Spotlight & Giveaway: You’ve Got Male by Marina Adair

Posted July 12th, 2024 by in Blog, Spotlight / 22 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Marina Adair to HJ!

Hi Marina and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, You’ve Got Male!


Please summarize the book for the readers here:

You’ve Got Male follows a single mom whose friend videos her explaining what her hypothetical perfect guy would be if she were looking for one—which she is not. Even worse, she admits that she’s never had a man-made org@sm. Her friend posts the video and it goes viral sending her life into an episode of the Bachelorette where single men show up at her work with roses to prove they are her perfect match. So to get America—and her family—off her back she approaches her enemy of a single-dad next-door and makes a deal—if he pretends to be her boyfriend she’ll give him a Cinderella makeover and help him declutter his crazy life. It’s a fake dating, rivals to lovers, neighbor-war romcom that brings all the feels.

Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:

My heroine is getting changed when the hero accidentally stumbles into her room:

“What are you doing here?” she hissed at a bare whisper.

“You invited me, remember?”

“To my house not to my bedroom.”

“Your mom directed me to Camila’s room so I can try to put Waverly down, but I like this view better. Your mom did say third room on the right.”

She was going to kill her mom. She just couldn’t help inserting herself in Evie’s life. Especially her dating life. Well, there would be no dating because she’d adopted a man-free diet. And unlike her five-years-running New Year’s vow to give up doughnuts, she was going to stick to this diet.

“Well, show’s over,” she snapped. After the day she’d had, there was nothing in the world she wanted less than to be stuck in her bedroom with a man who drove her crazy.

His eyes drop to her panties. “Too bad, I was just about ready to pull out some twenties and make it rain.”


Please share a few Fun facts about this book…

  • One of my favorite scenes involves a dirty diaper standoff and a mischievous toddler who holds four adults hostage with a poopy diaper. It’s actually a true story that came from one of my editor’s lives. She told me the story and said, “Someday I hope an author writes this in their story.” So I did and it turned out hilarious.
  • The title You’ve Got Male is partly an homage to my favorite screenwriter Nora Ephron and partly came from this image I had about my heroine standing in her coffee shop while her life is turned into an episode of The Bachelorette. I just pictured man after man lining up with single red roses, pitching how they would be her perfect person. Like a real life It’s Raining Men video.


What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?

There is this beautiful scene where the hero’s toddler is having a tantrum and he can’t get her to calm down. He’s had a long day and is feeling like a horrible father. The heroine takes the little girl in her arms and places her hand under the water to cool it before settling it on the toddler’s cheek to shock her out of her fussiness. A few gentle cups to the cheek later and the toddler is asleep on her shoulder. Something about watching the maternal moment kickstarts the hero’s heart and he no longer looks at her as a rival but as wifey material.


Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?

When I start a book there are always a few scenes that come to me before I even write Chapter One, and this was one of them. I just pictured this grown woman whose helicopter parents clearly never learned the word “boundaries.”

Evie stormed into the back room and came to a full stop. There were four chairs arranged in a circle, three of them taken by Julie, Moira, and Lenard. Evie had a sinking feeling the fourth was for her.

“What is this?” she asked. “Some kind of intervention?”

“We’re calling it a sex-tervention,” Julie said earnestly.

“I’m not having sex.”

“Oh, we are well aware, dear,” Moira said.

Needing a drink for this conversation, Evie walked straight past the confessional circle, to the desk, where she opened the bottom drawer and rummaged through. She pulled out the only bottle and held it up. “Seriously Dad, all you have is Aperol? What happened to the bourbon? ”

“I’m more into spritzers these days,” Lenard said, as if that were reason enough to have an aperitif hidden in the desk.

Evie put it back. “Of course you are.”

Julie kicked out the chair and it slid across the floor to bump into Evie’s shin. “For the sake of vibrators everywhere, you need to pick one of these men. Just go on a date with a couple of them. See what transpires.”

Evie plopped down. “You met the same guys I met, right? No, I’m done with this whole thing.”

