Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Lisa Kessler to HJ!

Hi Lisa and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, The Captain’s Curse!
Thank you! Hello everyone…
Please summarize the book a la Twitter style for the readers here:
This is a second chance, enemies to lovers romance with an immortal pirate captain who thinks love is a curse, a very mortal thriller writer who believes in redemption, and a rival captain who will stop at nothing to achieve his revenge.
Please share the opening lines of this book:
Ian Flynn narrowed his eyes as he searched the horizon for his ship and crew.
Nothing made him feel less like a pirate captain than discovering they had set sail without even inviting him. It happened more now than he cared to examine.
Since most of them had fallen in love and expanded the crew to include their women, he’d never felt more like an outsider.
Life would be much simpler if he could walk away.
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- I giggled every time Lily put Captain Flynn in his place. He’d never really had an equal before and I loved seeing the dynamic.
- I have loved Captain Flynn since he stepped onto the page as the villain in book 1, Magnolia Mystic, but seeing him as “Ian” through Lily’s eyes surprised me. I loved being able to see the parts of him he never trusted to anyone before. Seeing him vulnerable tore me up! LOL
- It was the final book in the series so I got to spill every secret, even how their beloved cook, One-Eyed Bob lost his eye.
- I also got to toy with Agent Bale from Department 13 for the final time and OMG having Flynn show up inside the hallowed walls of the secretive branch of the government was so much fun!
- Lily was a writer, so I really connected with her and loved being able to share that part of my brain on the page…
What first attracts your main characters to each other?
These two came to the page as enemies to lovers because Captain Ian Flynn had fallen for Lily months ago and then ghosted her completely . So what first pulled her back in was the promise of answers for why he left her the way he did.
Using just 5 words, how would you describe your main characters”love affair?
smoldering, sexy, dangerous, and ferociously loyal.
The First Kiss…
“Feel free to use my office to work. I have some business to attend to anyway.”
Her brow popped up. “The secret is already out. You don’t have to lie to me anymore.”
“Does that mean you believe me?”
She smirked. “Well, I do have a two o’clock appointment with a historian at the Maritime Museum to find out more about a mutiny on a ship called the Jeweled Serpent.”
His stomach clenched at the mention of Morgan’s ship. “Is that so?”
“Don’t act surprised.” She chuckled. “You know my google powers are expert level. You must’ve expected I’d be searching out every mention of Captain Rutger Morgan and Ian Flynn.”
He ground his teeth as he poured the coffee, his emotions jumbled at the thought of her discovering who he had once been. He wasn’t ashamed, far from it. But it had been a different time back then. Would she understand his choices?
“Are you meeting with Dr. Sinclair?”
She nodded slowly. “How did you know that?”
He chuckled and lifted his gaze. “She’s a member of the Sea Dog crew. She’s engaged to our pilot, Keegan.”
He brought over the coffee mugs and handed her one.
She took it, wrapping her hands around the warm cup. “Wow. Small world.” Her eyes met his. “How many immortal pirates are hiding out in Savannah?”
“Too many.” He took a swallow of the coffee, savoring the burn in his gut.
She set the mug on the coffee table. “You’re still planning to kill the other immortal pirate captain?”
He bristled at the judgment in her tone. “You don’t know this man like I do.”
“And how well do you really know him? He’s been living over two-hundred years now. You really think he hasn’t changed at all. Think about how much you’ve changed since the day you took over his ship.”
“I have changed.” He nodded, struggling to keep his voice level. “But recently Morgan ambushed me, bound me to a chair so I couldn’t defend myself and then beat the living shit out of me. When he realized killing me wasn’t an option, he plunged a dagger in my eye just to torture me. So, I think I do fucking know him, better than most, and he’s still the same man I remember.”
She looked down at her hands. “And you’re going to sink to his level and try to kill him somehow?”
He pressed the button on the remote to raise the shades and went to the window, fighting to keep his temper in check. “I’m not sinking to anyone’s level. I’m protecting you and my crew. The world will be better without him in it.”
Behind him, the couch squeaked as she got up. She stopped beside him; the blanket wrapped around her like a regal cape. “He’s probably saying the same thing about you.”
He stared down at the river. “Maybe he’s right.”
