Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Elsie Davis to HJ!

Hi Elsie and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Small Town, Big Secrets!
Hi everyone. I’m excited to be here with you today.
Please summarize the book a la Twitter style for the readers here:
Becky would do anything to save her son, but she never expected “anything” to include the brother of the man who broke her heart. Steve needs a wife if he has any hope of winning his local DA election. The sweet waitress he recently met seems like just the person—if he can get her to agree. One year of marriage—no strings, no personal attachments.
Except Becky’s holding on to a secret from her past—one that would change everything.#sweetromance #fakemarriage #justice.
Please share the opening lines of this book:
Becky walked out of the doctor’s office, the blast of Texas heat hitting her hard, but not as hard as the news she’d just received. Twelve thousand dollars. The deductible and copay on Byron’s hernia surgery were far more than she’d ever expected. In hindsight, the lowest-cost insurance plan might not have been such a good idea, but it had been all she could afford. Of course, there also was no way she could have ever foreseen her five-year-old son needing to be hospitalized for surgery.
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- Fun Fact #1 – Becky’s story wasn’t supposed to be the second book in the series. I received so many reader requests looking to know Becky’s story after BACK IN THE RANCHER’S ARMS (Book 1), that I added her next.
- Fun Fact #2 – Steve was originally in Book 1 as an important secondary character and then he got nixed!
- Fun Fact #3 – I love PB&J sandwiches and had loads of fun adding one to the story in an amusing way. NOT just someone eating one…but wearing one.
- Fun Fact #4 – The carnivals in Rouses Point, NY, where I grew up were amazing. I always thought they had the biggest fireworks show ever, but now I realize it was probably because I was a child. Who knows? What I do know, is that I love using the carnivals and fireworks as I recall them from my childhood.
- Fun Fact #5 – All the “specials” served at Charlie’s Bar and Grill are some of my old stand-by favorite meals.
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
It was a mutual attraction based on looks (the first impression factor), but more than that, it was the sense of humor that came with the peanut butter and jelly sandwich situation.
Using just 5 words, how would you describe Hero and Heroine’s love affair?
Sweet, entertaining, lively, rocky, charming.
The First Kiss…
It’s right after they agree to the fake engagement/marriage and Steve wants to practice making their kisses look natural. Becky’s daunted by the fact he’s kissing her because he has to, not because he wants to. He’s quick to point out the error in her thinking.
Without revealing too much, what is your favorite scene in the book?
Lots of favorites, but I think it’s the emotions behind the first kiss scene. Just a snippet though…lol.
Steve grabbed her hand again, this time letting his fingers intertwine with her own. She tensed and started to pull away, but he tightened his grip. “You’ve agreed to marry me, and part of making this real is making the world believe we’re a couple. Starting now. Try to relax. We’re just two people enjoying the nice weather at the park with your son. Everyone needs to see us as a couple if they are going to believe we fell in love and decided to get married all of a
Becky relaxed, knowing he was right. The key was to remember what they were doing and why they were doing it. Otherwise, it would be all too easy to fall for his charm. And where would that leave her? She’d been down that road once before with his brother. The trick was guarding
her heart so she didn’t fall for any worn-out lines or extra attention he paid her. It was all for show. “So what is this grand plan you’ve devised?”
If your book was optioned for a movie, what scene would be absolutely crucial to include?
Of course…it’s the PB&J scene…who doesn’t love seeing a business guy in a power suit instantly turned into a human mess.
Becky reached into her purse and pulled out the baggie with her peanut butter and jelly sandwich she’d fixed for herself this morning. No such thing as a leisurely lunch today. She pulled out the first half, the sticky red jelly coming out the sides and getting all over her fingers. She licked the outer edges to catch the strawberry goo before it dripped onto her clothes.
Reaching for the napkin tucked in the front pocket of her purse, she yanked it out, but in doing so, the papers from the doctor’s office she’d shoved in there earlier came out with the napkin and fell to the ground. Sandwich in one hand, she juggled her purse and stooped down to grab the
papers. Her day couldn’t get any worse.She stood and rounded the corner, colliding with the hulking chest of a man, her sandwich firmly smushed between them. The man’s arms came around her, preventing her from falling.
Apparently, her day could get worse.“I’m so sorry.” Becky stepped back, getting her first good look at the guy she’d broadsided.
