Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Denise N. Wheatley to HJ!

Hi Denise and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, She Gets a Happy Ending!
Thank you so much for hosting me once again!
To start off, can you please tell us a little bit about this book?:
SHE GETS A HAPPY ENDING is Book 3 in my Fearless Fairytale series. In it, my heroine, Devon Jacobs, is thriving. Her career is going well, she’s dating the love of her life, Ryan Roberts, and she just sold a Christmas script to a television network.
Ryan, however, hasn’t been so lucky. He’s been out of work ever since his sitcom was canceled. The pressures of Hollywood are weighing heavily on the former leading man, leaving him burned out and struggling to regroup. When the burden becomes too much to bear, he and Devon decide to call it quits.
Devon is heartbroken yet relieved when she jets off to the small, festive town of Leavenworth, Washington, to begin shooting her holiday movie. But that relief quickly turns to grief when the lead actor drops out, and producers replace him with none other than Ryan.
Remaining professional on set proves to be a challenge for both Devon and Ryan as they wade through unresolved relationship issues. But amid all the drama, they realize there’s still love between them. In the end, the pair must figure out whether that love is worth pursuing a second time around.
Please share your favorite lines or quote(s) from this book:
Know that I am happy for your success. But now it’s time for me to try to reclaim mine.
But her all wasn’t enough. And just like that, they were done.
Remember, you are living your dream right now. You’re getting everything you asked for. The life in LA, the incredible writing opportunities, the partnership with Lena. It’s all happening. So for the time being, you’re going to have to put your personal issues with Ryan aside and focus on the business at hand. Don’t allow your emotions to ruin this moment.
She breezed past him and strutted to the door. It felt good to reclaim her power. Ryan had called most of the shots toward the end of their relationship. He was the one who’d instigated the breakup. Even in Leavenworth, he had initiated their interactions. This time, she was ending the exchange on her terms.
While her fairy tale had in fact come with a plot twist, tonight was the beginning of her happily ever after.
What inspired this book?
My love of Hollywood and the entertainment industry inspired this entire series. I was able to take that inspo to the next level with this book as I branched out and wrote about a movie being shot outside of LA. Christmastime has always been a major inspiration in my work as well, so adding that element to SHE GETS A HAPPY ENDING made this novel even more special.
How did you ‘get to know’ your main characters? Did they ever surprise you?
Devon really comes into her own in this book. I am so proud of her journey and progress, as well as her bravery. She is willing to put it all on the line when going after what she wants in life. I got to know her really well during the first two books in the series, so her continued determination in Book 3 came as no surprise.
Ryan did surprise me a bit in this book. He’s been successful, resolute, and loving throughout the series. But we see him struggle in SHE GETS A HAPPY ENDING. Ryan sacrifices his relationship with Devon in order to salvage his own self-worth/well-being. It takes some time for him to regroup and get back to being his best self before he’s able to see just how much Devon means to him.
What was your favorite scene to write?
My favorite scene to write was the one where Devon finds out that Ryan landed the lead role in her film. I loved describing her reaction as she watched Ryan, who’d been in an acting slump, pop up on set in such an elated mood. Here’s a snippet:
The director threw his hands in the air.
“I’d like to welcome aboard our new leading man, Ryan Roberts!”
Everyone in the room broke out into loud cheers and applause.
Everyone except Devon.
She just sat there, stiff as a statue. She felt Lena reach over and nudge her arm.
“Wow, Dev!” Lena exclaimed. “How cool is this? Our guy is going to be starring in our movie. Isn’t that amazing?”
“Yeah,” Devon uttered, almost choking on the lie. “Amazing.”
She swiveled her chair around and watched as Ryan came strolling into the room. He looked extremely fit and extra dapper in his pale blue button-down shirt and slim navy trousers. His biceps were bulging through the sleeves. His hair and goatee had been freshly cut. And his megawatt smile was filled with confidence.
“Ryan didn’t tell you that he’d landed the role?” Lena asked.
