Today it is my pleasure to Welcome author Ginny Baird to HJ!

Hi Ginny and welcome to HJ! We’re so excited to chat with you about your new release, The Matchmaker Bride!
Hi there! Thanks for inviting me here to learn about my newest book!
Please summarize the book a la Twitter style for the readers here:
When an on-camera gaff lands a Boston area matchmaker in a fake relationship with a boatbuilder from Blue Hill, two former enemies come together to foster her career, and with the goal of reuniting him with his ex. #amreadingromance #TheMatchmakerBride #forcedproximity #enemiestolovers #fakerelationship #oppositesattract #sweetromance #summerreads
Please share the opening lines of this book:
This was it. Meredith Galanes’s chance to hit it big. She sucked in a breath, her heart pounding. If she nailed today’s television interview, she would be golden. In syndication. Yes.
Please share a few Fun facts about this book…
- The Albright family summer estate is based on a location where my husband I vacationed in Maine a few years ago. We stayed in the lovely guest cottage!
- Derrick Albright is my first boatbuilder hero, and I had so much fun getting to know him.
- Meredith Galanes and I share a bit of Puerto Rican heritage. My late mom was born and raised in San Juan, and I spent many summers there while growing up.
- The most disgustingly hilarious baby shower game in this book is one I actually played during a couples’ style baby shower when I was pregnant with my son. I hope it will have you in stitches like it did me–even while writing it! Lol.
- This book contains a fun reveal in Chapter Two about what **really** happened between Derrick and Meredith last summer at his brother Brent’s wedding…
What first attracts your Hero to the Heroine and vice versa?
Derrick and Meredith are a bit like oil and water, or more like a match and dry timber: combustible! They’re simultaneously attracted to–and put off by–each other’s spunky banter and outwardly antagonistic attitudes. Both are smart and capable people and they admire that about each other. They also share a very important and ultimately bonding trait: fierce loyalty to those they love, including everyone in their families.
Using just 5 words, how would you describe Hero and Heroine’s love affair?
surprisingly sexy for sweet romance.
The First Kiss…
He cradled her face in his palms and gave her a longing look. “If only I’d done this then.”
She nodded because she’d shared that fantasy.
Then his mouth claimed hers, gently at first until he increased his pressure, his growing hunger clear. His muscles flexed, rock solid, as he deepened his kisses again and again—and everything else fluttered away.
Her thoughts were like dandelion petals scattering before a storm and dancing above the waves of a choppy blue ocean.
Without revealing too much, what is your favorite scene in the book?
Meredith Galanes stepped out onto his gravel drive and his heart lurched. He’d had to put up with the woman for an entire week during Brent’s wedding last summer, and had hoped to never see her again. Yet, here she was, up close and personal, teetering in his direction in towering sandals and a flouncy dress, with her long dark curls bouncing behind her.
She held a large Crock-Pot in her hands, which she grasped with oven mitts. For an instant, it was hard to believe he was really seeing her and this wasn’t some kind of weird dream.
About Meredith? Not a chance.
“I can explain!” she said, traipsing toward his cabin.
This he had to hear. “Can’t wait.”
She approached his covered stoop, her spindly heels clack-clack-clacking against the flagstones hedged by flowering bushes. This was no dream. It was her, all right. In the flesh. And smelling like honeysuckle at the height of summer. Despite himself, he’d never forgotten her perfume, or, well… pretty much anything about her.
“Want to tell me what’s going on?”
She stared up at him with big, dark brown eyes and Derrick’s heart slammed against his chest.
“It was a simple mistake.”
“Simple? Your publicity posse was here not more than an hour ago.”
“Ah, um…yeah. About that.” She peered over his shoulder and into his empty living room. “Can we talk inside?”
“What are you even doing in Blue Hill?” he asked, not budging.
She smiled and shot him a flirty grin. “I came here to surprise you.”
Consider him surprised. And more than a little ticked off. What kind of nerve the woman had. “You’re not the first one today.”
She winced. “I heard.”
She shoved her Crock-Pot under his nose in a peace offering. A delectable aroma wafted toward him. For the love of all things edible, it smelled just like a pot roast. A very delicious pot roast. Derrick hadn’t enjoyed a homecooked meal in months.
She pressed forward into his cabin and he inched back. “Hungry?”
“No.” Derrick’s stomach betrayed him with a rumble.
“Uh-huh. I brought this for dinner.”
Dinner? What?
“No, no, no…” he said. “You are no way—no how—staying—”
But, before he could finish, she used one of her shoes as a lever and kicked the door shut.
If your book was optioned for a movie, what scene would be absolutely crucial to include?
Tanya’s face fell. “No. Way. You’re not matched up at all, are you?” She forced a fake frown. “How sad. ‘Matchmaker Meredith’ has no match of her own. I wonder…do you tell your clients that you’re single? I can’t imagine that instills a lot of confidence in your…abilities.”
