Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Anna J Stewart to HJ!

Hi Anna and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Hunting Colton’s Witness!
Hi, everyone! I always love coming back to HJ!
Please summarize the book for the readers here:
HUNTING COLTON’S WITNESS is a woman in jeopardy romance with a law enforcement hero who is instantly conflicted when he falls immediately for a witness in a case he’s been working. Sparks fly for Vivian Maylor and Detective Nate Colton–two people who find one another at the absolute perfect time despite being in a killer’s crosshairs. It’s a bit of a roller coaster getting to their HEA, but with some humor and adventure along the way, they get there!
Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:
They’re more little snippets from scenes, but here are a couple I particularly like.
The detective leaned forward, pressed down so hard with his hands Vivian winced. “I need you to stay quiet right now,” he told her, looking as if he didn’t want to be saying what he had. “Just…trust me, okay? I’ll explain everything I can soon, but not now.”
It was a request Vivian often had trouble with. Trust was a big reason why she lived alone. Why she worked alone. But with this man… She couldn’t explain it. “Okay.” She said it in a whisper and reached for another towel. “Yeah.” She swallowed hard. “I trust you.”
She covered her eyes, repressed the urge to growl when she heard the rattle of the curtain being pulled back. “Please, just leave me alone.” She was already shaking so hard her teeth ached. If she was going to fall apart, she needed to do so without an audience.
She dropped her hand and looked over her shoulder. “Nate.”
The tears she’d been trying hard to bank flooded instantly. She wanted to ask why he was here. What he was doing here. She hadn’t wanted to believe the kind woman who had called him when she’d assured Vivian that Nate would meet her at the hospital. And yet…
He closed the curtain and approached the bed. Her gaze shifted to the chair in the corner, but he walked right past it to sit beside her on the bed, up close to where she could grab hold of him. Instead of clinging to him, she pulled herself up and slipped her arms around his neck.
She wasn’t alone.
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- One of the things I love about writing a Colton books is they tend to take place in areas I don’t typically write about. I’m a born and bred California girl, so pretty much anyplace else is a challenge. HUNTING COLTON’S WITNESS takes place in Owl Creek, Idaho, so I had a lot of research to do!
- One of the interesting facts I discovered is that Idaho has a large Basque population. As a foodie, I was super excited to discover this. I love researching different types of cuisines. I always like to create unique eateries in my stories and in this case, I was able to build Madariaga’s which is the setting for both the opening and the (almost) closing scene. A nice way to bookend the story, I think.
- The character of Vivian Maylor is a bit off my usual track for heroines. She’s a recluse for want of a better term. Innocent. Maybe even a bit naive. But she has some serious character growth throughout the story and she’s more than ready to grab for that HEA when it’s in reach.
- Since HUNTING COLTON’S WITNESS is part of the Coltons of Owl Creek, it’s always a challenge to take on one of these stories. I’m one of twelve, which means balancing my story with others, especially with the ones that come directly before and right after my book. It’s also fun. I love puzzles and being involved with the Coltons definitely qualifies.
- I totally lucked out with this being a Christmas story!! Readers who have checked out my books before know I have a particular affinity for the holiday season, so incorporating that into a suspense was an added bit of fun.
- I’ve gotten to the place in my career where I’ve earned some fans–many of whom have become good friends. In this book I was able to use one of their names as a secondary character (a police sketch artist if I recall). I love getting the message from the person saying they saw it! That’s so much fun.
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
I think this is as close to love at first sight as I’ve written to date. And it’s not necessarily on Vivian’s part! It’s literally a case of Nate seeing Vivian from across a crowded room, or in this case, across a bar. The second he sees her he’s done. The fun part is, he pretty much knows he is. Oh he tries to fight it, professionally speaking of course, but there’s no escaping his attraction or his instant need to protect Vivian and keep her safe.
On Vivian’s part, she’s a bit scattered and shaky after a blind date goes horribly wrong. Of course the disastrous social outing ends up with her introduced to Nate, but her life is vastly different from his. She can’t imagine them ever finding a way to be together, but for the first time in her life, she’s interested in trying. She trusts him, almost from the moment they meet and that’s big for her. Someone she can rely on is new and leaves her open to shifting her life into a completely different stage.
Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?
I actually had to go back and skim through the book to find one! I think I wrote this over a year ago and I’ve written a few books since then. But I do recall Vivian surprising me with one particular scene. I had no idea SHE was going to make the first move!
“Here.” Nate shrugged out of his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. He felt the need to remind her that chivalry did still exist in the world. Besides, he could practically hear her teeth chattering.