“Are you okay?” Mr. Business Executive asked, letting his hands drop when he realized she wasn’t in danger of falling flat on her face.Of course it had to be a guy who looked like he belonged on the cover of a magazine. Dark, wavy hair that was cut in a roguish style and brushed off to the side. His olive complexion had nothing to do with the sun. Chocolate brown eyes, a cleanly shaven face, and a strong jaw completed the
picture. Swoon worthy.But there was nothing swoon worthy about the peanut butter and jelly now plastered across his suit coat, shirt, and tie.
Readers should read this book …
If they enjoy feel-good happily-ever-after romances that focus on fun, laughter, and relatable characters.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?
I write sweet romance – Hallmark style. With loads of story ideas and nine novels already published, there are plenty more coming. I’m currently working on Book 3 – TRINITY RIVER series…Randy’s story is up next. I’m also currently writing more stories in the HOLIDAYS IN HALLBROOK series. Each one is based on a different holiday throughout the year. Six are already published and three more are contracted and will release in Oct, Dec, and February.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: GIVEAWAY TIME – I’m giving away a signed paperback of Back in the Rancher’s Arms – A Trinity River novel (Book 1) to one lucky winner selected at random. U.S. delivery address only. (If a US address is not available, an e-book will be substituted to the winner)
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: What types of sweet romances are your favorite themes? Any ideas you’d love to see but haven’t seen much of? Inquiring author wants to know!!!!
Excerpt from Small Town, Big Secrets:
“Steve, wait. Before you go chasing after the girl, there’s something else you should know,” his mother called out to him.
He paused, torn between going after Becky and what his mother could possibly want to tell him that was urgent. Hopefully, she’d wait in the car and this would only take a few minutes. “Three minutes, Mother.”
“Fine. That’s all it will take.” She nodded toward the front room. “Follow me. What I have to say needs to be said in private.”
Steve followed her, his curiosity ramping up into overdrive. He closed the door behind him and turned to face her. “Okay, we’re private. What’s so important that it couldn’t wait?”
“Normally, I wouldn’t tell you this until after the wedding, but based on the short time you’ve known this girl and the fact I think you’re making a huge mistake, I feel theurge to tell you what I set up years ago. You might want to rethink this marriage.”
“Nothing you could tell me will change my mind. I love her.” The words sounded more right every time he said them, but now wasn’t the time to think on what that meant.
“This must remain confidential. Twenty years ago, I setup a large trust fund for you and your brother. The last thing I want is for Jack to get married to get his hands on the money and piddle it away.”
“So when I get married, I have a trust fund?”
“Yes. Your father and I agreed and set them up long before the divorce. You’ll get two million dollars transferred to your bank account as a wedding gift.”
Steve was stunned. Two million dollars. Enough to cover the emergency fund for the Association before the other investors ponied up and in plenty of time to help the McDougall’s. “That’s quite generous. Thank you. But why the urgency to tell me now? I’ve got to go. Becky’s upset, and I need to take her home.”
“Think twice, Steve. About marrying her so quickly. She gets half the money if you do, unless you make her sign a prenup. Are you prepared to ask for one? To a girl with a background like that, there’s no telling what she’ll do, but I’m sure you’ll come out the loser.”
“Mother, you know nothing about her. It’s my decision, and I’m marrying her whether you like it or not.”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes, her frustration evident in the tense way she held her body.
“Night, Mother.” Steve left the house to find Becky. He was thrilled his money issue would be settled, all the more reason to get married soon. They only had fourteen days to save the McDougall ranch.
Unfortunately, the seed of doubt had been planted. Half the money. It was true he’d been the one to approach Becky, and it was true she’d turned him down. But with two million dollars on the line, it was something he needed to take into serious consideration and think about a prenup. Even a fake marriage could come with a heavy price tag in this case when the wedding itself was real.
Excerpts. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
To save her son, shy but determined waitress Becky McAllister would do just about anything. But she never expected “anything” to include the brother of the man who broke her heart.
Steve Parker needs a wife, now, if he has any hopes of winning his local DA election and becoming the advocate for the underserved he’s always dreamed of being. The sweet waitress seems like just the person—if he can get her to agree.
One year of marriage—no strings, no personal attachments. Becky gets the insurance funds she needs for her son’s surgery while Steve’s poll ratings soar. Neither planned on a commitment in their future, so they should have no problem making it through the year without getting emotionally involved, right?
Except Becky’s holding on to a secret from her past—one that would change everything.
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Goodreads |
Meet the Author:
Elsie Davis discovered the world of Happily-Ever-After romance at the age of twelve and has been hooked ever since. She’s a Hallmark Channel movie fan, enjoys reading sweet romance, and loves creating her own fun stories, keeping them appropriate for all ages who love romance…pre-teen to grandparents.
