Spotlight & Giveaway: Someone Just Like You by Meredith Schorr

Posted July 27th, 2023 by in Blog, Spotlight / 32 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Meredith Schorr to HJ!

Hi Meredith and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Someone Just Like You!

Thanks so much for having me!

Please summarize the book for the readers here:

Someone Just Like You is a childhood enemies to friends to lovers, opposites attract romantic comedy set in Manhattan. Molly and Jude lived across the street from each other growing up with parents who were best friends. Both the youngest of three siblings, they were pushed together often but never got along (an understatement). Now, in their late twenties, they are forced to plan a co-anniversary party for their parents. They revert to their old tricks initially, but eventually a grudging friendship develops ripe with sexual tension neither are ready to admit. When they discover they’ve both been dating a version of each other’s doppelganger for a decade, they are forced to examine why they are seeking in romantic partners what they claim to hate about each other.

Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:

My history of boyfriends flashed before my eyes, like the long line of bridesmaids at the end of 27 Dresses. None of them had been right, because looking like Jude, working in the same industry, even loving the same breed of dog didn’t make them Jude. Jude was the original. The first. I’d known him my whole life, but I’d finally found him.


Please share a few Fun facts about this book…

  • One fun fact is that the book was partially inspired by my family and our across-the-street neighbors, the Solons. I was the youngest of three girls and became best friends with Ronni, the youngest Solon daughter, who was also the youngest of three with an older sister and brother. Our parents were also best friends. I thought: what if Ronni was a boy and instead of being best friends, we hated each other, then fell in love in our twenties?
  • Another fun fact is that the doppelganger twist was inspired by an episode of Friends: The One with Russ. I raised the idea to my agent in connection with an earlier book and she said the idea was too good to throw into an existing book as an afterthought and could stand on its own.


What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?

Molly is a Type A planner and while Jude’s “wing it” personality drives her bananas, she’s also envious and impressed that things always work out for him with seemingly no effort. He also makes her laugh even when she’s supposed to hate him. Seeing a sliver of his bare stomach when he raises his arms doesn’t hurt. Jude thinks of Molly as always put together and prepared. She has all these plans and executes them with precision as if she’s fully capable on her own. So when she starts asking him for help and advice, he realizes she’s not as robotic as he thought. Once he starts seeing her as “real,” his attraction blooms. Then he sees her naked through the shower curtain when he’s caring for her while sick and he’s a goner!


Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?

At one point, Molly recites a poem she wrote Jude outlining all the reasons she loves him and it’s so cheesy that I cringed! Yet it’s also Molly at her most vulnerable and I’m so proud she put herself out there! I’ll share one verse!

I love the way you make me laugh.
I love the history that we share.
I love the way you protect my friends.
I love the messiness of your hair.
I love your dog. Oh yes I do.
I love him so much it should count twice.
I love that you make me feel adored.
Even when you’re not being very nice.


Readers should read this book….

if you want to read something joyful and uplifting that doesn’t take itself too seriously, with pranks, witty banter, sexual tension, mild open-door steam, humor, and dogs.


What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?

I am currently finishing my 2024 romantic comedy, Roommating, due to my editor in July. It’s an enemies to lovers, forced proximity romcom that is a lover letter to libraries and grandmas!

Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: A signed finished print copy of both SOMEONE JUST LIKE YOU and my debut AS SEEN ON TV. US only.


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Do you have a celebrity doppelganger and, if so, who is it?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from Someone Just Like You:

“We can handle finding a venue for the party. Right, Jude?”
“Hmmm?” His attention remained on his dog, Yogi.
I answered for him. “We’ll get it done.” I instantly regretted my phrasing but hoped none of the siblings would pick up on it.
Eddie wolf-whistled. “Molly and Jude getting it done.”
Nicole giggled. “Cover your stump before you hump.”
“No glove, no love!” The addition was uncharacteristically im¬mature for Alison, but drinking at dawn could have that effect.
“Stop it!” I braced myself for Jude’s snide protest of any suggestion the two of us would ever get it done.
“We’ll handle it.” Jude looked at me, or at least I assumed he was looking at me. “I’ll call Mole to discuss. And to those who accused us of acting like children: can you spell hypocrite?”
The meeting ended, and I called Jude. It went straight to voice mail. My instincts screamed that Jude was extremely anti–voice mail, which made leaving a message all the more tempt¬ing. Except I was trying to keep my priorities straight. Party planning—yay. Aggravating Jude for the pure pleasure of it—nay. But just as I opened our text exchange, my phone rang—Jude. “I just called you. It went to voice mail.”
“Because I was calling you. Did you not hear me say I would call you? Must you always go first?”
“It depends on what activity you’re referring to.” I squirmed. Jude and I did not do sexual innuendo.
“I’ll leave that between you and your baseball player.”
“We’re not seeing each other anymore.” I brought my coffee cup to the kitchen sink. “Not that it’s any of your business . . . or that you care. What did you think about the call?” Priorities.
“I haven’t received a scolding like that from my siblings . . . or yours . . . since before puberty.”
Back in the living room, I flumped onto my couch. “So, since last month?” Jude made a noise that sounded like laughter, and it did something strange to my belly.
“There’s that mean flag I was talking about,” he said. “Remem¬ber the truce I pretended to propose?”
“Let’s do it for real. Make peace, that is.”
I bit my lip. “Can I trust you?” Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice . . .
Silence filled the phone waves as if the question required sub¬stantial thought. Finally, he answered. “At least until we decide on a restaurant.”
“Fair enough. Have you given any thought to the ones we’ve seen already?”
“Not really. Did you? Keep in mind, saying yes will not endear you to me.”
“In that case, yes. Haha.” I cleared my throat. “But no. I haven’t. I took notes, though. We could go over them together . . . if you want.”
“Tell me when and where.”
“Are you around this afternoon? We can do it at my place.” I jerked my head back. Did I just invite Jude Stark to do it at my apartment?

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

Sizzling chemistry and tender friendship develops between two childhood rivals in this hilarious rom-com from the author of As Seen on TV.

New Yorker Molly Blum knows everythingabout her lifelong nemesis, Jude Stark. With their families so close, they should have been best friends. Instead, she thinks he’s a too-charming slacker, and he thinks she’s allergic to fun. After years of one-upping each other’s pranks (chocolate-dipped cat treats are notas delicious as they appear), one high school joke went too far, and they stopped speaking completely. But now that they’re supposed to help plan a massive party for their parents—together—there’s no better time to resume their war.

And it is on. Only somewhere between all the sniping and harmless hijinks, a reluctant friendship develops, along with an unexpected spark of sexual tension. It might have to do with the fact that she’s been dating Jude-lookalikes and he’s been dating Molly doppelgangers. Or the fact that neither of them is nearlyas horrible as they thought. All Molly and Jude know is that they’ve mastered the art of hating each other. Falling in love, on the other hand, is a whole new battlefield.
Book Links:  Amazon | B&N | iTunes | kobo | Google |

Meet the Author:

A born and bred New York and lifelong daydreamer, Meredith Schorr fueled her passion for writing everything from restaurant reviews, original birthday cards, and even work-related emails into a career penning romantic comedies. When she’s not writing books filled with grand gestures and hard-earned happily-ever-afters or working as a trademark paralegal, she’s most often reading, running, or watching TV…for research, of course.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | GoodReads |

32 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: Someone Just Like You by Meredith Schorr”

  1. EC

    No, I don’t. If I had, it would be a local celebrity at my homeland, and I don’t know any local celebrities at all.

    • Laurie Gommermann

      When we were both younger, people said I looked like Barbara Hershey.
      Enjoyed the excerpt. I’d like to read Jude and Molly’s story.

  2. Debra Guyette

    Many moons ago I was told I looked like Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

  3. Glenda M

    Not a celebrity one, but I’ve got a generic appearance. I often have people asking me if I’m related to someone they know because I look just like her.

  4. Maryann

    No I don’t but growing up my son did. We were on a cruise and another child came up to him and asked for his autograph.

  5. Joye

    No celebrity look alike but I have a twin sister that looks exactly like me. Even when our children were little they could not tell us apart sometimes. It has been a joy to always have “a best friend” at hand.

  6. Latesha B.

    No doppelganger for me. If there were two of me, the world would be in a lot of trouble.

  7. Banana cake

    People often said I looked like Chelsea Clinton when I was younger, we are both close in age.

  8. Terrill R

    When I was in high school, a number of people told me I looked like a young Sally Field. When I was in college, I was told by people Justine Bateman. It’s funny, because I don’t think either of those ladies look like each other. Lol