She slipped her hand into his, surprising him. “I don’t think so.”
He looked over at her, his pulse skipping as his fingers laced with hers as if they’d never been separated. “I’ve been struggling since the rest of the crew have found love.” His gaze moved down the river to the main mast of the Sea Dog. “I’m not sure what my purpose is in this world anymore. It used to be to protect the crew and keep them together, but now…”
He cut himself off, surprised by his own words. He’d never given voice to them before. As the captain, he kept insecurities and fears close to the vest. Any sign of weakness was an opportunity for someone to usurp his position.
But somewhere down deep in the shadows of his tarnished soul, he trusted Lily. He always had.
She squeezed his hand and slid hers free. “I better get my laundry going and get ready for my meeting with Dr. Sinclair.”
Ian smiled, shaking his head. “You’re standing next to the captain himself. What can she tell you that I can’t?”
Her eyes sparkled with determination that warmed him all over. Damn, he’d missed her. “She won’t be trying to get me into bed.”
He cocked a brow. “You made yourself very clear last night. I’ve been a gentleman.”
Her laughter intoxicated him. “But we both know you’re a pirate.”
He bent down and had her over his shoulder so fast, her laughter became a squeal.
She swatted his ass. “Put me down right now.”
He carried her back to couch and laid her down. She was so fucking beautiful. A lump formed in his throat as he reached out to caress her cheek. “You do make me wish I could be a better man.”
The corner of her lips quirked up. “I never asked you to change.”
Without thinking, he slid his fingers around the back of her neck and lifted her to him, claiming her lips. His tongue plundered the heat of her mouth, and a growl escaped him as her fingers tangled in the back of his hair. This was his Lily. She made him feel more alive than the Holy Grail ever had.
He tilted his head, deepening the kiss, and his other hand caressed her thigh. He’d forgotten how soft her skin was and the way her body writhed, hungry for his touch. When his fingertips reached the juncture of her thighs, she grabbed his wrist, breaking the kiss.
“Wait.” She shook her head. Her voice breathless. “I can’t do this.”
She wriggled out from under him. “I’m sorry. I…got caught up.”
He raked his fingers back through his hair. “Aye. Me too.”
She pressed her lips together, her cheeks still flushed with color. “I’ve never heard your…pirate voice.”
Laughter bubbled from his throat as he shook his head. “I pride myself on being a businessman. Piracy is frowned on in the boardroom.”
She shrugged. “It’s kind of…hot.”
The hem of the sweatshirt teased him, riding higher up her tights with each stride as she rushed to the bathroom. He wet his lips and chuckled.
She was a treasure. His treasure. He just needed to convince her of that.
Without revealing too much, what is your favorite scene in the book?
Oh I have many in this book… But I think the epilogue and this scene when they finally confess their love are probably my favorites.
Finally, he rested his head on her chest, her racing heartbeat like a melody in his ear. She stroked her fingers through his hair. “I tried so hard to hate you.”
He closed his eyes. “No one would blame you.”
She kissed the top of his head. “They don’t see you the way I do.”
He lifted his head, surprised to find his vision blurring as he stared down at her beautiful face. The feelings she stirred in him were unfamiliar and he struggled for words. “You make me feel…like I don’t have to be the captain. I’m enough.” He stole one more kiss and whispered against her lips, “I love you, Lily.”
She caressed his cheek. “I love you too.” She searched his eyes. “And you are enough.”
Her words were a balm to his battered soul. “Will you drink from the grail?”
Her lips curved slightly. “I’m still thinking about it.”
“All right.” He could almost hear the seconds ticking by inside his head. “Then you should stay here tomorrow night.”
She traced his lower lip with her finger. “They have a spear that can kill an immortal, remember? It wouldn’t matter if I took a sip from the grail right now. There’s still a chance that things won’t go the way we want.”
“Please, Lil.” His voice hitched and he swallowed the lump in his throat. “I can’t lose you.”
She shook her head. “And I can’t lose you again either, so I guess we’ll have to watch each other’s backs.”
“This isn’t something you can write your way out of. This is real.”
She lifted her head and brushed a kiss to his lips. “There’s nothing you can say to make me stay here.”
He hummed into her mouth as he kissed her again. “Stubborn woman.”
