REVIEW: Enchanted Enough by Kelly Elliott

Posted August 13th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Recommends, Review / 5 comments


In Enchanted Enough by Kelly Elliott, Flights getting rerouted or delayed are usually an annoyance to most people but in Avery Littlewood’s case, it put her on the path to meeting the man of her dreams. Beck Dahlstrom caught her eye the second she got on the plane. And when she found out he was heading to her hometown of Hamilton, Montana to meet his long-lost family–who she knows very, very well–Avery decides it’s destiny. There’s no other explanation why she feels like she’s known Beck for years. Or why she’s in the perfect position to introduce him to the Shaws. It’s probably not smart to get involved with a man nine years older than her who lives in Dallas, but after her years in Paris, lonely even if she wasn’t alone, Avery knows in her heart that Beck is The One.

‘I hadn’t known him a full day, yet I felt such a connection to the man. It was clear that fate had brought us together. The question is…was it to bring Beck to his family? Or to me?’

When Beck decided to track down the Shaws in Montana to hopefully get to know his father’s family, even if for a short while, he knew it would cause ripples in his relationship with his workaholic grandfather. And boy did it ever. But this is too important for Beck to give up. The letters his mother saved for him to read after her passing only cemented what he already figured: that his father was a kind, honorable man who gave his life for his country. How could the rest of the Shaws be anything other than wonderful, too? Beck finds out quickly, as in on his flight to Hamilton, that he was right. Because the few things his seatmate Avery tells him about them is amazing. As is the fact that they ended up on that flight together in the first place. As he navigates a new world full of strangers who feel more like family than his grandfather ever has, Beck knows he’s found his place. And the woman he wants to share his new future with as well.

“You, Avery Littlewood, are the best thing to ever happen to me. The moment I saw you walk onto that plane and smile at me, I was enchanted.”
She smiled. “And I was just hoping you were single.”

A sweet and sexy, sentimental romance about newfound family and fated love, ENCHANTED ENOUGH is a shining example of why Kelly Elliott’s deeply emotional books always find a way to my keeper shelf.

“Blood doesn’t make you family. Love does.”

CW: View Spoiler »

There is nothing like being back in Hamilton, Montana for a new Kelly Elliott book. She’s built a world that’s welcoming and a cast of characters that are hardworking and humble, fun, and have a shared closeness that draws me in every single time. Avery and Beck’s story, however, had an added sense of nostalgia and family that brought out all the feels as Beck learned about the father he never knew. (Be sure to have tissues handy!) And he found out what a true cohesive, loving family looks and feels like.

From the moment Avery and Beck met on a plane in Dallas, it was clear that they had an undeniable attraction. The fact that they were both headed to Hamilton and that Avery knew Beck’s long-lost family just sealed the deal that they were meant to be in each other’s lives. For how long was the question. And I think Elliott did a wonderful job of keeping things realistic while still letting the magic that is chemistry and connection wind its way through Beck and Avery’s relationship. Their scenes together were everything from hilarious to tender to sweepingly romantic and back again. Although I have to say that it was when the Shaws all met Beck that stole my heart–and made me cry happy tears. There was still some grief for them to get through here and there as they remembered Beck’s father before his untimely passing, but overall, there was such a feeling of joy and wonder that I think it will resonate with readers on a soul deep level.

QOTD: Avery and her friend Emily started a flower subscription business in Montana. Do you have any subscriptions you enjoy: books, flowers, personal care, food?

Book Info:

Publication: August 6th, 2024 | Kelly Elliott | Love in Montana #7

Finally returning home after years in Paris, ex-model Avery Littlewood never imagined a rerouted flight plan would land her on destiny’s runway. She’s seated next to a gorgeous stranger…and as he shares his story, it’s not long before she discovers why his arresting blue eyes look so familiar. There are several reasons why Beck should be off limits—he lives in Texas; he needs a friend, not a relationship; he’s practically family—but none of that overshadows Avery’s instant attraction for the man the moment she stepped foot on that plane.

Months after his mother’s death, old love letters have given Beck Dahlstrom the courage to seek out the Shaws, the family of the long-deceased father he never knew. He can’t believe his luck when the most gorgeous creature he’s ever seen sits beside him on the plane. When he discovers she’s not only heading to the same small Montana town, but she’s close to his father’s family, it’s more like fate. There are several reasons why Avery should be off limits—she’s considerably younger; they’re from different worlds; her father might kill him just for looking at her—but every glimpse into her stunning turquoise eyes just makes him fall deeper.

Montana, the Shaw family, Avery…all of them soon have Beck enchanted enough to consider big changes. But his life in Dallas also has considerable pull, including a person…or two…unwilling to give up Beck so easily.



5 Responses to “REVIEW: Enchanted Enough by Kelly Elliott”

  1. psu1493

    I don’t have any subscriptions presently, but I used to have magazine and book subscriptions. Looking forward to reading this story.