REVIEW: Texas Bodyguard: Luke by Janie Crouch

Posted February 17th, 2023 by in Blog, Harlequin Mills&Boon, HJ Top Pick!, Intrigue, Review / 12 comments

Texas Bodyguard: Luke by Janie Crouch finds security expert Luke Patterson being asked for help by Claire Wallace, a woman from his past. The pair had been at the same group home as kids, only Luke had been lucky enough to be adopted, along with three of his brothers, while Claire ended up bouncing between foster homes. Back then he had been protective of Claire, so when she unexpectedly turns up at the security company he owns with his brothers, he knows he would do anything to protect her once more.

Claire witnessed her boss’s murder and now the person after her will stop at nothing to make sure Claire meets the same fate so she can’t reveal any of the secrets that she knows. The only person she trusts to protect her is Luke, because he had always protected her at the group home. When it becomes clear she has a reason not to trust anyone else, Luke and his brothers need to find a way to keep her safe and clear her name before it’s too late.

It’s never a mystery as to who the villain is, but what is a mystery is what he’s willing to do next to force Claire to come out of hiding. It will keep readers at the edge of their seats, waiting to see how it all unfolds.

The book leans more towards suspense than romance, but their past is described enough to understand the bond that they share and why they are still so connected after so many years apart. I liked how Luke’s brothers recognized that she was important to him and were willing to do anything to help the pair out, as well as how the author introduced Claire to Luke’s adoptive parents, and how they, too, took her in and wanted to help. It’s clear the Patterson’s are a tight-knit family, and I’m looking forward to learning more about them in future books.

This is the first book in the San Antonio Security series, and what a start it was. A gripping, action-packed suspense that will leave readers wanting more, it should be added to the reading list for all those who enjoy romantic suspense.

Book Info:

Publication: February 21, 2023 | Harlequin Intrigue | San Antonio Security #1

The last person security expert Luke Patterson ever expected to see again is in desperate trouble. Claire Wallace witnessed her boss’s murder…and the killer is tearing her quiet life apart to find her. Luke will do anything to protect the childhood friend he never forgot. But as their secrets become an inescapable trap, will they survive to have any future?



12 Responses to “REVIEW: Texas Bodyguard: Luke by Janie Crouch”

  1. Latesha B.

    This book had me at bodyguard. Love a protective male who will go to the ends of the earth to help his love.

    • Stacey

      It does. I’m looking forward to reading about the rest of the brothers!

    • Stacey

      It was! I’m usually hesitant to give a book a Top Pick rating, but I felt this one deserved it.