“I can always set you up with one of my men,” Moira said. “In fact, I know the perfect guy. He’s an architect.”

“Let me guess,” Evie said. “His name is Art.”

“No, it’s Dwane. He’s twenty-seven, with biceps like he lifts tanks daily, and has a core of steel.”
Evie found herself rolling her eyes just like Camila had moments ago. “Mom, I’m not dating a guy whose, uh, steely core you’ve considered.”

“ClickByte isn’t going to go away. In fact, your followers have doubled since Tasha Hart got involved,” Julie said.

“I don’t want followers,” Evie said.

“Think of it as streamlining the dating pool. It will make your dating life easier.”

Evie snorted. “You seriously think this will make my life easier? Between Cami, the shop, dialysis and, well, other stuff”—like going back to college—“I don’t have time for suitors interrupting my workflow and sucking up whatever bandwidth I have left after a long day.”

They all shared a look and it was as if a whole conversation was going on between them, with Evie on the outside.

“Girl, you so need to get laid,” Julie said.

“I think what they’re trying to say is we just want you to find happiness,” Lenard said quietly, resting his hand on Evie’s knee in that supportive way he always did when her mom started applying the pressure and sharing her opinions. Her mom might be a busybody but her dad was her rock and protector. “You don’t have to find it in a relationship. But I don’t want you to live your life being afraid, sweetheart. I can’t remember the last time I saw you happy.”

Evie’s heart sank. When was the last time she’d been happy? She couldn’t remember, either. That her parents noticed made her heart ache. The last thing she wanted was to worry them and she could tell they were worried. Worried with the same fierceness that Evie was about Camila.

“I get that,” she said to the group. “But this is getting out of hand.”

Julie snorted. “Are you kidding, you have thousands of guys wanting to date you.”

“Plus, look at the shop. It hasn’t been this busy in years.” Lenard said with a huge smile. “I wasn’t sure about your idea of expanding our customer base, but I have to admit I see your reasoning. This week proved it.”

“All it proved is that you guys have your nose too far into my business,” Evie said. “Plus, this kind of traffic is temporary. As soon as I pick a guy people lose interest in this stunt and we’ll have the same problem.”

“Not if we make your dating life a novelty. Something people can follow. America loves a good love story, like Prince Harry and Meghan Markle,” Moira said.

“I doubt a prince will come and whisk me off my feet.”

“But a man courting you, a man found online couldn’t be more perfect in today’s day and age,” Julie said.

“We don’t know that.”

“This is why you need to get laid, Miss Debbie Downer,” Julie said.

“I counted this week’s earnings and if we keep this up we won’t have to lay anyone off,” Lenard said with so much hope in his eyes Evie felt it all the way in her soul.

Julie’s mouth fell open. “You were going to fire people? We’re a family.”

Moira crossed her arms. “See.”

All that Evie could see was that she needed a beard—and ASAP. It was the only way to get her family and America off her back. Plus, she needed a break from all the crazy.


Readers should read this book….

You’ve Got Male is a timely twist on Gilmore Girls meets The Bachelor where three generations of women navigate life, love and dating in the modern-day world of apps, snaps and social media. It’s a grab the tissues, pee-your pants, bring on all the feels romcom that will leave your heart feeling warm and full of love.


What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?

I’m currently working on The Love Experiment which follows America’s DIY sweetheart as she goes on the worst most awkward blind date ever, especially since the hero doesn’t even know he’s on a date. Then a few weeks later when she shows up to the set of her new show, she discovers her new co-host is none other than her worst most awkward blind date. They either find a way to live together in the house for six weeks and renovate it or get sued by the production company. Only what neither of them know is that the cast and crew are hiding a secret that will change the direction of their relationship. It’s a he falls first, media scandal, Hockey star, one-bed, multigenerational, social experiment romcom that brings all the feels and releases July 2025.

