REVIEW: Delicate Escape by Catherine Cowles

Posted August 23rd, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 5 comments


In Delicate Escape by Catherine Cowles Thea has lived in the tiny town of Sparrow Falls, Oregon, for about two years. In that time, she’s slowly let a few select people into her life–very slowly, and very few. Because after fleeing the horrors of her last relationship, Thea has way too many (internal) scars and trust issues to ever consider letting a man into her heart again. But somehow, she goes and does just that. She not only offers to let Shepard “Shep” Colson move into her cabin temporarily when he needs a place to stay, but she lets him slip under her defenses little by little. Shep’s the kindest, sexiest, most protective guy she’s met. And he’s thankfully nothing like her ex. But as their relationship deepens and Thea finds herself ready to think toward the future, her past rears its ugly head again. This time, though, she’s ready to fight for what she wants.

‘While I wasn’t sure he’d ever not treat me as something delicate, I could see now that it was because I was precious to him and not because he didn’t believe in my strength.’

Shep is forever being teased by his family for being a supposed white knight, always rushing in to help anyone in need. While that might be accurate sometimes, what he feels for Thea is something totally different. Something that feels like it’s strong enough to break through the barriers she’s built up around her heart. Shep knows patience will be key. As will letting Thea set the rules for their interactions considering he knows she’s been badly wounded by a loved one in the past. The fact that she lets him into her home is priceless. And Shep wants to earn all of her trust. When things start to go sideways, with threats being issued against her–possibly from her former abuser–Shep knows he will do whatever it takes to keep Thea safe. He can’t imagine a future without her in it.

‘Someone had hurt Thea. There was no question in my mind about that. They’d hurt her so badly that she wouldn’t even risk me coming into her home to help her.’

Catherine Cowles’ winning streak continued with DELICATE ESCAPE, a sweet yet passionate romance that hit on some darker themes but never lost its sense of family, hope, or togetherness.

“I know better than anyone, just because you don’t share blood with someone doesn’t mean your tie is any less strong. Sometimes, it’s stronger. Because that tether is a choice.”

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I’m absolutely loving Catherine Cowles’ Sparrow Falls series. Book two, DELICATE ESCAPE, was every bit as riveting and heartfelt as the start to the series (Fragile Sanctuary) was, if not more so. Because with every new situation the Colsons–a found family that was fiercely protective of each other–go through together, I want to see more. More of the seven adult siblings, most of whom were foster children initially. More of the matriarchs of the family: Nora and Lolli. And more of the picturesque town itself as well as the locals who take care of their own.

I will warn that as with the previous book, our heroine’s past is quite difficult to read about. Thea had been through an ordeal that might hit too close to home for some readers, but it was an important story to tell. I think Cowles handled it wonderfully. She didn’t downplay Thea’s trauma, the PTSD, or even her loneliness while keeping everyone at arm’s length. But she also showed the other side: how strong Thea was to leave a horrible situation, the gumption and tenacity she dug into to create a new life for herself, and showcasing the unlimited kindness and empathy Thea had even after all she’d been through.

Now, sexy–and often shirtless–Shep, whew. If you’ve read Fragile Sanctuary, then you’ve already seen his white knight complex playing out on the pages. But here we got to see so much more of why he always runs to the rescue as well as all he had to overcome in his life, too. Shep was Thea’s match in every way. And not only that, but he was *good* for her. Yes, he was uber protective and made a couple of quick missteps. But he let Thea run the show and guide their relationship at her own pace–even though Shep was smitten from day one and wanted to sail off into the sunset forever right away. He was just the right guy to have her back, all while encouraging her to be independent and nurturing her strength. The same as Shep’s family, the Colsons, did. They were *everything* to Thea. And it made me love the group even more.

QOTD: The Colson siblings had ever-changing hilarious names for their text group. Do you have any nicknames for text or friends’ groups?

Book Info:

Publication: Published: August 22nd, 2024 | The PageSmith LLC | Sparrow Falls #2

Trust doesn’t come easily when you’ve been running for as long as I have, which is why moving in with a man I barely know is such a bad idea.

Shepard Colson is all golden-boy charm and devastating good looks. But I know what it’s like to be taken in by easy smiles and the promise of forever—I have the scars to prove it.

Only the handsome contractor won’t stop coming by the bakery and prying little truths from my lips. Those amber eyes of his seeing far too much. And when all the secrets come crashing down, he’s determined to keep me safe. Even if it means moving into my rundown cabin to do it.

Now, Shep isn’t just rebuilding the walls of my home, he’s working his way into my heart. Suddenly, he’s everywhere: shirtless in my garden or in a towel coming out of my bathroom. And my resolve is no match.

Only it’s more than his golden looks. It’s him. The way he watches for my wounds but tells me I’m stronger than anyone he’s ever known. And I can’t help but fall.

But I should’ve known better than to think I could be happy. Not when a ghost from my past still has me in his sights. And when he finds me, he’ll do anything to tear my life apart, even if it means ending it for good…



5 Responses to “REVIEW: Delicate Escape by Catherine Cowles”

  1. psu1493

    No nicknames for text or a group chat. Sounds like an intense story. Thank you for the review.

  2. Amy R

    QOTD: The Colson siblings had ever-changing hilarious names for their text group. Do you have any nicknames for text or friends’ groups? No
    Thanks for the review.