“Sorry we took yours for evidence.”
“Not like I wanted it after tonight.” She touched fingertips to her chest and the edge of her dress. “I guess I should be grateful you didn’t take everything. I’d hate to have to drive home in my
underwear.”Nate felt that comment all the way to his toes. “Yeah,” he managed on a slightly strangled note. “Wouldn’t want that.” The second they stepped clear of the ambulance bay, Nate cringed. “Looks like you were right about that storm.” The snow was coming down in steady curtains now. Not blizzard conditions, not yet at least, but that could change on a dime.
“The perfect end to the perfect night. Even without the storm, I’d have been stuck. Can’t drive at night without my glasses.” She drew the lapels of his jacket close. Something about the way she turned her face into the lining, as if she were breathing him in, had parts of him tightening into complete discomfort. “I think there’s a motel near the restaurant. I’ll grab a room—”
“You can stay with me.” The offer came out of nowhere and apparently surprised both of them.
He inclined his chin toward the dark SUV parked in the second space over. “We can talk about it
inside. Come on.”“Ohhh…kay…” Her drawn-out response indicated both reluctance and curiosity. He could definitely push back on one of those emotions.
Sullivan had made it clear he believed Nate had a bit of a conflict of interest with this case. Nate couldn’t blame him. He’d been vocally protective of Vivian—without really thinking about it. It had just been… instinctual. Arguing would have only made the situation more difficult, so he’d silently agreed to disagree if only to be kept in the loop moving forward.
Once inside, Nate turned on the engine so he could raise the heat up to full blast. At least with the snow the temperatures would calm a bit and the cold wouldn’t feel quite so biting. “I’ve got a guest room,” he said without preamble. “Nothing fancy, but it has its own bathroom. You can shower and get some sleep. Sullivan’s going to try to get the sketch artist in tomorrow. Might as well get it all over and done with before you head home.”
She leaned back in her seat and slid her arms into his jacket. When she flipped her hair free of the collar, he had to stop himself from reaching out to see if her hair was as soft as he imagined. “Part of me is thinking this could be an extension of my bad decision-making tendencies for the evening,” she said and looked out his snow-covered windshield.
“Or it’s the chance to start making good ones,” he suggested. “I promise, you’ll be in safe hands. That I can keep to myself—”
She leaned across the console and pressed her mouth to his.
Nate wasn’t a man prone to surprises. He prided himself on being able to expect just about anything that could possibly come flying at him. But Vivian Maylor proved yet again she was capable of sneaking past his defenses and straight into his heart.
Her lips trembled against his, as if she hadn’t quite thought things through. When he angled his head and moved to deepen the kiss, he felt her hesitancy. Right before her hand slid up the front of his chest and grabbed hold of his shirt.
With the engine rumbling, he slipped his hand up to grasp the back of her neck, held her against him as he dipped his tongue in to taste her, tempt her. Tease her. The curving of her lips had him
almost cheering in triumph, but that would mean releasing her, and as he continued the kiss, he couldn’t imagine a time he would want to stop.When he did pull back, it was only far enough to press his forehead against hers. She was breathing heavier than before. She licked her lips, pressed them together as if trying to capture the taste of him.
Readers should read this book….
This book is for lovers of romance (of course!), and couples that are meant to be from the start. If readers enjoy a heroine in jeopardy and a heroic detective who will risk everything to protect her, even while he’s falling in love with her. This book is also ideal for fans of the Coltons (obviously, LOL), but also those who enjoy family sagas interwoven with their main couple romance. Don’t worry! While it’s part of a series, it stands alone–even as it hopefully tempts you to pick up the other books in the series.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?
As always, I’ve got a bunch of books coming down the pipeline. In late September, my contribution to a new Blackwell series for Harlequin Heartwarming will be released. A COWGIRL ON HIS DOORSTEP is part of the Blackwell Belles mini series and Big E and his sister Denny are back to bring an extended branch of the family tree back into the fold.
A new collection of Christmas Town romances will be released in early October. A ROYAL IN CHRISTMAS TOWN features five brand new romances dealing with some surprise visitors to one of my favorite places on earth: Christmas Town, Maine. My story is called Mistletoe and Marinara (yes, I’m writing about a cook and a chef again!).
In December, just in time for Christmas, the fourth book in my Hawaiian Reunions mini series for Heartwarming will be released. AN ISLAND CHRISTMAS ROMANCE is Tehani’s story which is a friends to more than friends romance. She’s a new mom, too, so there’s the added cuteness of a baby boy along with the holidays.
