Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Andrea Bolter to HJ!

Hi Andrea and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Jet-Set Escape with Her Billionaire Boss!
Thanks for having me and for always supporting romance books!
Please summarize the book for the readers here:
Set in the world of spas, hero and heroine Jackson and Esme travel the world for their work collaboration and, despite their vows against it, find that love is what they were looking for..
Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:
“Now we’ll do a gel mask for hydration. It uses algae to firm, lift and brighten the skin.”
“You’re putting seaweed on me?”
“It’s a nutrient-rich ingredient that yields fabulous results. Another thing I think would benefit your skin is microneedling.”
“Does that have the word needle in it? I already don’t like it.” No more than he had liked Esme’s suggestion of acupuncture the other day.
She showed him the penlike tool used for that process. “See, it has tiny needles. We brush the skin making minuscule punctures which stimulate the skin to produce collagen to heal them.”
“Punctures. I’ll take your word for that.” He jumped out of the chair.Excerpt From: Andrea Bolter. “Jet-Set Escape with Her Billionaire Boss (Not for Resale).” Apple Books.
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
Before I wrote romance novels, I was a journalist. One sector I wrote about was wellness. So I had opportunity to interview many people in that industry. I learned about dozens and dozens of interesting wellness and alternative therapies. I’m so happy I got a chance to use that knowledge in a novel.
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
They are forced together by work, they must come together to save the business that means so much to both of them. So it’s their commitment to the project that attracts them to each other.
Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?
“Have you ever used a mud pool? We coat ourselves in the wet clay mud and then we sit out in the sun to let it dry. After that we rub it off, and then rinse with geothermal mineral water, which is one of nature’s greatest detoxifiers.”
Esme used hands full of clay from the well to completely cover one arm in a thin layer to show Jackson, who was quick to follow. “Slimy.”
“It’s food for your skin. The paste will nourish.”
“Does my skin need nourishing?” he asked, getting used to the sensation and applying the clay to his chest.
“Yes, this is incredible restoration for your skin, another natural remedy that’s been around for centuries. It stimulates your skin function. Did you know that skin is the body’s largest organ?”
“I didn’t even know that skin was an organ.”
“The mud pulls out the impurities so they don’t enter your bloodstream. It balances the skin, which can even have a sedative effect.”
“And I didn’t know that my skin needed sedation, either.”
“Oh, that’s a little thick on your chest. Let me.” She reached out with a flat palm to spread out She reached out with a flat palm to spread out the too-heavy layer he had created. He took a quick intake of breath, making her realize that her hands were having an effect on him.
Just as his chest was having an effect on her hands. His solid muscles and skin so warm it was bringing the mud to a perfect temperature.
They looked at each other, a silent conversation that went long past clay. She wondered about being here in Mexico, about Jackson’s dark eyes, heated skin and the penetrating feeling that she had been missing out on something central to the meaning of life.
“Do you want me to do your back?”
He turned around, and it was almost painful not to be able to see his face. She dutifully coated his back[…]”Excerpt From: Andrea Bolter. “Jet-Set Escape with Her Billionaire Boss (Not for Resale).” Apple Books.
Readers should read this book….
I like to write whisk you away stories so let me take you from New York to Stockholm to Oaxaca and to Bangkok while Jackson and Esme find their way to each other’s hearts.
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?
I’m working on a New York story now, about a secret love between two people who are sure happiness is never to be theirs. I have a surprise for them!
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: A signed copy (US only) of Jet-Set Escape with Her Billionaire Boss or an epub copy
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: In this story, Jackson learns about self-care. What’s something you do to take care of yourself?
Excerpt from Jet-Set Escape with Her Billionaire Boss:
They decided to go out and enjoy some of Bangkok. Neither knew the city well.
Esme said, “I’ve never gone to the floating markets.”
“Me, either. I know they’ve become more tourist attraction than anything else but I’d like to go.”
Hathai recommended a famous one. Jackson knew that the floating markets used to be the main method by which food and other goods were transported along the country’s rivers and canals. Because people settled near them, the culture of riverside shopping was essential to the city’s livelihood. Nowadays, shoppers would find fruits and vegetables and a myriad of cooked food and sweets, also clothes, crafts and souvenirs. He quickly arranged for a private boat and driver, and they got to the riverfront and set sail.