“No. He didn’t.”
“Aw, he must’ve wanted to surprise you!”
He surprised me, all right.
A seething anger burned in Devon’s belly. While she and Ryan hadn’t been on speaking terms, the least he could’ve done was told her about this.
When he reached the front of the room, Ryan stared out at everyone. His gaze landed on Devon, and his smile faded a bit. She quickly looked away, focusing on her laptop rather than his handsome face.
“Thank you all so much for the warm welcome,” Ryan said. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to be here. Just when I’d given up on landing a role this year, I was presented with this incredible opportunity. So for that, I am truly grateful. And I’m looking forward to working with each of you.”
A sudden burst of nausea detonated inside of Devon’s stomach. Yeah, everybody except me.
“And believe it or not,” Ryan continued, “I’ve already memorized all of my lines.”
“Good!” Cora, his inexperienced co-star, called out. “Now maybe you can help me out with mine.”
“I’d be happy to,” Ryan replied before everyone burst out laughing.
Devon peered over at Cora, whose perfect size two figure had been poured into a fitted yellow bodycon dress. Her bouncy beach waves framed her soft, delicate features. Her nude makeup accentuated her wide-set eyes, high cheekbones, and pouty lips perfectly. It was as if she’d dressed for the occasion.
Devon eyed Ryan as he eyed Cora, an intense look in his lingering gaze.
Devon slumped down in her chair, wishing she had taken the time to pull herself together before rushing to the conference room. She should’ve changed out of her gray cropped hoodie, black yoga pants, and sneakers. Maybe pulled her hair out of its messy bun and styled it. And applied a little mascara, blush, and lip gloss.
Had she known that Ryan was going to pop up out of nowhere, she would’ve done just that. Because after not seeing him in months, this was the last impression that she wanted to give him.
“So again,” Ryan continued, “thanks for the warm welcome, and I’ll see everybody tomorrow on set.”
The group once again broke out into cheers and applause. Everyone jumped up from their chairs, hurrying over to greet Ryan and congratulate him on landing the part.
“Come on!” Lena said, hopping up. “Let’s go give our guy a hug and welcome him to the production.”
Devon just sat there. Lena was expecting for her to put business first and be professional despite her and Ryan’s breakup. Nevertheless, she wasn’t ready to face him.
“You go on and talk to him, Lena. I’m going to head back to my room and lie down. I’ve suddenly got a pounding headache.”
“Oh no. Do you have something to take for it?”
“I do. I’ve got some migraine medicine in my suitcase.”
“Good. All right, well, feel better. I’ll tell Ryan you said congratulations, and check on you a bit later.”
“Sounds good,” Devon muttered. “Thanks.”
She rushed toward the door. Before she left the room, Devon glanced back at Ryan. Cora had her arm around him and was holding up her cell phone.
“Hey, guys!” she squealed into the phone. “I just wanted to go live really quickly and give you all an update on my movie, With A Bow On Top. Look who my new co-star is, ya’ll. Ryan Roberts! Did you catch that? Ryan Roberts! This movie is about to be lit!”
Ryan threw up a peace sign. “Hey, what’s up, everybody! I’m so excited to be working on this film with Cora and the rest of our phenomenal cast. Can’t wait for you all to see what we’re cooking up. Meet me over on my Instagram in five minutes. I’ll be going live to share the latest on what my life will be like for the next several weeks here in Leavenworth, Washington. See you there!”
Cora began fiddling with her phone, and Ryan looked up at Devon. It appeared as though he was about to raise his arm and wave. But before he could, she quickly ducked out of the room and ran toward the elevator. On the way there, she pulled out her phone and dialed her best friend, Gabby’s, number, struggling not to burst into tears.
What was the most difficult scene to write?
The most difficult scene to write was the one where Devon finds out that Ryan wants to end the relationship. He delivers the news in the form of a letter because at this point in his life/career, he doesn’t have the wherewithal to face her. Here’s a snippet:
“Ryan?” Devon said, her tone unsteady. “Are you here?”
