REVIEW: Chase Our Forever by Kat Singleton

Posted October 11th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 6 comments


Chase Our Forever by Kat Singleton: After the sudden passing of his wife, life as Dean knew it changed forever. Now his days are a precarious act of trying to juggle his job and taking care of his young daughter. You would think that hiring a nanny would lighten the load but would seem that Dean and Clara just can’t find the one that fits into their brand of wacky family life, well that is until Liv walks into their cute small town. It was almost as if Clara and Liv just instantly clicked, now that his daughter has finally found someone that she trusts and wants to be around, there is nothing that Dean won’t do to ensure that Liv stays in their lives. Coming to the small town of Sutten Mountain was by pure accident, all Liv really wanted was a fresh start, she hardly expected to find herself a new job just as she arrives in town. But there is just something about the broken single dad and his adorable daughter that calls to the broken part of Liv’s heart, could Dean and Clara be the missing pieces that Liv has always been looking for?

I loved this book big time! There is just something about a small town romance that will always be a winner in my books and add in the fact that this was a single dad romance and you best know that I was salivating to get started. In true Singleton fashion, we get a beautifully written, heart warming second chance romance, that has incredibly wholesome with relatable characters. Really there was nothing that I did not just love about reading this book, the setting was picturesque, the characters loveable and the over all feel you get from this book was just warm happiness.

I just wanted to give our hero a big hug, gosh Dean really has been through a lot in such a short space of time. Even while dealing with his own grief and loss our hero does not fail to step up for his daughter. This guy was a true gem of a father, there was nothing that he would not do for his daughter and really everything that he had done since the passing of his wife, has been to make sure Clara has everything she needs and does not feel a sense of loss. I really enjoyed getting to see him slowly bring down his walls and allow Liv into his heart. For a man that had so much of love still to give and life to live, it was really nice getting to see him giving himself a chance at a second happily ever after. Now for our leading lady, well if there was anyone that could understand a bit of loss and sadness it is our girl Liv. After not having the best past herself, I loved seeing how positive and full of optimism she was. She really was the perfect match not only for Dean but also Clara. These two needed someone to brighten up the aftermath of the rain that had been their life and the perfect person to do this was definitely Liv. I really loved the bond she formed with Clara and the way they just clicked. Liv was truly one of the sweetest and most thoughtful leading ladies I have come across, I loved how she always tried to make sure Dean and Clara were okay and happy.

The connection between Dean and Liv, was just beautiful to see unfold. There was a lot of healing and growth for both characters and I liked that they were patient with each other. They grew to allow love into their lives together and I really liked this. I really liked the way they balanced each other out and that Liv brought an easiness to Dean that he had lost. While their relationship is more of a slow burn, I found that it worked perfectly for this couple, they took the time to open up and get to know each other while falling in love. Now while this book was big on the feelings, it was also pretty spicy. I liked that the spice balanced out the emotional heavy aspect in this book.

Singleton has done a brilliant job in showcasing grief, healing and finding happiness again after loss. CHASE OUR FOREVER was a beautiful read, if you are a fan of the Small town, Grumpy x Sunshine, Age Gap, Single Dad x Nanny trope then I would highly recommend reading this book!


Book Info:

Publication: October 10, 2024 | Kat Singleton | Sutten Mountain #3

Dean Livingston needs a new live-in nanny, and I need a safe place to stay.

I’d been running from my past when I stumbled into the small town of Sutten Mountain, tired and alone.

That’s where I met a broken single dad and his adorable daughter.

Dean has more money than he could ever spend but couldn’t keep a nanny. After firing every eligible candidate in town, he was desperate for help.

So when his daughter fell in love with me after one brief meeting, I instantly became perfect for the job.

The arrangement was always meant to be temporary, but seeing Dean start to heal and open up makes me want to stay. Seeing how happy his daughter is makes me feel like I belong here.

Now, I’m slowly falling for the town of Sutten—and my boss.

I know better than to open myself back up and to give my heart to a man who swore he’d never love again.

But maybe with enough time, we can stop fighting our feelings long enough to fight for the family we’ve created. Maybe we can run toward each other for once and chase our forever.



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