Spotlight & Giveaway: Falling for the Trauma Doc by Susan Carlisle

Posted April 18th, 2024 by in Blog, Spotlight / 23 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Susan Carlisle to HJ!

Hi Susan and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Falling for the Trauma Doc!

Hey everyone!

To start off, can you please tell us a little bit about this book?:

P.A.Callee Dobson runs the Back Lot Clinic of Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky. Dr. Langston Watts is there to do research on brain injuries. While he is at the clinic the month before the Kentucky Derby, he also helps with seeing patients. They meet at the racetrack at dawn while watching the horses’ morning run. Callee is immediately attracted to him. Langston doesn’t even have time to learn his way around before they have a patient who has a hand injury. When Callee’s friend is thrown from a horse Langston takes over her care. At the hospital Callee learns that Langston is a big-time trauma doctor. They attend the formal Derby Ball where Callee is offered a job working with humans and horses. Langston believes it would be perfect for her. She isn’t interested. On Derby Saturday Langston surprises Callee by arranging for them to go to the grandstands to watch the final race. When Langston leaves Callee thinks all is lost. Langston doesn’t see how he can stay.

Please share your favorite lines or quote(s) from this book:

“On your driving. I accuse men in big trucks who drive too fast and
tailgate of using their trucks to compensate for their lack of size elsewhere.”
“Ouch, that hurts.” He dropped his voice into a low stern tone. “I can
assure you I don’t drive fast or tailgate, and as for the size of my truck…that
isn’t the case for me.”
“I bet that’s what they all say,” she teased.


What inspired this book?

I attended the Kentucky Derby a couple of year sago and enjoyed every mintue. The racing, the horses, the hats and the excitement. It was all great fun. I immediantly wanted to write a book about the experience. I not only got to write one, but two.


How did you ‘get to know’ your main characters? Did they ever surprise you?

Callee is the director of the Churchill Down’s Back Lot medical clinic. She is a no nonsense person who is driven to redeem herself for her past. Along comes Langston, a long tall Texan who makes her think her life could be better.
Langston is there to study head injuries. He is helping to devlop headgear that will help prevent lasting injuries. He too has a past that he hasn’t faced but learns from Callee how important it is to do so. Only through revisiting the past can they look toward to the future.


What was your favorite scene to write?

I think it was the first kiss. I always enjoy these scenes because both characters realize their lives have changed because of that step. They might fight it but they soon have to accept they can’t stay away from the other person.


What was the most difficult scene to write?

I think that was the one about Callie’s friend getting hurt. Riding horses can be dangerous. That scene shows it clearly.

That horse again. First Rick and now Gina. When did a trainer say the
horse was too dangerous?
Langston asked, “Has 911 been called?”
Someone in the crowd yelled, “Yes. An ambulance is on the way.”
Langston dropped to his knees across from Callee. He made a mental note
that one of the policies for all track personal should be training on emergency
care of head injuries. “We need a blanket here.”
He glanced at Callee. Her eyes swam with tears. As the most experienced
with this type of injury and the expert here, he should take the lead. In a stern
voice he said, “Callee, I have this. This is my area of expertise. Go hold
Gina’s feet up to prevent shock while someone gets something for them to
rest on.” He barked out an order to a nearby man.
She looked at him a second. Finally, her eyes focused. She then stood and
did as he had told her.
Pulling the penlight out of his pocket, he lifted Gina’s eyelids. They were
fixed and dilated. He set the helmet to the side, and said to no one in
particular, “This needs to go to the hospital with her.”
Then Langston pulled a neck brace out of his go-bag. Gently he worked it
around Gina’s neck. Someone put a blanket within his eyesight, and he placed
it over Gina’s chest. With his fingertips he carefully examined the back of her
head, looking for bumps or indentions.
A man hurried forward with a low step and handed it to Callee. She
slipped it under Gina’s feet, then returned to Langston’s side. She said in a
controlled voice, “I’ll do vitals.”
“I can use your help.” Langston was proud of her strength. He moved his
hands along Gina’s shoulders and arms, looking for any breaks.
Callee checked her heart, blood pressure and other vitals.
“Don’t move her legs,” Langston snapped to a man near Gina. “She might
have a spinal injury.”
The sound of an ambulance pierced the air. Moments later it quietly
entered the space between the stands and the track fence, then stopped at the
open gate. The EMTs rolled a stretcher over the red clay surface.


Would you say this book showcases your writing style or is it a departure for you?

