REVIEW: ER Doc’s Miracle Triplets by Tina Beckett

Posted May 29th, 2024 by in Blog, Harlequin Mills&Boon, Medical, Review / 5 comments

ER Doc’s Miracle Triplets by Tina Beckett is the first book in the Buenos Aires Docs series. This book is about ER doctors Isabella and Sebastian, who are married and are co-heads of the emergency room. After many attempts at IVF, they were finally expecting. But when she thinks she’s losing the baby again, Sebastian, who can’t stand to see her in pain after each miscarriage, has had enough, and leaves to take part in Doctors Without Borders for a few months. When he returns, they both believe their marriage is over, until he learns that Isabella not only did not lose the baby, they’re actually expecting triplets.

Neither Sebastian nor Isabella knows where their marriage stands, but they both want the babies and want to find a way to get to a place where they can co-parent in harmony. Isabella is considered a high-risk pregnancy, and Sebastian wants to provide her with the support she needs. Isabella believes he’s only sticking around for the babies. Will they be able to rekindle their relationship and have the family they always planned on?

I liked the premise of the story and the fact that the author portrays the real struggles people going through fertility treatments deal with. What I didn’t care for is that the characters don’t actually talk to each other. Sure, they talk about work, about the babies, but about their feelings? About what they want for their relationship? Not a word. Instead, they make assumptions; she thinks he’s only helping her for the sake of the babies, while he thinks she’s only keeping him around for the babies. I could understand it when he first got back and things were tense in their relationship, but this went on for most of the book. Then it was also repeatedly mentioned what they were incorrectly thinking. Repeatedly to the point I became frustrated with both characters. One of my biggest pet peeves is characters who won’t communicate with each other when they have every opportunity to, and this book has that in spades. I can overlook it if it’s just an instance or two, but in this case, it was simply too much.

Unfortunately, this book was not for me. I liked the concept of the story but the characters themselves and the repetitiveness brought the book down for me. If you can overlook the issues I had with it, this book would be for readers who enjoy medical romances.

Book Info:

Publication: June 25, 2024 | Harlequin Medical Romances | Buenos Aires Docs #1

ER doctor Isabella can’t believe it. She’s miraculously pregnant! With triplets… She knows she must tell her husband, Sebastián, that he’s about to be a father. But they’re separated, and the last time she saw him, he was departing Argentina following yet another IVF heartache. Isabella was left questioning if there would be a marriage for him to come back to. Now Seb’s home, can they reignite their flame to secure their future as a family?



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