my first loves when I started reading. They are still my favorites. I can’t help but try to figure out what is happening and who is responsible. At the same time, I like to just enjoy the read. I like to figure it out, but appreciate an author who can keep me guessing and surprise me.
Terrill R
I enjoy mystery novels. While I don’t put a concerted effort into solving the mystery, it’s natural for me to make internal guesses throughout based on the story threads.