REVIEW: Pregnant Princess At the Altar by Karin Baine

Posted August 21st, 2023 by in Blog, Harlequin Mills&Boon, Review, Romance / 6 comments


Pregnant Princess At the Altar by Karin Baine: Princess Gaia is next in line to the throne in a small kingdom. Her father was taken out of the running after leaving the family and spending most of his time creating scandals. Gaia has to lead a fairly restricted life with her grandfather and mother calling mostly how she has to behave in public and do her royal duties.

Unfortunately, Gaia has a relationship resulting in a pregnancy. The father of the baby wants nothing to do with any of this situation. Gaia is trying to hide her condition as long as possible. When she meets famous movie star Niccolo at a premiere, there is immediate attraction and they end up with a situation that is headlined in the press. In an effort to help both of their situations, Niccolo proclaims he is the baby’s father and that the two are engaged.

They have a whirlwind wedding and then go on a “honeymoon”. They both agree theirs is a marriage of convenience, so they enjoy the trip without any physical interaction. After returning back to the palace they have to engage in a sort of balancing act to make their situation look authentic. Will they continue to just be “friends” or can real emotions break though?

Niccolò thinks he can never really love someone without fear of losing them after a tragic, difficult childhood. The reader can see his internal turmoil. Gaia has had a less than perfect life also. Her father basically abandoned her and she has always had to adhere to a life where she needed to be “perfect” along with having to deal with the paparazzi.

The author did a good job with showing how the characters grew over the arc of the plot. My only critique is in the beginning the two main characters seemed to spend too much time with internal monologues. This is author Karin Baine’s first foray into the Harlequin Romance line. I’ve read some of her other novels in another line. She has done a masterful job of trying something a little different with this modern tale fairy tale.

Book Info:

Publication: July 25, 2023 | Harlequin Romance |

In Karin Baine’s electrifying debut for Harlequin Romance, the princess and the movie star announce a shocking convenient proposal…but their chemistry is anything but convenient!

A red-carpet scandal…

A shocking proposal!

Princess Gaia cannot afford to bring further dishonor to her family—so she’s keeping her pregnancy a secret! But when she meets movie star Niccolo at a premier, the frisson of attraction between them causes a scandal when they’re caught in a compromising situation. With the incident splashed all over the headlines, Niccolo can’t risk damaging his reputation any more. So he steps in to control the narrative…by announcing their royal engagement!



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