I’m currently writing book six in the series and trying to finish it up quickly so I can get to the third book in my Circle of the Red Lily series. This one will be called BURIED. It’s been pushed back a bit because of life stuff, but I’m super excited to start working on it.
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: 3 winners total.
One winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card.
Two additional winners will each receive digital copies of Anna’s previous Colton books: COLTON ON THE RUN and UNDERCOVER HEAT.
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: As I stated above, I LOVE holiday romances and especially in the suspense genre. Since most of us are trying to cool off in the last bits of summer, share some of your favorite holiday romances–movies or books. And those reading along, keep a list! Christmas is coming up fast!
Excerpt from Hunting Colton’s Witness:
“Heads up, Nate.” Seb crouched to retrieve a trayful of clean glasses. When he popped back up, he jutted his chin toward the front door. “Your boy Wexler just went on full alert.”
Nate’s gaze shifted not so subtly to Wexler, who had indeed straightened up and was looking toward the door, which clicked shut.
Wexler’s nerves didn’t abate, Nate noticed. Instead, they intensified to the point of vibration. Like a cheetah poised to pounce on unsuspecting prey. Wexler stood, lifted an arm, and only then did Nate see the gleam of relief—or was it calculation?—on the man’s face. Whatever it was, Wexler definitely had Nate’s full attention.
Or at least he did until Nate looked to the door and saw her.
Her back was to him at first as she hung her coat on a hook. She wore a knee-skimming black dress and matching short-sleeved sweater. Her long, dark brown hair draped beautifully down her back.
The knee-high boots spoke of practicality where an Idaho winter was concerned. She had curves where he preferred them and not an angle in sight. She was, Nate thought as she turned around and displayed a face worthy of a classical sculptor, the kind of woman who conjured carnal thoughts of endless nights spent in front of a fire while a winter storm raged outside their door.
“Beautiful,” he murmured in a way that had him glancing around to confirm he hadn’t been overheard. Impulse had his hands curled into fists before reality knocked him back down. He wasn’t here for her.
But he wanted to be.
The woman paused, ran her hands down the front of her dress in a motion that spoke to her own bout of nerves. A thin gold chain around her neck displayed a solitary charm that, from a distance, Nate couldn’t decipher. Rather than makeup, it was the cold that tinted her cheeks.
Her full lips pressed together until they disappeared. Nate could all but hear the pep talk she was giving herself before she stepped shakily over to the hostess desk.
It seemed a cruel trick, or maybe it was a stroke of luck, when she was escorted to Dean Wexler’s table.
Nate inclined his head, unable to pull his attention away. She stood beside her chair and offered her hand to Wexler, who immediately grasped it. He could see her mouth move, but couldn’t,
with the music and conversation bouncing around the restaurant, hear what she said. Her smile seemed strained when she pulled her chair back to sit. Polite. Reserved.Nate gave Wexler’s chances of a second date a whole one out of ten when the idiot neglected to play the chivalry card and pull out her chair for her. Typical, Nate thought with a silent snort.
Why would Wexler act on something he probably couldn’t spell?
Nate was so caught up in that observation he didn’t realize she was looking directly at him.
Their gazes locked, and he couldn’t, for what seemed like a full minute, find his breath. His smile came without thought, and he felt a chill of accomplishment when she offered him one in return. Maybe he was fooling himself, but this smile, unlike the one she’d offered Wexler, appeared genuine. A flash of uncertainty illuminated her candlelit hazel eyes before she turned her attention to Wexler and the menu he handed her. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a
pair of round glasses.Nate glanced away, cursing himself for being tempted to forget about the case and keep her in his sights. Darn if those glasses didn’t add to her appeal. He’d never been into the librarian look.
Oh, how wrong he’d been.
Focus, Nate told himself. If Wexler’s pattern held, this woman could very well be his next burglary victim. Nate’s hand tightened around his glass at the thought of anyone—Wexler in particular—taking advantage of her. Of eroding the trust and shadowy optimism he saw in those amazing eyes of hers.
“Seb!” As if taken over by someone else, Nate signaled for another drink. He couldn’t risk surrendering to temptation and instead fixed his gaze on the mirror image of her.
Guilt had him shifting uncomfortably on his stool. He hoped he didn’t look as pathetic as he felt. He needed to think about someone, anyone else, another woman he’d dated, met, talked with who had intrigued him more than this woman did. But it was a no-go. It was as if this woman, simply by walking into view, had erased every other woman from his memory.