My next release is Love to Hate You which publishes March 4, 2025 and follows Summer Russo, a bookaholic who believes in destiny, true love, and chocolate cake, which is why she sinks her entire life savings into reviving, All Things Cupid, an independent bookstore that specializes in romance novels and beach reads, that was on the verge of bankruptcy. When a big box retailer moves in next door and threatens her livelihood, she launches a strategic attack to take down the enemy. If feuds are tiring, then feuding with a grump-hole industry giant is exhausting. Thank God, Summer is heading out on the Russo’s annual summer vacation. She arrives at her family’s Connecticut beachside cabin and the reunion goes hilariously wrong when her sister arrives with a plus-two. Her twin’s boyfriend brought along his brother, who just happens to be one surly but infuriatingly sexy bookstore mogul.

Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: 1 Paperback copy of YOU’VE GOT MALE by Marina Adair to a winner in the US.


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Are you a Bachelor/Bachelorette fan?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from You’ve Got Male:

Everything had changed and Evie was terrified she’d fail the college placement test.

“Two plus two equals you’re screwed.” She groaned and stood, stretching her arms over her head. Using her pencil, she twisted her hair up off her neck and secured it in a bun and walked across the kitchen. She poured herself a cold glass of lemonade and took a long sip, pausing to look out the window at the yard next door.

Holy hotness, her heart stopped. Right there in her chest.

It was possible she was losing her mind.

The afternoon sun was high, creating clear blue skies, green grass, and temperatures hot enough to melt the rest of the clothes right off a man’s body. Something she hoped would happen because there was Jonah, all heat-slicked biceps and glistening abs on display that even a cold glass of lemonade couldn’t quench.

With one last thump to the chest, her heart went on standby, and Evie knew that she wasn’t over that kiss.

No matter how many times she told herself to get back to studying, she couldn’t help but stare. One look out the window and her mouth went dry—the exact opposite of what was going on in her panties.

What. A. Sight.

Across the fence and directly in front of her was the location of Jonah’s new flower garden. And standing in the middle, in a pair of low-slung shorts and no shirt, his skin slick with the day’s rising temperatures, was the troublemaking man next door and that I-run-marathons-for-fun body of his. The one that had every single mom in the neighborhood straining for a better view.

Women like me, she thought and watched as, in one fluid motion, Jonah bent over—all the way over—so he could pull a tree from its plastic pot. She wasn’t sure what this obsession was about. Didn’t care. All she knew was that the best ass in the state was practically begging her to look her fill.

And look she did—until the ice in her glass had all but melted. He kept digging so she kept staring, amazed at just how well he filled out a pair of shorts.

You are in so much trouble. How was she going to keep up the ruse and not jump his bones? Oh, that’s right, because hooking up with your fake boyfriend, who happened to be your neighbor, was a dangerous move. Even thinking about him like this was dangerous. They’d struck this ridiculous deal for a reason—that reason being she didn’t have the time, nor desire, to date.

“This is all for show,” she reminded herself, rising even higher up on her toes when he lifted the large tree and settled it in the pre-dug hole, causing his calves to flex. The sheer amount of exposed muscle was enough to make her hyperventilate. “And so was that kiss.”

But in the moment she had thought it was real, and she had kissed him back. What did that say about her frame of mind? That she was a crazy woman. Who had better things to do—such as study for her placement exam so she could sign up for classes.

No exam. No college.

Not to mention, she had to pick Camila up from cheer practice in an hour. And her parents would be here when she got home. Which meant she needed to take advantage of the rare private time she had left. Only Jonah took that moment to glance behind him—and directly into her kitchen window.

Even though the sun was shadowing most of his face, she could still feel those intense blue eyes as they zeroed in on her. Ass of the gods still to her, he straightened and, Lord help her, gave a shake of his bootie.

Evie could have panicked and ducked down, but what was the point? It would only add to his smugness. So she dialed her expression to bored and pretended as if she were refilling her glass with water. He wasn’t buying it. In fact, he abandoned his flower bed and walked closer to the fence line, his gaze never wavering from hers.

