i on R: I <3 Romance genre!

Posted March 28th, 2015 by in Blog, Features, ionR / 15 comments

I <3 Romance Genre!

ICYMT: Jane Litte @DearAuthor announced she is Jen Frederick NA Author and there’s resulting commentary all over Romancelandia about it. Here’s one of many blogs, SBTB: Answering Questions: Jane Litte/Jen Frederick. I might have an opinion about it but I’m not here to pass a judgment.
In the light of everything that has gone down this week; I just want to say that I READ and BLOG about the romance genre because it makes me Happy!

ihRI’ve seen a lot of chatter in the blogosphere this week about a divide between Authors, Bloggers and Readers and this just baffles and annoys me. And truth be told, concerns me the most.


Let’s be realistic – Without one, we wouldn’t have the other.

Instead of being drawn into all the online drama (which is easy todo), let’s take a step back, breathe and remind ourselves why we LOVE the romance genre, why we WRITE romance books and why we READ romance books.
And I’m sure the answer is fairly simple….We know what makes us HAPPY! 🙂

Bring me down
Can’t nothing
Bring me down
My level’s too high…

… Because I’m happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you…

– Happy by Pharrell Williams

Happy Reading!


Blogger & Reader!


15 Responses to “i on R: I <3 Romance genre!”

  1. Nicole Flockton

    What’s with all the negative waves?.

    I’m so totally with you! I read romance because I love it! I’m an author because I want to bring joy and wonderful journeys to readers the way so many authors give to me. And I love bloggers because they are cool and staunch supporters of us all!

  2. carol L

    Being Happy is what it’s all about. I love reading romance because it makes me happy. Right on Saraa.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  3. Jenny Dauksa Schaber

    Reading makes me happy, too. Why haven’t we all learned to leave the drama in high school and in our books. It’s a total waste of time and energy in the real world.

  4. marcyshuler

    Whenever I’m asked why I read romance, I ALWAYS say…because it makes me happy.

    Writers are readers and readers are writers. It’s all good for me since it means more stories for me to enjoy.

  5. taswmom

    It is rather amazing to me what people can pick to argue and fight about. Maybe those who argue the loudest are closet romantics, and embarrassed about it. Maybe they’re not happy, and need to read a good romance to lift their spirits. I don’t know. But they make me happy too! For that little while I can live a harmless fantasy and come away happy and heart – lightened (if that’s a word). I can even learn geography and history! I love it!