He didn’t respond.
Her chest tightened at the silence in the air. She hadn’t seen him in almost three weeks. Their worlds had been turned upside down ever since their television show Here To Stay was canceled last season.
Devon was busy writing for a new hit TV show called Out For Blood, about a human trafficking ring and the group of vigilantes aiming to take them down. During her free time, she’d teamed up with Lena, the show’s head writer, and written a Christmas script that was recently picked up by a network.
The majority of Ryan’s time was spent working the grueling auditioning circuit while running a gym that he co-owned with his best friend, Vince.
Conflicting schedules had made his and Devon’s frequent date nights a thing of the past. But it wasn’t just their calendars keeping them apart. The imbalance between her thriving and his barely surviving had caused tension in the relationship. He no longer felt good enough for her. Devon’s endless support and encouragement couldn’t prove otherwise. Her success had left her feeling guilty rather than proud.
She rushed into the kitchen and dumped her things on the table, then glanced at the time on the microwave. It was almost seven o’clock. Ryan had told her he’d be here by six, waiting for her to get off work.
Devon hadn’t heard from him since his meeting with a casting director early that morning. Ryan was up for a lead role in a new Netflix series. He’d been invited to audition by the show’s executive producer. Devon was so confident he would get the part that she’d picked up his favorite wine and sashimi dish on the way home, with plans to celebrate.
But it appeared as though he hadn’t shown up.
Devon ran to the bedroom. He wasn’t there. Nor was he out on the balcony.
She snatched her cell phone from her back pocket. He hadn’t called or texted.
“Did you forget we had plans?” she muttered while dialing his number.
She noticed a note taped to the front door. She disconnected the call just as his voicemail picked up.
“What in the hell is this?”
She snatched it down. Her hands trembled as she scanned the words.
I’m sorry I am putting this in a letter. But I’m drained and don’t have it in me to talk face-to-face. I found out today that I didn’t get the part. The producers decided to go in a different direction.
This one hurt. I feel like I no longer belong in the acting game. And for some time now, I’ve also felt as though I no longer belong in this relationship. The pressure to be a good partner while struggling to keep my career afloat is too much.
I need a break. From everything. Including us. I have to figure out exactly what I’m doing with my life. Again, I apologize for ending things this way. I hope you understand.
I know you’ll be leaving for Washington soon to shoot your movie. Good luck. Know that I am happy for your success. But now it’s time for me to try to reclaim mine.
Take care,
Her arms fell by her sides. She leaned against the door, staring straight ahead. Her living room grew blurry through her tears.
She slid to the floor, whimpering while rereading the letter.
I need a break. From everything. Including us.
She’d tried everything in her power to help Ryan. Running lines with him, consoling him when he didn’t land parts, massaging his sore back after hours-long auditioning days. Whatever he needed, she’d tried to give it.
But her all wasn’t enough. And just like that, they were done.
Would you say this book showcases your writing style or is it a departure for you?
This book definitely showcases my writing style. I love penning heartfelt, punchy, realistic dialogue, and this novel contains plenty of that. I also enjoy writing Christmas books, so adding all the descriptive holiday scenes during the season felt right at home. Lastly, SHE GETS A HAPPY ENDING falls under the second chance trope, which is my absolute fave to write.
What do you want people to take away from reading this book?
I hope that this book will encourage people to hold on to valuable friendships and relationships that are worth salvaging. Situations change, people evolve, and we sometimes go in different directions. So being open and supporting our loved ones on their journeys, regardless of where we’re at in our own, is key to maintaining meaningful connections. Take no one and nothing for granted!
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?
I am currently working on a romantic suspense series for Harlequin Intrigue called A West Coast Crime Story. The first book, THE HEART-SHAPED MURDERS, is about a forensic investigator and detective who team up to catch an elusive California serial killer. It’ll be released in May. I’m writing the second book now, DEATH IN THE NEVADA DESERT. It’s about a deadly predator who is haunting residents in the Las Vegas area, and the sergeant and detective who are working to stop him.
