Spotlight & Giveaway: Part of Me by Kelly Elliott

Posted September 6th, 2022 by in Blog, Spotlight / 29 comments

Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Kelly Elliott to HJ!

Hi Kelly and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, Part of Me!

Hey Y’all!

To start off, can you please tell us a little bit about this book?:

Part of Me is book two in the Seaside Chronicles and is the story of Sutton and Brody!

Please share your favorite lines or quote(s) from this book:

“I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d felt it. That pull. The longing to be connected as one.”


What inspired this book?

I knew I had to write Sutton and Brody’s when I was writing Returning Home. I love a good second chance romance!


How did you ‘get to know’ your main characters? Did they ever surprise you?

That is the best part about writing family saga novels, I get to know each character as I’m writing the books. Sutton and Brody really didn’t give me any surprises to be honest! They were one of my favorite couples to write.


What was your favorite scene to write?

I loved writing the whole book… the whole series really! No way I could pick just one! I will say I do love the scene at the Justice of the Peace!


What was the most difficult scene to write?

Everything about this book was amazing, including writing it. The beginning of the book is always hard to do because you’re really starting to just dive in and get to know the characters on a more personal level. After deleting a lot, I finally got into the groove! LOL!


Would you say this book showcases your writing style or is it a departure for you?

For sure showcases it!


What do you want people to take away from reading this book?

The hope that true love and second chances are real thing!


What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?

I’m currently writing a holiday novella, A Bit of Hocus Pocus. I’m also writing Fearless Enough, book one in a spin off series of my Meet Me in Montana series. The next release is Lost to You, book three in the Seaside Chronicles.


Thanks for blogging at HJ!


Giveaway: Signed paperback of PART OF ME by Kelly Elliott


To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Have you ever had a summer fling on the beach?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Excerpt from Part of Me:

“You know, if you stare at that wall long enough, you might be able to make it move with your mind.”

My entire body tingled at the sound of Brody’s voice. I forced myself to put on a small smile and looked at him over my shoulder. He was standing there with a basket in his hands and that damn crooked grin of his. Every time I saw Brody, he got more and more handsome. I was honestly surprised he was still single. Of course, he was only thirty-two and, according to our local gossip column, not in a rush to settle down anytime soon.

“I’m trying to figure out what I need to fix a light switch.” I gestured to the hardware shop’s plethora of light-switch options.

He raised a brow. “At the shop?”

“No,” I said, turning to face him full on. “The house. I moved back in, now that the divorce is final.”

Brody gave me a small nod. “I can, um, stop by and take a look at it if you want?”

I chewed on my lip as I thought about whether that would be a mistake or not. It had taken me several years, but I’d finally gotten over my anger from the night I’d given him my virginity. Since Brody had returned to Seaside after being discharged from the Navy, we’d both silently ignored what had happened between us.

We were still friends…and that bugged the shit out of Jack. I’d never told him who I’d given my virginity to, but I had a strong feeling he’d always suspected it was Brody. He’d never asked, and I’d never offered up the information. It was another wall between us in our marriage.

I sighed and shook my head. “I’m going to see about hiring a handyman. There’s a pretty long list of problems that I need to have fixed.”

Brody took a step closer. “Don’t do that. Let me swing by and take a look at the switch.”

With a reluctant nod, I glanced over his shoulder to see Harlee walking up. “Hey, did you order the paint?”

She smiled at Brody. “Hey, Brody, how are you?”

He returned her grin. “Hi, Harlee. I’m doing well. You?”

“I’m good. Excited I get to help Sutton paint her entire house!” She looked over at me. “And to answer you, yes. Paint is being mixed now.”

Brody focused back on me. “Painting the house, huh? Do you guys need help?”

With a shake of my head, I replied, “No.”

At the same moment, Harlee gave an excited, “Yes!”

Brody raised his brows. “I don’t mind helping.”

I smiled. “Having you look at the light switch is a great help already.”

Harlee huffed. “Oh man, there is so much to do in that house. Jackass left it a mess.”

Laughing, Brody reached behind me and plucked something off the wall I’d been staring at. “When’s a good time for me to stop by?”

“Um. Well, anytime that’s good for you,” I said. “I close the store at four during the off season, so anytime you want. Or whenever you’re free, I mean.”

“I’m off today. Why don’t I meet you there and take a look at things… unless you need to get back to Coastal Chic?”

Before I could utter a word, Harlee spoke up. “Sutton closed the store for a few days. We can totally meet you at the house in, like, maybe thirty minutes?”

I stared at my best friend with an open mouth. When I realized Brody was waiting for me to agree, I cleared my throat. “Yeah, sure. That works. Give us about thirty minutes to pick up the paint and some other supplies.”

He winked, and I suddenly became hyperaware of my entire body, including the way my nipples tightened and my stomach fluttered.

“Sounds good,” he said. “See you ladies then.”

My heart hammered in my chest as I watched him turn and head back down the aisle.

Without even knowing what she’d done, Harlee turned to face me. “This is awesome! Maybe Brody knows someone who can help get some of the bigger issues fixed. And if he can help paint, we’ll knock it out even faster.”

I didn’t pull my eyes off his retreating back as I replied, “I’m sure he has more important things to do than help us.”

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Book Info:

The Seaside Chronicle
September 6, 2022

Fishing for the Truth


News on the docks is Sutton Bradley may be adding new stock to her little boutique store, Coastal Chic, on the square. Now, I can neither confirm nor deny that it is sexy lingerie, but seeing as Ms. Bradley has been seen on more than one occasion in the company of Brody Wilson, who, let me remind you, was voted as the catch of the season. One can only come to a certain conclusion and that is…

Love is in the air.

I, for one, would love to see Sutton move on from that terrible first marriage of hers, and in my humble opinion, Mr. Brody Wilson would do a fine job of making her forget all about…what’s his name.

Next on my list of to do’s for today…stop by Coastal Chic! Stay tuned for more on Lingerie Gate!

Fair winds and following seas!

Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo | Google |

Meet the Author:

Kelly Elliott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary romance author. Her bestselling works include, Wanted, Broken, Lost Love, and Never Enough, to name a few.

Kelly lives in central Texas with her husband, Gus, her chocolate lab, four cats, and endless wildlife creatures. When she’s not writing, Kelly enjoys reading and spending time with her family.

To find out more about Kelly and her books, you can find her through her website.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | GoodReads |




29 Responses to “Spotlight & Giveaway: Part of Me by Kelly Elliott”

  1. Crystal

    No summer fling at the beach for but this book sounds and looks phenomenal.
    Would love to read and review book in print. Reading the the excerpt, seeing the book title and cover make me want to read it right away. Loved reading the interview and how the author answered the questions-fantastic.

  2. Laurie Gommermann

    I grew up in a small town with a lot of Lake Michigan beach accesses. Many dates ended with walks along the shore, or parking. Unfortunately no beach summer flings! Just routine dates with guys I knew.