“Bossy captain.”
He smiled as he fused his lips to hers.
Maybe tomorrow would never come.
If your book was optioned for a movie, what scene would be absolutely crucial to include?
OMG the epilogue for sure! LOL Here’s a little taste…
Flynn examined his reflection in the mirror.
His tall black boots were polished, his steel gray breeches were fitted, his canvas doublet and linen shirt were pressed. His leather frock coat bore many battle scars, but it was as regal as it was going to get. He reached for his baldrics belt and lifted it over his one shoulder, so it crossed diagonally over his chest. He slid his cutlass through the sheath and studied the pirate captain looking back at him.
He smirked. This was the pirate she requested, but he wasn’t simply putting on a costume to stand at the altar. He’d arranged with Char to keep Lily occupied until Keegan gave her the signal. He exited his cabin and strode down the hall to jog up the stairs.
One-Eyed Bob gave him a wolf whistle as he stepped onto the main deck. “Did we just time travel back to 1795?”
Flynn rolled his eyes. “I smell much better than I did back then.” He walked over to the rat lines and looked up the main mast.
Greyson grinned. “Yer really going up in the lines? You think that’s a good idea?”
Flynn smirked and cracked his knuckles. “Please. I was a quartermaster before I was ever a captain. I lived in the lines.”
Colton arched a brow. “But the swing you’ve got planned is a higher level of difficulty.”
Flynn shot him a look. “Appreciate yer concern, but I can’t die, so…”
His pride could be injured, but it was worth the risk. He wanted this to be special for Lily, like a scene from a book. He took two running steps and leaped for the ratlines.
He caught the rough line and pulled himself up. Once his boots were hooked in the rungs, he looked down at his crew with a grin. “I’ve still got it.”
He looked up the mast, ignoring their laughter below. The sea air blew across his skin as he climbed higher and reached for one of the free-hanging lines that had been tying up the sails. He gave it a firm tug. It seemed solid. He wrapped it around his forearm and gripped it tight.
His pulse raced and he sucked in a deep breath. He had forgotten how much he enjoyed the view from up in the lines.Keegan shouted up to him. “Ready for yer bride?”
“Aye!” Flynn looked at the canopy set up on the upper deck. He’d practiced the swing a couple of times during the past week, but the canopy hadn’t been up. Pirate movies made the rope swings famous, but the truth was, if they were fighting, they were rarely up in the rigging, so swinging wasn’t something Flynn had done very often.
Keegan jogged back up the stairs. “She’s on her way.”
He picked up his guitar and put the strap over his shoulder. He’d made his own arrangement of a song Lily had chosen by someone named Ruelle.
When he got to, “I get to love you” Lily came up the stairs. Flynn gave the rope one more tug as she looked around the deck for him. Char helped her to the canopy on the upper deck and she finally turned around and saw him on the ratlines. The wind chose to gust, blowing his coat back. This was it. He kicked his boot free of the rigging and jumped.
The wind whistled in his ears as he flew past the rest of the crew, toward his future with the love of his immortal life.
Her eyes widened as he got closer. He soared past her, waiting for the rope to start its journey back, then he let go and dropped onto the deck. He stumbled, nearly landing on his arse, but he saved his pride and managed to stay on his feet.
The look on her face was worth every effort he’d taken. She covered her mouth, her eyes still wide. “Holy shit. You’re a pirate.”
He chuckled and took her hand, bringing it to his lips. “I’m your pirate.”
Readers should read this book …
if you’re looking for a sexy escape with high stakes and an adventure that will keep you turning pages.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?
I’m finishing up Wolf’s Woman which is Book 3 in my Salem Pack series, and then I’ll be working on Book 2 in my Genesis Trilogy.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
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Excerpt from The Captain’s Curse:
Lily entered the code into the keypad and drove into the underground garage of Ian’s building. Her shoulders were tight, and her hands ached from gripping the wheel so tightly.
But she made it.
She parked in a guest spot and sent a text to Ian.
Made it.
She put her phone in her pocket and got out. She went to the trunk and put her laptop bag over her sore shoulder, then bent to get her suitcase. Behind her the elevator doors opened.
“Can I help?” Why did his voice still turn her legs to Jell-o?