“Wow, look at how many boats are on the river.”
Indeed, dozens of vessels navigated their way in and around each other. “What do you want to eat? ”
“They say Thailand has the best fruit in the world.” She pointed to merchants on the riverbank selling fresh fruit. There was more of the ubiquitous mango, looking as inviting as it had on the platter Hathai served them earlier. Also on display were unusual fruits like mangosteen, with its dark shell and tender white segments inside. Rambutan, with its red spiky rind. The beautiful dragon fruit, white fleshed with black seeds inside surrounded by a vivid purple outer skin. And the famous durian, which was to be a love-it-or-hate-it item because of its extreme smell.
“What do you want to start with?”
“We’ll have fruit after. Let’s start with something spicy.”
“Like you.” He didn’t necessarily mean to say that but it tripped from his mouth. The sun-kissed highlights of her hair glistened and her lips looked as juicy as the fruits vendors cut and sold in clear bags at the riverbanks. He followed his impromptu comment with an impromptu kiss, something he’d been working on holding back from all day at the spa as he didn’t want to make Esme uncomfortable. Among the chatter and commerce of people in the boats.“I want to try boat noodles,” she stated decisively. They saw the boats where pots of noodles were being prepared right on board. Their driver brought them close enough to one of the vendors to make a purchase and they could hardly wait to dig in.
“Oh, my gosh, these are scrumptious,” he exclaimed after two bites.
“The broth is so flavorful with both the beef and the pork meats, the dark soy and the chilis.”
“I want this every day. We’ll have to find a place in New York that makes them well.” We’ll have to.” Hmm, he was referring to that as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. We. Like they were a typical foodie couple who might travel throughout the New York boroughs in search of new tastes. Was that what was happening? He could no longer imagine a different reality. A New York without Esme. Kissing anyone else on the streets of Stockholm. Of making passionate, rapturous love after the mud bath in Oaxaca. Eating these very noodles on this very boat with someone other than her. Unthinkable.
Esme had opened up a door he thought was closed. He felt her in his bones. His priorities had changed. Her. They wouldn’t drag her down and take more than they gave. Maybe she needed Jackson. To get her out of her rut and see herself through his eyes and with that, she could conquer the world. Jackson had enriched her life beyond measure, not stolen from it. Maybe alone had been a defensive mechanism that she didn’t need to hang on to anymore.
She hadn’t forgotten that when she was a young child her mother had told her that she’d once wanted to have a career, perhaps go to college. Then she’d met Esme’s father and because there was just enough family money to live on, he talked her out of it. They soon had Esme and became nonfunctional, rarely leaving their apartment and teaching Esme to manage their needs as soon as she was old enough. Her mother never took even the smallest step to encourage Esme to pursue the dreams that she herself hadn’t.
Could it be that history didn’t repeat itself? Couldn’t Esme make the jump? Break the mold?Excerpt From: Andrea Bolter. “Jet-Set Escape with Her Billionaire Boss (Not for Resale).” Apple Books.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
From New York to Thailand… into the tycoon’s arms!
Spa manager Esme has sacrificed too much to let her career stall before reaching the top. So when her brooding boss, Jackson, needs her expertise to relaunch the business, she offers him a deal. If she impresses him on a whirlwind tour of the world’s best spas, he must promote her! Only, with each new destination, an unexpected temptation builds… Dare she take a risk with the guarded billionaire?
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | kobo | Google |
Meet the Author:
Andrea Bolter has always been fascinated by matters of the heart. In fact, she’s the one her girlfriends turn to for advice with their love lives. A city mouse, she lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter. She loves travel, K-Pop and rock n’ roll, sitting at cafés, and watching romantic comedies she’s already seen a hundred times. Say hi at
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I’m working on getting more sleep.
Diana Hardt
Exercising more.
Daniel M
trying to eat healthier
Exercising more
Amy R
Read and finding & making new recipes
Pammie R.
Read or listen to music from the 1980s.
Ellen C.
Bubble baths