Her palms began to sweat, and her heart kicked back into gear, going from zero to stroke-out in two seconds flat. He leaned over his workbench and when he came back up he was holding a notebook. Scribbled in all caps was a message.

Are you checking me out, Sunshine?

She made a big deal of laughing, then walked to the table to grab her own notebook. Shaking her head, she responded—with a big, fat lie.

Just admiring your flower bed.

He lifted a brow and, flipping the page, wrote her another message and held it over his head like it was a boombox and they were reenacting Say Anything.

So was I. And I have to say, Sunshine, your flowers are looking extra perky this morning.
Evie looked down at her shirt, which was more fitted than she usually wore, and praised the bra fairies for inventing the pushup. She quickly answered back.

I really was just looking at your new landscaping.

He threw his head back and laughed and she found herself laughing back. Not ironically, but an honest to God from-the-gut laugh. and it felt good—freeing. A lightness settled around her and she realized that she enjoyed his company. Even when there was a fence and window between them, he could still make her laugh. And that had to mean something.

He held up his notepad.

There we go again with your interest in my landscaping. My tree is impressively big. Don’t you think?

She gave an unimpressed shrug, but inside she wanted this game to continue. She responded…

It looks like a sapling from here.

He studiously went to work on his reply.

Then you need a better look.

Evie didn’t feel like a college-dropout, stressed out, frazzled single mom. She felt sexy and empowered. She felt like someone she’d almost forgotten existed.

Maybe it was the playfulness in his eyes or maybe it was because she enjoyed flirting with him, but instead of going back to work she scribbled a reply.

Our agreement didn’t include landscape show-and-tell.

It also didn’t include you objectifying me while tending to my garden, he shot back.

You objectify me every time I wear blue.

I notice that you wear blue a lot lately. In fact, you’re in blue now.

So she was. Funny that. Out of all the T-shirts she owned, she happened to pick the tightest, bluest one of the bunch. Not that she’d let him know that.

I own a lot of blue.

Lucky me. And for the record I objectify you every time I see you.

Evie was never one who liked overt sexual attention from men, but from Jonah she couldn’t seem to get enough. So his next comment sent her head spinning.

In fact I’d like to objectify you now.

His dark, hooded eyes said he wanted to do more than that and she found herself asking if she wanted to be objectified. Her nipples had no objection at all. But her brain? That was objecting like the opposing team at the OJ Simpson trial. While her lady business was sustaining and entering damp panties and a thudding heart into evidence.

But could she cross that line with Jonah and still keep reality within sight? Because while this was all pretend, the butterflies tickling her stomach were real as hell.

Listening to the sane part of her, she wrote her reply.

Sorry. I’m busy studying.

If he were discouraged, he didn’t show it. In fact, his smile grew to cover his whole face as he held up his notepad.

I know this guy who is a whiz with numbers. I bet he’d be willing to help you find out where X and Y cross.

You need to keep your Y away from my X.

Evie waited with baited breath for his response, but before he could finish writing his phone rang and he pulled it out of his pocket to answer. Taking that as a sign from the Universe to get back to work, she walked to the table and went back to studying. Only she couldn’t concentrate on the math problem in front of her. Her X was so busy wondering just how impressive his Y would be, she didn’t notice that someone was at her back door until there was a knock.

She nearly fell off her chair.

It was Jonah. Still shirtless, notepad in hand, his arms stretched over his head as if holding up the doorway. Shoulders were on display, flat stomach taut and rippling with sinew.

She considered ducking under the table but he’d already seen her. And by the smile on his face he’d read her mind. He plastered his notepad to the backdoor window.

May I bother you for a glass of lemonade?

Only if I can pour it all over your body.

As long as you stay on the porch. She wrote back.

Afraid that you’ll tear off my clothes if you get me alone?

She made a big deal of rolling her eyes, then went to grab a glass, sure to sway her hips like someone was watching. And the heat on her backside burned hot enough to let her know he was watching.

