REVIEW: Sadie and the Bad Boy Billionaire by Emma St. Clair and Jenny Proctor

Posted January 26th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 7 comments


Sadie and the Bad Boy Billionaire by Emma St. Clair and Jenny Proctor: Which girl in their right mind wouldn’t want to find herself on a fancy yacht with a hottie billionaire? Well for Sadie this is definitely not what she signed up for, add in the two FBI agents tasked to babysit her so called ‘boyfriend’ Benedict King and well it is sure to be a recipe for disaster. When one of Sadie’s hacking gigs leads her into a bit of trouble she decided to head home to Oakley Island until the heat dies down, she definitely did not expect to get herself tangled up with Ben or his drama. But somewhere between the rocking of the ocean, getting to know Ben better and a bit of danger Sadie cant help but wonder of just maybe she misjudged Ben…

I am a huge fan of Emma St.Clair and when I saw that she teamed up with Jenny Proctor, I was super eager to see what these two ladies cooked up and let me just tell you, this book was just perfection. There was so much banter and sass between Ben and Sadie that I just could not get enough of this couple. Aside from having a really entertaining romance build up there was a nice layer of drama and suspense lurking in the background!

I truly loved both characters, we get to see why Sadie is the way she is and how her past still influences the way she conducts her life. Even with her small flaws and draw backs its impossible not to lover her character and the passion and gusto that she throws into everything that she does. As for our hero Ben, well it is safe to say that I loved his guy to bits! He is kind and caring and his devoting to Sadie was just something else. I loved how he cared for her while she was sick and that he made it a point to make sure that she felt safe. It was really nice getting to see them grow as individuals while out at sea but also grow together, and learn how to have better communication.

If you have been following this series like I have, then you would have already gotten to meet Ben and Sadie before and if not never fear you will be able to enjoy all of the sassy banter and build up in this book. I just loved the way they balanced each other, they had an incredible chemistry and the banter, gosh it was just gold! I absolutely loved getting to see them go from frenemies to more as the book progressed. More than this I just loved the fact that Ben was the one to fall first. The entire trope of hero falls first will always be a favourite of mine and boy does our guy Ben know how to shine. I think the only thing holding me back from giving this a full five star rating was the fact that it was a closed door romance, now this was not such a huge issue but I just cant help but think it would have been an even better read with a bit more steam.

I just have to say that I loved the cover of this book, even before I started reading I knew Sadie and The Bad Boy Billionaire, I knew that it was going to be a good book. I mean how could it not be with an incredibly cute over like this! This book was a great mix of enemies to lovers, a bit of fake dating, some lowkey drama and a whole lot of cute banter, Sadie and The Bad Boy Billionaire is definitely a book to check out!

Book Info:

Publication: January 26, 2024 | Emma St. Clair , Jenny Proctor | Oakley Island #3

I will NOT fall for the smart-mouthed, pretty-boy billionaire who owns Oakley Island. But his yacht is another story …

Love and happily-ever-after? It’s not for me. I’m much happier keeping everyone at arm’s length, focusing on my government cybersecurity work.

But then I push things a little too far and hack my way into trouble. When I need to lay low and stay off the radar for a bit, what better place to do so than on Oakley Island with my sisters?

With limited housing options, I reluctantly agree to stay on the yacht of the very annoying Benedict King—the billionaire who has been messing—flirting?—with me since we met.

I did NOT agree, however, to a voyage out to sea.

But I wake up to find the yacht that should be docked and empty somewhere in the Atlantic with two government agents tasked with babysitting me and one Benedict King.

Who also lied about being my boyfriend.

Typical rich man—thinking he can take whatever he wants.

But he won’t take my heart. Not even when I see his softer side, see behind his walls, see the real man behind the reputation.

Honestly, this might be more dangerous than any of the other trouble I stirred up. Because if I fall for Benedict King, I’m not sure there’s any hope of rescue.

Sadie and the Bad Boy Billionaire is a closed door romantic comedy with mild suspense, sizzling kisses, and a boat full of witty banter. The Oakley Island Romcoms follow three very different sisters as they renovate the house they inherited and find love on the island along the way. The stories are standalone, but if you like continuous stories, we recommend reading them in order. Each book is closed-door, with sizzling chemistry and swoony kisses only.



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