REVIEW: So This Is War by Meghan Quinn

Posted June 26th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review, Sports Romance / 6 comments


So This Is War by Meghan Quinn: After helping all of his Frozen Fellows find their happily ever afters you would think that the love gods would be a bit more on Posey’s side, right? Well that just isn’t the case seeing as Levi Posey just had to go and fall for the one girl totally off limits to him, his coaches daughter, Wiley Woods. If this wasn’t bad enough coach Woods has tasked Levi with the job of making his daughters life a living hell by being his personal assistant, in the hopes that this will scare her into going back to school and forget about pursuing a career in graphic design… well aside from giving Wiley as slue of ridiculous tasks, Levi has to also try and curb his attraction for the fiery redhead that has alluded him for the better part of a year, oh and it seems that Wiley has made it her mission to flaunt her perfect body in front of Levi every chance she gets… the question is who’s will will break first?

LOVED!!! OMG I have been waiting to get my hands on Levi’s book for the longest time, not only has he been my favourite character right from the very first book but I just knew that his story would be the best, and let me tell you, So This Is War did not disappoint one bit! This was hands down the best book in the entire series. I loved that we finally got to see mister romantic himself battle to figure out how to solve his own romantic woes, without looking foolish like his buddies did. Quinn amped up the steamy angst, sexual torture and some good ole forbidden romance while crafting one of the best sport romance novels that I have read.

I loved both main characters in this book, Wiley and Levi were incredible together and made one powerhouse team. Though I think it would be safe to say that Levi Posey will always be my favourite hero. Good gosh this guy was something else entirely, I loved that he was soft and kind and loving and thoughtful but at the same time exuded powerful sexual dominance. He was like a golden retriever that had a feisty side. I have to say that I liked the fact that he was never comfortable with doing Coach Woods bidding and making Wiley suffer, you could see that he felt bad and truly would have not wanted any part in this ridiculous plan. Now for our leading lady, well Wiley was an interesting leading lady, she was so comfortable in her own skin and I just loved this about her. She owned her sexuality and used it to empower herself and if that isn’t a strong woman then I don’t know what it. I really enjoyed getting to see her come into her own and finally give her art a real chance to flourish.

The chemistry between Levi and Wiley was perfection. Right from their first rushed meeting right up until they fell in love, I was invested in this couple. The banter and sexual torture in this book was top notch, I loved the way Wiley made Levi sweat it out and just kept pushing his buttons, and this only got better once Levi figured out what she was doing and started to play the game back. Truly the build up with this couple was next level and definitely not safe for work! Aside from being insanely steamy, I loved the emotional connection these two formed. Levi gave Wiley the unconditional support and love that she so desperately craved and this helped her truly be the best version of herself.

The supporting characters in this book were easily some of the best in all book world! I loved the fact that Levi asked the quibbling queens to help him figure out how to navigate the Wiley situation instead of his frozen fellows. Their group chat was just hilarious, there were pure nuggets of comic gold in there and I loved the way the ladies rallied to help Levi. However it was when the boys go into the mix did my heart truly swoon, I loved that they all rallied to help fix the situation with coach and truly showed Levi that they appreciate him and all his meddling. Now for coach Woods, well he needed a good slap in the face with a hockey stick, gosh his relationship with Wiley was toxic and just broke my heart, I’m so glad that she found the courage to stand up to him and make him take a good look in the mirror. Though it all worked out well in the end thanks to a bit of help from Levi.

So This Is War was hands down the best book that I have read by Quinn! This book had everything I love about reading romcoms; romance, sassy characters, steamy omg moments, angsty build up and one heck of a cute love story. This book is a total must read!!

Book Info:

Nishj| 5 Stars | HJ Top Pick | No |
Publication: June 25, 2024 | Meghan Quinn | The Vancouver Agitators #5

Did I think I was going to fall for my coach’s daughter?

The answer would be no.

I’m still unclear on how I got into this predicament in the first place. A year ago, I was a man with one thought on his mind, the redhead I met at a hotel bar. Twelve months later, I found her.

Unfortunately for me, she not only happens to be my very off-limits coach’s daughter, but also . . . my new assistant and roommate.

I don’t even need an assistant, but Coach Wood doesn’t take no for an answer. Add in him writing up tasks for his daughter, Wylie, to complete for me? Well, it’s his own form of sweet torture. We are talking tasks that I would never ask her to do.

Tasks that make her despise me.

Hate me.

That make her utter four words that cause a shiver to crawl up my spine . . . Posey, this is war.



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