REVIEW: My Dark Prince by Parker S. Huntington & L.J. Shen

Posted February 19th, 2025 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 3 comments

My Dark Prince by Parker S. Huntington & L.J. Shen: Anyone looking in would see and say that Oliver Von Bismarck is living the dream, stinking rich, looks that could make a Greek God jealous and a playboy lifestyle that guys only dream off, well you know what they say, not everything is as it seems and this could not be more true than for Ollie. For the past decade Ollie has been living a lie, a shadow of his true self all because of one stupid mistake that cost him everything, so when fate gives him another chance to win back the girl of his dreams, you can bet his entire fortune that he is going to make damn sure this time round he doesn’t lose Briar Rose. After a freak accident Briar wakes up in hospital with absolutely no recollection of the past decade of her life, all she remembers is Ollie, the cute boy she fell in love with at her parents Geneva lake house, who is now apparently her fiancé. So really life couldn’t be all that bad right, even without her memories? Well that would be the case if only Briar didn’t have this nagging feeling that something isn’t quite right… so what happens when her memories come flooding back and she realizes that her supposed fiancé is actually on the top of her hate list… revenge. Revenge is on the cards for Oliver Von Bismarck and Briar knows just the way to dish it out… she just needs to remember to keep her heart locked away this time round.

“I am so hopelessly obsessed with you, Briar. I didn’t fall for you. I crash landed without a parachute.”

LOVED!! Truly this book was insanely perfect, I really thought that Romeo was going to be my favourite Dark Prince bad boy but gosh did Ollie knock him right of the top spot. Shen and Huntington truly saved the best book for last, My Dark Prince was just perfection. This book had everything that I love about reading romance books and then some, really this was so much better than a Sleeping Beauty retelling, this book packed in heart, drama, second chance love, sassy banter, the beauty of found family and the power of unconditional love. There is so much I want to say about this book but I know I have to rein myself in so not to spoil it for anyone, really I can’t say it enough this was such a brilliant read!

Briar was an incredible leading lady, my heart just broke for her and all the things she had to put up with from her parents and then thinking Ollie just ghosted her, but this only made her into a stronger version of herself. I loved how independent she was and that she knew her own worth and was not willing to settle for less than she deserved. Truly it was beautiful getting to see her finally finding a family in the Dark Prince Road crew but also with Cooper. Briar truly was an amazing leading lady and I loved getting to follow her on this journey. Also I loved how over the top she went in her revenge plot, this was just hilarious! Now for our hero, and that is exactly what our guy Ollie is, he was a hero with a heart of gold, shouldering a lot of guilt and regret. Gosh did my heart break for him and all that he has been dealing with all this time. For the past two books we have only seen the playful and carefree Ollie, but gosh there was so much more to this guy than what he wanted people to think of him. All this time he has been running the family hotel chain and keeping up appearance all while nursing his broken heart. If ever there was a hero deserving of his happily ever after it was definitely Ollie and I’m so glad that it all worked out in the end for him and Briar.

I’m not going to lie, I had assumed this book would be about Ollie and Frankie, but holy smokes am I glad that it wasn’t! Briar was the girl that Ollie needed and I’m so glad that these two found their way back to each other. Right from kids these two were each others safe space and I loved getting to see them find their way back to this place, patching up the wholes and stitching together their frayed trust. While they had incredible sexual chemistry and there was no denying their attraction to each other, the real beauty in their relationship was the emotional bond that they shared. I loved how fiercely protective Ollie was of Briar and truly how incredibly in love he had always been with her, I mean he had blue roses cultivated just for her! Their relationship had a few ups and downs, which I’m not going to get into, it would just give away to much of the plot, all I will say is that their love never really died, it just kind of hit pause for a bit.

The supporting characters in this book were next level perfect. As always I loved getting to see the gang again. I loved how overly involved Romeo, Dallas, Farrow and Zach were in poking into Ollie’s business and the fact that the girls instantly took a liking to Briar and welcomed her into their crazy little family. This group really were their own wacky mismatched family and I loved them together. Also I just adored Ollie’s two dogs, these two were just to cute in their quirky ways. Now for Sebastian, where do I start with the other Von Bismarck brother, gosh all I’m going to say is he NEEDS his own book asap!! I need to know that Seb gets his own happily ever after! All I’m going to say about Seb is that my heart broke for him but I did love getting to see his relationship with Briar flourish and getting to see him rebuild his relationship with Ollie.

My Dark Prince was just perfection! This book is going to go down in my top reads of 2025, that much I am already sure of! I can not say this enough read this book! If you are a fan of a mildly dark romance with a beautiful story, so much of heart, steamy passion and more than a few giggles then this is the book for you!!!

Book Info:

Publication: February 9, 2025 | PSH Publishing | Dark Prince Road #3

I don’t usually trap women with amnesia into marriage.
But I guess there’s a first time for everything.
When the woman of my dreams falls into my lap, I can’t help but wonder what else she can do in that position.
She’s here. In my house. At my mercy.
And she thinks we’ve been lovers the entire decade we spent apart.
Briar and I have always been unfinished business.
Now it’s time to seal the deal.

I’m marrying a beautiful monster.
A crooked fraud. America’s wealthiest bachelor.
He claims we’re in love, yet all I taste in our kisses is hate and lust.
I don’t remember why or how.
But I do remember he’s the enemy.
Now, I’m stuck inside a nightmare.
And Oliver will do anything to keep me in the dark.



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