“So?” Seb said. “What do you think?”
Nate took a too large sip of his club soda. “About what?” he choked out.
“Them.” Seb tilted his head. “You think they’ll make it to a second date?”
“No.” Nate lifted his glass, toasted Seb with it. “I do not.”
If only because Nate planned on having Wexler behind bars in the next few hours.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
It’s his duty to protect her, but falling in love isn’t part of the job.
Vivian Maylor is Detective Nate Colton’s key witness—and the most enticing woman he’s ever met. His determination to keep their relationship purely professional falls apart after an attempt on her life almost succeeds. With help from his newfound Colton family, Nate should be able to keep Vivian safe. But when he finds out Vivian might have a connection to a bigger case, the attempts on her life become more frequent. Will Nate get the chance to protect Vivian so they can explore more than their instant attraction?
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | kobo | Google |
Meet the Author:
Anna J Stewart is the USA Today bestselling author of more than sixty sweet to spicy romances. Currently writing for Harlequin’s Heartwarming and romantic suspense lines, she also writes the award-winning Circle of the Red Series for Arc Manor. In addition to being a Maggie and Holt Medallion winner, her books have also finaled in the Daphne, the National Readers’ Choice, and she’s even had one of her books optioned as a TV movie. No matter the story, Anna’s books are always about family—the ones we’re born to and the ones we create. With four more titles scheduled to release in 2024, 2025 will bring BURIED, the third book in the Red Lily romantic thriller series, the launch of her McKenna Code romantic suspense series, and her foray into self-publishing with Blood Brothers, a new romantic suspense series focusing on brotherhood, love, and revenge.
When she’s not writing or working with her editing clients, she’s usually cooking, baking, binge-watching her newest TV addiction, or re-watching her all-time favorite shows, Supernatural and all things Star Trek. Any spare time she has left is spent wrangling two monstrous and attitude prone cats named Rosie and Sherlock.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | GoodReads |
Susan C
Valentine’s Day
Nina Lewis
Movies: Love Actually & While You Were Sleeping!
Books: Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor & A Wallflower Christmas by Lisa Kleypas. 🙂
Mary Preston
I like the movie THE HOLIDAY. It’s quite magical.
The holiday movies Holiday Inn & White Christmas
I like the movie the Christmas card
Nicky Ortiz
My favorite movies are White Christmas, The Holiday, Family Stone, Love,Actually
Thanks for the chance!
Audrey Stewart
I love Christmas movies. I really love ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’. I don’t have a favorite holiday book. Our family always reads holiday books with the children.
Pam Conway
Lea Coll has two great book series that take place at Christmas tree farms with the Monroe family & Calloway family.
Sue G.
I love Christmas Vacation. Elf and A Christmas Story. I watch them every year.
Rita Wray
My favorite is Christmas Vacation.
I love anything with nutcrackers since I fell in love with the Nutcracker Suite since seeing it as a little girl at Heinz Hall and ever since then I read Christmas books all year long, but I just read a book called A Tough Nut To Crack by Sherri Richey
Daniel M
christmas vacation
I’m a sucker for all of the Hallmark channel’s Christmas movies.
Colleen C.
I love Holiday movies… So many great ones out there to enjoy…
I loved reading Jane Porter’s The Christmas Cottage.
MOVIES-The Christmas Story
The Holiday
Charlie Brown’s Christmas
White Christmas
Best in Snow-David Rosenfelt
Amy R
A Christmas Notch series by Julie Murphy & Sierra Simone
Some of my favorite Christmas books are A Christmas Promise by Mary Balogh, The Perfect Christmas by Debbie Macomber, The Twelve Dogs of Christmas by Susan Wiggs, The Christmas Cupcake Murder by Joanne Fluke, and Holiday in Death by J.D. Robb.
I love all the Christmas movies and books
Janie McGaugh
I’m very fond of While You Were Sleeping.
lori h
I’ve recently been enjoying a Netflix series called Emily in Paris.
No fave holiday romance movies nor books.
lori byrd
I love Christmas everything but any of the Hallmark Christmas movies are great.
no fav
Patricia Barraclough
My favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas. It highlights the importance of friends and just how close the military “family” is. I have a book case with two shelves of Christmas books. I have many favorites, but am out of town, so can’t go to the shelf and get titles and authors for you.
T Rosado
Unlike you, I wouldn’t say holiday romances are a favorite sub-genre, but one of my top favorite romances just happens to be A True Cowboy Christmas by Caitlin Crews.