Low blow. Meredith’s gut tightened. Tanya was known for skewering her guests, especially her accomplished female ones. You’d think a fellow woman would help a girl up. Not knock her down, then step on her. Especially in front of network people. Tanya acted like she was above getting fired, and maybe she was. Even though Talk Time was only local, the show attracted tons of viewers. A few more at the moment than Matched Up. But that was mostly on account of Tanya’s enormous advertising budget. “Sure I do. I have a match, my perfect match.”
“Then give us a hint. Occupation. Location. Anything?” Meredith could practically hear the knell of a countdown clock ticking off the seconds in her brain. Her short segment was nearly up.
Ten. Nine. Eight.
Think, think, think. Meredith worked hard to come up with somebody. Anybody. If he was super impressive that would be amazing. Gorgeous would be a plus, too.
Six. Five.
Shockingly, only one gorgeous guy came to mind. One with piercing blue eyes.
And a smirk. How could she forget that part? Three. Two…
“Well, I guess we have our answer, folks. Thank you for joining us today on—”
“He’s a boatbuilder!” Meredith blurted out.
“Fascinating.” Tanya leaned forward. “Whereabouts?”
“Blue…Blue Hill,” Meredith stammered. Ooh, this is going to come back to bite me. She swallowed hard. “Blue Hill, Maine.”
Readers should read this book …
For the awesome relatable characters and their fun and flirty romance, containing all the feels that come when two seemingly total opposites find common ground and fall for each other, under some very complicated circumstances!
What are you currently working on? What other releases do you have planned?
I’m excited to be working on a new bride series for Entangled, a trilogy set in Maine and involving three sisters!
Thanks for blogging at HJ!
Giveaway: An e-ARC of the book and a $10 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky winner!
To enter Giveaway: Please complete the Rafflecopter form and Post a comment to this Q: Have you ever read about a boatbuilder hero? I’d love to hear your thoughts on his profession.
Excerpt from The Matchmaker Bride:
“Wow,” Meredith said. “This is quite a place.”
“Thanks. I call it home.”
“I thought your cabin was home.”
“Nope.” He fondly patted his workbench. “That’s this place here.”
She couldn’t help but smile at his relaxed stance.
Derrick seemed like a different person out here. Really in his element, surrounded by his projects and sawdust. That was easy to see.
“What are you working on?” she asked, noting several cut pieces of wood leaned up against the miter saw stand.
“This?” He hoisted a rectangular piece into his hands, appearing pleased that she’d asked. “Is the base of a cradle.”
“It’s for Julia.”
The thought that he was making something for a baby unexpectedly melted her heart. She never would have imagined this of him. A boat, yeah. A cradle? Never. She examined the piece again, noting the wood’s reddish-brown sheen. “Is this mahogany?”
Derrick grinned. “Cherry.”
He flipped it over, showing her its underside.
“The headboard and footboard will fit in on either end and this is where the slats will go.” He indicated the narrow slots with his forefinger and Meredith’s insides went gushy. A tough guy like him making a cradle revealed he had a softer side. It also showed he thought of others, and loved his little niece. This was a new element of Derrick she hadn’t expected, and it made her wonder what else she’d missed.
He turned the flat piece back over and gently set it down, standing it on one end. “I’m going to have it done in time for the christening.”
“How sweet. I didn’t even know people used cradles anymore.”
“They’re not very practical,” Derrick said, “since they can only be used the first five or six months. But I’m building this one with nice high sides, and installing a lock on the rockers as a safety feature. Everything will be to code.”
“Up to all the modern safety standards.” He smiled and she could tell he was thinking about his niece. “Can’t take chances with my family.”
Meredith didn’t know what to say. She was blown away by his kindness and skill. She was also privately embarrassed for how harshly she’d judged him. But she should have known better. Nobody was all one-sided. She’d learned that in her work by helping those multidimensional clients of hers.
“We all used a cradle growing up,” he said. “My brothers and sister and me. My dad had one as a baby, too. It’s been sort of an Albright tradition, and—so far—we’ve turned out okay.”
It occurred to Meredith that he’d turned out more than okay. Even though he took massive pains to hide it with his blustering and bravado.
“You wanted to see me about something?” he asked, getting back to business.
Excerpts. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Book Info:
A delightful romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Ginny Baird…
Successful Boston matchmaker and television personality Meredith Galanes’s reputation is on the line. During a guest appearance on a morning talk show, she’s broadsided by questions about her own romantic attachments, just as she’s trying to secure a syndication deal. Afraid to admit her love life is a total disaster, Meredith blurts out that she’s seriously involved with a very special man—a boatbuilder in Maine. She never expects that small slip to get spun into a story about her supposed engagement.
