REVIEW: Not My Kind of Hero by Pippa Grant

Posted August 15th, 2023 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 9 comments

Not My Kind of Hero by Pippa Grant: After spending most of her married life playing the role of the ditzy blonde handy-person on her now ex husbands fixer upper reality show Maisey Spence now needs to fix up her own crumbling life. In need of a fresh start Maisey moves herself and her teenage daughter June to the hobby ranch that she inherited from her late uncle in Hells Bells, Wyoming. However small town living comes with its own set of issues starting with one disgruntled teenager, a rundown farmhouse and a wild bear that keeps popping up, but her biggest challenge is definitely Flint Jackson, the hot grumpy gatehouse tenant that Maisey can’t seem to stop thinking about. Could the root cause of Maisey and Flint clashes just be that they are actually a lot more alike than either of them is willing to admit?

“You’re nothing that I expected you’d be and everything I’ve ever wanted but never thought I’d find.”

LOVED!! Not My Kind Of Hero was one of the best books that I have read in a really long time, this book just had me hooked right form the very first chapter. Not only did this book have incredible characters with loads of brilliant and catchy banter but it was such a heart warming read. Grant did a brilliant job in crafting a beautiful story of second chances, hope, love and togetherness. This was truly my most favourite slow burn, small town romance novel to date!

Maisey was great, I loved that she was selfless heart. She was truly an admirable leading lady, I loved that she was trying to put her life back together but at the same time making sure that her daughter took number one priority. I truly loved getting to see Maisey come into her own as she grew more comfortable in Hells Bells. As for our hero Flint, well he was just a wounded sweetheart. I loved that he was such a perfect match for Maisey, even thought they did not get off to the best start. The more we got to know Flint the more I found myself loving this guy. I just adored the fact that he always wanted to help out around town, help his neighbours and help his students, he truly had a heart of gold. I really enjoyed getting to see his relationship with Junie unfold and how this impacted his relationship with Maisey.

“Sometimes figuring out who you are and who you want to be involves figuring out who to trust to go on the journey with you.”

The connection between Maisey and Flint was electric. These two could not have been better suited for each other. They were two broken pieces that came together to help fix each other and I just loved this. More than the incredible tension that was constantly bubbling their almost forbidden relationship, I loved the fact that Flint never once rushed Maisey into anything. He was all about taking things slow and at a pace that made Maisey comfortable. This couple was easily one of my all time favourites with their playful banter and all round cuteness.

The secondary characters in this book were great, I loved all of the towns people and how welcoming they were towards June and Maisey. I will say I do wish we got a bit more stories about uncle Tony and Gingersnap but this is only because I didn’t want this book to end! I think its important to mention how big of a role Junie played in the entire book, not only did she also have her entire life uprooted and have to face challenges but I loved how fiercely protective of her mother she was even when they were not as close as they had been. I have to say I liked that she didn’t automatically love Flint, she had her reservations about him and made him work to have a place in her life. June was truly an amazing character and I loved seeing her find her feet and learning to stand up for herself.

Not My Kind Of Hero was a fantastic small town romance that highlights that sometimes found families are even stronger than blood families. This book was filled with heart, loads of longing, plenty of passion and more than a few giggles. A total must read from me!

Book Info:

Publication: August 15, 2023 | Montlake |

I knew fixing up my life with a fresh start on the hobby ranch I inherited in Hell’s Bells, Wyoming, would come with challenges. Things like snow. Wildlife. Local gossip about why my daughter and I are here.

But the biggest challenge?

My surly new tenant.

He’s like a bear. Fascinating from a distance, but don’t get too close, or he’ll bite.

His personality should be a good thing. I have no need of a new man in my life. But he’s not only my tenant; he’s also my daughter’s math teacher and soccer coach. I keep running into him. He keeps thinking I need to be saved.

Maybe I do, but here’s what I don’t expect: he’s a fixer-upper in need of saving too.

And I might be the only woman for the job.

Hell’s Bells, help me.



9 Responses to “REVIEW: Not My Kind of Hero by Pippa Grant”

  1. Kathleen O

    Thanks for your review. I have never read any of Pippa Grant’s books. This one sounds like a good one to start with.

  2. Amy Donahue

    As soon as I see the word “ranch” I’m all in lol. Thanks for the review, added to my massive want to read list.