A #1 Amazon Best Selling category author, Elsie writes from her heart, hoping to share a little love in a big world. Colossians 3:14 ~And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.~
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1) Anything that touched one’s heart.I
2) Dealing with mental health in any capacity.
Elsie Davis
I love slight drama only because I feel it adds an element of reality without overkill. 🙂
Diana Hardt
Friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, second chance romance.
Elsie Davis
These are all great!
Lori Byrd
I love them all.
Elsie Davis
Love it!
I pretty much like them all.
Elsie Davis
Very nice!
Pamela Conway
I like various tropes, second chance, friends to lovers, suspense.
Shannon Capelle
My favorites are second chance romances!!
Elsie Davis
The first book in the Trinity River novels is back in the ranchers arms and that’s a second chance romance! Be a great one for you to check out!
Elsie Davis
Wow! Totally in line with what I like…lol
I like small town romances, second chance, and friends-to-more.
Elsie Davis
sounds wonderful! You should enjoy the Trinity River novels, but I also have a series called Holidays in Hallbrook you might enjoy. It involves small town of Hallbrook, kids dogs and a holiday! LOL The first story in that series is called Love & Order.
I honestly have no idea what to offer as I read everything romance. Best wishes on your book.
Elsie Davis
Thank you. Just keep reading, that’s what’s most important!
Rita Wray
Enemies to lovers.
Elsie Davis
Haha…these are always full of excitement!
I’m not totally sure about the question. But I love sweet romances with kids in them. I especially love sweet romances which revolve around Christmas.
Elsie Davis
You answered the question exactly right. It was my way of asking what do you like to see in romance. I love your answer. You might want to check out the Holidays in Hallbrook stories I write. They are all stories in a small town, they have kids, dogs, and always centered on a holiday. These four common elements exist in every story and they’re stand-alones. Love & Peace is the Christmas story.
Lori R
I like small towns and second chances.
Elsie Davis
Sounds great. The first book in the Trinity River novels is Back in the Ranchers Arms and that’s a great second Chance romance. Also my Holidays in Hallbrook collection are wonderful small town, heartwarming stories. If you love Hallmark, you should enjoy these.
Mary C.
Second chances
Elsie Davis
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. The first book in the Trinity River novels Back in the Ranchers Arms is a great second Chance romance. Hope you check it out!
[email protected]
I like all kinds ..I read everything.
Elsie Davis
Nice! Reading is wonderful fun!
I like any romance when a child is involved – babies especially. Single dad and friends to lovers are at the top of my list.
Elsie Davis
Sounds wonderful! You would enjoy Small Town, Big Secret. I also have another series called the Holidays in Hallbrook. These all involve a small town, a child, a dog, and a holiday. Love & Order is the first in the collection and they are all stand-alones. Be sure to check them out to see if it’s something you’d like to read. I’m told they’re very Hallmarkish! LOL
Glenda M
I read pretty much all tropes, time periods, and genres. I love all of them
Elsie Davis
Wonderful! Reading is so much fun!
Jana Leah
I especially enjoy friends to lovers stories.
Elsie Davis
Nice! These are very heart warming stories.
Anna Nguyen
second chance romances like jennifer probst love on beach avenue
Elsie Davis
Sounds great! The first book in the Trinity River novels is Back in the Ranchers Arms and it’s a second chance romance. Check it out and see what you think!
Teresa Warner
Enjoy them all!
Elsie Davis
Nice. Never a shortage of stories…lol
Amy R
What types of sweet romances are your favorite themes? wallflower/plain jane get the guy
Elsie Davis
I love this!
Lilah Chavez
More RomCom
Elsie Davis
These are great. I add humor but not to the level of romcom…haha…wish I could!
Ellen C.
Friends to lovers
Elsie Davis
Great sweet romance potential! Nice.
Elsie Davis
Hmmmm…maybe that means you like everything…:)
Daniel M
regular guy wins
Elsie Davis
Awww…very nice!
Colleen C.
most anything… love mistaken identity books
Elsie Davis
Lol…these can be fun!
Charlotte Litton
I love 2nd chance romances
Elsie Davis
Me too! The first book in my Trinity River novels is Back in the Ranchers Arms and it’s a second chance romance. That would be a great one for you to check out!
Love a good single mom romance
Elsie Davis
Awww. These can be very heartwarming. Small Town, Big Secrets has this element. In my Holidays in Hallbrook collection, there’s Love & Peace, Love & Hope, and Love & Liberty that all have single moms. Hope you get a chance to check them out!
Enemies to lovers
Elsie Davis
These are always exciting…lol!