REVIEW: The Summer Pact by Emily Giffin

Posted August 28th, 2024 by in Blog, Review, Women's Fic - Chick-lit / 6 comments


In The Summer Pact by Emily Giffin, College can bring together people who never would have formed friendships anywhere else. And some of those relationships can turn into long lasting ones if nurtured and treated well. Such is the case for Summer, Hannah, Tyson, and Lainey. From the day they all met at the beginning of their freshman year, they formed a bond that couldn’t be broken. It was when a deep loss occurred that they made a pact to always look out for each other: If any one of them should be in crisis, they would put everything else aside and be there to help. No questions asked.

“My life is seriously over, Lainey.”
“Don’t say that. Don’t you dare say that,” I say, thinking of our pact. A promise to come together if any of us ever hits rock bottom. I’m pretty sure this qualifies.

Flash forward ten years and Hannah finds herself in a predicament. One that shatters her personal life. Not knowing where to turn, she confides in Lainey what has happened–and Lainey in turn calls Tyson so they can go to Atlanta to help Hannah sort it all out. The trio embark on a quickly put together trip that takes them across the world as they each finally face their own demons head on. None of them come out unscathed. But what Hannah, Tyson, and Lainey learn about themselves and each other puts them on the path to a brighter, hopefully much happier future full of love, understanding, and peace.

‘I have come to learn that we can’t live our lives in a small, fear-based way. We have to take risks. We have to love big. And we have to have faith in our friendships. They’ve gotten us this far.’

A bittersweet story of enduring friendship, loss, soul searching, and glimmers of happiness, THE SUMMER PACT proved Emily Giffin still knows how to draw emotion out of her readers right from chapter one.

‘In that moment, I realized how much we take friendship for granted when we’re young, unable to grasp its significance until later in life.’

CW: View Spoiler »

THE SUMMER PACT is the type of story that started off with a bang–in this case, a huge loss for a group of college best friends–and then slowly picked up speed again as it carried forward ten years later. Told through three POVs, and alternating between the present and the past, we got to follow Hannah, Tyson, and Lainey as they banded together to each grapple with their own personal struggles.

I don’t want to give too many details away. But I can say that there were some darker themes Giffin included so please check the CW if you are sensitive to certain subjects. One of the biggest triggers will likely be at the beginning of the book. And it was the catalyst for Tyson, Lainey, and Hannah to form the Summer Pact–where they literally wrote and signed a document that they would always go running to each other’s side if they were in any trouble or danger. That was exactly where we found Hannah during present time, with her personal life imploding.

I had to give credit to Lainey and Tyson for dropping everything to go to Hannah. It got complicated when demands in their own lives pulled at them, but the trio of friends held strong–to each other and in the faith that they could rise above any obstacles in their way. Now, I will admit that as Tyson, Hannah, and Lainey went on an impromptu trip to Texas and then Capri, things didn’t go as I anticipated. It got real, super-fast. There were some moments with Lainey that I think will irk readers. But overall, Giffin ended the story with each of the friends in a much better place and with some sweet moments that made all the angst worth it.

QOTD: Do you have any friends you would drop everything to be with if they needed you?


Book Info:

Publication: Published: July 9th, 2024 | Ballantine Books |

In the wake of tragedy, a group of friends make a pact that will cause them to reunite a decade later and embark upon a life-changing adventure together—from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Meant to Be.

Four freshmen arrive at college from completely different worlds: Lainey, a California party girl with a flair for drama; Tyson, a brilliant scholar and law school hopeful from D.C.; Summer, a recruited athlete and perfectionist from the Midwest; and Hannah, a mild-mannered southerner who is content to quietly round out the circle of big personalities. Soon after moving into their shared dorm, they strike up a conversation in a study lounge, and the seeds of friendship are planted.

As their college years fly by, their bond intensifies and the four become inseparable. But as graduation nears, their lives are forever changed after a desperate act leads to tragic consequences. Stunned and heartbroken, a pact is made to be there for each other in their time of need, no matter how separated they are by circumstances or distance.

Ten years later, Hannah is anticipating what should be one of the happiest moments of her life when everything is suddenly turned upside down. Calling on her closest friends, it soon becomes clear that they are facing their own crossroads. True to their promise, they agree to take a time out from lives headed in wrong directions and embark on a journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and acceptance.

In this tender portrayal of grief, love, and hope, Emily Giffin asks: When things fall apart, who will be at our sides to help pick up the pieces?



6 Responses to “REVIEW: The Summer Pact by Emily Giffin”

  1. Kathleen O

    Thanks for your review. I have never read any of her books. This one might be a good one to start with.

  2. Amy R

    QOTD: Do you have any friends you would drop everything to be with if they needed you? Yes
    Thanks for the review.

  3. psu1493

    Sounds like an intense story. Yes, I do have friends that I would drop everything for to be with them if they needed me.

  4. erahime

    I enjoyed reading this lovely review, Team HJ. As for the question, considering I hadn’t encountered such a situation before, I’m not sure.