Or that the paparazzi will track the guy down…
Derrick Albright is laid-back about many things. Being hounded by the press about some imaginary engagement to a woman he’s only met once—and couldn’t stand—isn’t one of them. Then Meredith actually shows up at his cabin in Blue Hill, Maine, with an apology, a pot roast, and a proposal—play along until she secures her TV deal, and she’ll help him win back his ex.
It’s a simple plan, but if they have any chance of pulling it off, they’ll have to survive each other first…
Each book in the Blue Hill Brides series is STANDALONE.
Book Links: Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Goodreads |
Meet the Author:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Ginny Baird writes sweet contemporary romance with a dash of humor and a whole lot of heart. She’s published over 35 novels and novellas, both with traditional presses and independently, and is a Top 10 Best Seller on Kindle, iBooks, and NOOK. Ginny, who is of Puerto Rican heritage, often incorporates Latinx culture in her work. She has titles with Entangled Publishing and Hallmark Publishing, with other exciting projects in the works. You can learn more about her at:
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I may have read a book of that sort…Not sure though.
Nicole (Nicky) Ortiz
I haven’t but it sounds interesting
Thanks for the chance!
Mary Preston
A boatbuilder is a new one for me, but I love the idea.
Audrey Stewart
I’ve never read about a boat builder except Noah.
Debra Guyette
Ihave not read a book about one but I do think it is a fascinating thing to do
Lori Byrd
I haven’t ever read this kind.
Amy Donahue
The first book that pops into my head is Message in a Bottle. I think it’s a sexy profession, very hands on and sensual. The dude would probably be a great lover, attentive and appreciative 😉
Lori R
No, I haven’t.
Pamela Conway
Don’t know if my first comment posted or not but I think it would be an interesting profession to write about.
Kathleen O
I am trying to think if Nora Roberts series has boat builders, The Chesapeake Bay series. I
Jennifer Shiflett
I’ve read Nora Roberts Chesapeake Bay series. The family builds boats.
I’ve never read a story with a boat builder, but I love stories near the water!
Debbie P
I have never read a book about a boatbuilder hero before. But I am really looking forward to reading this book!
Jennifer Rote
No, I have never read about a boatbuilder hero.
Latifa Morrisette
I have. I think it’s a cool profession.
Texas Book Lover
Yes, I have. I Love How You Love Me by Bella Andre features Dylan Sullivan who is a boat builder.
Rita Wray
No I have not.
Nina Lewis
Yes, I have. I think it’s a lot of hand work but it is also beautiful when you see the results. 🙂
No I haven’t sounds interesting.
That’s a sweet looking cover. Looks like a good book.
No but it sounds good.
I don’t recall reading about a boat builder.
Marcy Meyer
I have read a book that the main male character worked on refurbishing boats as a side business. I am not sure that I have read about a boat builder. It is definitely an interesting occupation.
Amy R
Have you ever read about a boatbuilder hero? I don;t think I have and l like blue collar hero books
Teresa Williams
I have read about one but it was a long time ago.
Pammie R.
Nope, no boat builders. Cowboys, billionaires, teachers. No boat builders. I have been interested in how boats are built though. Does that count?
Never read about a boatbuilder.
Glenda M
Yes. Lisa Berne has one who learns to do it in one of her Penhallow Dynasty books.
Onyinye Elochukwu
I’ve never read about a boat builder hero. Sound interesting though
Lilah Chavez
Bella Andre has a book about a boat builder. Her Seattle Sullivan series I believe. Its been awhile since I read that one.
I know I enjoyed it.
I’ve never read a book featuring a boatbuilder hero. Interestingly enough, I was just thinking last night that a hero who cut down trees and worked at a sawmill would be interesting.
No I have never but book sounds great
No, and it looks interesting. You don’t hear much about this profession.
I have never read about a boatbuilder hero, but I think it is unique and interesting.
Janie McGaugh
I read one sometime in the last couple of years. He was an artisan, so I admired his abilities.
Ellen C.
Nora Roberts’ Chesapeake Bay series. Donna Kauffman may have had one as well. Talented and creative characters.
Charlotte Litton
No, but it sounds good
No i havent this would be a first for me
courtney kinder
No I haven’t. Sounds very interesting.
Daniel M
Colleen C.
No, but I am always interested in reading about people with different careers!
Mary C.
Nora Roberts Chesapeake Bay series – family boatbuilding business.
Tina R
No, I havent but it sounds interesting.
that’s a new vocation for a hero in a book for me
Patricia B.
I have read books on wooden boat and canoe building and some of the builders have been profiled, but I can’t off hand remember reading fiction where there was a boat building hero.
Cassandra D
No, I haven’t read about a boatbuilder yet.
Terrill R.
I haven’t read about a boatbuilder, but I’ve read books about sailors who know a lot about boat maintenance and repairing. I also have a friend who built a boat with his young son. It was impressive.