Spotlight & Giveaway: Unknown Royal Baby by Annie West

Posted October 21st, 2024 by in Blog, Spotlight / 15 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Annie West to HJ!


Hi Annie and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Unknown Royal Baby!

Thank you for having me to visit. I love stopping by. Waving a big hello to everyone!

Tell us about the book with this fun little challenge using the title of the book:

Rather than use the whole title I’ll just use a few words using my hero’s name, Isam:
I is for Instant Attraction. Isam and Avril have worked together for some time at a distance but when they meet everything changes in a moment.
S is for Scandal. A love affair between a royal and his PA could be scandalous, but even more so is the fact she’s had his baby. But more than fear of scandal, Isam is concerned to protect Avril and their child.
A is for Anguish. That’s what Avril feels when she can’t contact Isam after their night together. And again when she later discovers the reason why.
M is for Meaningful. Their physical attraction is instantaneous but it’s matched by a meaningful connection they’d developed as they worked together. Add the two together and how could they resist falling for each other?

Please share the opening lines of this book:

His Highness Isam Ibn Rafat, Crown Prince of Zahdar, rose from the conference table, walking around to the interviewee. ‘Thank you, Mr Drucker. It’s been a must useful meeting.’
Avril stifled surprise. As His Highness’s assistant, it was her role to usher guests through the presidential suite…


Please tell us a little about the characters in your book.

Avril was raised by her Great Aunt Cilla after her mother died and her absent father remarried and moved to another country. She’s spent the last several years working from home while supporting the adored old lady. Now, after Cilla’s recent death, she finds it hard to keep her emotions in check. When she falls hard for her boss, she decides to ignore caution and act on the attraction, craving solace and drawn by a sense of overpowering connection. Isam is hard-working and honorable, always conscious of his duty to his country and to others, he’s the ideal crown princes, yet what he feels for Avril is outside his experience and it throws him. He’s determined not to act on the attraction but this temptation proves impossible to resist.

Please share a few Fun facts about this book…

  • I was fascinated by the idea of a long distance PA, working remotely from his/her boss. The person would have to be competent and a great communicator, but still there’d be room for misunderstandings. The idea of two people who knew each other really well from working together but who had never met, intrigued me. What would happen when they came face to face? Would their relationship alter?
  • I’m a sucker for a good memory loss story. When it comes to a reason why lovers might lose contact it’s also a great obstacle to throw in the mix. I couldn’t resist using it and making it hard for Avril to tell Isam her news.
  •  I had the most wonderful time creating Isam’s palace in my head. There was lots of fun research and diving into the story was all the more enjoyable for having an appealing setting.


What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?

When the story opens Isam and Avril have already worked together closely for months (just not physically in the same place). They have built a rapport that combines friendship with professionalism. But when they meet in person it’s a whole other story. Their physical attraction is immediate and only grows stronger as they share a workspace. It’s a delicious combination of sizzling awareness plus liking and admiration.

The First Kiss…

‘Don’t you feel it too?’
Even the touch of her hand on his arm was enough to banish the shadows that had eclipsed her life, turning her black and white world into vivid colour again.
Lately everything except work had seemed out of kilter. But this was absolutely right.
Avril needed to feel joy and comfort. She needed the touch of someone warm and living. Not just anyone. Only Isam made her feel this way.
‘Of course I feel it.’ Isam’s words made her sag in relief. ‘But I won’t take advantage of you. Besides, I can’t offer a relationship, not long term. There are expectations on me that I can’t ignore. And I certainly don’t want to lose the best PA I’ve ever had.’
Any other time his compliment on her work would have thrilled her. But Avril had more urgent matters on her mind.
She closed the space between them, standing toe to toe, so her breasts brushed his folded arms as she slid her hands over his solid chest and around his neck. His skin was hot and the sensation of his thick hair against her fingertips elicited a frisson of excitement.
‘Then I’ll take advantage of you,’ she murmured, pulling his head down as she rose on her toes.
Her lips brushed his once, twice, and suddenly he was kissing her back. Powerful arms wrapped around her, pulling her close and high. Against her belly she felt the press of masculine virility and fire exploded in her veins.
Yet Isam’s kiss was slow, almost gentle, and totally at odds with her rush of urgent arousal.
Avril leaned in, opening for him, giving kiss for kiss. Still he took his time, as if needing to be sure of her.
She’d never kissed like this. Clumsy Christmas party pecks and dates with guys who were either too tentative or way too aggressive had made her suspect she wasn’t missing much by not dating.
Isam made her realise she’d had no idea how a kiss could be. But how badly she wanted to learn. She wanted to grab life in both hands and experience everything she’d missed.
Her legs were boneless by the time he lifted his head, surveying her through silvered eyes that shimmered with heat. That look alone would have seduced her. Not that she needed seducing. She clung to his shoulders, fingers digging possessively.


