Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Abigail Owen to HJ!

Hi Abigail and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, An Accident Waiting to Dragon!
Hi! Thanks for having me! I always love visiting HJ and the readers who love romance as much as me!
To start off, can you please tell us a little bit about this book?:
An Accident Waiting to Dragon is a novella in my Brimstone Inc. series, which doesn’t have to be read in any order, because each book stands alone. It features Asher Kato, who is a dragon shifter from both my Inferno Rising and my Fire’s Edge series. We finally get to find out a little bit about him, including how he lost half his tail spur. And Asher finally gets his HEA in a second-chance with a little stranded on a deserted island throne in!
Please share your favorite lines or quote(s) from this book:
Memories came at him hard and fast—of silky black hair and laughing pale gold eyes, of lips tipped in a sweet smile or pursed in irritation. Did she still taste as sweet? Did she laugh like she used to? Did she still hate him?
What inspired this book?
- My Inferno Rising & Fire’s Edge dragon shifters will be getting a spin off. This will hint at it!
- Asher from those books is a stand out character for me and definitely needs his HEA.
- I wanted a stranded story, and the beautiful islands of Indonesia were the perfect setting!
- I had so much fun digging into pixie mythology to create Gwen, Asher’s love interest.
How did you ‘get to know’ your main characters? Did they ever surprise you?
Delving into Asher’s background after having him as a somewhat mysterious secondary character in The Mate in Fire’s Edge, and in all four Inferno Rising books, was a treat. Even I wasn’t sure how he lost half his tail spur when dragons heal supernaturally fast. Discovering his backstory actually was a surprise, because he’s such a warrior, even I didn’t know that love and friendship are what hurt him in the past.
What was your favorite scene to write?
There’s a scene in a small island cave where Asher and Gwen have to escape the weather and hide from a wraith. Let’s just say I enjoyed this take on “only one bed”.
What was the most difficult scene to write?
There were several but only because they are similar. The hardest scenes to write are from either point of view when Gwen is still so angry with Asher about their past, and he just takes it. He has a good reason, but one that ultimately hurts them both. And it was painful to write those moments as they worked through it.
Would you say this book showcases your writing style or is it a departure for you?
This is a novella, so I don’t get to explore the world as much as I usually like. But anyone who loves my dragon shifters will get all the things they love–a spunky heroine, a stand up hero, brutal fight scenes, a huge world, and all the feels!
What do you want people to take away from reading this book?
I’d love new readers to enjoy it so much they want to jump into the rest of my dragon shifter books. I’d love readers already familiar with my dragons to love it as much as they have the others!
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?
I am working on book 2 in a secret project where book 1 hasn’t been announced yet. But announcements are coming soon, and I am super excited. Actually, I have several things not yet announced, but will be soon. Here’s what I can share and only hint at…
2024 Releases:
March 26 – An Accident Waiting to Dragon (A Brimstone Inc. Novella, Paranormal Romance)
July 2 – The Shadows Rule All (Dominions #3, NA/YA Romantasy)
July 30 – I can’t tell you yet. (Paranormal Romance)
Sept 3 – Secret Project Book #1 (Romantasy)
Dec 2 – I can’t tell this either LOL (Paranormal Romance)
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
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Excerpt from An Accident Waiting to Dragon:
“What happened?” the Green Dragon Queen asked, not bothering to fill the rest of them in on what this was about in the first place.
“My courier has disappeared,” Delilah informed them calmly.
Courier? Asher slid a glance to Meilin
“Where?” she prompted.
Delilah waved a hand, and the screen immediately changed to show a map with a small red dot moving across the western Outback. It was headed north. Then it stopped. No more blipping dot.
“That was last contact south of Darwin,” Delilah told them. “I have a tracer on her. It stopped about an hour ago.”
Ladon leaned forward. “What is she delivering?”
Delilah paused infinitesimally, glancing toward Meilin as if checking for permission to share that detail. “A rainbow basilisk egg.”
Asher sat up at that, boredom fading away in a flash of purpose.
“Aren’t those incredibly rare?” Skylar asked Ladon.
The king only nodded.
But Delilah heard her. “Yes. They are. Rainbow basilisks are coveted for multiple benefits—healing, future telling, and so forth. It was found by one of the green dragon colonies in Australia.”
Which was probably why Meilin had asked Hank to stay, and why the egg was bring brought here. That and the fact that Meilin was the closest dragon shifter leader to Australia distance-wise.
“Why bring it to dragons?” Skylar asked.
“Basilisks need dragon fire to hatch.” Delilah hesitated a tiny moment. “The last known rainbow basilisk hatched just after the Great Darkness that enveloped the world disappeared.”
Fucking hells.
Asher hadn’t been alive for that. Dragon shifters lived almost two thousand years, but that had been long before even the oldest dragon now alive could remember. A war of creatures of darkness against those who wielded light. “Are you saying that’s what we’re headed for?” he asked, words clipped. “Another Great Darkness?”
Delilah spread her hands in a gesture that indicated even she wasn’t sure. Which was saying a lot. The woman seemed to know everything about everything.
“What do we know about the courier?” Meilin demanded.
With a slight nod, Delilah expanded. “We know she secured the egg from your colony. She checked in with me before heading out. They’ve confirmed she left unhindered with no sign of danger.”
“Have you sent someone after her?” Meilin asked.
Delilah winced. “No. This is too sensitive. Besides which, I trust my courier. She’s the best at what she does. If her signal went out it’s because she wanted it to. For a reason.”
That sounded like a fool’s hope to Asher. Better to send help just in case. “I’ll go.” The words were out of his mouth before he made a conscious to step up and volunteer.
Kasem’s scowl was immediate. “We have our own trackers here—”
“No one is as good at Asher,” Ladon interrupted.
