REVIEW: De-Witched by Sophie H. Morgan

Posted September 9th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 6 comments

De-Witched by Sophie H. Morgan: They say magic is all around us but no one knows this better than Leah Turner, things changed for her six weeks ago when she managed to sneak her way into a magical high society witch masquerade ball. All she had to do was stay under the radar, simple right? Well that is until she manages to find herself drawn to the most attractive warlock in the room, but surely Leah cant do anything about the insane pull she feels toward Gabriel, after all she is just a human. Fast forward to the present and it would seem fate has brought Gabriel and Leah back into each others paths, only this time Gabriel is looking for a job at Leah’s bar… you see even though Gabriel is everything a powerful warlock family could ask for he still has one more test to prove that he is ready to take over the family business, blend into the human world for three months without any of his powers… well this should be interesting seeing as his boss kind of knows his little secret…

Truly I love a good magical romcom and I have to say that De-Witched was definitely the kind of book to fit the bill, there was a bit of everything in this book that managed to keep me hooked. Firstly let us take a moment to appreciate this beautiful cover, if this cover doesn’t already make you want to read this book then just you wait for Leah and Gabriel to make their first appearances! Truly the sunshine meets grump, slow burn connection between Gabriel and Leah was just perfection. I just could not get enough of this couple!

Leah was easily one of the nicest female leads that I have read, she is funny, easy going but knows how to assert herself when needed without being pushy and most of all she loves all things magic. I really liked the fact that she was so sure of her feelings and what she wanted and she was not afraid to vocalise them. One of the things that I really liked about Leah was how well she managed to walk the line between normal people and the magical world. Now for our dashing warlock, Gabriel, well his people skills really could use a bit of work but we wont hold that against our hero. I have to say I loved getting to see Gabriel try to people while pretending in the mortal world, this was both hilarious and totally enduring. His entire back story was quite enduring, I loved that even though feelings were such a foreign concept for him, he still loved his sister and uncle fiercely. I have to say that I loved seeing Gabriel trying to figure out how to ‘human’, this was just hilarious.

This only made getting to see him falling for Leah all the more delightful, these two truly were a perfect match. I absolutely ate up the connection between Leah and Gabriel, these two might have been total opposites but gosh did they click perfectly. I loved that Leah was the pushy sunshine to Gabriels grumpy closed introverted-ness. While these two had some brilliant banter and a good amount of steam, the thing that I really loved about them as a couple was their clear and open communication. They were so mature and open with each other and I found this so refreshing to read, if Gabriel did something to upset Leah, he was conscious enough to realise that she was off and actually ask her what was wrong and Leah for her part was open and honest in telling him when he hurt her feelings or did something wrong.

I really enjoyed getting a sneak peek into the politics of the magical world, seeing a powerful warlock try to figure out how to use a toaster and seeing two people totally perfect for each other falling in love despite the odds being against them. De-Witched is a total treat to read and a book that I would highly recommend!

Book Info:

Publication: August 20, 2024 | Harlequin Feature | Toil and Trouble #2

All’s fair in love and warlocks …

Six weeks ago, Leah Turner snuck into a witch high-society masked ball and promised to abide by two

1. Don’t draw attention to yourself.

2. Don’t talk to anyone.

As a human, Leah took a huge risk by even attending—and by talking to the enigmatic warlock who had her wanting to rip off her mask. But this Cinderella had to leave the ball before anyone discovered her secret.

Gabriel Goodnight is everything a Higher family warlock should be. Powerful, responsible—to a fault, some might say. Still, before he can inherit his parents’ business, he’ll have to prove his merit to the board one final time…by living among humans, without his powers, for three months.

When Gabriel walks into Leah’s bar, she immediately recognizes him—but it’s obvious he has no idea who she is, and he definitely doesn’t know she knows about magic. This condescending, uptight man is hardly the Prince Charming she thought she knew…but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a little fun…



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