If your book was optioned for a movie, what scene would you use for the audition of the main characters and why?

There’s definitely a key scene I’d use for this audition, but rather than share a tiny snippet here, I’m going to share a longer excerpt with you. Keep reading to find it.

If you could have given your characters one piece of advice before the opening pages of the book, what – would it be and why?

I’d reassure them that patience and courage will win out. Fortunately both of them have those qualities, but I think knowing that would make the difficult times much easier for them both.

What are you currently working on? What are your up-coming releases?*

Thanks for asking! My next release comes in January, called Ring For an Heir, a reunion story about a couple who discover their attraction is as deep as ever. The story has a lot of passion and emotion too, especially when their reunion has unexpected consequences! After that there’s a high-stakes marriage of convenience story called Queen by Royal Command.
Right now I’m working on an enemies to lovers story set in Italy. I’m having a ball! I hope readers love it as much as I do.

Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: This is an international giveaway. The winner will receive TWO signed backlist Annie West titles!


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: It’s not long until the holiday season. What sort of romance would you like to curl up with over the holidays? What themes would be on your wish list?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from Unknown Royal Baby:

Here’s part of the scene that I’d use as a movie audition piece. Isam is back in London and wants answers. Following an accident in which his father died, he can’t remember his previous visit to the UK, yet when he met Avril earlier in the day at a meeting with colleagues, he was plagued with tiny flashes of memory – of her! He’s followed her, needing answers:

The doorbell rang after dusk and Avril rolled her eyes. Would this day ever end?
She’d gone to Isam’s hotel sure that at least she’d have the satisfaction of telling him what she thought of him. But the coward had walked away, leaving her to defend her work and her character to his minions.
Then, as soon as she’d walked in the door hours ago she’d been run off her feet. She hadn’t even had time to change out of her office clothes, simply stepping out of her shoes and promising herself a long soak in the bath later, if she could keep her eyes open.
Though, given her indignation at how today’s meeting had played out, she suspected sleep wouldn’t come easily tonight.
She stifled a yawn as she walked to the front door, then, realising who it must be, she smiled as she opened it. ‘Gus, it’s lovely—’
Her words died as she registered, not the comfortable round outline of her neighbour, Augusta, but a towering form, all hard, masculine angles. She’d know those shoulders anywhere and the proud angle of that head.
Without even thinking about it she swung the heavy door forward. Instinct was a skittering creature racing up her spine, whispering in her ear that having that man in her home would be disastrous.
The door juddered to a stop. She pushed but it wouldn’t budge. Looking down, she saw a large, glossy shoe wedged in the doorway. She hoped his foot was bruised.
‘I don’t want you in my home.’
From beyond the door a deep voice said, ‘You’d rather we had this conversation on the doorstep? For the entertainment of your neighbours?’
Avril opened her mouth to say her neighbours were lovely, unlike him, then snapped it shut.
‘Or shall we have this out in my suite? Perhaps over the conference table with Rashid taking notes?’
She yanked the door open so hard it almost bounced off the wall beside her.
‘Don’t you come here with your threats. You think you’re a big man, high-ranking and powerful. But there are more important things in life. Respect, for one.’ She jammed her hands on her hips and seared him with her scorn. ‘Common decency.’
She was so incensed at his nerve in coming to her house after effectively dismissing her earlier, she could barely catch her breath. That was why her breathing was so choppy, her breasts rising so vigorously they tested the buttons of her blouse.
Avril crossed her arms over her chest.
‘We need to talk.’ Something in his tone quelled her surge of anger. He didn’t sound smug, but strained. ‘We both know it.’
Finally she nodded. ‘We do. Tomorrow. I’ll meet you somewhere.’ Somewhere neutral like a coffee shop. ‘What time—?’
‘Not tomorrow. Now.’ When she didn’t respond, merely lifted her eyebrows in a show of disdain, he continued. ‘My time in London is limited. Most of it is accounted for. If we want a private discussion it needs to be now.’
‘Surely a king can set his own timetable.’
He merely shook his head slowly as if to say she had no idea of his schedule.
And he’d be right. What did she know of royal life? The few days she’d spent with him had been remarkable for their informality.
Informality! Hysterical laughter at the understatement threatened her composure.
Avril had sudden recall of how it had felt when he’d taken her to bliss with his body, then held her close, whispering words of affection. Even now the deep timbre of his voice made something loosen inside her.
She’d wanted to see him for so long. Been desperate to see him. Now here he was and it was like a nightmare. Nothing was as she’d once hoped. Even her determination to despise him was undercut by her body’s response to his nearness.
‘Avril?’ Her gaze lifted to his and was trapped. His eyes gleamed pewter-dark. Did she imagine they looked troubled? ‘Let me in.’
Reluctantly she stepped aside and he walked past, so close her skin prickled and she closed her eyes in momentary despair. She loathed this man. He’d treated her badly. Yet her yearning body hadn’t yet got the message. But after tonight she’d probably never see him. One way or another she wouldn’t work for Isam after this.
‘To the left.’
She followed him in to see him standing, surveying the old-fashioned furniture. The packed bookcases and clutter of photos. The thought of him snooping through her life, hers and Cilla’s, made her step forward to stand in front of the display.
‘Take a seat.’ Because she’d feel better if he weren’t dominating the room with his height.
But it wasn’t just his height. He’d always had an energy about him, a charisma she’d never been able to ignore.
To her relief he sank into a large armchair, looking just as at home as he did at that dauntingly large conference table.
Or naked in bed. His musculature and that fine dusting of hair across his chest utterly fascinating.
Appalled at her thoughts, Avril took a chair opposite him. She didn’t offer refreshments. This wasn’t a social occasion. Just as well Cilla wasn’t here. She’d been a stickler for polite niceties.
‘Why are you here?’
‘I thought that would be obvious. To talk about us.’
‘There is no us! You made that clear when you refused to answer my calls and messages.’
A flicker of emotion crossed his face but she couldn’t pin it down. He looked down at his hands, triangled in front of him with fingertips touching.
‘You tried to contact me.’
It wasn’t a question but a statement. Yet there was something about his tone that made her hesitate for a second. But she wasn’t in the mood to play games. They both knew how he’d treated her.
‘Of course I tried to contact you. Even if I didn’t have work issues to discuss, I was worried.’ At least at first. ‘Your crash made world headlines. But no one seemed to know how badly injured you really were.’
Grey eyes lifted and met hers. ‘As you see, I’m fine.’
He didn’t look fine, she realised with a shock of clarity that made her insides twist. He looked…gaunt, as if a sculptor had chiselled his features but gone too far, accentuating deep chasms and angles and not leaving enough flesh on the bone. In the conference room she hadn’t noticed, too caught up in her own emotions.
‘I’m sorry about your father.’
She knew what grief was like. At least her great-aunt had reached a venerable age and her decline had given them both time to prepare. It must be terrible to lose a loved one so suddenly.
‘Thank you.’ He nodded. ‘He was a good man and I miss him.’
For a moment they regarded each other and Avril could have sworn she felt the ebb and flow of understanding between them.
No. No. No! Don’t start fantasising now. He’s not that man.
It was time to remind them both that she had his measure.
‘I emailed you, multiple times. I called but got no answer. When you didn’t contact me, even when you were out of hospital and taking up your duties again, I called both the Zahdari Embassy here and then your palace, leaving messages.’
The memory of those fraught months reinvigorated her indignation and hurt. She hadn’t expected long-term commitment as a result of the night they’d shared. She was no blind romantic. But he’d made it clear he wanted to see her again.
He’d acted as if he cared about her.
More fool you.
‘And I didn’t get in touch.’ He rested his forehead on his hand, his elbow on the arm of the chair. ‘I’m sorry, Avril. I—’ He looked up, frowning. ‘What’s that?’
The sound began low and soft, like the warning hint of thunder in the distance, making her sit up, dismay filling her. She knew from experience the storm would break all too soon.
She jumped to her feet. ‘Excuse me. There’s something I need to see to. I won’t be long.’ She hoped. ‘Wait here.’
It was only as she hurried from the room that she realised she was in stockinged feet and wisps of hair hung around her face. It would have been nice to meet him looking cool instead of frazzled. But her appearance was the least of her worries. Her heart hammered desperately.
She stumbled up the stairs, weariness vying with shock. For, after months knocking her head against a brick wall, trying to contact Isam, she’d learnt she was better off without him. Today had just consolidated that, convincing her he didn’t need to know about this.
This was her business, not his.
Given the way he’d discarded her without a second thought, without even the courtesy of a call, she’d never trust him with anything so valuable.
The decibels rose as she reached the landing at the top of the stairs and dived into the first room, closing the door behind her.
A couple of minutes later, arms full, she turned at the sound of the door opening, her heart leaping into her throat.
There was Isam, looking ridiculously splendid in his tailored suit and impeccable silk tie, his shoulders almost brushing the sides of the narrow doorway. He looked as out of place in her little home as she would in a palace.
His eyes rounded as he took her in. Swiftly he surveyed the room, taking in the recent changes she’d made, then returned to the weight in her arms.
‘You have a baby?’