I just wrapped up my 2022 holiday novel for Intrigue, A DEADLY CHRISTMAS SCHEME. It’s about a suspicious women’s group called The Precious Jewels that’s running a shady pyramid scheme. Several members of the group have been found dead on a dangerous hiking trail in small-town Bradford, NC. One victim’s brother, who works as a deputy sheriff, teams up with a private investigator to nab the killer.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
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Excerpt from She Gets a Happy Ending:
“My goodness,” Lena muttered, running her hands vigorously over her arms. “It is freezing in here!”
“I’m not cold at all,” Devon replied.
They had arrived in Leavenworth, Washington, to begin filming With A Bow On Top earlier that morning and were sitting inside of the Bavarian Lodge’s Woodsman Pub. It was late November, and the quaint little German village was chilly to say the least. But for Devon, its bustling holiday spirit more than made up for the weather.
Twinkling lights, evergreen garland, and bountiful wreaths hung from the storefronts and restaurants. Horse-drawn sleighs rode through the streets of downtown. Groups of carolers were gathered at the Front Street Park’s gazebo, singing holiday tunes. Considering how dismal Christmastime was in Devon’s industrial hometown of Berman, Indiana, Leavenworth was unlike anything she’d ever seen.
The Bavarian Lodge, where the film crew was staying, was also brimming with colorful Christmas décor. Bright icicle string lights hung from the luxurious resort’s rooftop. A ten-foot-tall Fraser fir tree stood in the middle of the plush, old-world-style lobby. Red velvet bows adorned the dark wooden fireplace mantel. And miniature gold poinsettias lined the concierge desk.
As Devon continued to admire the festive décor surrounding them, she heard Lena’s teeth chatter.
“I am not surprised that you aren’t cold,” Lena muttered. “You grew up in Indiana. I’m from Florida. I never had to go through this type of torture.”
Devon chuckled softly as she slid toward the edge of her brown leather chair. The flames flickering from the fireplace emitted a cozy wave of heat. She took a sip of her hot chocolate then a bite of her cabernet berry pie, relishing the merry atmosphere. The moment made her realize just how badly she’d needed a break from LA.
And all things Ryan.
“What time is the van picking us up?” Lena asked.
“Two o’clock.”
Lena slid her chair closer to the fireplace, still shivering. The bartender walked over and wrapped a red and green crocheted blanket over her shoulders.
“Oh, God bless you,” Lena told her. “You’re a lifesaver.”
“No problem,” the bartender said. “I know what you’re going through. I moved here from Arizona three years ago. And I still haven’t adjusted to the weather.”
“Luckily, we’ll be returning to LA in a matter of weeks. But wishing you all the best!”
“Thanks,” the bartender replied. She glanced down at the script in Devon’s hand. “You two must be in town working on that Christmas movie.”
“Yep, we are,” Lena replied.
“Can you give me a little inside scoop on what it’s about?”
Devon smiled as she flipped through the pages. “Sure. The film is called With A Bow On Top, and it’s about two childhood frenemies whose parents run rival inns on opposite sides of town. Every year, they compete with one another to host the annual Christmas festival. Once their parents decide to retire, each of their now-grown children take over their respective businesses. This year, the competition between them to host the festival is at an all-time high.”
“Ooh, that sounds good. Who’s starring in it?”
“Michael Gates is playing our hero, and Cora Scott is playing the heroine.”
“I love Michael Gates,” the bartender gushed. “But I’ve never heard of Cora Scott. Who is she?”
Devon and Lena glanced at one another out of the corners of their eyes.
“Yeah, um…” Lena said. “Cora is pretty new to acting. She’s a very well-known social media influencer.”
“Hmm. Interesting. Well, good luck with filming, ladies. Let me know if you need anything else,” the bartender replied before walking off.
