Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Paige Tyler to HJ!

Hi Paige and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Wild as a Wolf (SWAT: Special Wolf Alpha Team Series)!
Thanks for having me! HJ is my favorite place to be when it comes to talking about my stories and it’s an honor to be invited to spend a little time with you and everyone who love books, and all things romance!
To start off, can you please tell us a little bit about this book?:
Officer Hale Delaney and his fellow SWAT werewolves pack are up to their eyeballs in trouble…maybe more than they can handle! There’s a group of supernatural predators roaming the city, going after anyone they think can give them a good fight, not concerned about who gets caught in the crossfire. Dealing with creatures that are invulnerable to every weapon known to man or werewolf ends up with Hale on his knees about to lose his head until a familiar woman with a sword shows up to save his life—and then promptly disappears.
Karissa Bonifay was in high school when she fell in love with bad boy Hale, who dumped her without even bothering to say goodbye—or so she thought. Then her life took a turn into the strange and bizarre when she was chosen to be a sword-wielding warrior tasked travel the world to protect the innocent.
That mission has now brought her to Dallas to protect a billionaire industrialist from a hitman who serves Deimos, the Greek god of dread and terror. It also puts her right in the middle of the fight between the Dallas SWAT Team and a group of supernatural creatures who were bred to fight in the Roman coliseum. And it just so happens that one of those SWAT cops is Hale, the guy who broke her heart over a decade ago. And, oh yeah, he’s a werewolf.
When did life get so complicated?
Please share your favorite lines or quote(s) from this book:
This is the scene where we get an idea of the life Karissa has been living since she was sixteen and received her “calling.” I like the lines about having a mentor who never takes her calls. In most superhero stories, there’s some wise mentor or advisor (Buffy had Giles, Batman had Alfred, Superman had the memories of his father, etc.). But Karissa has never gotten any of that. She had to do it all on her own, unless you count her parents, who simply tell her which jobs she’s going to work.
“So you’re like some kind of superhero now?” he asked, even as he realized how ridiculous those words sounded. “You run around saving people from evil villains? With an unhelpful mentor who doesn’t return your calls?”
Karissa laughed again and Hale told himself that the beautiful sound had no effect on him whatsoever, even as he felt his heart thump a little bit harder.
“I don’t really run around saving people,” she explained. “I work for my parents, which means I go where the job takes me. Their company gets hired to protect high-profile people all around the world and they send me out on the jobs that are deemed the most high-risk.”
“High-risk meaning that someone’s actually trying to kill their clients?” Hale said, getting a sinking sensation in his gut.
What inspired this book?
I’ll give you a list of things that inspired the book, but I won’t tell you why (don’t want to spill out plot secrets). After you read the story, come back, and check out the list. It will make a lot more sense.
- The Arnold movie Predator
- The TV show Zena: Warrior Princess
- West Side Story
- All my favorite Halloween candy.
- Pizza Parties
How did you ‘get to know’ your main characters? Did they ever surprise you?
Hale was easier to get to know, since he’d been showing up off and on in at least a half dozen books in the series, with little pieces of his past and personality slowly being revealed through his interactions with his teammates. We always imagined him as a bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks, though the details of his past changed a few times before we settled on where he grew up and the specifics of that past. As bizarre as it sounds, Hale’s broken nose and how that affects his sense of smell as a werewolf was a key trait we used to develop his character and the path he takes towards finding The One for him.
Karissa was a work in progress right up until we actually started the outline for the story and beyond. She was always going to be a supernatural of some type, but the details of what kind she was changed a lot since the beginning of the series (we wrote basic outlines for each story when we came up with book one—Hungry Like the Wolf—so we’d know where to drop certain tidbits from the broader SWAT plotline). But even as we wrote the story, some aspects of Karissa’s personality and family background continued to change. Truthfully, the way things end up with her family in the book was a last-minute thing, mostly because Karissa made up her own mind on all that.
So all of our characters generally start off as a notion, but grow and change over time, much like real people. The characters will tell us who they are. We simply need to listen to them.
What was your favorite scene to write?
This is the scene where Hale gets to explain how Karissa saved his butt (technically, she saved his head, but that doesn’t flow off the tongue as smoothly). I enjoyed the interaction between Hale and his teammates as he tells them everything.
“Speaking of stuff you didn’t say anything about,” Gage said, pinning Hale with a look. “Mind filling us in on exactly what happened after you chased that guy out of the club? Because I couldn’t help noticing that you were incredibly light on the details in your report when you first showed up with him slung over your back.”