Excerpts. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

A royal, amnesia, secret baby, marriage of convenience romance by USA Today bestselling author Annie West.
Claiming his surprise heir.. means crowning her as his queen!
Virtual PA Avril is overwhelmed by desire meeting her boss, Crown Prince Isam, in person. As their rapport deepens, their electrifying passion becomes impossible to resist. So when Avril reaches out weeks later with bombshell news, she’s blindsided by his radio silence…
One year later, Isam returns to London a different man – the helicopter crash that took his family also took his memory. After the newly crowned sheikh learns that he has a child with the captivating Avril, Isam is resolved: protect his heir and make her his wife!
Book Links: Amazon | B& N | iTunes | Google |

Meet the Author:

USA Today Bestselling author Annie West loves writing passionate, intense love stories. She has devoted her life to an in depth study of tall, dark, charismatic heroes who cause the best kind of trouble in the lives of their heroines. Creating heroines who are a perfect match for those strong, stubborn men is one of favorite things. As a sideline she also researches dreamy romance locations, from vibrant cities to desert encampments and fairytale castles. She lives on the east coast of Australia and her favorite things are books, good company, good food and travel. For behind the scenes news and free giveaways, sign up for Annie’s newsletter:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads |



15 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: Unknown Royal Baby by Annie West”

  1. erahime

    I’m a mood reader, so it really depends on my mood. So long as there’s HEAs, fave tropes, and gives me good vibes, I’ll read whatever caught my attention.

  2. Glenda M

    I honestly can’t predict what I’ll be in the mood for. I’ll have a reading plan and go in a random direction instead. I do often read holiday romances around the holidays, but I also read them year round

  3. Crystal

    On my wish list is curling up by the fire with some hunky dude and we make the of holiday magic that lasts forever from a guy who likes me for me and he isn’t controlling
    Love this author’s books

  4. Colleen C.

    I enjoy a wide variety… love mistaken identity, single dad, secret baby, marriage of convenience and so much more…

  5. anniewest

    Hi Erahime. I agree, I want that HEA, but it depends on my mood as to what story I’ll pick up! 🙂

  6. Patricia B.

    I like cozy romances for the holidays. A cabin, snow, evenings by the fire, walks in the snowy woods, true friendship, and love.

  7. psu1493

    Second chance/reunion stories would be good for the holidays, but really anything that has a great premise works for me.

  8. Laurie Gommermann

    I liked the introduction to Isam and Avril’s story.
    I would like to read a story featuring forced proximity/ stranded storm traveling to get somewhere for Christmas. I like reclusive heroes. I like ex athletes, ex military or ex CEO’s guys taking a break from their stressful lives. I like intelligent women who go after their dreams and stand up for themselves when faced with stand offish men. I also like marriage of convenience.

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