“I still can’t believe Cora was cast in our movie,” Devon said.
“Neither can I. And it’s all thanks to her three million followers on Instagram and two million on TikTok. The game has changed. It’s popularity over talent these days.”
“Yes it is, unfortunately,” Devon agreed. “Too bad the producers didn’t recognize her lack of talent before she was cast. Her inability to deliver lines is the reason we had to do all those rewrites.”
Lena nodded her head. “And let’s not forget her ridiculous set demands. The special foods, the spin instructor, the life coach, the need to use her own hair and makeup people… But hey, at least we’ve got Michael on board.”
“Thank goodness. We need a skilled Emmy winner like him who’s easy to work with and great for on-set morale. He’ll be the yang to Cora’s yin.”
Lena grabbed the itinerary and scanned the schedule. “It’s almost two o’clock. Where are we going again?”
“Our esteemed director, Max, wants the production crew to check out the Icicle Ridge Winery. He thinks the tasting room would be a good place to shoot a date night scene, and the outdoor lawn would be the perfect area to film the Christmas festival scene.”
“Hmm, I like that idea. I guess I need to get my head out of this script and into the itinerary so that I’ll know what’s on the agenda.”
“No worries,” Devon said. “That’s what I’m here for. I don’t mind keeping you posted on the schedule.”
She glanced out at the window, soaking in the breathtaking views of the snowcapped Cascade Mountains in the distance. A tingling thrill shot through her chest. She still couldn’t believe that she was actually on location, preparing to shoot a movie she’d helped to write.
“I am so excited to be here,” Devon murmured.
Lena tossed her script down onto the table.
“You know what? So am I. I have managed to become so jaded over the years. And I think I’ve taken my career for granted. Hearing how happy you are is a reminder of how lucky I am. How lucky we are. We’re getting paid pretty well to wake up every morning and do what we love. There are people out there who would kill to live this life.”
“Like Madison,” Devon blurted out.
“Oh, yes. Madison. Your former friend turned competitive frenemy once she got a taste of success in Here To Stay’s writers room. How is she doing these days? Have you spoken to her?”
“No, I haven’t.” And I don’t want to, Devon resisted the urge to add. “Things were pretty rocky between us before the show got canceled. Then she completely stopped speaking to me once you and I began working on Out For Blood.”
“Jealousy. Such a poisonous trait to possess, especially in Hollywood. You never know who may present you with your next big break. So it’s best to remain humble and treat everyone kindly, even when you don’t want to.”
“Absolutely. But Madison always believed that she was better than me. She never in a million years thought you’d give me an opportunity over her.”
“And look at the end result. We’ve got a big hit on our hands that’s been guaranteed two more seasons. Thanks to her petty antics, she missed out on being a part of it. Honestly, had you come to me and suggested that I hire her as a staff writer, I probably would’ve said yes.”
Wow, Devon thought. She could have been the one to change Madison’s life. But after undermining her in the writers room, Madison didn’t deserve it.
“You know,” Devon said, “her motto has always been ‘I don’t care about burning bridges because I know how to swim.’ She had that meme set as the wallpaper on her cell phone, laptop, and desktop computer. And she really did live by it.”
Lena chuckled. “Well, look at where it got her. Last I heard, that reality dating show she was working on as a production assistant was canceled after three episodes. I caught a couple of them. They were terrible.”
“You mean the one where contestants send their significant others out on dates with their exes to see if they’d be a better match? Yeah, I heard it wasn’t good. After hearing the premise, I didn’t bother to check it out. I actually felt bad for Madison when she was forced to take such a huge step down from staff writer to PA.”
Lena waved Devon off while draining her glass. “I didn’t. She got too cocky while working on Here To Stay and thought the ride would never end. She wasn’t prepared to move on. She never thought the show would get canceled. But in all fairness, none of us did.”
Devon felt a slight pull in her chest. Here To Stay was special to everyone who’d worked on the show. For her, it meant everything. The production was what brought her out to LA and helped bring her dreams to fruition. It had also introduced her to Ryan, the man she’d thought was the love of her life.
