Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Jennifer Trethewey to HJ!

Hi Jennifer and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Saving the Scot: Highlanders of Balforss book 4!
Harlequin Junkie is one of my favorite blog sites.
Please summarize the book for the readers here:
Maybe I’ve seen too many Shakespeare plays, but I loved the idea of playing with changing identities. To avoid a forced marriage and pursue a life on the stage, Louisa Robertson changes places with her lady’s maid who is more than willing to marry a wealthy gentleman. Louisa’s plan, which in theory should make everyone happy, backfires on her when she discovers that the one thing Ian Sinclair must do to achieve his dream is the one thing she can never let happen.
Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:
“I love you for the same reason you love wearing trousers,” Ian said. “It feels wonderful.”
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
Of the four Highlanders of Balforss books, only one retained the original title; the first one, Tying the Scot. At the time my agent sold the series, “punny” titles were a thing. If you look at my contract, Betting the Scot was originally To Have and Have Scot, Forgetting the Scot was Forget Me Scot, and this last one, Saving the Scot, was Scot Off Guard (which I kinda loved).
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
While browsing in a bookstore, Ian catches a pretty young woman reading a naughty book. He must know her name. The stranger who catches Louisa reading Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders is highly impertinent, not to mention unforgettably handsome. They part not knowing each other’s names only to meet again later as Captain and passenger aboard the Gael Forss.
Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?
Ian Sinclair has occasional migraines, and since I’ve never had one, I relied on some help from readers to get the details right. This is the opening of the scene:
The pain throbbed with his pulse, hammering from the inside of his skull, right behind his eyes which were shut tight at the moment because the spiteful sun was trying to get inside his head and burn his brain. It was the kind of migraine he had frequently experienced after Quatre Bras, the kind that crippled him for days on end. Nothing would give him relief. No amount of alcohol or willow-frigging-bark tea would shake it. Only time. Time and suffering.
He hadn’t had one this vicious for years. He’d thought they’d gone away forever. Apparently, they simply stockpiled venom and waited until the most inopportune time to strike.
Readers should read this book….
…while curled up in your favorite reading chair, in your comfy sweater and a blanket over your lap, with a cup of hot tea and a stack of shortbread cookies. Email me. I have a good recipe.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?
The last novel in my first series just released, and now I’m working on the first novel in a second series of romances set in the Highlands during the Regency period.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: eBook version of SAVING THE SCOT for a US reader
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Louisa’s afraid of small spaces. I’m afraid of heights. Do you have a phobia?
Excerpt from Saving the Scot: Highlanders of Balforss book 4:
Ian repositioned himself, legs stretched out, boots crossed at the ankle, hands clasped over his chest and reclined…with his head in her lap. Her only reaction was a short, audible intake of breath. Ah. This was grand.
He closed his eyes and said in a low voice, “Miss MacQuarie?”
“Would ye mind rubbing my temples like ye did before?”
“Does your head hurt?” she asked with sincere concern.
“Nae. I just like it.”
She made a deep chuckle, the kind women made in the bedroom, and touched her magic fingers to his brow. “Do ye like it more than meat pies?”
“Oh, aye,” he sighed. “I like it more than whisky.”
Her laughter made his heart pump hard and strong, as if the sound infused him with the godlike power to do anything, be anything, say anything— “Did you mind people thinking we were married?” Jee-sus. What the hell did he just say?
“Nae. Did you?”
“Nae.” He waited for a half second to catch his breath. His mouth seemed to have a mind of its own. “Would ye mind so much if it was true?” Bloody buggering hell. What am I doing?
“Nae.” She swirled her cool fingers in circles.
Christ. Had he just asked her to marry him hypothetically? And was her “nae” a hypothetical “yes”? She slid those velvety tips over his forehead, down the bridge of his nose, and around his eyes, and his whole body sank three inches into the ground.
“Me, too,” he sighed. May God strike me mute before I say another daft thing.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
Louisa Robertson’s father is furious when he finds her acting on stage. Now, she’s being shipped off to America to marry some stranger her father thinks will bring out the “lady” in her. Luckily, Louisa’s maid agrees to switch places with her! Her maid will marry the American and get the wealthy lifestyle she’s always wanted, and Louisa can do whatever she damn well pleases––for the first time in her life.
Highlander Ian Sinclair needs an army commission, and the only way he can get one is to safely deliver the general’s Daughter-from-Hell to her intended in America. Easy, right? It would be if the lady’s companion Louisa didn’t wear breeches and do everything the exact opposite of what he orders. It’ll be a miracle if the sparks flying between Ian and Louisa don’t set the bloody ship afire before they arrive in America.
But just when Louisa thinks her plan is going to give her the acting career she wants and a Highlander to boot…Ian discovers her secret.
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | kobo | Google |
Meet the Author:
Jennifer Trethewey’s Highlanders of Balforss series features brawny Scots, sweeping romance, and non-stop adventure all laced with a liberal dose of humor. Her foundation for story-telling is grounded in her long career in theater as co-founder and former co-artistic director of Renaissance Theaterworks, one of the most successful and longest running women’s theater companies in America. As an actor-turned-writer, she has moved her performances from the stage to the page and invites you to enjoy the drama of the Scottish Highlands in Tying the Scot, Betting the Scot, Forgetting the Scot, and most recently, Saving the Scot.
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Of I have, I probably either have not acknowledged it or in denial it is there. Not to say that I do have some fears…
Debra Guyette
I do not have any phobias but I really do not like bugs in the house
Pamela Conway
I don’t like heights either! Also don’t like feeling closed in & small spaces, makes me feel claustrophobic!
Unfortunately I have more than one phobia. I am claustrophobic. I dislike small, dark places. I dislike using elevators. I hate having anything over my head. I am afraid of sharks/ocean. I refuse to swim in it even though I live 5 minutes away. I am afraid of caves,along with the fear of being buried under ground. I am afraid of the dark. I don’t like to be out after dark.
I hate spiders and I’m afraid of heights!!
Glenda M
Snakes terrify me.
Amy R
Colleen C.
Falling from up high
mice freak me out…
I don’t have any true phobias, but I do have situations where I’m uncomfortable.
Lilah Chavez
Omg yes! I have severe anxiety so I’m scared of everything lol
No really jk,
Heights …. But guess what?.. I want to go sky diving! Lol
Tammy Y
[email protected]
Oh I’m afraid of heights
I’m afraid of snakes.
I’m not a fan of heights.
Nicole (Nicky) Ortiz
I’m afraid of heights.
Thanks for the chance!
Patricia B.
Closed spaces and heights can both be a problem. I used to have a major problem with spiders, even small ones. However, 3 years in the Peace Corps where I woke up to spiders the size of tarantulas at face level on the wall outside (thankfully) the mosquito netting and around the room. They were too big to smash, so I called a truce and learned to live with them. It continues today. If one gets on me, however, all bets are off.
not really
Christina J
Cyndi Bennett
Hmmm…can’t think of a thing at the moment …
Wasps come to mind , especially white faced hornets …mean little devils when riled, and only because im allergic to stings bit I’m not afraid of them
Karina Angeles
Janie McGaugh
I have some things that make me somewhat uncomfortable but no actual phobias.
Katrina Dehart
Terrill R.
I don’t have any severe phobias.