I would say it shows my writing style. It is all about getting to the depth of the subject of the plot while keeping the romance at the forefront of the story. In Falling for the Trauma Doc I show the care and devotion doctors give in any situation, their dedication to helping others. Even at a racetrack.


What do you want people to take away from reading this book?

How exciting the horse racing world is but that there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to make it what it is. That is a large number of people, money and dedication. That just a simple wrong step for a horse can mean an end to a career. It isn’t always the easy life people think it is.


What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?

I have just finished the second book in the two-book series of the Kentucky Derby. This one is about veterinairians and their work with race horses with a whole lot of romance thrown in. I am currently writing a book that takes place in Iceland. It is about one doctor looking for her family and the other trying to get away from his. It should be interesting.


Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: A print or ebook copy of FALLING FOR THE TRAUMA DOC. International is welcome


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Have you ever been to a horse race?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from Falling for the Trauma Doc:

Connor O’Brian stepped into the dim stable hall to a view of a female behind incased in dusty jeans raised in the air and swinging back and forth. For once in a long time, he took a moment to admire the well-developed lines of a woman’s firm bottom.
He cleared his throat to gain her attention and adjusted his focus. “Excuse me, but I’m looking for the owner.”
The woman straightened then shoved the pitchfork she held into a pile of loose hay. With a swift move of practice, she flipped it off the fork over a stall wall. Dust floated around her in the stream of light coming in through the doors.
“Hello,” he said louder.
She whirled making her rust ponytail whip round her head, the pitchfork held like a weapon. With a slim build the plaid shirt, jeans and boots covered the curves he’d admire earlier. What caught his attention was the sparkle in her brilliant green eyes. Ones that reminded him of the countryside at home after a rain.
“Ho. Ho.” He threw up his hands and stepped back. She stood almost as tall as him. “I’m just looking for the person who owns the stables.”
“What?” She leaned the handle of the pitchfork against the wall then pulled white speaker buds from her ears. “Can I help you?”
“I’m looking for the owner.” How long was this non-conversation going to go on. He was tired having traveled all day.
She placed her hands on her hips and glared at him. “You found her.”
His step faulter. This woman he hadn’t anticipated. She looked more like a farmhand than the veterinarian he had been told she was. “I’m Conor O’Brian. I understood you would be expecting me.”
Her eyes narrowed and her brow wrinkled. In a sweet southern drawl she said, “I’m sorry. I don’t recognize that name.”
Had he been sent on a wild goose chance? He had no desire to make this trip to begin with but William Guinness, Liquid Gold’s owner, had insisted Conor come with the horse. Someone who knew the animal well enough to see about him in the weeks leading up to the Kentucky Derby. Conor’s siblings had encouraged him to make the trip as well. Now this.
“I was told that Gold would be stabled here for two weeks before moving to the racetrack barns.”
The woman’s face brightened. Her body relaxed. “Liquid Gold. Yes, the horse from Ireland. I wasn’t expecting him until day after tomorrow. I should’ve guessed from your accent who you might be.”
At least she had expected the horse if not him.
She stepped forward and offered her hand. “I’m Christina Mobbs. Welcome to Seven Miles Farm and Stables. My friends call me Chris.”
The name Christina was so much prettier. They were not friends, so he settled on calling her by a more formal name. “Dr. Mobbs. I would really like to get Gold settled. It has been a long trip. The flight, then threes day in quarantine in Indianapolis, Indiana, then the three hour drive here. I think he needs something stable under his feet.”
“Certainly. I have a stall ready.” She walked further down the hall and open a stall door wide then returned to him and move beyond.
Conor stepped outside just behind her. He glanced at the countryside. It reminded him of home with its green trees and grass covered rolling hills. At least that much he could appreciate about being here. Except he’d rather be in Ireland in his own home being left alone.
Conor had pushed back about coming here but the knowledge that his brother and sister were worried about him had made him agree. They feared he had become too insulated and removed from life because of his loneliness and anger over losing Louisa and his unborn child. They had said they even feared for his mental health. Their idea was that with a change of scenery he might snap out of his depression. He didn’t have much faith that a trip to the United States would change his mindset, but he had been left with little choice but to make the trip. Afterall it was only for three weeks. What could happen in the amount of time.
Christina put out a hand as if to touch the large white truck and kept it there as she walked beside the matching horse trailer. “Nice rig.”
“Not my doing but I agree it is nice.”
“I’m going need to see some papers before I let you unload him. Do you have a health certificate, import permit, and blood tests?”
“I have them right here.” He handed her the papers he had pulled out of his back pocket.
She flipped though the sheets running a finger down each page. “Looks good. The training and racing certificate is even here.” She handed them back to him and continued to the rear of the trailer.
Conor joined there. Inside he could hear Gold shifting his weight making the trailer creak. Opening the back door wide, he pulled the ramp out and stepped inside. “Easy boy, we are done traveling for a while. It’s time to rest and get ready for the big day.” Connor spoke softly placing a hand on the thoroughbred’s neck and running his hand across it. “You have a nice stall waiting. Just for you.”
Only with his equine patients had Conor felt like himself since his wife died. There he dared to care.
“Let’s get you out of here.” He untied the halter rope from the bar in the trailer. Turning Gold, Conor led him out of the trailer and down the metal ramp. He looked at Dr. Mobbs who stood beside the driver to see a look of pure pleasure on her face.
“What a fine-looking horse.” Awa hung on each of her words.
“He is a handsome fellow. And fast too.” Conor could not help but speak like a proud parent. “I’ve been taking care of him since his birth.”
“I would like to examine him before you put him in the stall.” She stepped toward them.
She looked directly at him. “Because this is my place and if something is wrong with such an expensive piece of horse flesh, I want to know about it.” I’m a veterinarian I know what I am doing. I also I need to know Gold isn’t carrying anything that might make the other horses her ill.”
Conor straightened his shoulders. He wasn’t used to anyone questioning his care of Gold or any other animal for that matter. “I assure you Gold is in fine health.”
“Still, I must insist if he is to stay at Seven Miles.”
She walked to the front of the horse, lifting his head with a hand under the horse’s chin. “You are indeed a handsome fellow.”
Conor watched as Christina looked into Gold’s eyes, pulled up his lips to study his teeth and then ran her hand over his shoulders and back before doing the same to his legs.
She had a gentle but firm touch. Gold didn’t take to just anyone, that was part of why William had wanted Conor with Gold, but the horse seemed content with Christina’s attention. Did she have that effect on all males she touched? He pushed away that uncomfortable idea. What had made such a foreign thought flash through his mind?
“I understand he was the highest point earner in the Europe seven race circuit.” She continued around to the other side of the horse.
“That is correct. That’s why he was issued an invitation.”
“You know no visiting horse has ever won the Derby.” She looked at him from under the horse’s neck.
Conor shrugged. “There is always a first time.”
She grinned, taking his breath for a moment.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

