REVIEW: If the Sun Never Sets by Ana Huang

Posted July 24th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, Review / 5 comments

If the Sun Never Sets by Ana Huang: Farrah has got her life together, she has finally opened her very own interior design business, so when she gets her very first client she is thrilled to bits, she didn’t however expect her very first client to be non other than the guy that well and truly shattered her heart, Blake Ryan. Gone is the girl that will fall for his sweet words and soft touches, Farrah is more determined than ever to guard her heart now that she has to work with Blake. To bad Blake has other plans… in the past five years a lot has changed for Blake, he now has a thriving sports bar empire and more money than he knows what to do with, but one thing has not changed and that is his feelings for Farrah. Running into her after all this time, Blake takes this as a sign to fight to win her back, now all he has to do is prove to Farrah that he is a better version of the guy that she first fell in love with…

Okay now this was a big improvement from the first book, I have to say I did not go into this book expecting much but I was pleasantly surprised this time around, granted If The Sun Never Sets is still not up to the standard of the current Huang books imo, this was a much better read than the first book in the duet. This book picks up five years after where things are left in the first book, we get to see that both main characters have grown up a great deal and are now a bit more serious. While I enjoyed this more than the last book, I still found this to be a bit flat. I did enjoy the second chance element that was present.

Well I think it is safe to say that Blake was still a bit of a mess in the love department, while he might have grown and come into his own in the business world, he still managed to mess up when it came to relationships. Though I do have to say he did do a good job in trying to win back Farrah. Now for our girl Farah well I think she was a lot stronger in this book and we got to see her try to fight her feelings instead of just diving back into a relationship with Blake. I really liked the back and forth that she had within herself about whether she should believe Blake and give him another chance. It was also nice getting to see her for fill her dreams of having her own interior design business and standing on her own two feet.

The chemistry in this book much like the last was on point. There is no denying the pull between Farrah and Blake, the romantic journey on the other hand is still rather bumpy. This time round we get to see them hash out a few of their issues and that was a nice change. While they might have had communication issues these two definitely did not have any issues between the sheets! Good gosh were there some incredibly steamy moments through out this book!

All in all If The Sun Never Sets was a nice second chance romance, this book was definitely better than the first book but it was still lacking a bit of the magic that I have come to expect when reading an Ana Huang book.


Book Info:

Publication: July 1, 2020 | Amazon Digital Services | If Love #2

Five years ago, he broke her heart. Now, he’ll do anything to win her back.


When Farrah walked into her lunch meeting, she didn’t expect to see him.

Blake Ryan.
Her first love.
Her first heartbreak.
And now, her first client as a freelance interior designer.

It’s been five years, but she’ll never forget the way he shattered her.
He whispers pretty words, but she’ll never believe him.
Her body craves his, but she’ll never give him her heart.

Not again.
Not ever.


Money. Looks. A booming sports bar empire.
On the surface, Blake has it all.

But inside, he’s haunted—both by nightmares of a tragic loss, and dreams of the girl he once betrayed.

When fate reunites them, he sees it as a sign:
It’s time to get the love of his life back.
No matter what it takes.



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