While he’d been more than ready to give Karissa credit for kicking that supernatural’s ass a minute ago, now Hale wondered if bringing her up was a good idea. It would only lead to questions he didn’t want to answer. But werewolves who’d been werewolves a long time, like Gage, could tell when someone lying, so he didn’t have much of a choice.
“When that guy ran out of the club, my inner wolf took over and I chased him, even though I realized he was probably trying to lure me away from the rest of you and lead me into an ambush,” Hale said. “But instead, he led me down a series of alleys until we were in the middle of nowhere, then he turned around and waited for me to catch up. Like he wanted to find a place to face me one-on-one.”
Trey grinned. “So you pulled out all your mad martial arts skills and kicked butt. That’s what I’m talking about!”
Hale snorted. “I wish. Whatever kind of supernatural this guy is, he’s as fast and strong as we are. He fought me in hand-to-hand combat without breaking a sweat. When I pulled out the claws and fangs, he pulled out a knife and the blade went through my tactical vest like it wasn’t even there. Then he yanked it out and took a swing at my head that would have taken it clean off.”
Connor and Trey both went wide-eyed in surprise.
“How did you stop him?” Connor asked.
“I didn’t,” Hale admitted. “Someone else showed up with a sword and blocked the swing before the guy could take off my head.”
Gage’s brow furrowed. “Someone with a sword?”
Hale nodded. “Yeah. A Greek double-edged short sword called a xiphos.”
Everyone stared at him expectantly, though Hale wasn’t sure if they were waiting for him to admit how he knew what kind of blade it was or to tell them more about the person who’d saved his life. Something told him it was probably the latter.
“She has to be a supernatural,” he admitted softly, almost as if he were talking to himself.
“What makes you think so?” Mike asked.
“For one thing, she could make her sword disappear into thin air,” Hale said. “For another, she was damn fast. Not to mention strong. She disarmed the guy, then nearly kicked him through a brick wall. It knocked him out cold.”
“I can’t believe it’s a coincidence she was in that alley,” Gage said. “Did you ask her what she knows about these guys?”
Hale shook his head. “The moment the fight was over, there was a flash of light that nearly blinded me, and by the time my vision came back, she’d disappeared.”
Mike sighed. “So we have no way of knowing who this woman is or how to get in contact with her?”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Hale murmured, still hesitant to reveal the last, most painful, piece of information. But he owed his pack mates the truth, no matter how much it hurt. “I know who she is. Or at least I used to. I’m not sure if I can say I know the person she is now. Her name is Karissa Bonifay. We dated in high school back in Chicago. At the time I thought she was the love of my life…the only woman I would ever love.”
What was the most difficult scene to write?
This scene is when Hale and Karissa first confront each other after being apart for over a decade, both blaming the other for the separation. Their words are sharp and cutting, which is to be expected, but for me, it was still difficult to right, especially knowing they were meant to be together (Note: I write romance because I’m a diehard romantic myself. This stuff is all personal to me).
“So you’re a cop now,” Karissa said, not looking at him. “I have to admit, I never would have pegged you as the type, given the family you grew up in.”
The lightly veiled jab stung a little, mostly because it had come from Karissa. Not that Hale would ever admit it. He’d long ago gotten over the fact that he’d grown up in a family of criminals. Apparently, his ex was still hung up on that fact, though.
“Like I never would have pegged you to be running around Dallas in a trench coat, swinging a sword, and playing the vigilante,” he responded in a tone as emotionless as hers.
When Karissa turned to shoot him a glare, Hale could tell he’d struck a nerve. But she quickly recovered, any trace of anger disappearing in a flash.
“It’s a five-hundred-dollar leather duster, not a trench coat,” she corrected, wandering across the living room to the coffee table, gazing down at the donuts. “Not that I’d expect you to know the difference.”
“You’re right. I don’t know the difference. But then again, you always were about the money, weren’t you?”
Hale felt a bit of shame at the harsh words coming out of his mouth, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. He might have thought he’d come to accept his past with Karissa, but he’d obviously been wrong about that. The sight of her standing there looking all chill while he was boiling with anger inside was too much.
He braced himself, waiting for the return volley in their game of matching insults, but instead Karissa took a deep breath and slowly let it out. If he wasn’t so mad at her, Hale would have smiled. She always had been good when it came to reining in her anger.
“So you’re still eating chocolate-covered donuts?” Karissa said.