Stop it. Do not start drowning in a pool of Ryan memories…
“But even though things went left with Madison,” Lena continued, “at least we were smart enough to bring Lizzie along with us. All thanks to you, of course.”
Lizzie was an intern who’d worked on Here To Stay’s final season. After discovering Devon’s story as a small-town girl who’d made it in Hollywood, Lizzie latched on to her and relentlessly pursued a mentorship. Devon eventually became aware of her incredible work ethic and took the eager intern under her wing.
“I know Ryan was more devastated than anyone when Here To Stay was canceled,” Lena said. “How is he holding up?”
A cold chill swept over Devon at the sound of his name. “I don’t know. We broke up.”
“What? When? Why?”
Devon tilted her head back and blinked rapidly. The tears that were beginning to form dissipated behind her eyes. “A couple of months ago. He’s just struggling, Lena. Being out of work, getting rejected at every turn. It got to be too much for him. My success didn’t help the situation. So he told me he needed a break from everything. Including us.”
“Oh, wow, Dev.” Lena reached over and squeezed her hand. “I am so sorry. Are you okay?”
“I am. I guess…” she muttered just as her cell phone buzzed. A message from Max’s assistant, Janie, popped up on the screen.
The van just pulled up in front of the lodge! Meet us outside?
On our way! Devon replied.
She quickly began gathering her things, pushing all thoughts of Ryan out of her mind. “The van is here.”
Lena remained silent as she stared into a compact mirror and rearranged her curly bob.
“I told Janie we’d meet everybody outside,” Devon continued.
“Okay, cool.”
Instead of standing up and following Devon toward the door, Lena pulled a tube of lip gloss from her handbag and took her time while applying it.
Devon shuffled her feet. They shouldn’t leave the crew waiting. But Lena was dusting pressed powder across her forehead.
Lena never wore makeup. Nor did she ever care about her disheveled hair. Today, however, Lena looked to have taken the time to smooth out the frizz. And she was definitely dressed more stylishly than normal. A tan leather blazer, dark skinny jeans, and high-heel ankle boots had replaced her frumpy cable-knit sweater, comfy gaucho pants, and black combat boots.
What are you up to?
But considering Lena was her boss, Devon didn’t dare ask. Whatever it was, she’d figure it out eventually.
“All right,” Lena said, finally hopping up from her chair and grabbing her things. “Let’s go.”Devon walked slowly around the perimeter of the Icicle Ridge Winery’s tasting room, taking it all in. A lush, twelve-foot Scotch pine tree stood next to the floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace. Its green and red crystal ornaments matched the wreaths, stockings, and strings of silver bells hanging from the log home’s walls.
Long tables adorned with sparkling gold candles sat in the center of the floor. They were surrounded by high-top tables, which were covered in sparkling gold linen tablecloths and topped with evergreen wreath and red berry centerpieces.
Out of the corner of her eye, Devon noticed Lena huddled in a corner with Max, laughing quietly while nibbling on Brie and sipping glasses of Merlot.
The newly divorced Lena had a huge grin Devon had never seen before. Not even when they’d gotten their movie deal.
Just as Devon began to wonder whether Lena was crushing on Max, Janie ran over and grabbed her arm.
“Have you checked your email?” she asked frantically.
“No, why?”
“The executive producer just sent out a message to everyone. Michael Gates dropped out of the film!”
“What?” Devon shrieked. She reached inside the back pocket on her beige cargo pants and pulled out her phone. “Why? What happened?”
“He booked a major role in a Marvel Comics film. So you know he wasn’t gonna pass up that opportunity to star in our little network TV movie.”
Devon felt her legs weaken under the weight of the bad news. She leaned against the wall and pulled up the executive producer’s email.
“But what about Michael’s contract?” she asked Janie. “Isn’t he legally bound to our film?”