“With respect,” Skylar tacked on for her mate, whose jaw tensed.
The queen’s lead guard wasn’t letting it go. “This is—”
Meilin stood gracefully from the table, silencing Kasem. “Asher’s reputation is well known. He’ll go, with his king and queen’s permission. All I ask is that he reports to me as well. Directly.”
Ladon glanced at Skylar who nodded, then at Asher passing on the nod.
Asher barely kept from rubbing his hands together in anticipation. Finally something he could use his skills for.
On the screen Delilah also nodded. “I suggest you start in Darwin.”
He’d already decided on that as a first step. “Tell me more about your courier.”
“She’s a moon pixie.”
“Wow,” Kasem murmured. “She can travel by and hide in moonlight. No wonder she’s a good courier.”
Asher barely heard the man. Instant, bone deep knowledge struck him in the chest, and for the first time in a long, long time he had to focus to leash down his dragon who wanted to erupt from him.
Delilah’s smile was enigmatic. “Her name is—”
“Gwen Moonsoar,” Asher said.
Delilah’s gaze narrowed on him. “How would you know that?”
Fuck. Of course it was Gwen.
Memories came at him hard and fast—of silky black hair and laughing pale gold eyes, of lips tipped in a sweet smile or pursed in irritation. Did she still taste as sweet? Did she laugh like she used to? Did she still hate him?
It was a damn good thing he’d already volunteered, because they’d have to kill him now to stop him from going after her.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
It’s not the heat…it’s the pixie dust.
The day her brother died, Gwendolyn Moonsoar fled from her veil of pixies. Grief drove her away, but a broken heart made her stay gone for good. Lucky for Gwen, Brimstone Inc. was there to break her fall. Now, as a special courier transporting the most valuable and dangerous items of the supernatural world, Gwen is good at her job. Damn good. After all, disappearing is her specialty.
Dragon shifter Asher Kato will always be haunted by his best friend Goran’s death. Although a promise he made gave him no choice, Asher will never forgive himself for the role he played…or the fallout it caused with Goran’s younger sister, Gwen. Burying himself in his role as second-in-command of the blue dragons is his only escape. Unfortunately, the peace they fought so hard for isn’t meant for a warrior like him. So, when a courier transporting a rare basilisk egg goes missing, Asher volunteers to track them down.
Except Asher’s mission ends up stranding him on a deserted island with the only woman he’s ever wanted….a pixie who would rather vanish forever than spend a single second with him.
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |
Meet the Author:
Award-winning author, Abigail Owen, writes NA/Upper YA romantasy and adult paranormal romance. She loves plots that move hot and fast, feisty heroines with sass, heroes with heart, a dash of snark, and oodles of HEAs!
Abbie has a degree in English Rhetoric (Technical Writing) from Texas A&M University (gig’em Ags!), and an EMBA from California State University-Sacramento. Prior to becoming a published author, she spent 15+ years using the other side of her brain in various tech-related roles including website design, graphic design, HTML coding, and business analysis.
Other titles include: wife, mother, Star Wars geek, ex-competitive skydiver, AuDHD, spreadsheet lover, Jeopardy fanatic, organizational guru, true classic movie buff, linguaphile, wishful world traveler, and chocoholic.
Abigail currently resides in Austin, Texas, with her own swoon-worthy hero, their (mostly) angelic teenagers, and two adorable fur babies.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | GoodReads |
Well, that’s tough but I’ll choose the dragon shifter.
A dragon because they breathe fire and fly.
Mary Preston
A dragon shifter all the way. Dragons are more magical to me.
Courtney Kinder
A Dragon shifter
dragon shifter.
A dragon shifter would be really cool.
Lori Byrd
A dragon shifter!
I can’t think of anything cooler than being a dragon shifter. It would be amazing.
This is tough. I would like to be a dragon shifter but the pixie is tempting.
Amy Donahue
Moon pixie is more my vibe.
I would be a moon pixie.
Texas Book Lover
A dragon shifter!
Latifa Morrisette
A Dragon Shifter
Rita Wray
A Dragon Shifter
Amy R
Would you rather be a dragon shifter or a moon pixie? dragon shifter
Glenda M
I think I’d go with Moon Pixie. Traveling by moonlight would be fun!
Nancy Jones
A Dragon shifter.
lori h
Moon pixie, either would be fun though!
Daniel M
dragon shifter
Dragon Shifter
Susan C
Tough question ~ dragon shifter.
Debra Shutters
I would love to be a Dragon Shifter or a Moon Pixie
Debra Shutters
I would love be either a dragon shifter or a moon pixie
My comment didn’t go through?
Shelly Peterson
A moon pixie.
Colleen C.
Dragon Shifter
Mary C
A Dragon Shifter
a moon pixie
Steve Weber
A dragon shifter!
A dragon shifter
Banana cake
A moon pixie
Sue G.
I think a dragon shifter. It would be fun to be so big!
Janie McGaugh
Dragon shifter!
Patricia Barraclough
I think I would prefer to be a Moon Pixie.
Nicky Ortiz
Dragon Shifter
Thanks for the chance!
Anita H.
Travelling by moonlight and being a Moon Pixie sounds fun
Laurie Gommermann
I would love to be a dragon shifter and fly across the sky. I’d protect the innocent from evil. I always loved the song Puff The Magic Dragon by Peter, Paul and Mary. Loved the story of the wonderful, unique friendship that developed between Jackie and Puff. It’s hard to grow old and lose someone or something you love.
My grandchildren are now reading a version where Jackie’s son befriends Puff so he isn’t sad or lonely anymore. I like that ending.
A dragon shifter.
I’d like to be a moon pixie.
Dragon shifter
Nancy Payette
Moon pixie
Pam Conway
Dragon shifter