Hale could tell that she trying hard to keep her voice casual instead of blasting him in retaliation for his comment about her family having money when his never did.
“Yeah, I still love them.” He motioned at the box on the table and the three donuts inside. “You want one, or have you moved on from them, too?”
He regretted his words immediately, not sure why he continued to lash out like that. But it was too late to take them back. So instead, he picked up the box of donuts, holding it out to Karissa, hoping she’d take the delicious olive branch he was offering.
Fortunately, she did, although after hours of sitting out in his living room, the chocolate was soft and smeared all over her fingers. Hale winced. Somehow, she was able to take a bite without making a mess on her face. That was a skill he was still working on.
“What are you doing in Dallas?” he asked as he set the box down on the table again, trying to keep any accusing notes out of the question, even if a part of him wondered if she was here to check up on him. Or was he hoping she was here for that?
Would you say this book showcases your writing style or is it a departure for you?
Wild as a Wolf is the quintessential Paige Tyler story, with:
- Amazing and original supernatural characters.
- A steamy romance that has you wondering why Hale and Karissa can’t get out of their own way long enough to admit they love each other.
- Thrilling action and suspense that will have your heart pounding.
- Well developed secondary characters that will have you begging for more stories just about them.
- An ending that you won’t see coming.
So, yeah, your normal, everyday Paige Tyler book.
What do you want people to take away from reading this book?
I hope our readers can throw themselves into this book and find a few hours of pure bliss that comes with immersing yourself into a world of danger, thrills, and romance, where the hero and heroine have to overcome a seemingly endless number of obstacles that stand between them and their HEA, and just when it seems like it can’t possibly happen, it does. And that you the reader can’t wait to pick up the next book and do it all over again!
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?
We’re working on the next book in the SEALs of Coronado Series and the next book in the SWAT: Special Wolf Alpha Team Series! We also have a brand-new Shopify store where you can save 20% off all SEALs of Coronado books right now with Coupon Code Save20 at
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: Even though this is Book 15 in the SWAT: Special Wolf Alpha Team Series, you can read it as a standalone and won’t be confused (although after reading it, you’ll want to read the rest of the SWAT: Special Wolf Alpha Team Series!). But since it is Book 15, we’re giving away 15 EBOOKS! The giveaway is US and international!
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Could you see yourself carrying a torch for someone for a full decade? Do you think that kind of love exist, or does it fade with time?
Excerpt from Wild as a Wolf (SWAT: Special Wolf Alpha Team Series):
For your reading pleasure, may I now present the kissing scene.
That got her a nod. “Being a werewolf means I get enhanced physical strength, speed, and healing. My senses are better than a regular human’s—well, except for my nose because of that fight with your brothers. And yeah, I get claws and fangs.”
Fangs! You’ve got to be kidding me.
Karissa gazed at him, wide-eyed. “Cool! Can I see?”
Hale pulled back and stared at her in shock, like she’d just asked the most indelicate question ever.
“What? I showed you my sword.” She smiled. “You’re a little bit old to be acting all shy, aren’t you?”
“That’s what you’re going with?” he snorted. “I showed you mine, now you show me yours?”
“Maybe. Will it work?” she asked with a laugh, glad to see that he wasn’t really upset. “I never did get a chance to try that particular line on you when we were dating.”
Hale regarded her appraisingly for a moment. And then, just that fast, his face changed. The tips of two fangs appeared, growing down over his lower lip, until they were at least an inch and a half long. She glanced down to check his hands to see sharp claws that were even longer.
But while the fangs and claws were definitely amazing, the most striking change with Hale’s werewolf shift were his eyes. Normally a beautiful blue, they now glowed a vivid yellow gold so bright they were practically humming with energy. It was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.
And a confirmation that it hadn’t been a trick of the light the other night at the hotel.Hale sat on the couch beside her, motionless and barely breathing, as if he expected her to jump up and bolt from the apartment.
“Well, you’re not running away screaming,” Hale said, and Karissa realized his face and hands had shifted back so quickly that she hadn’t even noticed. “That’s a plus I guess.”
She reached out and grabbed his hand, holding on to it tightly. “I’m not running anywhere.
Definitely not over something like claws and fangs. Did you really think I would?”He shrugged. “People have been known to bail for less.”
Like she’d walked away from him back in high school on nothing more than her parents’ insistence that their relationship was over.
“I already agreed to try and fix what my family broke,” she said softly, her fingers still interlaced with his. “Nothing I’ve seen or heard tonight changes any of that. Unless you want it to.”