It’s off to the races with Susan Carlisle’s latest Harlequin Medical Romance as a physician’s assistant and trauma doc treat patients at Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby…while trying to resist each other!


Callee needs to move on from a huge loss, and the way to do that is to armor plate her heart. So when trauma doc Langston arrives at her clinic to temporarily conduct research, she knows she’s in trouble. Not only is he helpful with patients, but their chemistry is electric! Is Langston the guy to take a leap with, when he isn’t planning to stick around?

Book Links: Amazon | B&NKobo |

Meet the Author:

Susan Carlisle’s love affair with books began when she made a bad grade in math in the sixth grade. Not allowed to watch TV until she brought the grade up, Susan filled her time with books. She turned her love of reading into a love of writing romance. If the hero is a smart, sexy and sinfully rich alpha male, he can be found in her books along with a strong heroine that captures the hero’s heart.
She lives near Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and has four grown children and eight grandchildren. When Susan isn’t writing she is busy with her family, traveling and going to afternoon tea. She loves castles, cross-stitching, and reads voraciously. Visit Susan at
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | GoodReads |




23 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: Falling for the Trauma Doc by Susan Carlisle”

  1. psu1493

    To the best of my recollection, I have never attended a horse race. I’ve seen them on television, though.

  2. Laurie Gommermann

    I’d like to read Langston and Callie’s story.
    No, I’ve never attended a horse race. I did see a couple of Kentucky Derby races on TV. Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes too.

  3. SusieQ

    Yes. I used to go with a friend who would always win at the track. I just bet what she would (but a lower amount), and it would pay for my meal, parking and a little cash to take home.

  4. Kathleen O

    Many times and going to The Kentucky Derby is a dream of mine. I love horse racing as does most of my family.

  5. Patricia Barraclough

    I have been to a couple sulky races, but no straight horse races. We will be a Churchill Downs the end of MAy. We will have a tour of the track and stables, then have dinner in one of the boxes. We will also be visiting one of the horse farms.

  6. lindaherold999

    I have been to many of them. My great uncle worked with race horses.

  7. Terrill R

    I’ve been to the horse races twice in my life. Once, to Emerald Downs as a child with my mom and aunts. The second time in Puerto Rico when visiting my husband’s family.