REVIEW: The Space Between by Sarah Ready

Posted July 19th, 2023 by in Blog, Contemporary Romance, HJ Top Pick!, Review / 6 comments

The Space Between by Sarah Ready: The day Andi and Jace meet changed their lives forever. Jace is no stranger to the struggles and harshness of the real world, after all he has been taking care of himself from a very young age, where are Andi has always had everything given to her, really living in the lap of luxury but she just can’t seem to feel true love from her parents. But when she is with Jace she finally feels seen and understood which is why she choses to go on tour with Jace leaving her entire world behind. Everything is perfect until the two are set to get married, with mounting pressures and silly fights the two begin to drift apart, Andi running back home to New York and Jace chasing after fame. After being apart for more than half a decade fate decides to throw them back together is this finally their chance at forever and always or are they doomed for heartbreak once again?

The Space Between was a beautiful heart breaking read. This was easily Ready’s best book ever! It was incredibly easy to get lost in Jace and Andi’s love story, feeling their heartbreaks and joys right along side them. I have to say at one point I did get a bit nervous if these two would actually be able to find their way back to each other but gosh does Ready deliver one beautiful ending for these two characters. Truly this was a second chance love story at its very best.

Both main characters were great, I loved that they were both so complex and multi-layered in that they both had so much going on outside of their relationship. I just adored our leading lady, Andi truly was a brilliant character. I just loved that she never let anything break her spirit, even when her family tests her she never breaks. Her belief and love in love always stays true and this just made me love her all the more. As for Jace, well he was a great hero but gosh did my heart break for him. This guy has really been through a lot in his life. Things have never really been easy for him but his fighting spirit always prevails.

Jace and Andi made a great couple both when they first meet but also after being apart for so many years. I loved getting to feel the intensity of their connection and how this evolves over the years. One of the things that I liked about their relationship was the fact they their struggles felt real, the ups and downs were not trivial stuff. They had a sense of true heart break and longing and this only made it easier to root them on. I will say I loved that they both grew as individuals during their time apart but their feeling for each other never changed.

The Space Between was an incredibly moving second chance romance, this book has one brilliant twist that will leave you guessing but ultimately you get delivered a beautiful forever love story. A total must read!

Book Info:

Publication: July 25, 2023 | W. W. Crown |

The love we choose can change everything.
A fateful night in Central Park leads Andrea and Jace to one life-changing conclusion-they’re meant to be.
Andrea Leighton-Hughes is no stranger to wealth-she’s the daughter of one of the richest men in Manhattan and has been used as a chess piece in her family’s business empire since she was born.
Jace Morgan is no stranger to hardship-he lost his parents at a young age, and he and his brothers struggle every day to get by. Now they’re risking it all in a gamble to hit it big and rise to the top of the music industry.
Andrea defies her family and promises Jace forever. Jace defies his brothers and promises Andrea always.
But sometimes always doesn’t mean forever, and forever doesn’t mean always.
After years apart, Jace barges in on Andrea’s wedding and says just one word- don’t . Now Andrea must decide, does she take Jace’s hand and find always and forever, or does she fulfill another promise and marry the one man she always swore she’d never love.
A romantic story spanning nearly two decades, full of longing, betrayal, friendship, and the undying belief that love and music can heal the world.



6 Responses to “REVIEW: The Space Between by Sarah Ready”

  1. Dianne Casey

    I really enjoyed the description of the book. Would really like to read.