REVIEW: Over the Limit by K. Bromberg

Posted June 17th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, Review / 6 comments


Over the Limit by K. Bromberg: Blair is tired of being second best. She has done this with Oliver Rossi for the past ten years but no more! More determined now more than ever to make herself the priority, Blair is not going to allow the fact that she works as an event coordinator for Apex the same racing company as her now ex, she has worked hard for her job. All she has to do is keep her mind focused on work and not allow the alluring smell of peppermint that always wafts from Lachlan Evans distract her.

Lachlan’s life has revolved around racing and winning the world championship, with his contract coming to an end Lachlan needs to be focused now more than ever on keeping his hands firmly on the wheel and helping his team clench another championship, but he cant help but let his eyes wander over to the witty and gorgeous Blair. Blair is the last girl that Lachlan should be getting invested in, not only is she his teammates ex but he should be focused on his career, however as the season progresses the two can’t seem to help but be drawn to each other. Between stolen moments on the track and hidden behind hotel room doors Lachlan can’t help but wonder if maybe it is time to put himself and put his relationship with Blair first…

I really enjoyed reading this cute and fun F1 inspired romcom, I will be honest and say this is the first book that I am reading set in a race car driving world and I must say I really liked it! I am such a fan of Bromberg’s writing style and this book just highlighted why I enjoy her books so much, it was easy to get invested in these characters and how they try to figure out how to navigate their feelings for each other. While this book is part of a series, I felt that it could still be read as a standalone without losing any context.

I loved our hero, Lachlan was such a sweetheart, he was giving golden retriever vibes in the best way possible. Not only was he kind and sweet but I loved that he made sure to always put Blair first, he made her a priority and this was such a contrast to the way her previous relationship had gone. I loved the fact that Lachlan was not afraid to communicate, this guy was green flags all the way, truly one of the best heroes. Now for our leading lady Blair, gosh my heart hurt for her and the way she had been treated! No one should be made to feel less than or put down the way Oliver had made her feel. I am so glad that we got to see her standing up for herself and really putting her own happiness first. I absolutely loved how confident she was and did not shy away from having to take charge. Truly these two were perfect for each other.

I absolutely loved the connection between Lachlan and Blair, they brought out the best in each other and supported each other. They truly were a team and championed on and other. I have to say I rather liked the slight forbidden/taboo element to their relationship, the sneaking around only added to the intensity of the connection. I really liked the build up and the way that they realised that what they shared was so much more than something that they could hide. Truly their relationship was pretty swoony, I loved all the small gestures that Lachlan made to show Blair how important that she was to him and his ultimate grand gesture, well that was just perfect. I just adored this couple truly, they really were ‘all of the above’ for each other.

I absolutely loved reading Over The Limit, this book is a total must read! Lachlan and Blair were one of the easiest couples to love, their passion and unchained affection for each other made this book endearing and a bit steamy, the perfect romcom combination!

Book Info:

Publication: June 13, 2024 | JKB Publishing, LLC | Full Throttle #3

You don’t mess around with a teammate’s ex. Ever. But that’s easier said than done when it comes to Blair Carmichael. She’s sexy, intelligent, gorgeous, and one hundred percent off-limits.

And I’ve never fallen harder.

But I can’t touch (when I most definitely want to).

My team’s success and my chance at a new contract for next season depend on me keeping my hands on the wheel. And off her curves.

As the season progresses, we secretly steal as much time as we can together—in hotel rooms, after races, anywhere we can’t be found out. A real romance out in the open would risk her job in the industry, her reputation, and my image–not to mention my strained relationship with my teammate.

I’ve lived my whole life with one mantra. Team first. What I want outside of my racing career hasn’t factored in.

Until now.
Until Blair.

She deserves the world and I plan on giving it to her. Even if I have to walk away from the biggest contract of my career.



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