Glass in hand, she strutted to the door, opened it. “Never even crossed my mind.”

He smiled. “Liar.”

She thrust the drink at him. “Here’s your lemonade.”

He didn’t reach for it. He just said, “It’s not for me. It’s for you. You looked a little parched.”
He was flirting with her, and she liked this open, playful side. In fact, stressed-out-single-dad” Jonah was nowhere to be seen. In his place was an assured, animated, arousingly sexy man with enough swagger that had her lips daring her to invite him in.

He curled his finger through her belt loop and yanked her across the threshold. The liquid sloshed over the rim of the glass.

“What happened to keeping your distance?” she said haughtily.

“You said I couldn’t come in. That doesn’t mean that you can’t come outside.” He leaned in and pressed his lips against the shell of her ear. “Do you want to come, sunshine?”

“No.” Yes. Desperately. Her X was already thrumming with desire. She squeezed her thighs together, but the pressure only made things worse. Her breath came out in short bursts as his nose nuzzled the sensitive spot behind her ear.

He slowly pulled back, just enough so that she could see just how dark blue his stormy eyes were, smell the fresh sweat and cut grass on his skin, feel his breath brush her lips. “You sure about that?”
“Yes. I think you should go before we cross a line we can’t uncross.”

The corners of his lips hitched. “Will do. As soon as you let go of me.”

“You’re the one who’s holding—” She looked at her hands, which were wrapped around his biceps holding on for dear life. She told herself to let go, that she needed to let go, because eventually letting go was the plan, but instead she tugged him closer.

“So are you checking yes or no?”

“Are you asking if I like you?” she said to his lips.

“Oh, I already know you like me. I’m asking if you want me to devour you.”

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

She has zero time for a relationship. A fake one will have to do―in New York Times bestselling author Marina Adair’s new romance that brings the humor and the heart…

Evie Granger’s life is one crisis away from a complete meltdown.

Between single-parenting a sixteen-going-on-forty daughter, managing a mom living her best life way out loud, caring for an ailing father, and keeping the family’s struggling coffee shop afloat, Evie hasn’t looked after herself in far too long.

So naturally her best friend chooses this moment to post a video of Evie describing the ideal man…and sends it stratospherically viral.

Now Evie’s an overnight social media sensation and every eligible (and otherwise) guy in a five-state radius is turning up with his “I’m the one” credentials. But Evie can’t bring herself to let any Prince Charming into a life that’s barely holding together. A life she doesn’t even recognize as hers.

So she strikes a bargain with her sexy―if equally overwhelmed―neighbor to convince America she’s taken. But can a faux fairytale start to feel real…or is it just as doomed from the start?

Marina Adair’s clever, uproarious story captures the utter chaos and irrepressible joy of balancing kids, parents, love, and finding a spare minute for yourself―while the whole world watches every disastrous minute.
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | Google |

Meet the Author:

Marina Adair is a New York Times and #1 nationally bestselling author whose fun, flirty contemporary romances have sold over a million copies. In addition to the When in Rome series she is also the author of the Destiny Bay series, the Heroes of St. Helena series, the Sugar, Georgia series, and the St Helena Vineyard series, which was the inspiration behind the original Hallmark Channel Vineyard movies: Autumn in the Vineyard, Summer in the Vineyard and Valentine in the Vineyard. She currently lives with her husband, daughter, and two neurotic cats in Northern California.
Website | FacebookInstagram | GoodReads |

22 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: You’ve Got Male by Marina Adair”

  1. Diana Hardt

    I’m not a B/B fan either, but it sounds like a really interesting book.

  2. Patricia B.

    Not really. I don’t watch much in the way of “reality” shows. Real affairs of the heart really can’t be staged or scripted. The premise of this story works because it is well intentioned if overly interfering family and friends are trying to “help.” I am curious to see why her relationship with her neighbor was not on good terms at the start.

  3. Laurie Gommermann

    I do not watch either show. During the summer months we have no TV antenna. I prefer to read in my spare time.