REVIEW: How to Plot a Payback by Melissa Ferguson

Posted May 27th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, Review / 5 comments


How to Plot a Payback by Melissa Ferguson: Finn Master is well on this way to making it big as the new screenwriter for the hit show Neighbours, the only catch being he will have to work with Lavender Rhodes, his old nemesis. While Lavender might be universally adored by everyone that she comes into contact with, its a bit of a different story for Finn. You see it would seem that every thing that could possibly go wrong for Finn has somehow been a result of Lavender. Now with the biggest opportunity for his career hanging in the balance Finn is determined to get his payback, and what better way than to spin her character into a shocking new direction! The only problem being Finn didn’t see his oh so brilliant plan spectacularly backfiring on him, now not only is Lavender caught in the backlash but so is Finn. If this wasn’t humbling enough Finn is soon beginning to realise that just maybe Lavender isn’t all that bad…

How To Plot A Payback was a total hoot to read, this book was a great mix of romance and comedy. I just loved the sound of this book after reading the synopsis and let me tell you it only got better once I started reading. Ferguson packed in the sass, banter and so much of humour in this cute and playful book. While I did feel that the romance was a bit low in the overall book, I personally did not mind it.

I just adored Lavender, she was the bubbly and sweet kind of girl that people naturally gravitated towards. I loved that she had absolutely no clue about the little feud with Finn, she was just blissfully going about her life while he was stewing on his own. More than anything I loved getting to see Finn come to realise how completely wrong he had been about Lavender. Now when it came to our hero, well it took me a bit longer to warm up to Finn. At first he came across as a bit childish and whiny, but once we got to know him better and realise that his behaviour regarding Lavender was so out of his normal, it was easy to give him a pass. Once you look past his need for revenge, Finn was actually a really nice guy. I really liked the character growth from both main characters and the fact that they handled everything together, there was a nice build up between them but the romance itself was lacking in my opinion.

How To Plot A Payback was a funny, cute read filled with shenanigans that is sure to have you giggling throughout the book. Definitely worth checking out!

Book Info:

Publication: April 2, 2024 | Thomas Nelson |

He crossed an ocean, and it still wasn’t enough to escape his lifelong nemesis. Now he has to work with her.

Successful screenwriter Finn Masters just landed his dream job writing for Neighbors, one of Hollywood’s highest-rated, longest-running sitcoms. The only downside? It will put him back in proximity of the show’s universally adored, optimistic, altruistic star, Lavender Rhodes, who has been inadvertently ruining his life since they were school chums in England. But she doesn’t even know she destroyed his acting career and wrecked his relationship with the love of his life.

He’s not about to let this woman yank yet another dream out from under his feet. In fact, he realizes he’s been given the ideal opportunity to plot his payback: spinning her character in shocking new directions.

What could go wrong? Only everything. As Finn’s not-so-brilliant plot backfires one scene after the next, catching him in the blasts, he’s forced to think about this impossible, infuriating… and maybe even lovable woman in an entirely new light.



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