Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Michele Hauf to HJ!

Hi Michele and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Storm Warning!
To start off, can you please tell us a little bit about this book?:
This is my first story for Intrigue! And while I’ve written romantic suspense before, i wanted to ‘stay in my comfort zone’ for this first leap away from the paranormal I’ve been writing, so it’s set in stormy Minnesota with LOTS of snow (oh, how I can relate) and readers will notice I bring in a lot of elements that show up in my previous books, such as a French heroine (what is it about the French? I don’t know!) and some small-town quirky stuff that adds to the overall flavor of the story.
Please share your favorite lines or quote(s) from this book:
Probably not so much a quote, as tossing in some Minnesota-isms. ‘Uff-da’ and ‘you betcha’ are just unavoidable. 😉
What inspired this book?
Well, snow, for one. Snow. Lots of snow. I really love pitting spy against spy, so I sort of made that work in this story (won’t tell you how) but it appealed to my sense of the International as well.
Also, the fish out of water trope applies to the heroine and that’s fun to play with.
How did you ‘get to know’ your main characters? Did they ever surprise you?
I knew my hero pretty well, but (as you will read) the heroine is quite a mystery. And she is very changeable. And she does change! And that kept me on my toes, because I had to keep track of who she was, when and where all the time.
What was your favorite scene to write?
I think it was the opening scene with the hero arriving at the scene of a crime. It put me in his mindset and showed me his physicality and what he really loves about where he lives. It was easy to follow him around after that.
What was the most difficult scene to write?
Some of the procedural scenes were complicated for me. I’m used to writing vampires and werewolves! You can make all that stuff up! But I had to get it right for police procedure and I had to do a lot o research.
Would you say this book showcases your writing style or is it a departure for you?
It isn’t really a departure because I’ve been writing romantic suspense for a long time. And even some of my paranormals have a lot of suspense in them. So the only real challenge was writing a ‘normal’ person again (which I hadn’t done in a while; but really, what is normal?) 😉
What do you want people to take away from reading this book?
I am currently working on a secret project involving much chocolate. Cross your fingers my editor will love it!
For this year, I only have two scheduled releases:
March – Storm Warning
November – still working on title (another Intrigue)
But as well, I plan to put out a novella this summer to fill the gap between the Intrigues. That *could* be a paranormal werewolf story.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?
I am currently working on a secret project involving much chocolate. Cross your fingers my editor will love it!
For this year, I only have two scheduled releases:
March – Storm Warning
November – still working on title (another Intrigue)
But as well, I plan to put out a novella this summer to fill the gap between the Intrigues. That *could* be a paranormal werewolf story.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: I have a signed copy of STORM WARNING to give away to 3 US readers. [US entrants only]
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: I know romantic suspense is one of the hottest romance genres out there. But what is it about that genre that appeals to you?
Book Info:
She’s keeping secrets.
Now he must keep her alive.
A murder in the tiny town of Frost Falls is big news. And a mysterious “vacationer” with the same first name as the victim has police chief Jason Cash intent on finding out who Yvette LaSalle really is. Especially with someone now after her. Yvette is hiding dangerous information, and Jason is the only man she can trust…but how much? Because the truth will get them both killed.
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | Google |
Meet the Author:
Award-winning author Michele Hauf has published over 90 novels in historical, paranormal, and contemporary romance, as well as writing action/adventure as Alex Archer and erotica as Michele Renae. The launch author for numerous series at Harlequin, she likes writing in a variety of genres and instead of ‘writing what she knows’ prefers to write ‘what she would love to know and do’ (and yes, that includes being a jewel thief and/or a brain surgeon).
With STORM WARNING, she celebrates her 65th book published by Harlequin. And overall, it clocks in as book #92 (including books written for other publishers and self-published)
You can email Michele at [email protected]
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Anna Nguyen
the intensity and danger to the characters
The Authors style of writing
Debra Guyette
It provides for exciting tense moments and adds a zing tothe story.
Karina Angeles
I love the buildup of tension before something happens to the hero/heroine.
Pamela Conway
Romantic suspense books are one of favorite romance genres. I guess it’s because of the action & suspense with the romance thrown in. It really makes you want to see what happens.
I love not knowing what will happen next and how the characters depend on each other to stay safe.
New author for me.
I enjoy the intensity of high-stakes situations. It gets my pulse pounding.
Colleen C.
I love that bit of danger… trying to figure things out…
Daniel M
to see what happens next
Well, the romance first, lol. And I love a good suspense, not knowing what happens next. It’s thrilling.
Lori R
It’s full of action, mystery, and romance.
Debra Shutters
For romance suspense has a story that draws you in and keeps you reading to fine out what is going on and the romance builds along with it that is why it is my favorite 🙂
Barbara Bates
Love the romance and danger combo.
Kay Garrett
Love romantic suspense because you get two for the price of one – romance and suspense. You can get twirl your toes romance and goosebump, hair on end suspense all in the same book. When it’s done right they mess so that you don’t know where one leaves off and the other begins. It’s kind of like opposites attract. You wouldn’t think they would go together they do very well.
2clowns at arkansas dot net
Teresa Williams
All the action and not knowing what to expect.
The thrilling story and the interaction of the characters
Tammy Y
The mystery and suspense
Nicole (Nicky) Ortiz
The action, mystery and suspense
Thanks for the chance!
Martha Lawson
Not knowing what is going to happen and in a lot of cases – not knowing who the bad guy is. And of course the romance between the main characters!
Patricia B.
I am glad you are doing Intrigues. They are one of my favorites. I think with Intrigues, you get to “experience” a bit of danger and excitement without leaving the safety and comfort of you chair (or wherever you like to read). It is nice to forget about the housework, the kids, the job, and sometimes the loneliness. For a few hours you can be a spy, in law enforcement, in the military, or the person who needs to be saved by the hero.
Linda Herold
This is my favorite genre! I like a good mystery with a hint of romance!!
Vicki Clevinger
I love te suspense it keeps you engaged in the story
Amy R
the who done it
Romantic Suspense is thrilling to read. I love the excitement. Thank you
Romantic suspense books have it all! … The hero protector, a dangerous situation, forced intimacy, heightened awareness and titillating romance!