He continued to gaze at her, his expression impossible to read. But at the same time, he squeezed her hand a little tighter. It felt nice.
“I’m definitely still okay with that plan,” he said, his voice equally soft. “I want to keep working on trying to see if we can get back to what we had all those years ago. I only thought I should give you a chance to change your mind now that you know how different I am. I know dealing with something like this is a big ask. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to back off and reassess.”
While Karissa understood the sentiment—even appreciated it to a degree—it was getting frustrating, both of them dancing around each other like this. “Hale, you can stop right there. I don’t need to reassess anything. Okay?”
Karissa expected a word or two signifying that Hale understood, or maybe a nod. What she got instead was Hale leaning forward to kiss her. It was unexpected but certainly wanted.
Hale’s fingers slid into her hair, tilting her head just so as his mouth closed over hers. She may have moaned, but she wasn’t sure. Then his tongue was teasing its way along her lips, Karissa opening up to let him in. She moaned louder this time. She couldn’t help it. He tasted so damn good.Their tongues tangled together slowly, taking their time, even as Karissa wondered if she might burst into flames at any second. Without thought, she wrapped a hand around his strong neck, pulling him in closer, refusing to let him get away. Never wanting this kiss to end.
It struck her then how long it had been since she’d had a real kiss—the kind that made her heart beat faster and heat pool in her core. Ten years, if she was being honest with herself.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
Nothing is more powerful than a werewolf—or is there?
Nothing surprises SWAT alpha Hale Delaney—he’s seen almost everything since he became a werewolf. But when he goes head-to-head with Dallas’s newest supernatural villain and is saved by the woman he loved and lost a decade ago, his world is turned upside down. Karissa Bonifay as always been fierce and capable, but now she’s a sword-wielding warrior in her own right.
The more time Hale and Karissa spend together hunting the dangerous supernaturals terrorizing the city, the closer they come to the truth about what really came between them all those years ago…
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | Google |
Meet the Author:
Paige Tyler is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of action-packed romantic suspense and paranormal romance. She and her very own military hero (also known as her husband) live on the beautiful Florida coast with their adorable fur baby (also known as their dog). Paige graduated with a degree in education, but decided to pursue her passion and write books about hunky alpha males and the kick-butt heroines who fall in love with them.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | GoodReads |
Susan C
I think that kind of love exists but not for me.
Latesha B.
I have carried a torch for someone for a decade, but luckily, I outgrew it as we are two completely different people and things would not have worked out for us. I think love exists for some like that only if they are fortunate.
Debra Guyette
Everyone loves differently so yes.
Latifa Morrisette
I think that kind of love exists
Texas Book Lover
I think it is possible
Glenda M
I think it is possible
Yes I can see myself carrying a torch for someone for a decade and have done it. Still trying to get over that person and if it’s true love it may never fade but then again it may
Yes I could and did that and I’m still getting over him. If it is true love it won’t fade with time
Amy R
Could you see yourself carrying a torch for someone for a full decade? Me personally no Do you think that kind of love exist, or does it fade with time? For some people it may exist
Colleen C.
I could see it happening.
I think that it is possible to love someone for that long.
It could happen to anyone, including myself. And depending on the person, such a love can persist and/or fade.
Kathleen O
I believe it happens
Elizabeth H.
I’ve held a torch for Michael Keaton since 1989! I heart him so much! Thanks sharing your review and for the awesome giveaway!
Nicky Ortiz
I do think it exists. Can I see myself doing it, if it is someone I have really strong feelings for yes I can.
Thanks for the chance!
Patricia B.
Yes I can. Although my husband and I didn’t date in high school we kept in touch through college and his going into the Air Force and I going overseas for 3 years with a job. When chance had us bump into each other 8 years later, the friendship was still strong and rapidly blossomed into something stronger.
Yes, I think that kind of love exists.
Shannon Capelle
Yes i could. I think it would last
Janie McGaugh
I could see myself doing it for the right person, but I think it generally would fade over time.
Nora-Adrienne Deret
At my age I’m lucky I can carry my own weight. The rest of my time is spent reading books that interest me and keeping my 10 grandkids out of trouble.
Hooked By That Book
I think it’s easy to keep remembering someone you had a relationship with and it didn’t end conclusively. And maybe even fantasize about what could’ve been. But love needs to be fed and taken care of every day. It’s a lovely thought, though. I think it is possible for them to reconnect again and find love again, but it’ll be different than before. On another note, I read this book and absolutely loved it.