“Nope. He auditioned for the part in the Marvel movie before booking the role in our film. There was a clause in his contract stating that if he landed that role, he’d be able to drop out of our movie, just as long as we hadn’t begun shooting yet.”
Devon pressed her palm against her forehead. Ugh. “This is so messed up. I was really looking forward to him playing our lead.”
Janie’s lips tightened as her eyes teared up. “I wonder what Max and the producers are going to do now.”
“Me too. I hope that this won’t cause the production to be put on hold.”
“Now that would be a nightmare.” Janie leaned in toward Devon and lowered her voice. “Just between us, I’m the one who helped get Michael signed to this movie. His assistant is one of my best friends. So when the script landed on Max’s desk, I snuck a copy of it to my friend to see if Michael would be interested. Max promised me that if Michael signed on, he’d give me a producer credit. But since he’s dropped out, I’m sure that won’t happen.”
Janie broke into tears. Devon embraced her tightly. “I am so sorry. Hopefully, he’ll understand that none of this is your fault and still give you the producer cred—”
“Dammit!” Max’s booming voice yelled. “Janie! Where are you? Get the casting director on the phone. Now!”
“Right here, and will do!” Janie called out before turning to Devon. “Thanks for consoling me. And I hope you’re right. I’ll keep you posted!”
She hurried off after Max as he stormed out of the winery.
Lena came rushing over to Devon, her mouth hanging open.
“Can you believe this? Michael Gates was our golden ticket to a guaranteed hit! What in the hell are we gonna to do now?”
“That’s exactly what I’d like to know. At this point, in order to stay on schedule and make this film happen, we’re going to have to pull off a Christmas miracle.”
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
Sometimes happily ever after arrives on its own magical schedule…
Devon Jacobs’s star is definitely in orbit. Despite the cancellation of her weekly sitcom, she lands a job writing for a television drama, then sells her Christmas script to the perfect producer. But her boyfriend, Ryan Roberts, is having no such luck. Down on himself and burning out from all the auditioning, his frustration puts a strain on their relationship, and suddenly they find themselves calling it quits.
A movie shoot in the holiday town of Leavenworth, Washington, is exactly the mental break Devon needs. Until their leading man quits and the producer replaces him with none other than Ryan. Finding the right level of professionalism isn’t as easy as it sounds, especially when this opportunity means everything to their careers—and it’s becoming more obvious with each passing day that neither one of them is successful in saying goodbye.
Can Devon and Ryan find a way to combine their dreams and tie a bow around their relationship—this time for keeps?
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | Google |
Meet the Author:
Denise N. Wheatley is a lover of happily-ever-afters and the art of storytelling. She has written (and ghostwritten) numerous novels and novellas that run the romance gamut, from contemporary to paranormal, sweet to steamy. Denise strives to pen entertaining stories that embody matters of the heart, while creating characters who are strong, colorful and relatable.
She is an RWA member and received a B.A. in English from the University of Illinois at Chicago, the city where she was born and raised. When Denise is not sitting behind a computer, you can find her in a movie theater, on a tennis court, watching true crime television or chatting on social media.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | GoodReads |
Friends to lovers.
Nicole (Nicky) Ortiz
I don’t have a favorite I love them all
Thanks for the chance!
Debra Guyette
I enjoy so many but gravitate to enemies to lovers.
I have three top favorites, friends to lovers, second chances and bad boys.
Lori R
Second chance or small town.
Enemies to lovers or Second chance.
Amy R
Celebrity/commoner and It happened in Vegas
Colleen C.
depends on my mood… love marriage of convenience, secret baby, mistaken identity, single dad, boss/ employee, etc.
Enemies to lovers
Teresa Williams
Surprise pregnancy or child.
This story sounds really good. I’m looking forward to reading it. My favorite trope is friends to lovers.
Patricia B.
I like most tropes. Favorites are Beauty and the Beast, wounded hero/heroine, road trip.
Ellen C.
Friends to lovers