“That’d be great. Thanks.”
She stepped back and Ian swooped in to lift her suitcase out of the trunk, then he reached for the strap on her laptop bag. “Can I carry this too?”
“Sure, but if you drop it, I might have to toss you off your balcony.”
He chuckled. “I’ll be careful with it.”
She walked ahead of him back to the elevator, pressing the lock on her key fob as she went. Inside the elevator, she tried to stay as far from him as she could get, but it wasn’t a huge elevator, and with her bags, it was tight. He pressed the button for the top floor and straightened up.
“I’m relieved you’re safe. When Paul called I…wasn’t happy.”
She resisted looking at him. “I’m fine.”
The doors opened and they stepped out. She followed him inside of his condo and collapsed onto his sofa. Resting her head back, she stared at the ceiling, trying to organize her thoughts. She’d practiced a speech the entire drive about how he wasn’t a pirate captain anymore and how forgiveness was tougher than revenge, but exhaustion had set in, and it all seemed jumbled now. She’d talk to him about it in the morning.
The couch moved as Ian sat beside her. “I have the bed made in the guest room, but if you’re too tired to make it, I could bring blankets out to you here.”
She rolled her head to the side so she could see him. His blue eyes were hypnotic, drawing her in, and his lips, framed by his perfectly manicured goatee. She used to love the way it brushed her skin as he pressed slow languid kisses down her body.
Stop it. She forced her gaze back up to his eyes and found a sparkle in them as if he knew exactly what she’d been fantasizing about. “Blankets out here would be great. And my suitcase is full of dirty clothes, so I hope you have a washing machine.”
“I do. I’ll be right back.” He turned around and walked down the hall.
His ass was still perfect too. She forced her head to turn and stared at the ceiling, struggling to remind herself he was the same guy who walked out of her bedroom and never spoke to her again. His exit was effortless then and it would be again.
Do not give him another chance, Lily.
He came around the back of the sofa and set the folded blankets beside her, then his big hands were on her shoulders. Before she could swat them away, he squeezed and she almost moaned. Her eyes drifted closed as he worked the tension out of her body.
“You…don’t have to…do…that.” Her voice sounded breathier than she intended, but she couldn’t help it.
“I know.” He continued massaging her shoulders and when her head tipped forward, he worked the muscles on the back of her neck.
Just feeling his fingers on the tender skin of her throat brought back memories of the way he touched her when they kissed, rough and tender all at once. Heat pooled low in her belly and parts of her body were suddenly wide awake.
“I didn’t want to leave you, Lil. I didn’t know what else to do.”
“I can’t do this.” She was too tired to debate this with him. She scooted forward, freeing herself from the heaven of his hands and turned around to look at him. “I’m never going to trust you with my heart again. It has nothing to do with you being some kind of immortal pirate captain and everything to do with that you never saw me as your partner. At the first sign of a problem, you were gone. No note, no call, no closure.” She shook her head drinking in the pain her words were dredging up. “You knew all my secrets, and I knew none of yours.”
Regret shone in his eyes as he cupped her cheek. She should’ve slapped his hand away, but she couldn’t move. Couldn’t reject the comfort he offered. He bent down, so they were eye to eye and whispered, “I’m sorry. I hate that I hurt you.”
He brushed a kiss to her forehead and stood up. There was tension in his jaw and hunger in his eyes. She recognized that look. All it would take was a word, and he would scoop her into his arms and carry her to his bedroom.
But she stayed silent.
“We’ll talk in the morning,” he whispered.
She managed to nod.
“Night, Lil.”
She waited until he disappeared into his room before collapsing onto the blankets and screaming into them. Then she made the mistake of inhaling. They smelled so good, like Ian. She was doomed. If she let him suck her in again, she deserved the devastation when he walked out on her.
Excerpts. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
Captain Ian Flynn would die for any one of his crew…if he could. Now he
might have to. Because one of the only known weapons able to kill an
immortal is missing. The Spear of Destiny—a priceless religious artifact
from the crucifixion—is in the hands of his ship’s ruthless ex-captain.
Now the lives of the Sea Dog’s immortal pirate crew are all at
risk…along with the headstrong mortal Ian never should have fallen for.
