Spotlight & Giveaway: Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle

Posted June 3rd, 2024 by in Blog, Spotlight / 23 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Katelyn Doyle to HJ!

Hi Katelyn and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Just Some Stupid Love Story!


Please summarize the book for the readers here:

Just Some Stupid Love story is the tale of two exes, a hopelessly romantic divorce attorney looking for his soul mate and a romance-averse rom-com screenwriter who doesn’t believe in them. She broke his heart as a teenager, he never forgot her, and when they drunkenly hook up at their fifteen-year high school reunion, he proposes a bet: whoever can predict who among their old classmates will still be together at their twentieth reunion has to admit the other is right about true love. But he adds a twist: one of the couples he predicts will end up together is the two of them. (She, as you can imagine, vehemently disagrees.) And so we begin a When Harry Met Sally-style five year journey across friendships, hookups, breakups, heartbreak and infatuation until our characters must decide who is right about their chance for a happily ever after.

Please share your favorite line(s) or quote from this book:

I love this passage from Molly and Seth’s first kiss:

Slowly, Seth leans in.
Slowly, I step forward and put my lips to his.
And then 2002 takes over our bodies.
Seth knows exactly how to kiss me. Or perhaps he just invented the model, and now it’s the standard by which I judge all other kisses.
Either way, he pulls me into him, wraps his fists in my hair, and jerks my neck a little bit—which is the end for me.


Please share a few Fun facts about this book…

  •  It takes place in tropical, beachy locales like Florida, Los Angeles, and Cabo San Lucas so readers get to go on a lot of vicarious vacations.
  • There’s a film within the book, and you get to read snippets of the script.
  • It’s in dual POV, so you get to know Seth and Molly very well from their own points of view.
  • It spans five years, so you see how the characters evolve into people who truly know each other


What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?

Seth and Molly met when they were fifteen and were each other’s first loves. She was an intellectual, prickly, artsy girl at their high school and he loved how smart she was, and how sensitive she was underneath her tough exterior. He was a sweet, smart, goofy boy who gave her the tenderness and care she didn’t know she needed.

We see the same dynamic when they meet again fifteen years later—she’s a successful screenwriter who thinks true love is a pipe dream, he’s still that hopelessly romantic boy at heart, who is determined to crack her shell and prove her wrong. (Plus they both think the other is ridiculously hot, so that helps!)


Did any scene have you blushing, crying or laughing while writing it? And Why?

The sexting scene definitely had me blushing! Here’s the leadup—the rest is so spicy you’ll just have to read the book! It starts with Molly texting Seth about being lonely during Covid:

Molly: As much as I pride myself on being a self-sufficient introvert curmudgeon, it turns out that I like human companionship
Molly: And sex. Could have done with some sex to pass the time
Seth: There’s always cam boys
Molly: Who needs cam boys when dick pics are free?
Seth: There is indeed a robust dick pic economy
Seth: Something to console myself with on the lonely nights to come
Molly: Receiving dick pics?
Seth: Distributing them
Molly: I do not for one second believe you have ever sent a dick pic
Seth: I have
Seth: Only tastefully and upon request
Molly: I zero percent believe you
Seth: Why?
Molly: Because you’re like a civilized courtly gentleman from 1849

Let’s just say that from here Seth proves her very wrong 😉


Readers should read this book….

You love great banter, second chance romances, opposites attract, and grumpy/sunshine. There’s also strong When Harry Met Sally vibes if you’re a Nora Ephron fan!


What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have in the works?

I’m working on my next rom-com! Without saying too much, it’s about two people who absolutely despise cruises who are dragged aboard a luxury Caribbean cruise catering to a “mature” clientele for two weeks. I went on a similar cruise to research it, so it’s filled with true-to-life set pieces—swimming with pigs, Sinatra impersonators, “cruise ambassadors” paid to ballroom dance with the single ladies, copious buffets—not to mention lots of steamy forced proximity from our two characters and a big plot twist. It’s been a blast to write.

Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: A print copy of JUST SOME STUPID LOVE STORY by Katelyn Doyle


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form an Leave a comment with your thoughts on the book…

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Book Info:

For fans of Emily Henry, a debut about a rom-com screenwriter who doesn’t believe in love and a divorce attorney who does, forced together at their high school reunion fifteen years after their breakup

Molly Marks writes Hollywood rom-coms for a living―which is how she knows “romance” is a racket. The one and only time she was naive enough to fall in love was with her high school boyfriend, Seth―who she ghosted on the eve of graduation and hasn’t seen in fifteen years.

Seth Rubinstein believes in love, the grand, fated kind, despite his job as, well…one of Chicago’s most successful divorce attorneys. Over the last decade, he’s sought “the one” in countless bad dates and rushed relationships. He knows his soulmate is out there. But so far, no one can compare to Molly Marks, the first girl who broke his heart.

When Molly’s friends drag her to Florida for their fifteenth high school reunion, it is poetic justice that she’s forced to sit with Seth. Too many martinis and a drunken hookup later, they decide to make a bet: whoever can predict the fate of five couples before the next reunion must declare that the other is right about true love. The catch? The fifth couple is the two of them.

Molly assures Seth they are a tale of timeless heartbreak. Seth promises she’ll end up hopelessly in love with him. She thinks he’s delusional. He has five years to prove her wrong.

Wickedly funny, sexy, and brimming with laughs and heart like the best romantic comedies, Just Some Stupid Love Story is for everyone who believes in soulmates―even if they would never admit it.

Meet the Author:

Katelyn is a writer who lives in Los Angeles. Her debut rom-com, Just Some Stupid Love Story, is coming summer 2024. She also writes as the USA Today Bestselling historical romance novelist Scarlett Peckham. You can follow her on Instagram @greatlyn.

23 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle”

  1. Crystal

    This excerpt and cover makes it look and sound like found not to mention intriguing, also never saw Harry Met Sally so now I really want to read this book. Can’t wait to see who wins that bet.

  2. Summer

    The When Harry Met Sally comparison has me interested, and I really like the idea of snippets of a movie script throughout the story, that sounds fun.

  3. psu1493

    Sounds like a good story that could happen to anyone. Would love to see how it turns out.

  4. Anita H.

    I love the premise of this book and I’m totally invested in what will happen!