Spotlight & Giveaway: Bear with Me Now by Katie Shepard

Posted April 25th, 2023 by in Blog, Spotlight / 26 comments

Today, HJ is pleased to share with you Katie Shepard’s new release: Bear with Me Now




Love makes life a little wilder in this romantic comedy by debut author Katie Shepard.

After being hospitalized for depression following his mother’s death, charitable foundation CEO Teagan van Zijl finds himself at a wilderness therapy retreat in Montana. Lost in the woods, Teagan nearly gets eaten by a bear but is saved by an angel in muddy hiking boots—the program’s handywoman, Darcy Albano, that is. After spending the summer with Darcy, Teagan realizes he doesn’t want to return to New York without her. He hires Darcy as his sober companion—a position he doesn’t actually need filled and for which Darcy is completely unqualified—hoping she can help him figure out how to move forward. But once they get to the city, all Teagan can think of is how to confess the truth.

Darcy Albano thought she was going to work as a wilderness guide when she was hired on the camp staff, but ended up a handywoman instead—only the latest screwing-over she’s endured since her ex stole her car and her parents ruined her credit score. But Teagan van Zijl is the silver lining she didn’t expect to appear—clearly going through something but willing to learn about wildlife from her. They form an unlikely bond, and he helps her in turn. The city is not how she envisioned it when she agreed to join him, but with Teagan, anything feels possible.


Enjoy an exclusive excerpt from Bear with Me Now 

After maybe ten minutes of lurching uphill, his rescuer gradually slowed until she stopped, still holding his hand.
“It’s gone,” she said.
Teagan sagged in relief. He wavered on his feet until his rescuer pushed him up against a broad tree trunk, finally releasing him.
“Okay, you can sit,” she panted. “Let’s look at you.”
Teagan slid down until his ass was on the ground, his legs splayed in front of him. Some of the bear spray had gone down his throat, and he coughed and hacked to get the burning taste out of his mouth.
The woman crouched over his knees, straddling him. She adjusted her position until she was comfortable on his thighs. He heard a lid being unscrewed. His rescuer wiped his face with what felt like the lower hem of her T-shirt and then, as he blinked, poured water directly into his eyes to flush them out. He’d kept his eyes screwed shut against the pain as he climbed, but he tried to clear them enough to squint at the woman who’d saved him.
Her features were very fuzzy at first. He was facing southwest, and the sun had dipped to backlight his rescuer. His clearing eyesight gave her a halo that his giddy relief mentally seconded. She was his age or a little younger, cheeks flushed with exertion over olive skin. Her long, wavy chestnut hair was caught in a high ponytail, with little tufts escaping to stick to her temples and neck. The sun had bleached it golden at the tips and around the perfect oval of her face. Large chocolate-brown eyes regarded him with concern, and full berry-red lips were pursed under a dramatically arched nose. She looked like a pre-Raphaelite angel. Like an altarpiece.
“Are you going to be all right?” she asked from her perch over his knees.
Teagan took stock of his injuries. Nothing fatal, probably.
“Yes, I think so,” he said, his abused throat making his voice hoarse and gravelly. He tried to wipe more water and tears off his face. His hands were shaking.
His rescuer shifted her seat on his legs, letting more weight fall on them. He heard her breathing begin to slow. She must have run when she heard him start yelling, and she had a large backpack that she’d carried up the hill in addition to most of his body weight.
They locked eyes again, and Teagan felt his heart clench in his chest. She was beautiful.
His rescuer exhaled, shoulders relaxing. Some of the fear and desperation began to trickle out of Teagan’s body too. He was going to live, actually. He did not get eaten by the bear. He did not die alone on the mountain.
“Yes, thank you,” he said, gathering himself. “I’m okay.” He forced his eyes to open and his mind to focus so that he could catch her next words. She leaned in, fists resting gently on his torso.
“Motherfucker,” said the angel, with feeling.

Excerpt. ©Katie Shepard. Posted by arrangement with the publisher. All rights reserved.

Giveaway: One finished copy of Bear with Me Now by Katie Shepard


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and post a comment to this Q: What did you think of the excerpt spotlighted here? Leave a comment with your thoughts on the book…

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Meet the Author:

Katie Shepard studied Soviet history and worked in human rights law before burning way, way out, and achieved professional tranquility as a simple country bankruptcy lawyer. She lives in Texas with her husband, kids, and elderly rescue cat, but is often found hiking in the Rocky Mountains or the virtual woods of Thedas.

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26 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: Bear with Me Now by Katie Shepard”

  1. Leeza Stetson

    Poor guy, but.such a rescuer. I look forward to reading the rest of this book.

  2. Laurie Gommermann

    Chemistry already exists between Darcy and Teague
    Interesting first meet!
    Wondering how Darcy will adapt to life in the big city
    Depression a relevant issue today.

  3. Patricia B.

    Having used bear spray, but luckily not getting it in my face, I can empathize with him. She seems quite capable of handling herself and any situation she might come across on the trail. As for her last comment, is it aimed at him for making a stupid mistake or at the situation with the bear?

  4. Glenda M

    I was kind of all over the place with it. It was intense and very descriptive. I hate that it ended with the questions about her feelings and emotional state. Is she relieved? Ticked at the bear? Ticked at him? Herself?

  5. Bonnie

    What a wonderful book! Great cover and excerpt. I’d love to read more.