Writer Lily Bouchard isn’t sure what’s worse. That she fell for Ian
Flynn only to get her heart broken, or that she romanticized the man
like he was some gorgeous viking straight out of a movie. So when he
shows up suddenly with some absurd tale of immortal pirates and mythical
religious relics, Lily doesn’t know what to think. He’s always had a
wildness beneath his well-tailored appearance…but how could any of this
possibly be real?
Now a centuries-old vendetta between two pirate captains has erupted around her,
and Ian will do anything to keep Lily safe—even if it means risking everything. But she won’t give him up without a fight.
The only thing more dangerous than killing an immortal is falling for one…
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Goodreads |
Meet the Author:
Lisa Kessler is a Best Selling author of passionate, page-turning paranormal fiction. She’s a two-time San Diego Book Award winner for Best Published Fantasy-Sci-fi-Horror and Best Published Romance. Her books have also won the PRISM award, the Award of Excellence, the National Excellence in Romantic Fiction Award, the Award of Merit from the Holt Medallion, and an International Digital Award for Best Paranormal.
Her short stories have been published in print anthologies and magazines, and her vampire story, Immortal Beloved, was a finalist for a Bram Stoker award.
She also publishes horror and thriller novels under the pseudonym, L.A. Kessler.
When she’s not writing, Lisa is a professional vocalist and tarot card reader.
You can learn more at
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I do enjoy enemies to lovers.
Latesha B.
I love most tropes, especially marriage of convenience and mistaken identity. This sounds like a great story.
Friends2Lovers, Enemies2Lovers, Sibling’s Friend, and more!
Mary Preston
Marriage of convenience is my absolute favorite.
Jeanna Massman
I love books featuring single parents.
I enjoy marriage of convenience and rags to riches.
Second chances or going home again are my favorite tropes
Debra Guyette
I like enemies to lovers as well as fake relationships
Shannon Capelle
Second chance, enemies to lovers and friends to lovers
Linda F Herold
Brother’s best friend and friends to lovers.
Fake relationships
Audrey Stewart
I like to read co-workers fall in love.
I like second chance, friends to lovers and bad boys.
Marcy Meyer
My favorites are second chance and friends to lovers. I also love sports romance and romantic suspense. The occasional historical romance is another favorite.
Amy Donahue
Enemies to lovers is my favorite.
Glenda M
Friends to Lovers and Beauty and the Beast are mine
Rita Wray
I like enemies to lovers.
Latifa Morrisette
Age Gap, marriage of convenience
Ellen C.
Friends to lovers is my favorite.
Banana cake
Friends to lovers, fake relationship, enemies to lovers
Sue G.
I love best friend’s little sister or enemies to lovers.
Texas Book Lover
I like reading pretty much any and all tropes as long as they are written well!
Friends to lovers
Victoria Salcedo
Enemies to lovers
I like all kinds. Single parent, military.
Daniel M
underdog steps up
Kathleen O
Secret Baby’s
Linda Romer
One of my favorites is enemies to lovers. Thank you
Nina Lewis
Enemies to lovers & age gaps are my favorites. ❤️
Colleen C.
Single dad, mistaken identity, marriage of convenience…
I like romantic mystery.
Enemies to lovers
Mary C
Second chance
Friends to Lovers, Best friend/sibling, and second chance.
Marisela Zuniga
Enemies to lovers is my favorite!
Anna Nguyen
second chance and fake romance
I like friends to lovers.
Nicole (Nicky) Ortiz
I love them all
Thanks for the chance!
Janie McGaugh
Enemies to Lovers and Beauty and the Beast
Anita H.
Brother’s best friend is totally my catnip!
I love second chances, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, small town, age gap, mafia tropes!! Thanks so much for the opportunity!!
Pammie R.
The ones mentioned, but I love kids and rom-com. I am an aspiring writer and a lot of my stuff has kids in it.
My favorite trope is enemies to lovers.
Apart from the second chance & enemies to lovers tropes, I love small town romances.
Patricia B.
Wounded heroes/heroines and Beauty and the Beast are my two favorites and are a bit related. I have seen books in this series, but never really checked them out. I like what I have read here and will have to check the series out.
Karina Angeles
Enemies to lovers and marriage of convenience.
Diana Tidlund
Falling for best friend