REVIEW: The Fake Wedding Project by Pippa Grant

Posted October 25th, 2024 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Holiday Titles, Review / 2 comments

The Fake Wedding Project by Pippa Grant: The Andersons and the Silvers have been feuding from the dawn of time, you could say that they are the cute Christmasy town of Tinsels very own Capulets and Montagues. So you can just imagine the surprise of Dane Silver when he arrives home for a short visit only to learn that apparently he is engaged to non other than Amanda Anderson. Instead of causing a fuss and outing Amanda as a liar Dane decides to play along in the hopes of finally getting to the bottom of what cause the age old family feud and hopefully brokering some peace. With all of their relatives already thinking that they are madly in love, how hard could it really be to fake it a bit with Amanda… after all she has always been his high school crush… the only problem with faking it with Amanda in their cute christmasy town is soon planning the fake wedding doesn’t feel like such a bad idea… with real feelings forming and a feuding beginning to defrost can Amanda and Drew rewrite this Romeo and Juliet style love story?

I loved this book big time, firstly I don’t think I have ever read a single book by Grant that I have not absolutely adored and The Fake Wedding Project is no different. This book was such a cute and festive play on Romeo and Juliet, with loads of laughs, Christmas spirit, some wacky family members and more than a few steamy moments. I will say that the book is a bit slow to start but once we get going it was super easy to get invested in Dane and Amanda’s growing relationship.

Amanda was a really great leading lady. She was sassy and really easy to like. I loved the fact that she thought on her feet and was ready to cook up one wacky lie in order to get out of doing something she really did not want to do. I really liked her carefree and easy going nature. As for our hero, well I loved Dane just as much. I really liked the way he just went with the lie without even blinking he just played right along. While he was a bit more put together than Amanda, he was just as much of a sweetheart. I really loved the way he got as invested in the rouse and getting their families to make peace.

I just adored this couple, they had such great chemistry and such an easy going vibe to them. I really liked that they were a tiny bit of the grump meets sunshine trope but mostly they kind of just clicked. I really liked getting to see how easily they fell from faking it to actually wanting to be together, their connection just felt natural and really cute. I just loved the fact that Dane had always had a secret crush on Amanda and this was kind of his chance to get his girl, truly they were just the cutest. It was hard to find faults with this couple and all the antics that they got up to in the name of putting an end to a stupid family feud.

The supporting characters in this book were great! As with all small towns you are guaranteed to have some wacky residents and Tinsel is no different! I just loved the zealous that the residents of Tinsel had when it came to planning this wedding and trying to end the feud. Though I have to say Chilli the lazy dog well and truly stole the show and my heart! I loved how unbothered Chilli was and the fact that he got his own epilogue just made the book all the more special in my opinion.

The Fake Wedding Project was the perfect fast, cute and spicy romcom read. This book has a bit of everything; Christmasy festive small town, fake turned real love story, enemies to family and loads of giggles. This book is a total must read!!

Book Info:

Publication: October 8, 2024 | Montlake |

Faking an engagement to my secret high school crush was not on my to-do list when I landed for a short visit home. But when Amanda Anderson announces that she’s my fiancée, I take a leap and play along with the farce.

Why? Because the Capulets and Montagues have nothing on the Andersons and Silvers of Tinsel, Michigan. In the name of bringing peace to our Christmas-themed hometown and ourselves, we’ll play the part of Romeo and Juliet.

If our relatives think we’re in love, they’ll have to end this ridiculous feud. Right? Amanda’s a professional dog walker, and I’m an engineer who loves dogs―how hard could it be to show our families what else we all have in common?

The heat and this town’s infernal holiday cheer are messing with my head, though. And once we start making our fake wedding plans, I can’t seem to keep my heart out of it.



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